The Wildcat and the Doctor

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The Wildcat and the Doctor Page 3

by Mina Carter

  “That’s it,” he whispered, his lips blazing a trail along her throat. “Just let go. Give it up. I want to feel you, see you as you come all over my cock...”

  His words triggered something in her. Her responses became unrestrained, those of a woman on the verge of throwing herself off a cliff. One he was driving her towards with a single-mindedness that left her panting between sharp cries and moans.

  Reaching up, she grabbed a handful of his hair, the silky strands almost slipping through her fingers, and tugged until he looked at her. He seemed to sense what she wanted. Even if he didn’t, he would have found out as she pulled him down for a scorching hot kiss. Caught up in the fire that blazed out of control between them, she fused her mouth to his, kissing him deeply as the tension within her coiled tighter and tighter.

  Tearing her mouth away from his, she panted, breathing hard as she arched and thrust up to meet him as he drove into her. She stared deep into his amazing golden-green eyes, her gaze locked with his as he took her, possessed her completely.

  Then, between one stroke and the next, it was too much. The tension within reached its breaking point, holding for one long glorious moment of anticipation. He moved, surged into her, all primal male and heat, and she was lost. The coil broke, and she shattered into a million pieces like starlight scattered across the night sky.

  Tossing her head back she let go even as she clung to him. A feminine cry of release echoed off the walls of the small room as she came. Deep inside, the tremors took hold as her pussy tightened and rippled with pleasure and clenched around his cock. Still he didn’t let up, plunging into her hard and fast until she screamed his name, almost incoherent.

  As though the sound had been what he was waiting for, his movements lost their smooth rhythm and became more visceral, more... raw. With a deep groan he thrust into her one last time and stiffened as he came. Hard and fast, like the man himself. His cock pulsed deep within her, and she gasped as his white-hot seed coated her inner walls, setting off more waves of pleasure within.

  Long moments passed with them still locked together intimately, skin to skin, matching breath for breath. He pulled back to look down at her, and in that instant, she felt a connection almost soul deep in its intensity.

  It stole her breath, left her speechless, as did the strong orgasmic aftershock shuddering through her. Coherent thought seemed beyond her. In fact, the only thoughts swirling around in her passion-clouded mind revolved around him taking her again. Over and over. The corners of her mouth twitched up into a smile as that particular idea took hold.


  “That was...” He seemed lost for words, his voice trailing off as he leaned down to rub his nose against hers gently. A soft move she hadn’t expected from her tough warrior. “You’re amazin--”

  He didn’t get to finish his sentence. A sound from the main medbay froze them both in their tracks.

  A male voice, singing off-key, had Tess’ eyes widening in alarm. “It’s Hoku, one of the medics,” she whispered quickly, recognizing the voice. If he got any louder, anyone within hearing range would find their ears bleeding.

  Day’s expression set in determination just as the singing swelled in noise level.. Crap, if Hoku came any closer, he was going to realize there was something going on. The cubicles never had the curtains pulled unless someone was in them and, helpful as he was, of course Hoku would check it out to see if he could be of assistance.

  And get more of an eyeful than he expected, and way more than Tess wanted.

  “Fuck, hold on,” Day muttered.

  He moved quicker than she expected anyone his size to. He pulled from her to yank the curtains around and kill the lights, while she scrambled to get her clothes. Then she remembered Day had trashed them. Her pants were less garment and more cleaning rags now.

  “Shit...” she breathed, holding them up as Day vaulted back over the bed. Before she could say a word, he dropped a heavy hand on her shoulder and shoved her down into a crouch. Behind them, perilously close to the door, Hoku was warbling about lost loves and broken hearts.

  “I’ll distract him. My place after. I’ll be waiting,” her warrior whispered, his voice low and delicious as he pressed a keycard into her hand then leaned forward for a brief, hard kiss.

  “Alright. I’ll see you there,” she told him, her gaze sweeping over him from head to toe and back up again. Already she had managed to pull her bra and lace thong back on. She was a bit wobbly on her feet, as her legs were still weak, but it didn’t hamper her too much. Yanking on the shirt, she made quick work of the buttons, then bent down to pilfer a pair of scrub pants from a draw in the base of the bed.

  Zipping himself up, Day grabbed the pack and case he’d dropped by the foot of the bed. She watched him for a moment as he strode toward the door, slinging both over one broad shoulder. Heat hit her again, body tight with new arousal even though they’d just screwed like old earth bunnies on the med-bed.

  His place. After. Oh, hell yeah!

  She had to drag her gaze away to scramble into the pants as Day’s deep voice filtered back through from the corridor, interrupting Hoku’s attempt at song. “Hey mate, looking for the little boys’ room...”

  Whatever the medic’s answer or reaction ended up being, it was lost as Tess slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Little boys’ room? Her shoulders shook with barely restrained silent laughter. Her mind took a predictable header straight into the gutter.

