Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1) Page 10

by Tamara White

I can’t help it, I giggle.

  “Ok. fine everyone wants to laugh. Maybe I should tell Evie some more embarrassing moments of your powers too.” The other guys all sober instantly.

  “You wouldn’t” Dane is looking a bit scared and I can’t help laughing.

  “Yes, tell me. I need to know so it will make it less embarrassing for me,” I smile around at the other boys.

  Mike smiles over at me before looking back at Dane. “Ok, I won’t reveal anyone’s secrets. I’ll leave it for you to tell her. Let’s start trying your elements.”


  We all sit on the ground with Dane and Mike sitting either side of Evie to guide her into using the right elements.

  “What do you want to try first?” Mike asks her.

  “Um, can I try water first?” She’s looking a bit hesitant now that we are trying her powers.

  “Ok, Dane is going to walk you through water, then I will with Air, ok? Same with when we use Earth and Fire, Teddy and Kylan will teach you those because we are more familiar with our own elements.” Mike says to her while she nods.

  Dane starts to speak “What I want you to do is relax. When you feel calm, I want you to close your eyes and try to find you water element inside of you. I’m not sure whether it will be the same for you as it is for us, but I want you to try it.”

  We watch Evie with her eyes closed and concentrating on her elements. I feel her powers moments before her hands start to drip water. “Evie, open your eyes and look down at your hands.”


  I can’t believe I’m doing it. When Dane said to look at my hands I didn’t expect to be leaking water. It worked. I can feel all the other elements inside me, but I pulled water to the front of my light and focused on it.

  Closing my eyes, I push the water back into the light and try to pull another element. I focus on air, and I feel the air whipping around me. I open my eyes and smile at the guys. I push the air back and pull Earth. Little green shoots burst from the ground in front of me and wind up my arms. I can’t help a little squeal that comes out. “Yay! I can do it.”

  I look up at the guys expecting to see them smiling, but I have shocked them again.

  “Wow Evie. I’ve never been able to make things grow like that. I can fix dying plants, but not create new plants. That’s amazing!” Teddy is staring down at the vines wrapped around my arms and the others are all looking at me smiling.

  “Do you want to try fire? It can be a little intimidating and could consume your whole body but it won’t hurt you.” I think Kylan is curious to see if I can do fire as well as the others.

  I focus on fire and pull it out and feel warmth flow over me. Looking down at my body, I gasp in astonishment, my body is covered in blue flame, but it’s doesn’t feel hot.

  “Wow. You keep surprising us Evie,” Kylan says looking at me with pride.

  I did it. I used all of my powers. Well, all except lightning but I don’t really want to risk it.

  “How come my clothes aren’t burning up?” I ask.

  “Your fire won’t burn your own clothes. Somehow, it’s like it knows it’s a part of you, but if you get hit by someone else’s flames, it will burn your clothes,” Kylan explains.

  “Oh,” I suppose that makes sense.

  “Do you want to try lightning as well?” Mike asks me.

  I look down at the ground “Um, not tonight. Maybe another day, I’m feeling a bit tired,” which isn’t too far from the truth. Now that I’m not focusing on the powers, I can feel the exhaustion.


  “It’s ok, Evie, every new elemental gets exhausted when they use their powers the first few times. Let’s go up and go to bed. We have school tomorrow and we don’t want you falling asleep in class.”

  “Yeah but I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep straight away. Is it ok if I watch a movie in the living room for a bit?” I was planning on watching tv for a bit anyway, so I don’t have any problems with that.

  “Sure. I’ll make some popcorn while you, Teddy, Mike, and Ky pick a movie. I’m not fussy so you can choose the movie,” Dane heads into the house and we all follow after him and head into the living room. Evie plops down on the couch, and I sit down beside her while Mike and Ky try decide on a movie. Evie leans back into my arms and sighs. Having her in my arms makes me feel so relaxed that I start to drift off.

