Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1) Page 7

by Tamara White

  Dane clears his throat and starts to speak “So it’s said that when one of the first elementals met their spouse, they felt a connection they couldn’t quite explain. The connection let them hear each other’s thoughts, see each other’s memories, feel each other’s emotions, and form a bond so profound nothing could break it. As the years passed more and more elementals formed this bond with humans and elementals alike. The bond is chosen by the female in the relationship and won’t form if she doesn’t want it too. The bond is first acknowledged through emotions, so if you have feelings for someone the bond will start to form, then the bond is strengthened through trust. When you feel love for your bonded the bond will cement. There have been instances where the bonding was formed and the male or female cheated and created a rift. The bond is extremely difficult to dissolve and the few who did manage it ended up killing themselves not long after,” Dane finishes and looks anywhere but me.

  So, does that mean I’m bonded to one of the guys? I have feelings for all of them, and I’ve kissed two of them. I’ve heard their thoughts and emotions. Why aren’t they saying something?!

  “Teddy? Am I bonded to one of you?” I ask Teddy because he seemed to be the one who got worked up about the bonds in the kitchen.

  “Yes, we all felt the bond the first day we met you. It’s why we were a little shocked when we met you. None of us have found our bonded yet and here you are and you connect with all of us.”

  “So, what does this mean? Where do we go from here?” I have so many more questions but I don’t want to get too ahead of myself.

  “Whoa Evie, calm down. You don’t have to decide anything now. We all just want to get to know you first. How about you let the information sink in, and we’ll answer questions later? Now, do you want to let Dane heal the bruise on your face? As a water Elemental, he can manipulate the water molecules in your body to heal your wounds,” Mike says gesturing at Dane.

  “Yes please, if you don’t mind, Dane? Would you be able to try ease the other bruises too please? I don’t like long sleeved shirts,” I see Dane and the other guys looking down at my arms. I guess they didn’t realize how bad it was last night.

  Dane finally looks up from my arms “Of course I will Evie, but I have to touch the bruises to attempt to heal them.”

  Poor guy is blushing so he must think I’m naked under here or something. I decide to just take the shirt off. Besides I’m wearing a tank top underneath, so he should be able to get majority of the visible bruises.

  I’m pretty excited to see how he will manipulate the water element to heal. The only times I’ve seen their powers was when they were fighting after my powers emerged.

  I hear a few gasps when I throw my shirt on the couch next to me. The guys are looking at me with horror in their eyes. “Guys please don’t make this a big deal, just heal me and move on. Please!” I don’t want them pitying me.

  They’re all still looking at my arms which are covered in purple and brown splotches. Maybe I can distract them “Do you mind if I ask some questions while Dane heals me?” I look to Kylan, Teddy, and Mike while Dane runs his hands lightly over my arms. If feels like warmth is flowing from his hands into my arm. I look down to see him concentrating on my bruises but see something strange. The palms of his hands are coated in a water bubble and as he runs it across my skin, you can see the bruises become lighter.

  “Go ahead and ask what you want to know Evie, we’ll answer as best we can,” Mike says.


  I can’t believe I let her go back to her house to endure this. I’m such a fucking idiot!

  I do my best to focus on healing Evie when all I want to do is go to her parents’ house and beat the shit out of them for hurting someone so much, but I can’t yet, so I focus on healing her. I can’t help but listen to what she is asking about.

  “You said that the elementals born to the human and fallen angel only had one element? Why only one if their father had all? And what does it mean if I can use all of them?” I admire how focused Evie can be. I wasn’t sure how much of the story she would understand but she has grasped on to the important details very quickly.

  “We honestly don’t know why they were born with only one element, and we haven’t yet figured out what it means for you,” Kylan is the first to say to her.

  “We need to get our hands on the written records of the prophecy so we might understand what your role is and why you were gifted all four elements,” Teddy tells her.

  I interrupt them. “Evie is there anywhere else you need healing? You winced today when I hugged you and I don’t think it was from your arms,” I remembered her ribs took a hit yesterday on the basketball court.

  “Um yeah, my ribs and back are a little tender too.” She’s looking down at me blushing as if she is embarrassed to ask for me to heal her. I wish this beautiful girl knew that we would do anything for her if she asked. I watch her while she lifts her tank top to just below her breasts.

  Any other day the thought of Evie revealing so much to us would have me harder than a rock and wanting to touch her, but seeing just what her parents have done to her is making me a little ill. All across her rib cage she has dark purple bruising and smaller splotches from old bruising across her lower stomach. She turns slightly and I see the bruising across her back, but before I can study it too closely, she manoeuvres so we can only see her rib bruises. I can’t believe that for most of her life Evie has had to deal with this abuse. The day I meet her parents I will make them regret ever hurting my sweet girl!


  The guys have seen all my bruises now, and they aren’t taking it too well. I can feel the anger wafting from them, and I’m scared what they will do. It’s not that I am scared for my parents, but I’m scared for the guys and what will happen to them if they hurt my parents. I don’t think I could live with myself knowing they were punished because they were protecting me.

