I was connected via a safe Transdim link to the ship and the tiny camera built into my mask transmitted sound and image.
Gothar the scrap dealer now turned to me and said, ” I usually don’t do business with folks I don’t know. It’s a habit that has kept me in business for a long time.”
Hearing Sobody’s voice in my ear, I simply repeated what he said. “I am sure Ms. Polo Coin will do for a name right now and this is a name that should be familiar to you.”
I parted my cloak, took out a little plastic bag and placed it with a heavy thud on the counter. It was filled with hundred Polonium Full-weights.
His little button eyes blinked and the small round tongue flickered across the beak. “I believe we know each other. What can I do for you?”
Again I was simply repeating Sobody’s words in my ear saying, “I have a customer who is in the market for ArtiGrav Coils. It just so happens I have room in my freight bay and I am going that way anyway, so I would take them off your hands for a fair price.” I had his undivided attention now. “All of them? I got ten more boxes like that.”
I made a sweeping gesture and said. “Yes, all of them.”
He said with a whiny voice. “I would gladly sell them to you but they are already promised to Warktur and he is my best customer.”
Sobody’s knowledge was truly invaluable and he had me say: “He never pays you more than 5 Polos per box on a good day. I give you 12 Full weights right here and now.”
His voice and demeanor relaxed somewhat and he said. “You know the scrap business, I can tell.” He raised one of his wings and produced a little Hand laser he casually played with and continued to say, “Let us imagine and for arguments sake, I shoot you, take all your money and dump your body out there somewhere?”
I flipped the coat and he saw my hand on the Nul Graviton and I said with a relaxed voice “What if for arguments sake, I introduce you to my friends?”
He did not even try to blink because TheOther, had appeared right behind him with one of his terrifying Y’all combat swords and poking it into the dealers back, growling”Did you just threaten our Captain or was this just a joke?”
Gothar dropped the little laser, despite him being from a species I knew nothing about, it was obvious he was utterly terrified and he croaked: “A joke. It was a joke!”
I said: “You can leave me alone with Mr. Gothar. I am sure we will come to an agreement now.”
TheOther acknowledged and stomped past him, making the container shake with every step and left through the entrance. How he managed to get in, without making a sound despite his cloak was a mystery even to me.
I crossed my arms and said.“Now how about those coils. I am still willing to deal fair, but don’t test me again.”
He raised his three fingered hands. “Of course. I think my friend Warktur must find salvage coils elsewhere, your offer is good business.”
I made my voice sound pleased and said. “Splendid. Why don’t you give me a good price on those bundles of Polymers and that sack of Boron discs too?”
He actually rubbed his hands together and straightened his position behind the counter and e said.“Of course, it all makes sense. You are dealing with the Dai, they are always in the market for raw materials and recyclables. Good customers if they let you live after a deal. He pulled a greasy PDD with a busted case and tapped on the screen.. “140 Polo for all of it, is that acceptable?”
I pointed at the boxes.“I say 135 if you throw in those red bulb things, and you got a deal.”
He looked at the boxes and clacked with his beak.“Frankly lady I don’t know what those are. I tried to melt a few but they simply crack. But I am glad to get out of here. You can have them all for 150.”
I actually enjoyed this haggling a little and said: “Now you talk sense. Let’s say 145 and we shake hands.”
He extended his claw like hand and I shook it. He croaked.“You are a good business woman. I like your style. How do you want this delivered and where?”
“Get it to my ship by tomorrow and I’ll throw in 2 chips more.”
“No problem Lady. I have a bunch of lazy hands out there and will have it delivered and loaded in five or six hours.”
I gave him directions and said: “The Silver Streak at Gorotolah Spaceport. It’s the Karthanian at the end of the field.”
We had returned to the ship without any incidents.
Yeoman O’Connell handed me the daily order sheet and situation report.
Lieutenant Senhadjii, the new crewmember that had left the ship, and I had almost forgotten about was mentioned in the report.
True to my promise, I read the report this time and informed myself about this new officer, I had not really met so far.
Mehdi Senhadjii was attached to our S-2 department. That was the official fleet designation of the Security and Intelligence department headed by Hans Neugruber.
Mehedi, so I learned, came from one of the oldest Colonial worlds of former United Earth called Vande Mataram.
Mehedi specialization was infiltration. According to Har-Hi’s evaluation he spoke many languages on a truly native level, was a master of disguise and an expert in Observative Combat Psychology. A little known branch of the secretive NAVINT service. The term unlocked information in my brain that was part of my neural upload I received at Pauli Station. COMPSY , was not related to psionics , but was a special field of applied psychology and sociology that took detailed observations of individuals and groups to scary levels. According to Har-Hi our new officer could watch someone and give you a detailed analysis of their character and intentions. This was impressive even if you could only do that on humans.
Meghi could apply this to many non-human species as well.
He had left the Tigershark and carried the same micro fiber communication equipment we had used on Brahma Port. Currently he was in the role of a Freelancing Ill-goods merchant, dealing with any kind of product that was illegal in the influence areas of one of the Big Four.
Meghi had contacted Elfi moments ago and she told me that we could hear and see what he did right on the main viewer.
