Troyes, France
Truman, Harry
Twelfth Air Force
Ulio, J. A.
United States Army Air Forces Arnold as commanding general of (see also Eighth Air Force)
United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Valcour, Al
Vergeot, Daniel
Vergeot, Marcel
Viguier, Gaston
Virmoux, Gilbert
Warnemunde, Germany
Warren, Earl
Warren, Robert
Wee Bonnie (B-17)
Wendover, Utah
White Russians
Wick, Eddy
Wick, Helmut
Wilken, Braxton “Betsy” (see Robinson, Braxton Wilken “Betsy”)
Wilken, Helen
Wilken, Katherine Ann
Wilken, Ray Theodore “Ted,”
air force training of
birth and childhood of
death of
marriage of
personality of
photographs of
return flight from Stuttgart mission and
Stuttgart mission and
Williams, Robert B.
Winant, John G.
Wolf Pack (B-17)
Wood, Howard
Wooten, Ralph
World War I
Wright brothers
Yankee Raider (B-17)
Yee, Wilbert
To Kingdom Come Page 37