  Chapter 17


  I hear an alarm going off. That’s not right, my alarm sounds nothing like that. Whose alarm is that? I open my eyes and look around. It takes a second for me to remember I’m in the guest room. We had pizza last night, tested my elements, and then I almost fell asleep watching the tv with the guys before they insisted I come take a shower and get some sleep.

  I climb out of bed and hunt through my bags for some clothes for school. I choose a pale blue top with faded black jeans, and my converse sneakers. It probably looks plain, but I don’t like wearing fancy clothes to school. I see the girls like Catherine dress up as if they are off to a club when it’s just a regular school day.

  Evie, breakfast is ready. I smile hearing Dane’s voice in my head and my heart beats a little faster. I could get used to breakfast every day. I’m smiling when I get to the kitchen and the boys are all at the table.

  Wow, the guys have gone all out. They have pancakes, bacon, eggs, scrambled and fried, toast, fruit and what looks like yoghurt.

  “Wow guys this looks awesome! How long until we leave because I don’t want to rush something this good.”

  Mike laughs. “Don’t worry, Evie, we still have plenty of time before we have to leave.”

  I sit down next to Kylan, grab a plate and start piling food onto it.

  “So, what happens today at school? You each have a class with me, but what do I do if my powers get out of control? Any tricks?”

  “Well, I can always pull you out of class and kiss you,” Dane offers while laughing. The other guys chime in too.

  “We can take turns if it gets bad,” Mike is smiling over at me with a mischievous look on his face. It’s not as scary now that I know they aren’t competing for me to bond with one of them.

  “Seriously though, Evie, there are a few things that will help you rein it in. The easiest thing to do would be to work on breathing deeply like a meditation state. Since our powers are related to strong emotions, it’s the best way to calm down. You can also use memories. I know you don’t have many happy memories of home, but I hope that we have made you feel happiness over the past few days, otherwise even imagine you are in a happy place.”

  Easier said than done I guess. But I need to finish school so I can leave. I so don’t want to be stuck here. “Ok, I will try, but if I am having trouble can I project to one of you for help?” I hope nothing happens but it’s better to prepare in case.

  “Of course, Evie. Definitely project to us the moment you feel it getting out of control and we can walk you through it or get you out of there,” Kylan seems to understand just how terrified I am.

  “Ok, then let’s go and get school over with. Whose day is it today to teach me elements?”



  “Mine,” I say to Evie.

  We had discussed this earlier before Evie got up and seeing as earth seems to be the first power to push forward when she’s upset, we agree it’s best if I teach her first, then Dane, Mike, and Ky. We aren’t sure which power will be dominant after earth is tamed, so it will depend on her powers if we need to change it, but so far that seems to be the order her elements come out.

  We’re all in the car on the way to the school. If Evie wasn’t adamant about going, we wouldn’t be going at all, but we’ve heard a few of her thoughts leak through about wanting her high school diploma so we decide we won’t push the issue until we have no choice. We may make her take her final tests sooner so we can move on. We’ll have to go home once her powers stabilize because our people will want to meet Evie.

  As we’r
e getting out of the car, I can see the cheerleader that Dane said riled Evie up yesterday. I can hear her thoughts from here. All she wants is one of us to parade around on her arm because she can.

  I sigh inwardly, today is going to be hard on Evie but hopefully she makes it through. Heads up guys, that Catherine chick is thinking some mean things about our girl. It’s possible she may try start something again today, but I think because it didn’t work yesterday she might try to make friends instead. Mike and Kylan look over at her which just makes things worse.

  Great going guys, now she thinks we’re interested. Mike gags before laughing and turning away. Gross man, I heard her think maybe she should just come up and offer herself to us in the gym change rooms and there was a pretty vivid image too. I laugh at the image Mike sends to us mainly because I see Ky stunned at her audacity.

  Dude, is she really that desperate? We’re at school with Evie and she still wants us?! Ky is still looking at us asking if Catherine is crazy or stupid.

