Up in a Blaze (Texas Vampire Rangers Book 3)

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Up in a Blaze (Texas Vampire Rangers Book 3) Page 8

by Alice Brown

  “Certainly he will approve if we all stay together. I mean, even if Gregory is hell bound for Texas, he’s just one man. We are six women strong to his one hu…bity self.” Meredith barely caught herself from saying that Gregory was human. That would have certainly raised suspicion with Cassie.

  “I’m going to go ask. I’ll be right back.”

  Out of all of the women in the room, Cassie hadn’t had the opportunity to talk with Meredith very much yet. “So, you’re Lucas’s wife?” she confirmed.

  Meredith gave her an open smile. “Yes, he got injured while out on assignment. Actually the bad guys had gotten the jump on him, and hurt him pretty badly. The other rangers just barely found him in time. I’m a registered nurse, so I was working upstairs with Dr. Weathers when they brought Lucas in.”

  “Oh wow. So, was it love at first sight?”

  Meredith giggled. “Not exactly, at least not for me. The reason I was working upstairs was because I was hiding from the same men that had attacked Lucas.” She stopped and shook her head with a grin. “I’ll never forget the first thing he said to me.”

  “What was that?” By this time, they had gained the attention of everyone else in the room.

  Meredith smirked as she continued, “After checking his vitals, I asked him if he needed anything. His response was, ‘yeah, your name and phone number, baby’.”

  Cassie giggled. “Really? A bit lame, don’t you think?”

  “Oh yeah, and if he hadn’t been hurt so badly, I might have tortured him for a while, but there was just something in his eyes…” she trailed off with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “So, Cassie, what about you and Donte?” Susan asked.

  “Oh, I’m staying with him right now until Gregory is found. Walter didn’t want me going home with Betty and end up leading Gregory right to her. That’s all.”

  Susan cocked her eyebrow up at her, clearly stating, I don’t believe you. “So, you don’t think he’s cute? I’ve always loved his gentle, quiet personality. And his voice reminds me of smooth honey.”

  Cassie blushed from her roots down as her mind quickly replayed the dream of the two of them sitting on a riverbank, then the one later where they were necking like a couple of teenagers. “Well yeah, duh, he’s about the most handsome man I’ve ever met, but we’re just friends for now.”

  “Uh-huh, we’ll see how long that lasts!” Betty stated from behind her.

  “Hey! Whose side are you on anyways?” Cassie asked in mock dismay.

  Betty came up and gave her a hug. “I am on your side, sweetie. Always yours. I just want you to happen to fall in love while you’re out here so you’ll move and live close to me.” She sighed dramatically. “I’m selfish, I know.”

  Cassie giggled at her friend. “Are not! You are one of the most unselfish people I know.”


  Lunch was an interesting affair. Walter agreed to let the women leave for lunch, but only if Donte and Samuel accompanied them. It was beyond her why they would need two men. Gregory was only one man, and they were six women. Surely they could hold him off even if he did decide to show up.

  But since she was growing more and more comfortable around Donte, she remained quiet and followed the rest of the women out of the office turned lounge, and out the front door. Donte came up beside her.

  “How are you doing? How’s your pain?” he inquired out of concern.

  She looped her arm around his. “Not bad, that pain pill I took this morning is probably still working. I’m surprised I didn’t pass out some place after taking it.”

  One would have thought that as much talking as they did all morning, they would be running out of things to talk about, but that didn’t prove to be the case. All through lunch the conversation flowed, and again Cassie was reminded of how well this group got along. The only outsiders were herself and Samuel, but the other women made sure Cassie was included in any conversation that was started.

  She couldn’t help but notice Samuel staring at Betty for a long time, and then at her. Finally, she leaned over to whisper in Donte’s ear, “I don’t think your new friend, Samuel, likes Betty or me very much. He keeps staring at us.”

  Donte’s eyes shot over her shoulder to glance over at the man in question, and then he pulled his attention back to her. “I think you’ve got him wrong. If I read him right, he is attracted to Betty, and he’s still trying to figure out how to undo the spell we believe is hanging over your head.”

  “Is that why he keeps staring? Does he think something is wrong with me or something?”

  Donte chuckled, but sent Samuel a look that quite clearly told him to watch his step. “No, cariño. Don’t worry about him. He won’t harm you.”