  Trying to distract them, I ask a question that I’ve been thinking about since they told me about the bonds. “What happens when the bond is formed and how do I complete the bond?”

  All the guys are looking at me now so I guess that got their attention. I really do want to know how we complete our bonds. I can’t believe I am even considering this, but I have feelings for all the guys and I need to know if it’s just the bond. I can’t tie myself to any of them until I know how I feel.

  “As we get to know each other our bonds will grow strong. The stronger the bonds get, the more we will start to feel each other. Some bonded elementals have said they can feel each other when they are apart. As for completing the bond, it is usually an intimate act between them,” Mike explains.

  You’ve got to be kidding me! I mean sure I guess I figured it would be something like a marriage but sex?! And with four of them. Oh God! The thought of all of us together has me all flushed and light headed.

  “So, I would have to have sex to complete the bond?!” I swear all the guys look so guilty, but they don’t deny it.

  After a minute, Teddy speaks up “It doesn’t have to be sex Evie, sometimes the bond can form from just doing what we did upstairs. That’s why Mike said ‘intimate act’. All that matters for the bond is the feelings involved. If you feel love, or close to it, for one of us when doing an intimate act, then the bond will form,” he finishes.

  “Thank you for clarifying, Teddy, and guys, I’m sorry I snapped. It’s just that I am not really experienced in that area. I mean I’ve kissed, but that’s about it,” I’m so embarrassed, but I think the guys need to know just how inexperienced I am. “I never dated through school because I didn’t want to get in trouble with my parents, and the one guy I did date made a fool of me to his friends. I never had the opportunity to sneak out and try stuff with other people either. So, I guess, to sum it up, I’m a virgin,” I finish looking down at my feet.

  Maybe now that they know how inexperienced I am, they might decide not to pursue the bond. The thought shouldn’t make me sad but it does. Be
sides, how could I bond with just one of them when I have feelings for all of them?

  Chapter 12


  Holy shit! Evie’s a virgin!

  Guys, no one say anything. We need to use our brains so we don’t screw this up. Evie is probably feeling insecure about not being experienced, and she might even think we don’t want her because of it, Teddy is projecting to us.

  Ok, well we need to say something, or she’ll think that our silence means exactly that, Kylan points out.

  I need to say something, “Evie, most elementals are usually virgins because they want to wait for their bonded before making that decision,” I explain hoping she understands that, if anything, we admire that about her.

  “Are you a virgin? Are any of you?” She pointedly looks at each of us.

  Dane, Kylan, and I put our heads down in shame. I’ve never felt more horrible for not waiting for my bonded. Especially someone as beautiful as Evie.

  “We aren’t virgins Evie, but we’ve never been with another elemental. We avoided others of our own kind to avoid making the bond with the wrong person,” Kylan tells Evie.

  I look up to see Evie with tears in her eyes.

  Dammit Mike! That’s why I told you to wait, now look at her she’s gutted. Dane’s pissed at me for opening my big mouth and for once I realize I should’ve waited to speak.

  “The others don’t know this Evie, but I’m still a virgin. I’ve done other stuff, but I wanted to save myself for my bonded,” Teddy says smiling shyly at Evie.

  Way to make us all look like giant asses, Teddy. Why didn’t you ever tell us? Ky isn’t pleased about Teddy’s revelation, but it was worth it to make Evie stop from crying. I don’t think anyone of us could handle seeing her cry again.

  All of sudden Evie jumps into Teddy’s arms. She’s saying something, but we can barely hear her. I think I heard her say “Thank you,” but I can’t be sure.

  What did she say? I ask Teddy.

  She said ‘Thank you. It means everything to me that you saved yourself for me.’


  Well fuck! I never thought there would be a day where I regretted losing my virginity, but knowing how much Evie treasures the idea of Teddy also being a virgin, well let’s just say I think we’re all idiots.

  Evie is still hugging Teddy and when she finally looks at the rest of us, she must see how jealous we are. We’re not jealous of sharing her but more so that Teddy can give her something we can’t.

  She walks to Dane and hugs him before kissing his cheek and walking to Mike. She does the same for him before walking to me. When she hugs me I whisper “I’m sorry,” and squeeze her a little harder than a normal hug.

  I don’t want to lose this sweet girl from my life. I don’t mind sharing her with Mike, Teddy and Dane because they are my best friends and I want them to be happy too. She kisses my cheek and walks over to the couch and sits down. She grabs a cup of tea before saying “I think we should all sit down because I want to set some rules.”


  I’m waiting for the guys to sit down so I can tell them what I want. All I keep thinking about is them fighting over me so I want to set some boundaries.

  After I hugged Teddy the others all looked jealous, so I felt I had to make it better with the rest of them.

  How am I even considering a relationship with one of the guys? It will be so hard for everyone not to get their feelings hurt, and I don’t know how I would handle the jealousy between them. They are all so close that I don’t want to ruin their friendship.

  “So, I want you to know that I like all of you, but I don’t have any ideas on who I’ll form a bond with,” I look around at each of the guys, and they seem to be hanging on my every word.

