The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17)

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The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17) Page 28

by Gerald J. Kubicki

  “He said the best he could do was to check their charts. He said he would advise the ambulance drivers of their conditions. He also said he would not be involved with calling the police,” Kevin responded.

  “So, he is chickening out on us,” Banyon said.

  “Yes, I guess he is.”

  Banyon thought for a second. He had to revise his plan. “Okay, we’ll make do,” Banyon replied and went inside.

  Mandy and Loni wheeled out the first patient. Heather came with them holding all the files. The two doctors grabbed the charts. They matched the chart with the wrist band on the first patient. They went over the information written on the charts discussing what they had found. They then helped to place the unconscious woman into the first ambulance.

  “What did you find out?” Heather asked expectantly.

  “You were right,” Dr. Kamienski acknowledged. “She has been here at this facility for two and a half years, and has been sedated every four hours since then. She is due another injection within an hour, so she probably will wake up by the time she reaches the hospital. Her vital signs are normal.”

  “Good,” Heather replied. “Make sure her file is stuffed in her bed. I think she will be pretty mad when she realizes she has been drugged by the hospital — and her family. The ER doctors will confirm it, and call the police,” she said. “Colt just told me inside that we had to change some of our plans. This way will work.”

  “There will probably be twelve calls to the police tonight,” he agreed. “We won’t even have to be here when they show up.”

  Their discussion was interrupted by Banyon. He and Steve wheeled the second patient out the door. As soon as four patients were loaded, the ambulance driver was instructed to drive them to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. He was given no other information to tell the police, if they asked. He was instructed to say he had received a call to pick up patients at the facility’s address. He was to say that they were already on the sidewalk when he got there. That was all he was to say. Banyon then passed an envelope with enough money in it to keep him quiet. He sped off to make his delivery.

  The rest of the operation went like clockwork. The second ambulance was soon filled. It took off with lights flashing and siren wailing. The third followed in close pursuit. The only patient left was Josephine Wilk. They placed the unconscious woman in the back seat of Banyon’s car. Heather stayed with her.

  Banyon called a quick meeting. He told everyone to be at the suite at a quarter to ten that evening for a meeting about tomorrow. He told them the plans would have to be changed slightly. They all would have a part in the revised program.

  “Can we still dress up tonight?” Previne asked.

  “Of course,” he replied with a smile.

  “Is Kevin going to be there?” Previne continued

  “He said he would be there by ten-fifteen,” Banyon replied.

  The three Patel sisters looked at each other. “We’ll be ready,” Previne announced.

  Banyon turned to Eric. “You stay here and watch the captives until the police close in on the building. Then slip out the back window. Steve, you keep your car running around the back to pick him up. I don’t want the police to get a glimpse of you guys, okay?”

  “Will do,” Steve replied.

  “Then let’s get out of here,” Banyon exclaimed. “Good job everyone.”

  As Banyon went to his car, Dr. Kamienski approached him. “There is something strange here,” he said as he scratched his head. He held Josephine’s file.

  “What is that?” Banyon asked.

  “We’ve gone over Josephine’s files, something is different here,” he replied.

  “Let me guess,” Banyon said with a smile. “She was taken off her medications yesterday,” he announced.

  “How did you know?” Dr. Kamienski said with shock. “She should actually be fully alert by now.”

  “Then, it appears she is faking unconsciousness,” Banyon said.

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Because it all makes sense now,” he said thoughtfully.

  Part Two

  The Final Conflict

  Chapter Seventeen

  When they reached the hotel, they installed Josephine Wilk in the second bedroom just as they had planned. Loni and Banyon went to their bedroom to begin changing, but Mandy was instructed to stay just outside Josephine’s room until he finished changing and relieved her. Banyon told her she could change in his bedroom when done.

  “Are you going to watch?” Mandy said seductively.

  “I’ll be helping Loni,” he quickly said to the dejected young woman. He went off to his bedroom.