  We just need to be careful especially with Evie and her powers. She is protective of us and the bonds are already getting stronger. I don’t want to jeopardize that, so if she tries attempting anything make it clear you’re not interested. That means you, Dane. I know you like to play games with girls like that, but we don’t need things to escalate. For Evie’s sake.

  We all know what Dane is like. At our old school, he did a similar routine of leading the head bitch on, only to bring her down before he left when he revealed evidence on her that let the whole school know how rotten she was.

  I’ll try. Good enough for me.


  I’m so grossed out right now. That Catherine chick has a hard on for me and the guys. Her thoughts are so loud it makes it harder to block her out. If I hadn’t found my bonded, maybe I would take her up on her offer but then who wants a girl that desperate.

  Evie is perfect. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, stubborn and so much more. Even if I could change my bonded, I doubt I would. Evie is perfect for each of us in her own way, and, honestly, the thought of being bonded with my best friends is better than with complete strangers.

  I look down the hall and see Evie and Dane still talking. Evie closes her locker and Dane gives her a hug before walking off to his home economics class. Teddy and I walk over to her before walking down to her class “So princess how’re you doing so far?”


  “Yes, princess. You are my princess waiting to bond with her princes,” I wink at her with a grin.

  Evie laughs “Sure and you guys think you’re princes? I don’t know if I’d call you princes. Maybe frogs,” Evie is looking at me laughing. I love how cheeky she can be. It makes her so much brighter.

  “Well, if we’re frogs I say we get our kisses now so we can become princes. What do you think, Teddy? Should we stay frogs or make our princess kiss us?”

  “I definitely don’t want to be a frog all day so yes to kisses.”


  Kylan and Teddy pull me into a closet on the way to class. We are laughing about princes and princesses, and the guys being frogs that needed kisses.

  “Kylan, what are we doing in here?”

  “Well, I want my princess to give me a kiss so I am no longer a frog. But now that I have you, I want to ask you something. Why do you always refer to me as Kylan and not Ky? Teddy and Mike have nicknames but you never use mine?”

  I didn’t even realize I was calling him Kylan all the time. “I guess I didn’t realize I was referring to you as Kylan instead of Ky. I’ll try to remember you as Ky from now on. Now which frog wants to turn into a prince?”

  I can’t believe how confident I feel with the guys today. I’ve been picking up some of their feelings today and I realized they all like me too, maybe in different ways, but the feelings are still there.

  Leaning into Teddy I give him a soft kiss on the lips. It starts out slow and builds into something intense. I feel Kylan behind me before I feel his hands on my hips as he leans down and kisses along my neck. I move my head so he can get better access.

  Teddy pulls back and turns me towards Kylan before he mimics what Kylan was doing. I look up at Kylan, he’s the only one I haven’t kissed yet. I want to kiss him, but I can’t reach him because he’s so tall. I lean up but he doesn’t lean towards me. Maybe he doesn’t want me?

  I’m about to step back and try not to focus on the rejection I am feeling when Teddy uses his hands and picks me up by my hips then presses me toward Kylan. I have no choice but to wrap my legs around Kylan and I use my hands to hold onto his shoulders. Feeling Ky’s erection firm and pressing against my centre I grind against him and moan. I look into his eyes and see the desire before I place my lips against his.

  He totally shocks me when he pushes into the kiss as if he was a starving man needing his first taste of food. He grabs my hair and pulls my head to the side to get better access to my mouth which also gives Teddy better access to my neck.

  Teddy is touching me, running his hands up and down my sides, hands gently caress the sides of my breasts causing me to moan into Kylan’s mouth. Kylan devours my mouth and pushes against me keeping me firmly between them. I’m so hot and being between Teddy and Ky is making me hotter. I feel like my chest burning.

  Gasping I pull back and speak “Guys, my chest is burning like it’s on fire,” Kylan lets go of me and backs up against the wall.