  There was nothing little about Day.

  Oh no, definitely not little, she thought to herself, feeling a delicious ache between her thighs as she stepped into the scrub pants and yanked them up. Slipping her feet into her boots, she peeked out to see if the coast was clear. It was. Hoku and her Sargosian warrior were nowhere in sight. Smoothing a hand over her hair, she made a hasty exit.

  Every step of the way her cheeks burnt and she was sure someone, either the medic or one of her other colleagues, would step out from behind one of the medical closets and demand to know what was up. Considering her state of dress, and the fact she was wearing a pair of scrubs with a civvie top, it wouldn’t be hard for them to work out. Not at all.

  Thankfully, with Hoku’s departure, the med-bay was deserted. With a sigh of relief, she slipped out of one of the side doors and headed up the corridor, her mind already on the key in her hand and the tall, handsome warrior it belonged to.

  Turning the corner, she spotted Day, still shirtless, leaning against a bulkhead. He straightened up as soon as he saw her, a lazy heat entering his eyes as he swept her with a warm gaze. A look that sent an answering heat through her, right from her scalp to her toes, with asides to other, more intimate places on the way.

  “Hi ya, handsome. What’s a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?” she teased, slipping her fingers through his and taunting him with a parody of his earlier words to her.

  "Nice?” He looked injured, then grinned wickedly as they started walking. “Not nice. Good? Oh, yeah. I'm good. How about I show you? After all, you still owe me a shower, as I recall…"

  Anticipation shot through her body, even as it still hummed from their first time together. She aimed a smile up at him.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  The End

  About the Authors:

  Mina Carter was born and raised in Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England). After a slew of careers ranging from logistics to land-surveying she can now be found in the wilds of Leicestershire with her husband, daughter and a cat who moved in and never left.

  Suffering the curse of eternal curiosity, Mina never tires of learning new skills which has led to Aromatherapy, Corsetry, Chain-maille making, Welding, Canoeing, Shooting, and pole-dancing to name but a few.

  A full-time author and cover artist, Mina can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or graphics tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addic
ted to coffee and Dairy-lea cheese triangles.

  You can find other works by Mina at:


  A fiery-tempered stay at home mom by day, Bethany J. Barnes is really a superhero in disguise. Equally at home creating fantastical worlds and the men and women who inhabit them, or driving armed across county to collect a hot male (her gorgeous horse, Tristan), she’ll happily wrestle rattlesnakes, rescue baby owls or perform strenuous casting tests for male leads in her stories.

  An active RPGer, B.J. (as she’s called by close friends) is equally happy writing hot paranormal or steamy sci-fi, and is the mainstay of many online games. An accomplished photographer, B.J.’s specialties are scenic, portrait, concert, rodeo and equine photography. She’s dabbled in wedding photography, but has no patience for Bridezillas.

  A self-described romance writing, photograph taking, horseback riding, book reading, movie watching, music listening lunatic, she dreads writing about herself and would rather write about hot, muscled heroes and the heroines that are strong enough to stand up to them.

  Some of the varied jobs she’s had include: running her mother’s dog boarding business at the early age of seventeen, video store clerk (fed her movie addiction), model, auto detailer, veterinary technician for a large and small animal clinic (horses, dogs, cats and even a few camels once!), rattlesnake catcher (for relocation), horse trainer, riding instructor, horse transporter, executive assistant, photographer and now finally, author.

  Now living on the outskirts of a small town near Boise, Idaho, she’s accomplished at least two of her lifelong dreams: The first one was to design her dream barn for her beloved horses; Devon, Tristan and Ransom. The second dream was to become an author. She lives with her husband, son, twin daughters, three cats, three horses and one dog.

  Please visit Bethany at:

  Monsters do exist...and they’re the good guys

  Perfect Mate

  Copyright © 2012 Mina Carter

  Lillian Rosewood leads an ordinary, boring life working as the manager of a psychiatric hospital. The highlights of her day, other than her skinny hot chocolate, are the hunky guards who work in the secure section. Until a late-night emergency is wheeled in.

  Captain Jack Harper is insane, drop-dead gorgeous...and just had his abdomen shredded. Despite the fact they're not an emergency room, Lillian can't turn him away and risk a death on her hands. Unable to get the handsome soldier out of her mind, Lillian sneaks into the restricted area to check on him. What she finds is beyond belief. Somehow Jack has managed to heal himself from a near-fatal wound in mere hours.

  When one of the doctors, Walker, attempts to rape her, things go from bad to worse. In the blink of an eye, Jack is loose and Walker is dead... and Lillian must accept a truth about her rescuer that will change her world forever. What if the patients aren't insane? What if their stories of secret government experiments and monsters are true?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Perfect Mate:

  She couldn’t believe she was crying. Lillian didn’t cry. Ever. She was tougher than that. Tougher than the stereotypical little woman who fell apart at the first sign of danger… Or the mother who couldn’t cope after the death of her husband and hightailed it to her lover with teary demands to “make the nightmare go away”. And conveniently forgot the fact she’d left her baby daughter behind.