  While they were changing, Banyon explained the situation to his partner. He also explained the iterations to the plan for the Arcades so Loni wouldn’t miss anything during the meeting. Her jaw dropped when he told her what he now knew.

  “This changes — everything,” Loni managed.

  “Yes, it does,” Banyon replied as he slipped on a blazer. He was now dressed in black slacks, black Italian loafers, a blue cotton dress shirt, and his favorite dark blue blazer. Loni was still only in her panties. He told her he would relieve Mandy so she could also get dressed in their bathroom. Loni gave no comment as she went about applying some makeup in the bathroom mirror.

  Soon, Mandy came prancing into the bathroom. “Wow,” she exclaimed as she skidded to a stop. “Loni, you have a beautiful figure for an older woman.”

  “Thank you,” she said through gritted teeth. Steam was already coming out of Loni’s ears.

  “I like your makeup,” Mandy continued. “I’m lucky because at my age, I don’t need any.”

  The eyeliner pencil Loni was using suddenly broke in half. “You’re ruining my concentration,” Loni hissed.

  “I’m going to wear thong panties tonight,” she announced. “They will go well with my new little dress,” she said as she eyeballed Loni’s panties.

  Loni now had balled fists. “Why don’t you shut up, and get into the shower, like a good little girl,” Loni said with sarcasm dripping from each word.

  Mandy shrugged. She discarded her clothes on the bathroom floor. She opened the door to the shower, but stopped and said, “Isn’t it funny, we are about the same size.” She then turned on the water. She stepped under the shower head.

  Loni was in complete fury now. “That’s it — I’m not going to take anymore,” Loni said to her reflection in the mirror.

  She understood Mandy was taunting her. She wasn’t going to put up with it. She went to the shower, opened the door, and turned off the water while Mandy was lathering her hair with her eyes closed. Loni took up an imposing position over the smaller girl. Mandy opened her eyes and suddenly became very frightened. She cowered in a corner while trying to cover her naked body with her arms.

  “Are you trying to provoke me into a fight?” Loni demanded. “Cause if you are, let’s go at it right here in the shower. I’ll strip off my old lady panties so we can fight naked. Then we’ll see who looks prettier when I’m done with you.”

  Mandy didn’t know what to do. She had been taunting Loni because she was frustrated that Banyon wasn’t paying any attention to her. Now, she realized Loni was physically threatening her. She knew Loni could probably hurt her badly. She had not been thinking. She had made a big mistake. She had been too impulsive.

  “I’m really sorry Loni,” she croaked out as she tried to push through the shower stall wall to get away.

  “You act like a petulant teenage child, especially around Colt,” Loni blustered while she flapped her arms. “Get it through your tiny brain,” Loni pointed at her skull. “He is three times your age. He is in love with me. He is not going to fall for you, no matter what. I’ve seen the way you look at him and try to tease him. Well, you little hussy, he doesn’t fall for teenage seductive tricks. You make him laugh.” The last statement stung Mandy.

  “I’ll be good, I promise,” Mandy said through tear-filled
eyes. She looked very small and fragile now.

  “If I ever catch you teasing him again, I’m going to make it my life’s ambition to get you fired from Dewey & Beatem. I’ll keep you completely away from Colt. Do you understand?” she yelled at the now squatting girl while pointing her finger.

  “Please don’t get me fired, Loni,” Mandy pleaded. “My job is the only good thing in my life.”

  “And you could lose that if you annoy me again,” Loni threatened hotly.

  “But Colt is my friend,” she cried out. “I need him to be my friend. I don’t have many others.”

  “I can be your friend too, or I can be your worst enemy, it’s completely up to how you act around Colt and me,” Loni continued in a less angry tone. “I do understand, you know. I was once like you, but someone helped me to grow up.”

  “I’d rather you be my friend,” Mandy replied seriously. “I need someone to help me with life. I keep making stupid mistakes.”