  “I think before I make any decisions, I deserve the chance to get to know you all without the pressure of a bond. I already need to learn my powers, so what if every day I get 2 hours of alone time with one of you in which you teach me about your element and show me how to wield it? This way I get time to spend learning my element and getting to know you all individually,” I wait and let my offer sink in.

  I also wanted to ask them if I can spend the night on their couch. I had been thinking I might sneak back and get some clothes, but I don’t ever want to live there again.

  “Ok Evie that sounds fair. On day five, though, I would like to test your powers. We need to know how much you learnt and how strong you are before the council realizes who you are,” Dane says looking very serious.

  I haven’t even processed that I’m this prophecy person. It sounds way too serious and I have enough to deal with. I think I’m better focusing on one problem at a time.

  “Sure, sounds good. I do have a question I need to ask you all. Would you mind if I stay the night? It’s just, I don’t think I’m going back home again, and I don’t want to camp tonight because it looks like it may rain. I don’t have anything other than my sleeping bag and, while I have a water element, I don’t want to get rained on all night. I’ll have to go back to the house so I can pack first and maybe you guys could hold onto my stuff for me?” I stop my rambling and hope that they won’t mind. Although I think I’d rather camp in the rain, than go back home. At least now that I’m 18 they can’t keep me there.

  “Well, we actually had planned to talk to you about that. How would you feel about moving in here? I know it’s quick and you barely know us, but it will give us all a chance to spend time getting to know you and help you train your elements. You can have the spare room, and we can do a bathroom schedule if you need,” Dane says to me.

  I don’t believe it. How can the guys want me to live with them after everything? I’m so overcome with emotion that they want me around.

  I need to be sure though “It’s not that I don’t want to move in, but are you guys sure? I mean it’s a really big step and, like you said, we barely know each other. I want to get to know you all and learn about my powers, but what happens when you get sick of me? Or what happens when my parents find out where I am? I don’t want any of you hurt because of me.” I would never forgive myself if any of the guys got hurt because of me.


  If Evie thought, we were going to get hurt by her parents, then she was very mistaken. I’m sure we’d all love to have a turn showing her parents what we’re capable of. If they ever try to touch her again, we will make them regret it for the rest of their lives.

  “We want you here Evie and don’t worry about us, we’re Elementals remember and some of the most powerful of this generation. Call me cocky, but I think we can handle your parents,” I walk over and give her a hug.

  She doesn’t look like she’s coping too well.

  “How about, for tonight, you pack up the stuff you want from your parents and bring it here and have a think about moving in.” I look down into her eyes “There’s no rush, but seeing as you have nowhere else to go we thought what better place for you to be than here.”

  I look up at the other guys and seeing that they’re all watching Evie too. I know how hard it will be for us if she says no, but at least we have given her the chance to decide for herself. Maybe we can even help her find a place if she doesn’t want to stay here.


  Very smooth, Dane.

  I hear him chuckle in my mind.

  He gave Evie the choice of staying here, and didn’t make it appear like it was the only option she had. Realistically, one of us needs to be near her constantly now that her powers are active. It can be so easy to lose control, and when she’s surrounded by humans all the time it gets very dangerous. We can’t risk exposure at the moment. Especially with someone as important as Evie.

  As soon as the rest of our people find out about Evie, there will be no place she can hide. They will constantly be testing her and having her live with us now will help her get used to being surrounded by elementals all the time. We’ll have to take her to see the council soon and she can’t be weak when we do.

��Ok then I’ll go pack the stuff I want and bring it over. I have to go now, though, because if I wait any longer my parents could arrive home, and I don’t want to get caught moving out,” Evie is smiling at us, but I can see the fear in her eyes when she talks about her parents.

  One of us needs to go with her in case the Shaded show up. Dane projects to us before speaking “Will you mind if one of us comes with you? We would prefer you not go anywhere alone right now, especially as we don’t know how many Shaded are in the area.”

  Mike says to us, even if she says no, one of us is going to have to follow her to keep her safe. I feel horrible at the thought of following her without her knowledge, but I’m glad Dane had the decency to ask first. It would make our job so much easier.


  I’d rather go alone to get my stuff but I understand why the guys want me to take one of them. How am I supposed to choose just one of them? I wonder if they will all tag along. I always feel safe when I’m around them, plus I don’t have my jeep. My jeep’s still at the school carpark.

  “What about if we all go? I might need a hand and I’d feel better if we don’t leave anyone behind.” I have a feeling I’m going to need their help.

  “That’s a great idea. Ok, guys, grab your shit and let’s go. We want to be gone before the parents get home,” Kylan grabs the keys and heads out to the SUV with me and the other guys following him.

  Chapter 13


  Luck must be on my side today because when we pull up to the house neither of my parents’ cars are parked out front. I turn to the guys when we park and tell them what to pack.

  “So, I don’t really have much that I want to take but I want all my clothes, my mp3 player, and I have a bracelet I had from before I was adopted on my dresser. It has an angel with wings on it and on the back, it has ‘Evie’ engraved on it.”

  I found the bracelet two months ago in my parents’ room when I was cleaning off their dresser. I don’t know if they knew I had it or not, but they never searched my room for it so I think they just didn’t care.


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