It was fascinating and a little scary. Especially since the technology used was very advanced but not impossible for any technological society and I thought to myself how scary and morally wrong Intel work really was.
Mehedi had contacted us because he had recognized the Half-Dai Dimon Honshu and had followed the man inside a Zorgo-Cave.
Mehedi, spoke to us via a wet-link interface, so his brain speech impulses could be transferred directly into transmitted speech without making a sound. It was the next best thing to actual telepathy, and unlike telepathy, it could not be detected by a telepath. It was easily transmitted via GalNet Nano Bursts..
I didn’t know what a Zorgo-Cave was but didn’t want to distract him with unnecessary questions. I leaned forward in my seat and watched our man go inside a darkened half spherical room with hammock like cocoons hanging on silvery threads from the ceiling.
Mehedi talked to the first fat Spindlar I had ever seen and said. “Two trips to the pink Ocean.”
The Spindlar took five Full weights of Mehedi and handed him a coat hanger like metal piece with a hook in the middle of a boomerang shaped metal bar.
Our infiltration expert passed the Spindlar who sat on a green force field bubble and placed the metal contraption into a slot made, some adjustments to a control panel, and a white sheet unfolded. He grabbed the hanger and swung himself onto the sheet that immediately wrapped him tight but left arms and head free. Then he was pulled to the ceiling joining the other cocoons that hung there. Now I could see a skin colored maggot like creature was sliding down the thin thread.
Mehedi squeezed something out of a small plastic tube and smeared it around the thread that was holding his cocoon. The maggot approached but did not pass the spot with the smeared substance.
From up there Mehedi had a great view, especially with his enhanced cybernetic
micro fiber periscope.
Narth explained to me , “Those are Zorgos, a semi sentient lifeform of Kermac origin that is bred and sold everywhere in Freespace. They lure their prey into submission by inducing lucid and pleasurable dream states.
This ability has been somewhat enhanced and its mandibles and sucking mouth have been removed. They starve to death after three or four weeks and are replaced by a new one.
Those cocoons simulate how they store their victims.”
I shuddered. “Why would anyone have this done freely and even pay for it?”
He transmitted his answer. “Why corporal species do things and what motivates them is still largely a mystery to me, but I assume it is some form of escapism. Zorgo-Caves are even legal in the Union but many individual members prohibit them on their planets.”
I was still thinking about that when our agent focused his surveillance equipment on the Half Dai Honsu, who hung a few meters away in another cocoon.
Narth said, using Mehedi as a psionic relay and this Honshu person opening his shields to allow the Zorgo to transmit the dreams .I can get past his mental shields without him noticing as I use the same opening he made to allow the Zorgo dreams.”
“Your psionic abilities are scarier than I imagined, my hooded friend. Not that I really understood any of the details.”
“And you still refuse to accept the fact that you too have such abilities.”
While Mehedi monitored the man, Narth sat back and begun to describe the thoughts of the man:
Dimon Honshu relaxed as the colorful unsubstantial dream colors soothed his mind. He liked the Zorgo caves. Here he could relax and these mindless creatures had no need for his secrets. As he was a good telepath, he knew many Zorgos and that the many dreams they produced and transmitted would confuse the best Saresii or Kermac spy.
He had landed on Sin 4 and noticed the large number of Pirate ships already there. Of course it would be Pirate Market soon and the worst cut throats, killers and deep space scum started to congregate and descend onto Sin 4.
He had seen the market a few times before and he had to admit that some of the things offered were indeed rare treasures. A man with a good nose could make a killing.
He knew most of the ships and the was familiar with the more famous or infamous pirates, privateers and corsairs.
Every time the market commenced one of them did not show up because he got caught by officials, bit into a victim that knew how to fight back or met an early demise by one of his or her esteemed colleagues. Pirates never had a big problem raiding other pirate ships if the opportunity was there. But then there always was a newcomer that took their place.
The Worm operated and supported three Pirate ships in Freespace but only the Throat-Cutter was currently present.
Captain Ivok of the Throat-Cutter did not know him as Dimon Honshu as he had never met the Captain in this disguise persona. Of course the Worm sponsored Captains had also never met the Purple Worm in person either.
Then there was the Bloody Mary run by Crimson Curse, one of the oldest and most experienced Pirates.
Being in this business and surviving in this dangerous business for many decades was not easy and spoke volumes of the experience of this particular and well known pirate.
Crimson, so he had heard, never bit more off than he could chew, was not excessively brutal to his victims and usually stayed away from Drugs and Slaves. Maybe that was the secret of his success.
Right behind the Bloody Mary he had seen an old Saran Destroyer that was heavily modified and modernized. Captain Meateater who owned that ship was not a man to be trifled with. He killed first and never asked any questions.
The large Karthanian Armed Merchant somewhat separated at the far end he had briefly seen at Brahma Port before he left.
He made it a point of course to keep up to date news and rumors and it could only be the Silver Streak and the mysterious Captain Black Velvet.
He knew there had been a ship and Captain with the same names about 400 years ago and she made a name for herself back then, before she vanished.
