Mail Order Bride - Westward Heartbeat: A Historical Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 15)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Heartbeat: A Historical Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 15) Page 22

by Linda Bridey

  Raven said, “Be happy you get to be with your mother, Mike. Reckless isn’t so fortunate.”

  “I am happy; just not when she’s breathing down my neck every minute of the day. I think she’s going through the change or something,” Mike said.

  Rick laughed. “You really think she is? Don’t mention it to her; you know how sensitive she is about her age.”

  “Well, it would explain her mood swings, increased appetite, fatigue, and, oh no!” Mike said and hit his forehead. “She could also be pregnant.”

  Both Raven and Rick stared at him.

  “The symptoms are similar. As far as I know, she hasn’t had any morning sickness. Has she said anything to you guys about feeling sick?”

  Raven said, “Why would she tell me that? That’s nothing she would talk to me about.”

  “I don’t think that’s something she would discuss with me, either,” Rick said.

  “Not in detail, but in passing. I don’t think she’s gonna sit you down and talk about it, either. I’ll have to broach the subject gently when we get back. Of course, by then, she’ll know one way or another all on her own,” Mike said.

  “What do you think your father will say?” Raven asked.

  Rick said, “He’ll be overjoyed if he knows what’s good for him.”

  “I hope she’s not pregnant,” Mike said.

  “Why not?” Raven asked.

  “Because I don’t want to have to deliver it if no one else is available,” Mike said.

  Rick and Raven burst out laughing as a look of horror at the prospect of that happening settled on Mike’s face.


  As they traveled, Raven tried not to give in to his apprehension that Zoe would refuse to have anything to do with him. Rick had been right. Fear of this happening made him freeze up. Zoe still held his heart and she always would, but did he still hold hers? What if he went home without her by his side? All of his effort would be for naught.

  The further they went, however, Raven began to grow more determined. He owed it to both of them to at least try to convince her that he knew he was in the wrong for making such severe demands and not at least trying to talk to her about the situation. He was prepared to ask her forgiveness and with every mile that went by, his resolve to bring home the woman he loved strengthened. If he could fight any enemy or beast with confidence, shouldn’t he be able to fight for his happiness? For hers? Yes, Raven decided, he was prepared to fight quite possibly the most important battle of his life.


  “What’s he doing off the reservation?”

  Rick tried to stay congenial as he answered the question for the third time. “He was never on a reservation. He’s a citizen and has been assimilated into white society. He’s also been adopted by the man listed on that paper right there.”

  Captain Greg Hack leafed through the papers Rick showed him. “And what’s he doing down here?”

  Raven sat quietly between Rick and Mike though he seethed inwardly. They weren’t far away from Smokey Mills, Nebraska when they’d been stopped by an army regiment and forced to accompany them back to the fort.

  “He’s going to meet his wife and travel back to Montana. I’ve already explained all of this. All of his paperwork is in order, sir,” Rick said. So much for me being an Indian agent helping Raven. Damn it!

  “And he’s married to a white woman?” Hack said.

  “Yes,” Rick said with a straight face. He didn’t mind lying in the least if it got him what he wanted and what he wanted was for them to get the hell out of there. “Your men had no right to detain us.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Hack said as he looked Raven over. “Where’s his ring?”

  Rick said, “They didn’t have his size so it’s on special order.” Rick held up one of Raven’s hands. “I mean, look at the size of that hand. Not many jewelers have rings that big,” he said with a laugh and let Raven’s hand drop again.

  Hack laughed. “No, I guess not. Well, here’s what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna keep your friend until you come back with his wife and she verifies he’s her husband.”

  “What? Why? You have everything you need right there,” Rick said. “This makes no sense at all.”

  “Look, you’re a long way from home. We’ve had some uprisings here and there and he could be planning something for all I know. He’s Lakota and there are still a few rogue Pawnee around here. It could cause trouble if he’s caught going through here by them. You might or not be an Indian agent. I don’t know this Captain Morgan. These papers seem real, but they could be forged. If none of you are up to any kind of trouble and you bring her back here to verify things, then you can all go on your way.”

  Raven looked at Rick with fear in his eyes, but not in his face. Rick smiled. “Well, that’s some of the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard of, but all right. We’ll go get the little lady and come back for Raven. Where are you going to put him?”

  Hack said, “We’ll just put him in one of the cells until you get back. He’ll be safe from the other Indians in there.”

  Raven calculated that Mike and Rick could be back with Zoe in a day or so. He could hold out that long. His instinct was to fight his way out of the fort, but then he’d have the whole army on his back and going back home would be out of the question. No, as much as he wanted to wring some necks it was better for him to remain peaceful.

  Hack looked at Mike. “Son, are you sure you’re with them willingly?”

  “Yes, sir. Like I said, this is my uncle and Raven is one of my best friends.” He didn’t feel it would be prudent to try to explain the familial connection to Raven and hated that it had to be that way.

  “And you’re a doctor? You don’t look old enough,” Hack said.

  Mike smiled. “I’m older than I look. Just recently graduated, sir.” He also was not above lying to further their cause.