  Walter had gone into detail with Samuel that Cassie didn’t know she was currently hanging out with a bunch of vampires. He dreaded that conversation, but knew he was going to have to have it with her soon. Donte refused to allow Samuel access to her mind until they sat down and told her everything. She at least deserved that much.

  As he started pondering that dilemma, he wondered if there was actually a right or wrong way of breaking the news to her. He still thought it would be best if Betty and Sissy were there for moral support. He wanted Walter there as well. As far as everyone else, well, if too many were present, she may feel overwhelmed and really freak out, and that was something he was hoping to avoid.

  Once lunch was over and everyone was back in the office, Susan took the couch to rest and take a short nap. Sissy explained that she had been getting really tired with the pregnancy, and Cassie hoped the small blonde would be okay. She seemed like such a nice lady.

  Meredith left to go upstairs to check in with Dr. Weathers. Bethany and Sissy went to find their mates. With Susan resting, that left Betty and Cassie in the newly renovated lounge.

  Cassie felt at loose ends, and wondered what Donte was up to. He’d dropped her off at the lounge, gave her a quick peck on the cheek, then told her he would see her later. She laid her head back against the chair and closed her eyes for a moment, absorbing the peace and quiet.

  Unfortunately, her peace didn’t last but a few short minutes. All too soon, her mind was not hers alone anymore. A grungy, dirty, Gregory invaded her thoughts. “Where is she, bitch?” his steel voice demanded.

  A weird noise from Cassie had Betty jerking her head up and over to her friend. She must have dozed, but Betty didn’t doubt for a second Cassie was having another nightmare involving Gregory. She stood and quickly ran to the door. Throwing it open, she almost ran straight into Adam as she barreled through.

  “Whoa there, Betty, what’s the matter?” Adam inquired as he reached out to steady her.

  “Walter, I need Walter NOW!”

  The door to Walter’s office flew open with Walter, Donte, and Samuel all piling out at the same time.

  “Betty, what’s the matter?” Walter questioned as he ran toward her.

  “It’s Cassie…” was all she managed to get out as all three men ran past her and into the room Cassie was in.

  She turned and walked back in, knowing she did the right thing for her friend, but still feeling helpless. Her ex had not only beaten her up but was now tormenting her friend because of her.

  “Now is my best chance to get in there to see if I can break the spell,” Samuel spoke in a low voice not to startle Cassie. “Donte, enter with me and see if you can help keep her under long enough to get a feel for what we’re up against.”

  Donte nodded and both men placed their hands on her arms. Within seconds they were both privy to her dream, as if they were standing in the same room watching her speak with someone else.

  “Bitch, I’m getting damn sick and tired of playing your games. I know you’re with Betty. You tell that bitch I’m coming, do you hear me?” Gregory had enough practice that he was getting quite good at manipulating her dreams. He produced a long sharp knife, enjoying her sharp inhale at the sight of it.

  “That’s right, bit
ch. I should have just used this on you the first time. Now, you have two choices, either tell me where the two of you are hiding, or I’m going to use this knife to cut your tongue out.” He stuck his own tongue out and licked the edge of the knife for effect.

  Samuel had been staying in the background, just observing, but when the psychopath started threatening her with a weapon, he couldn’t sit still any longer. Thoughts of his own sweet mate, and what this man had done to her in the past months came flooding to his mind. Walter had given him every little detail of how they had found Betty after her attack a few months ago. No, this had to end. Samuel stepped out of the shadows allowing himself to be seen in the dream.

  “Samuel?” Cassie asked in a bewildered voice. “What are you doing here?” Cassie knew it was only a dream. She knew this. But what in the world was Samuel doing in the middle of her dream? She hadn’t really questioned when Donte had been involved in her dreams recently, because she found herself physically attracted to him. But Samuel?

  Samuel gave her a friendly smile and reached over to squeeze her shoulder gently as he walked up and stood by her side against her stalker. “Donte will be here in just a moment, hon. Now, who is this man, and why is he bothering you?”

  Samuel grinned as shock flashed across Gregory’s face for just a second before he pulled himself together. He waved the knife at Samuel. “Stranger, I don’t know why you’re here, but this is a private conversation between the lady and me, and you just interrupted the wrong dream.”