  “Yes, you have,” Loni said rubbing it in. “You need to change your look too. You look and dress like a teenager. You’re only going to attract a certain kind of man if you look too young. And for god sakes grow you hair longer.”

  “Okay, I’ll change my attitude, change my look, and grow my hair,” Mandy promised. “What else?”

  “Let’s start with how you will act at the party tonight. In fact, I have a new dress that was delivered to me this morning, but I don’t want to wear it. It will fit you. I promise you will look older than fourteen in it.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Banyon entered the second bedroom in the suite and stood by the bed. He looked down at Josephine. He decided she could probably be very attractive if she tried. She had clearly lost some weight while in the hospital and now was about Heather’s size. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.

  “I know you are wake Josephine,” he whispered conspiratorially into her ear. “You can stop faking it now. I know you speak English too.”

  Josephine’s eyes fluttered open. “Who are you? Where am I?” She said with alarm as she pulled her cover tighter around her.

  “My name is Colton Banyon. You are in my suite at a hotel. We broke you out of the adult hospital.”

  “How did I get into a hospital? Am I sick?” She asked with hint of confusion in her eyes as she studied Banyon’s face.

  “Your nephew, Albin Wilk, put you there several months ago,” Banyon answered.

  “Oh my God, Why?”

  “To take over your estate,” Banyon replied casually. “And to get his hands on the Orion weapons,” Banyon answered truthfully.

  “What are you talking about?” Josephine bluffed.

  “I know you are the head of the local Society of Orion,” Banyon replied. “You also know who I am, so stop bluffing. You knew I could find all the missing talismans. Under truth serum, you told your nephew everything. Your nephew has told me some of the story, so I could find the talismans.”

  Quickly changing her attitude, Josephine said. “Thank god you found me. Did you get the talismans?”

  “I have all but two. They will arrive tomorrow morning,” he responded.

  “How did you find me?”

  “It wasn’t too hard, your nephew left a trail,” Banyon lied.

  “Am I safe here?” She gasped. “I need to go home.”

  “You’re safe here, but there may be men watching your home. I’ve advised Albin to stay away as well. I’m going to post guards outside your door all night to make sure no one can get to you,” Banyon promised. “Tomorrow, we are going to capture Albin, so there is no need to worry.”

  “Wonderful,” she replied like she wasn’t very happy about it at all.

  “Josephine, tomorrow morning, all the talismans will be returned to the society. You should know Albin has promised me a substantial amount of money to deliver them to the Banyon Arcades in the morning,” he said smoothly. “I expect that you will accept his responsibility and pay us.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. Whatever it takes to get the talismans back,” she said dismissively while she waved her hand.

  “Good,” Banyon said with a nod of his head. “In about a half an hour, my friends will visit the suite for a dinner party. I’m sure we could find you something to wear if you want to attend.”

  “That would be lovely,” she responded, but her eyes didn’t mean it.

  “Okay, you just stay here and relax. I’m going to send in Loni to help you get ready,” he told her as he got up to leave.

  “Did you find my cell phone by chance?” Josephine asked expectantly.

  “No, I’m sorry. But you’re welcome to use the house phone if you need to. There is not one in the bedroom though; you would have to use the one in the main suite.” Banyon said sincerely as he backed out the door while congratulating himself on his performance.

  Chapter Nineteen

  When Colton Banyon closed Josephine’s bedroom door he found Loni standing in front of him looking very regal. She was dressed in a short all-black cocktail dress which was not very revealing. She wore high heeled black shoes. The dress had long sleeves and a high collar, but across her chest was the Egyptian necklace. Her arms were adorned with all the bracelets they had found. She looked intoxicating. All the jewelry sparkled in the artificial light.

  “You look beautiful and quite vivacious,” he said. “But I’m not sure you should be wearing those.”

  “I gave the dress Wilk bought me to Mandy, so I need to wear these to outshine her,” Loni countered with a smile. “Only the Patel clan knows these are real.”