  “I see. Well, like I said, you two go get his wife and come back for him,” Hack said and stood up. He motioned to a couple of soldiers who came forward to take Raven.

  Mike leaned close to his cousin and said in Lakota, “Don’t worry, we’ll be back as soon as possible. Just hang tight and don’t fight them.”

  Raven nodded, but remained silent. Rick clapped Raven’s shoulder and said, “We’ll go get your woman. She’ll be really happy to see you after so long. Well, let’s get going so we can get back here quickly.”

  Raven watched them walk from the captain’s office as handcuffs were placed around his wrists.


  Late that night, Raven heard footsteps coming towards his cell and could tell there was more than one person approaching. Three guards stopped at his cell and opened it. Raven looked into the guard’s brown eyes and saw malice there. He seemed to be the one in charge.

  “You need to come with us, son,” he said in what seemed like a kindly manner.

  Raven smiled back a little so he seemed friendly. “Where are we going?”

  “For a walk. We thought you might enjoy a little fresh air after being cooped up in here so long,” he said solicitously.

  Raven sensed that this was not just an ordinary walk. “Did Captain Hack say you were to do that? It was nice of him if he did,” he said as one of the other guards put handcuffs on him. “Why do I need these on if we are going for a walk?”

  “It’s procedure,” the head guard said.

  Raven nodded as the guard waved him forward. He had no idea what was about to happen, but he knew it was nothing good. Two of the guards had pistols trained on him, so there was little he could do except go with them quietly.

  They exited the building and walked to a different one. They continued down a corridor until they reached the end of it. Opening the door, the lead guard said, “No funny business, now,” and took off Raven’s handcuffs.

  “I thought we were going for a walk?” he asked.

  “We are. The yard is out here,” the guard said and motioned him through.

; Raven frowned but walked through the doorway. The door slammed shut behind him. He heard it lock and Raven knew he was not going back that way. He turned and looked around at his surroundings. He was in a large fenced in area. There were twenty or so soldiers gathered around the fence and they whistled at Raven.

  “Damn, Clemons, he’s huge,” one said and laughed.

  The lead guard came to stand beside the soldier. “I know. As soon as I saw him, I knew we had to get him in here. He won’t be here long, though. Those two fellas he was with will be back for him. Might as well get out of him what we can.”

  “What is this? What’s going on?” Raven asked.

  “Just a competition,” Clemons answered. “Just a little fun.”

  From another direction, other guards brought another Indian to a doorway of the chain link fence and shoved him inside the enclosure. Raven and he stared at each other. The other Indian was Pawnee, Raven saw. It was the way he wore his hair that gave it away. Raven narrowed his eyes and signed to the Pawnee.

  “Why are we here?”

  The Pawnee signed, “We are expected to fight, usually until you are near dead or dead. Be warned, I do not intend to die.”

  “I have no quarrel with you,” Raven said diplomatically. “Why should I fight you?”

  “We are their entertainment, and if you do not fight, they will shoot you or torture you,” the Pawnee answered.

  Raven looked over at the guards, who seemed to practically be salivating. He saw them making bets. “So they are making us fight for sport like dogs?”


  “I will not fight you.”

  The Pawnee said, “If you want to live, you will. I want to live.”

  Clemons shouted, “Enough of that. Get down to it!”

  Raven walked over to Clemons. “You cannot do this. I won’t fight him.”

  Clemons’ gaze shifted and Raven knew the Pawnee was behind him. He ducked and the blow the Pawnee had aimed at him hit the fence instead. Raven danced away. The Pawnee followed him and struck out again and again at Raven. The Lakota brave blocked the blows, but didn’t counter.

  “I will protect myself, but I will not fight him!” Raven said as he dodged another attack from the Pawnee.

  Clemons said, “You’re gonna have to if you wanna see your wife again.”

  Raven thought about Zoe and how much he loved her. He very much wanted to be alive so he could see her again and convince her to come home with him. The Pawnee was a good fighter, but Raven knew he could take him.

  He signed to the Pawnee, “I do not want to fight you, but I want to see my wife again more than I do not want to kill you.”

  The Pawnee smiled and said, “So be it. One of us will die with honor then.”

  Raven nodded and began fighting back.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Zoe finished her day of work at the store and walked to Camille’s home. She was saving up money so she could find a place to rent. She loved Camille and Mort, but she didn’t want to keep living with them. There were nights when she craved quiet and solitude because she just didn’t care about socializing, and she didn’t want to play cards and fake being in a good mood.

  Good moods were few and far between for her. During the day when she worked as a clerk at the store in Smokey Mills, she put on a fake front and smiled and talked with the customers. This was such an effort that she would prefer not to have to talk to anyone when she went home. She was relieved on the nights that Camille and Mort went to friends’ houses or out to eat. It gave her the time to herself that she sought.

  Smokey Mills was a nice place to live, but she missed Dawson. Raven was the main reason, but she missed all of his family and the friends she’d made there. She missed Pricilla and John and playing with the band at the Watering Hole. Dreams of Raven and Dawson invaded her sleep and she was exhausted some mornings because she wasn’t resting properly.