  She was not that woman, nor anything like her.

  Once in the corridor, away from the stench of death and the sight of all that black, wrong blood, she stepped away from Jack and swiped at her tears with the back of her hand. Despite the fact he’d just killed a man, there was something about him that made her feel safe. Safe with a murderer. Okay, now she knew she was losing it. Perhaps insanity ran in her family and they’d just never told her?

  “I’m sorry. I’m not normally like this,” she apologized as she looked up and offered a small, teary smile. Her mouth already open to explain, she stopped.

  He was gorgeous.

  She’d known that. When they’d brought him in, her mind had told her that he was sex on a stick. But he’d been injured, a patient. Even though she was the hospital manager, she was bound by the patient-doctor thing, surely? The one that said “thou shalt not lust after the patients”.

  Now though, without all the blood and the ragged uniform—even in the hospital gown that did nothing for anyone—he was so good-looking it took her breath away. She shook her head slightly, waiting for the hidden cameras and some cheesy reality show host to burst out of the supply cabinet in the corridor next to them. He couldn’t be for real. Soldiers just didn’t look that good.

  With warm amber eyes set above sharp cheekbones, his face was bisected by a strong, straight nose over sensually full lips. A severe buzz-cut merely highlighted his attractiveness, concentrating all attention on his face. He should be strutting his stuff on a catwalk, not getting down and dirty playing soldier.

  Her eyes travelled downward, and the rest of him more than fulfilled the promise of his face. He was toned…hell no, he was ripped. Even his muscles had muscles. Tall and broad shouldered, he was built like a quarterback, and his life had obviously been one of violence. Old scars dotted his skin like a mad artist had gone to town with his body as the canvas.

  “I know you’re not. You’re strong.”

  His words drew her attention back to his face. His eyes were blue again. He smiled, which almost robbed her of reason, but she held onto the thought for grim death. No one’s eyes changed that fast. What the hell have they done to him?

  “Your eyes… What the hell are you?”

  The smile turned cold, his features freezing around it and locking it into place. In hindsight, perhaps a demand for information wasn’t the best way to deal with this, especially after what had gone on in the room behind them. Walker was slumped, dead, but somehow she knew Jack wouldn’t hurt her.

  He moved toward her. Only three steps, but with those blue eyes intent upon her, it seemed more like a stalk. With every movement he made, her instincts screamed “predator”.

  She held her ground, tilting her head to look at him as he neared. He stopped inches away from her, so close the heat of his body beat at her skin even through her clothing and his gown.

  “We don’t have time for this, Lilly.”

  He lifted a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear. As though he couldn’t stop touching her, he stroked a gentle finger down her cheekbone to the corner of her lips. It took everything she had not to turn her head and press into the small caress, but she held true to her purpose, her eyes on his.

  “Make time.”

  His lips quirked, and everything female in her went into meltdown. He had to know the effect he had on women, so she ignored the reaction and met him look for look.

  “Stubborn little minx.”

  She choked. “What did you call me?”

  “Minx,” he repeated, lowering his head and brushing his lips over hers to silence her. As a tactic, it worked. The first touch of his lips, warm and firm over hers, was like setting light to kindling. Heat flared and caught, racing through her body like wildfire.

  She moaned, unable to stop her lips parting automatically in invitation. No matter what her mind was screaming about the dead guy in the next room and the possibility the hunk stood in front of her wasn’t just human, her body knew what it wanted, and what it intended to get.

  He didn’t pass up the invitation. Groaning, he moved closer and deepened the kiss. With a ruthless sweep of his tongue, he parted her lips farther and slid into the softer recesses of her mouth. She shivered, hot and cold chills chasing over her skin as he kissed her in the darkness of the corridor.

  She’d been kissed before and, as she’d thought anyway, she’d been kissed well. This was something else entirely. He kissed her as if there was nothing else in the world. As if she was his sun, his moon and stars…his everything. He didn’t kiss her, he made love to her with his lips and t

  Abruptly he broke away, tearing his mouth from hers. With a groan of frustration, he leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers.

  “I don’t want to let you go.” The tone in his voice pulled on her heartstrings. “When they brought me in, there was just pain and blood…so much blood. Darkness was coming for me, and I was ready. But an angel called my name… I had to come back to see if she was as beautiful as she sounded.”

  His words reached deep inside her. She already thought he was gorgeous, but to have him spouting words that…romantic wasn’t the word. The claim he’d come back just to see her, that hit her deep down and resonated in her soul.


  She almost dared not ask the question, and when she did, her voice emerged breathy and hopeful. Like a teen finally meeting and speaking to her film idol in the flesh.

  “Oh yes, she was worth it.”

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  The Wildcat and the Doctor

  About the Authors:

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