  “Oh!” Banyon uttered. He quickly realized Loni and Mandy must have had some discussions in the bathroom. Knowing Loni, she wouldn’t give up a new dress unless she had a very good reason. “I suppose it will be alright. But don’t leave the suite with them on, okay,” he told her.

  “What were you doing in Josephine’s room?” Loni questioned.

  “I was just setting the stage for tomorrow,” he replied cheerfully. “She wants to come to our dinner party, so would you go to Heather’s room and see if she has anything for her to wear?” “But don’t let her out of the room until after our meeting,” he warned.

  “I’ll do it right now,” Loni said as she set off for Heather’s room.

  “I’ll stay here until you get back,” Banyon told her. Loni went to Heather’s room knowing Banyon was watching her walk as she went. She wiggled her hips for him. She was very happy.

  “Hi, Colt,” he heard and turned to find Mandy standing in front of him. She looked different. He prepared himself for an onslaught of suggestive phrases, but they didn’t come from Mandy’s lips. They were now covered in glossy lipstick. She was dressed in the pastel dress and red high heel shoes that Banyon knew were Loni’s. She looked well over fourteen.

  “Mandy, you look stunning,” he muttered.

  “Thanks Colt,” she replied. “I think it is time for me to act my age.” She turned and revealed her open back.

  “You look very sexy,” he told her.

  “Colt, I want to apologize for my adolescent behavior. Your friendship means more to me than anything. I promise to treat you better and not embarrass you in front of other people,” she said sincerely. “I’ve been acting like a child.”

  “You look decidedly like a desirable young woman now,” he admitted. “And yes, I’m still your friend. What happened between you and Loni? As far as I know, you are the first person whom she allowed to wear her things.”

  “We have some things in common,” Mandy replied, but didn’t say anything more.

  Before Banyon could dig into her comment, there was a knock at the door. “Can you get that? Banyon asked. “It’s the caterer with our food and drinks.”

  “It would be my pleasure,” she said with a curtsey.

  Banyon watched as Mandy went to the door and let in the caterer and a helper. She immediately began giving orders and pointing to where she wanted the food. Banyon was pleased.

; ***

  The door soon opened to Heather’s room. Loni gracefully exited carrying a dress and some undergarments. When she reached Banyon, he asked her a question.

  “What did you do to Mandy?”

  “Oh, we had a little chat. It turns out she needs a friend more than an enemy,” Loni said cheerfully. She then entered Josephine’s bedroom.

  Steve and Heather followed Loni out of their room. Steve was dressed like Banyon, but he was shorter and considerably burlier. He looked like he was annoyed. As he reached Banyon he said.

  “Damn, she was all dressed, but decided to change out of her black cocktail dress when she saw Loni. Sorry we are late.”

  Banyon subtly eyeballed the ravishing Heather. She now had on a pure white short dress and white high heels. The dress was draped over one shoulder and held there by a broach. She wore a wide black belt around her small waist. A gold necklace hung from her bare neck. Her long dark hair was a sharp contrast to her white dress.

  “Heather always looks good Steve,” Banyon commented as he watched her help the caterer unload food.

  “Yes, she does,” Steve agreed.

  “I couldn’t stop Loni from wearing the jewelry,” Banyon admitted, but Steve wasn’t listening.

  “Wow, look at Mandy,” Steve exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I think Loni had something to do with her new look. Since I don’t see any bruises, I’m okay with it,” he laughed.

  At that moment, the suite door flew open. In came the Patel clan with Edgar trailing behind.

  The ferret had on a dark suit with a red tie and was all smiles. Eric was dressed in clean slacks and a white shirt. He was the most dressed up that Banyon had ever seen. The Patel women were each dressed in identical dresses, but of a different color. Their shoulders were bare revealing smooth mocha-colored skin. Cleavage was visible as it peeked out from tight dress tops. The dresses were belted in the same color. The skirts flared out and hung loosely, ending well above their knees.


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