  Although Cassie never saw anything more than a blur, the knife was suddenly thrown down on the ground and Gregory was wreathing in pain yelling, “He broke my fucking arm! You son-of-a-bitch! You broke my motherfucking arm!”

  Samuel stood next to Cassie looking like he hadn’t moved, so Cassie wasn’t really sure what had happened. Samuel glanced over to Cassie and frowned. “Such language these days. You’d think he’d come up with some new words, don’t you?”

  A noise behind her drew her attention and she glanced over her shoulder to see Donte standing waiting for her. He held his arms wide and she ran to him, allowing him to enclose her within those two strong arms, as she buried her nose in his neck. He smelled really good. Wonder what kind of cologne he uses?

  Samuel bent down to where Gregory was moaning on the ground holding his arm. “Whatever spell you’re using, know this. Your days are numbered. I haven’t found a spell yet that I can’t break, so consider this your warning. If I ever catch you threatening another woman again, a broken arm will be the least of your problems.” Now that Donte had Cassie back a ways, he allowed his fangs to drop. Opening his mouth enough to allow plenty of fang to flash, he made certain Gregory saw the full side of the beast that raged inside.

  Gregory scurried across the floor on his ass, in an attempt to get away from Samuel. Samuel held where he was, allowing Gregory to exit out of the dream completely.


  Cassie came awake with a start. Donte had his arms wrapped around her tight, and her nose was buried in his neck. She jerked her head back. What the hell was going on?

  “Donte? Is everything alright?”

  She heard a mumble of a voice behind her, but took a moment before she recognized who it belonged to. Samuel.

  Donte looked down at her as he slowly unlocked his arms to allow her a bit of movement. He wasn’t ready to let go of her yet. She felt too good. Too soft, too sexy, and smelled too good. He could hear Samuel and Walter discussing telling her the truth about them. Samuel was stating the sooner the better. The door opened, and Sissy and Meredith both walked in.

  Meredith walked over to Donte and Cassie. “Is she okay? Do I need to get Dr. Weathers down here?”

  Donte felt a shudder go through his mate and brought her back up against his chest, her face automatically tilted upwards so she could bury her face back into his neck. His mate felt heavenly, and he knew he would allow her to stay right there with her face buried and take on all of her problems if he could do so.

  He glanced over to Meredith. “I think we’re fine right now, but you might want to stick around for a bit.” He nodded his head over to Walter and Samuel, gesturing to her that their conversation would be why she needed to stick around.

  Sissy came up on their other side, along with Betty. “Hey, Cassie, he paid you another visit, didn’t he?” Betty verified.

  Cassie nodded her head from where it was on his shoulder, but then sighed and lifted it to respond. “Yes, only this dream was quite different than the others I’ve had.”

  “Well, why don’t we all sit down, because there’s something we need to tell you.” This came from Betty’s sister, Sissy.


  Well, what the hell had that been all about? Gregory looked down at his arm, hanging awkwardly at an angle. Somehow, that stranger had not only managed to interrupt his time, but had broken his fucking arm! And had done it in a dream! How in the hell had he done that?

  And those fangs. Were they real? They certainly looked real at the time, but now he was beginning to wonder if he’d just hallucinated or something. He shook his head and winced at the pain shooting through his arm. If it hadn’t been for the very real break of his arm, he might seriously be questioning the stranger’s entire involvement in the dream.

  The stranger that showed up was evidently a friend of Cassandra’s, because she called him by name. Samuel. That was it. Samuel was his name. The other man that stayed in the background was named Donte. Gregory had seen him in her dreams before, but he had never interfered. The new guy who showed up seemed to know a lot about what was going on.

  He knew Gregory had a spell over Cassandra, and it seemed this stranger knew something of the art of magic as well. How else could you explain a very real broken bone from a dream? But the end of that dream. Gregory stopped and shook his head. Those fangs looked scary as hell. If he believed in such non-sense, he would have thought the bitch’s new friend was a vampire, but everyone knew there was no such thing.

  Gregory went back over every detail of that dream, trying to find some information that would help locate the two women. When he came to the scene where he first spotted Donte, he saw it. A gold star badge pinned to his shirt. Now he remembered! Betty’s brother-in-law worked for the Texas Rangers!