  There were times when she wished she would have tried to talk to Raven, but her pride had kept her from going to him. He hadn’t come to her and she felt that he should have. His treatment of her still rankled, but she also knew how insulted he’d been by her mother.

  That was another issue that caused Zoe pain. She was still stunned to have seen and heard the way her mother had acted that night. Zoe had never known her mother to be prejudiced, and it had shocked her greatly to realize that Dana harbored such beliefs. It made her feel as if she didn’t know her mother at all.

  As she walked towards home, Zoe smiled as she thought about how relieved Black Fox and the rest of his family must be to be home. She was sad to have missed their homecoming party. It was sure to have been quite a celebration. So engrossed in her thoughts was she that she didn’t hear her name being called until the person was right next to her.


  She started and looked up to see Mike smiling down at her. Zoe couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Mike?”

  “That’s me. It’s good to see you,” he said as he got down from Duncan, his horse.

  “Uh, it’s good to see you, too. What on Earth are you doing here?” she asked.

  Rick rode up to them and dismounted. “Hi, Zoe.”

  “Rick? What’s going on?” she asked.

  Mike frowned. “We need your help with Raven.”

  “Raven? What kind of help could I possibly be to him?” Her heart jumped at the sound of his name.

  Rick said, “He was coming to talk to you and hopefully take you back to Dawson. We hit a snag at the fort close to here, and they have him locked up.”

  Zoe’s eyes grew wide. “Why? What did he do?”

  Mike said, “He didn’t do anything. The captain, who is an idiot, is suspicious of any Indian, and they want you to come with us back to the fort.”

  Zoe shook her head. “Why do they want me?”

  Rick said, “We told them that you and Raven are married. They want you to come verify that he’s your husband.”

  “What?” she almost shouted. A few people looked their way. She lowered her voice. “How could you do that? We’re not even engaged. We’re not together at all.” Saying the words caused a piercing pain to lance through her chest.

  Mike nodded. “I know, but it’s the only way to get him out of there. Please, even if you don’t want to talk to him or anything, just come help him be released so we can go home.”

  She looked into Mike’s earnest, blue eyes and saw how frightened he was for Raven. The truth was that she was, too. She made her decision immediately. She would only help get him out because she wouldn’t want anyone stuck in that situation. After that, he needed to go back to Dawson and live his life and she would live hers.

  “All right. I’ll help get him out, but then I’m coming back here, and you’re all going home. That’s all I’m willing to do,” Zoe said.

  She could tell that neither Mike nor Rick were happy about that, but they didn’t argue with her.

  Rick nodded. “Good enough. We need to go to a jewelry store.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “We have to get you a wedding ring. The captain asked why Raven didn’t have a ring if you were married. We told him it was on special order because he has such big hands. If you show up there without a ring, it’s going to look awfully strange,” Rick replied.

  The thought of putting on a wedding band without really being married didn’t sit well with Zoe, but she didn’t want to do anything that would tip the army off that this was a ruse. She sighed. “Fine.”

  “Ok. Good. Where’s the jewelry store?”

  “Follow me,” she said.


  An hour later, Zoe found herself riding on the horse Mike had brought for her, a very nice gold band on the ring finger of her left hand, and her nerves stretched taut. She dreaded seeing Raven again and yet her traitorous heart was thrilled at the prospect. She wasn’t sure how she was going to pull off acting as if she were married to him, though. Her performance was going to have to be convincin

  Mike looked over at her and saw the way her brow was furrowed. His thoughts ran in much the same vein as hers. He hoped that she was up to the challenge. If she wasn’t and they wouldn’t release Raven, they would throw him onto a nearby reservation with tribes that warred with the Lakota. This almost guaranteed death for Raven.

  They rode until it was almost completely dark before making camp. They would eat and sleep, but they would be on the move again as soon as the first light showed in the sky.


  Clemons watched Raven dispatch the sixth Pawnee to go meet whatever god he prayed to and frowned. The big Lakota was wounded, bleeding, and tiring and yet he managed to get the drop on his opponents. He’d never seen a fighter like Raven before and thought what a pity it was that he wasn’t going to be able to keep him around longer.

  Raven ignored the cheers that came from outside the fence. This wasn’t like at the Watering Hole when they had their friendly competitions. He didn’t take pleasure in killing these men with whom he had no quarrel. They were not part of a raiding party attacking his village. They hadn’t wronged any of his family or himself. They hadn’t stolen anything belonging to him or his people. This was just killing to kill and he detested it.

  Still, it was either them or him and he would do whatever was needed to stay alive and go home. After he’d killed the second brave, Raven had gotten into a rhythm and his adrenaline was running high. The third brave had been a mercy killing. The Pawnee was already wounded from a previous fight at some time and if Raven didn’t kill him, he was sure to die at another time. Raven had been kind and swift about it; something another opponent wouldn’t have been.

  He didn’t know how many more they had lined up for him, but after each one, he prayed there were no more. That prayer hadn’t been answered yet, however. Raven was well conditioned from working two jobs on a daily basis that were physically demanding. He’d also gained new moves and strategies by sparring with Ben and Rick. He used the quickest, most efficient maneuvers on his opponents.


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