  “Shit, I’m sorry Evie that’s the bond trying to form between us,” Teddy and Kylan are both looking shocked. I’m stunned something as simple as kissing could start the bond, I figured it would be something more intense.

  “I thought it had to be an intimate act not just kissing? Does this mean I have to be careful kissing you?” I wait for the guys to respond. I really don’t want to stop kissing the guys especially with kisses like that. Just thinking about what just happened I can feel my chest start burning again. Crap even thinking about it forms the bond?!

  “Come on, princess, we need to get to class. We’ll talk at lunch but we need to go before the bell rings,” Kylan takes my hand and we walk out of the closet with Teddy following us.

  Just as we walk into the class I turn to the guys “I’ll drop it for now, but I want answers later,” I walk to the back and take my usual seat.


  I’m in my seat waiting for the bell to ring when a girl walks up to my desk. She is wearing a cheerleader uniform so my guess is she is one of Catherine’s friends.

  “Hi, I’m Megan. You’re new, right?” Megan is staring at me waiting for an answer, but I’m stumped. She’s blonde haired and blue eyed and seems to be genuine in trying to be friends. Do I be nice or shut her down? I can’t feel any ulterior motives from her, and she seems nice enough, so I try to be nice. Plus, it’s nice to have a friend when you’re in class.

  “Yeah, I started a few days ago. I’m Mike,” Megan takes that as an invitation to sit next to me.

  “So how are you liking it so far? Have you made many friends? Being in a new school can be hard.”

  “It’s been ok, I guess. My friends and I usually just stick to ourselves and keep our heads down until we finish.”

  The teacher walks in ending our talking. When we finish class, Megan stops me at the door, “I know you’re hanging around Evie, but you should be careful. Ask a few of the guys around the school what I mean. She’s been with a lot of guys, and I don’t want you or your friends to get hurt. If you need someone to hang with at lunch just look for me. I’m usually inside the cafeteria.”

  I walk off confused. She seemed nice enough in class, but now saying those things about Evie it makes me wonder what she’s up to. I meet Teddy and Kylan just outside the room to our math class and we head in together.

  Chapter 18


  It’s finally lunch time, and it felt as if the day has been dragging out. Throughout my classes I was so focused on my work I didn’t have time to focus on everything else that was happening.<
br />
  Dane and I are on our way to the cafeteria when I see Catherine, Nina, and Megan whispering together. Great, I’m sure I’ll end up hearing from them soon. They can never leave me alone for more than a few days before I’m in trouble for some crap that they think must be my fault.

  “Teddy said he’ll grab our lunch and meet us outside,” Dane is looking over at the girls too, and I can’t help but wonder if he finds them attractive. I sit down at my tree and lean back and try to figure out what question I want answers too. The big thing on my mind since yesterday was my parents. Not my adopted ones, the biological ones. Dane told me before my powers released that he knew what elements my parents were which means he also knew I was adopted.



  “How did you know I was adopted? And how do you know my real parent’s powers but not that my real dad was alive?” I don’t mean to sound accusing but it’s a bit weird he could know my parents are dead, but not that my father is alive.

  “Well, the others didn’t know. My father told me what elements your parents most likely were before we got here. But he didn’t mention names just elements. He said it was why he sent all four of us here.” Ok that sounds weird though. How come he would know elements and not names?

  “Hey Evie, I got you a sandwich, a wrap, a bottle of water, and a couple of cookies and muffins,” Teddy says placing everything he got in my lap.

  “Whoa, I can’t eat all of that!”

  “Whatever you don’t eat, one of us will,” he laughs before shoving a whole muffin in his mouth.

  I believe him. These guys eat as if they will never see food again. I pick at my food while sorting through more questions. I really want to know what happened this morning, but I don’t want to stop the guys eating so I hold off while I watch them eat.


  We’re almost finished lunch when Evie finally cracks. I’ve been watching her since she finished eating and I can tell she is waiting for us to finish eating before asking any questions.


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