If she was the same person or someone else using the name he did not know, but she had made quite an impact as he had heard from his associates at Brahma Port. She was also on the Union Top Wanted list.
He decided to keep an eye on her and maybe approach and recruit her for the Worm. He decided to stick around on Sin 4, partially because he had followed a few leads regarding the missing Nul and they all led here and then he wanted to visit the Pirate’s market to see if that Red Dragon would show up.
He was a thorn in the Worm’s side, because the Red Dragon had started to create and operate his own Criminal Organization, known as the Sinister Alliance. Normally this would not necessarily be a bad thing, but the Sinister Alliance was growing fast and he did not like Competition he knew little about. The Red Dragon operated a ship that he could not identify, but rumors claimed he was closely associated to the First Hull Builder guild of the Karthanians. That in itself was a remarkable fact,if it panned out to be true. The Karthanians were xenophobic to the extreme and never associated themselves with a Non Karthanian, at least not on a mutual level.
His mind wandered back to the Silver Streak. To examine that Black Velvet person a little closer. It never hurt to know a little more about a pirate. Her ship didn’t look like much at first glance to the laymen, but to expert eyes it was a different story. The ship had large added ISAH thrusters probably making it quite fast, but he doubted it was very maneuverable.
He was especially impressed with her weaponry. He considered himself a Nul technology expert and that ship over there sported impressive Nul fire power. Either she had a connection to the Nul or, what would not be any less impressive, had raided Nul Ships. If she had connections maybe she was here for the same reason, looking for the Nul Prince. Or maybe she was the one who abducted the Nul in the first place. In any case a worthwhile lead to follow. But first he would hire himself a Sojonit and then check out a few contacts and see if they heard anything about a Nul slave.
Mehdi Senhadjii interrupted Narth’s narration aon the thoughts of the man and reported,
“He is moving and it looks like he is not finishing a full dream session. I better get ready to follow him.”
Narth stopped and paused and then said: “Even in this state he was very alert and well shielded I could not go deeper without him noticing.”
We all had listened to this fascinating insight into another being’s thoughts and I said. “He seems to be a very high figure in the Worm organization as it appears he knows the Purple Worm himself.
Mr. Sehadjii, stay on his tracks if you can, but do not risk to much.”
Mehedi lowered himself to the ground and said. “I’ll try my best, Captain.”
Chapter 13: Sojonit Temple
Donheer Syndicate Complex
Duke Donheer stood by the window and looked outside over the ocean towards the mainland.
The Duke was humanoid but he had no human DNA . He was part Shiss , part Kermac and even had some Saresii in him. He did not have any Psionic abilities but inherited the natural arrogance of his Kermac heritage. He was big as he liked eating and eating a lot of the best things, but he surprised many with his agility and strength. It was important to him that his scalp appeared polished and he bleached his fine scaled skin to a light shade to show that he was related to the White Throat caste.
Duke Donheer was the unopposed ruler of his empire and one fourth of all business on Sin 4 went through his organization, but he wanted more.
Unlike his father and the Donheers before him who were content with being part of the cartel and having one fourth, Duke wanted it all. He knew there were bigger powers out there and only if Sin 4 was under one ruling hand, his hand it would become the true power it could be. He dreamt about colonizing the south Continent and putting a new spaceport on the larger moon. He remembered the Stick and wanted to get rid of them completely.
The other t
hree families had to be eliminated and then he would take over business at Temple island. Instead of getting a share of the Sojonit whore business, he wanted it all. The contract and agreement his forefathers made with the Sojonits was just a piece of paper, once he was undisputed king of Sin 4 contracts and agreements became null and void and all that mattered was his will and word alone.
The Donheers already made more profit than the other families. One of the reasons for it was his crown jewel, the Fight Coliseum, he had pushed it to new heights and a source of great profit.
Union GalNet sports channels transmitted the weekly fights all over Union space and the income from that and the advertisement brought in more money than most of his other businesses.
He thought about the Loki torpedoes in his basement, these terrible weapons of Union origin could be used to blow up the fortress islands of the other families and sell the rest along with the P Bombs to the Kermac who already signaled great interest. If he played his cards right he would leave his son a real empire.
The Kermac, Nul and the Union already considered the Shiss no longer a real part of the Big Four, but he knew better, because he was a personal friend of the First Nestling and managed to capture an important Nul for his lizard friends. The Nul would die in the Arena, fighting and he had plans to accuse the Union captured the Nul and sold it to him.
Maybe that would start a war, or at least seriously strain the already hostile relationship between Nul and the Union. That the Union win this conflict, there was no doubt, but at an enormous cost in life and resources. The Shiss mortal enemies to the Nul no longer wasting time and efforts on the Nul,once more strong and able to mop up the pieces. then he would announce Sin 4 to be under Shiss control and the first Nestling would give him dominion over the entire quadrant.
The other families then had no choice but bow to him. Before his inner eye he saw himself already ordering the execution of the other Family patriarchs and taking over their treasures and possessions. No longer just lord over a fourth, but all belonging to him!
Eric Olafson Series Boxed Set: Books 1 - 6 (The Galactic Chronicles Series) Page 113