  Excited that this was his first big break since running out of Cassandra’s house after attacking her several days ago, he carefully googled the Texas Rangers to find where their headquarters were located. Even if they weren’t there, it would certainly narrow his search down.


  Cassie sat between Donte and Betty. She was trying hard not to burst into laughter, but it was hard not to. She looked around the room.

  “What are you looking for?” Betty asked her.

  “For the hidden cameras. Come on, Betty. What is this? Hidden camera? You’ve been punked? What?”

  It had to be one of those television shows, and there were hidden cameras around somewhere just waiting for her reaction. Why else would a room full of people, including her best friend, tell her they were all vampires.

  “She doesn’t believe us,” Sissy stated flatly.

  You think? Cassie was about ready to confirm that very belief when Walter told Betty, “Show her.”

  Betty reached over and took her best friend’s hand. “Hon, it’s important to remember I am still me. I’m still Betty Sutton, the same best friend who sat in your living room commiserating over men and the world being unfair over a glass of wine.”

  Cassie stared at her friend for a long moment. “You are starting to scare me, Betty. Whatever it is, just get it over with.” She watched Betty’s facial expression turn to one of pure misery, as if whatever she was getting ready to do was the last thing she wanted, but Cassie didn’t think for a moment there were any such things as vampires, so what exactly was it her friend needed to show her?

  Then it happened. Cassie watched Betty’s face as her friend opened her mouth just a bit and fangs started to drop d
own. Cassie was close enough to her friend that she actually watched them move. How in the hell was Betty doing that? She glanced up to her eyes and they had changed as well. Gone were Betty’s pretty blue eyes. Now they were cold, jet-black tinged in red. WTH?

  A few seconds later and Betty’s eyes returned to normal, and her fangs receded into her gums. Cassie was fascinated that she was able to do such a thing. “How did you do that? That’s a cool trick you’ll have to teach me.”

  Betty eyed her as if she had lost her mind. “Cassie, it’s no trick. We all can do it because we are vampires. The only exception is Susan who is human, and Meredith, who is half vampire, half human.”

  Cassie cocked her head to the side as she thought about this. “Okay, but if you’re all vampires, why did we go out to lunch today? I saw you eating regular food. Don’t vampires live off of blood?”

  Walter spoke up from the other side of the room. “Cassie, a lot depends on how old the vampire is and what they’ve grown accustomed to. The older vampires generally don’t eat a lot of regular food, and all vampires require blood in order to exist. But the younger ones are able to eat regular food quite often, as well as ingest blood to survive.”

  Cassie looked over to Donte, who had been quiet the entire time. “Show me.”

  She watched as he did the same thing Betty had just done. With his mouth open and lips drawn back, she watched as long, sharp fangs slid down from his gums. His eyes turned the same black-tinged in red as Betty’s, but his entire face had contorted also. When she looked at his face, she couldn’t help but gasp. She was staring at the face of a predator.

  Cassie jerked backwards in an attempt to put some space between them, but Betty’s hand shot out to stop her. “Hey, remember, he’s still the same Donte you met a couple of days ago.” Cassie’s eyes jerked over to his face, her heart rate calming down as she realized his face was back to normal.

  “Cariño,” he called out softly as he reached over and took hold of her hand. “I would never hurt you, amorcito.” He quickly stood then kneeled directly in front of her. Still holding her hand, he gently brushed his thumb over her pulse point on her wrist. “I can hear your heart pounding, cariño, but you have nothing to fear. We have existed and blended in with humans for decades. We do not harm humans, we protect them. I promise I will protect you with my life.” He inched closer to her, and she unconsciously leaned toward him. “I am a very old vampire who has searched for too many years for my mate. Vampires only get one shot at a mate. While we can have relationships just like humans can, we have one predestined mate who we search for our entire lives. Some of us are never lucky enough to find her.” He stopped and looked down at their joined hands. “I had all but given up on finding you, cariño. Remember when I walked into your hospital room, you caught me staring at you and you were offended. I wasn’t staring at you because of your injuries. I was dumbfounded that after searching for over two centuries, I finally found you.” He paused again for a second, his next words coming out as a whisper. “It was then that it hit me how close I had come to losing you before we had even met. If Gregory had succeeded, chances are good we might have never met.”


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