Raven's Seduction

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Raven's Seduction Page 8

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Her smile faded. The beginnings of a frown marred her beautiful face.

  “I’m not gonna change, Naturi. I’m not gonna stop being attracted to you.” He huffed out a sigh. “Soo, for the sake of your relationship, maybe we should call it a day.”

  The sadness in her eyes stung his heart. He wanted to be honest and upfront with her. It was how he was with all his potential lovers, but he didn’t expect it to have this kind of affect him.

  “I mean, I fixed your bumper as promised, so… It’s not like you’re obligated to keep in contact with me.”

  Irritation swept across her face. “Really, Raven? Sounds like you want this thing to be over. Was I just something for you to do in the meantime? Something to pass the time away?”

  Lips twisted, he cut a sidelong glare at her. “C’mon, girl, you know better than that. I just wanna put it all on the table, the dilemma we’re facing. You look so stressed and uncomfortable right now.” He shook his head. “I hate it that I’m the cause of it. I’d rather see you smile.”

  For a long moment, she said nothing. Her eyes danced, her expression shifted. “I don’t want that.”

  “Don’t want what?”

  “I don’t want this to be over.”

  Relief flooded him. “Okay. Then how do you propose we make this work, Naturi?”

  “Can you reel it in? Can you chill, like really chill…” Holding her hand out, she made a motion that swept him from head to toe. “On all of that, and just be my friend? Please.”

  Chuckling, he pondered on her request. Is she really trying to put me in the friend zone? This was a first. With anyone else, the answer would be a flat out no, because he didn’t need another friend in his life, but for her… “I can try. I offer no promises though. Warning; I may get a little restless.”

  “A’ight then.” She folded her lips in and nodded. “I can live with that. Your bike… Uhm, is it difficult to learn to ride?”

  “Mounted it once and now you have the fever, aye?” Brushing his fingertips over the handlebars, he quirked a brow and gave her a smirk. “I can teach you if you want.”

  “For real?” She shook her head. “Nah, you probably don’t have the time for that kinda stuff. Your phone practically buzzed all throughout lunch. I know you’re a busy man.”

  “Don’t you worry about that. I’ll make time for you.”

  Her face lit up. “I’mma hold you to that, sir.”

  “Oh, please do.”

  A ding from her smartwatch drew her attention. She frowned. “I hate to run off, but—”

  “You gotta get back to work. Same here. I was supposed to be back at the Lab…” He checked his own watch. “Twenty minutes ago.”

  “So, we’re both gonna be in trouble. Wonderful.” She spun on her heels, giving him her lovely backside to look upon and headed for her car. “Thanks for lunch, Raven. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  A feeling of anticipation filled him up. “I look forward to it.”

  Chapter 12

  Sporadic Moments of Lust

  Trembling, Naturi stood at Raven’s bedroom door, her body on fire and her thoughts a scattered mess. She could still feel his body pressed against hers. She could feel him touching her, and steaming the skin over her neck with his hot breath.

  Is this what our friendship has turned into? Sporadic moments of lust and frustration? Each time it happened, it got more intense.

  Nibbling on her lower lip, she briefly squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “How do we get past this when he won’t even let me talk to him?” she whispered inwardly.

  “Hey—hey!” Remi’s sharp timbre echoed through the house. “Anybody home?”

  She shook away the edgy state Raven left her in and rushed downstairs. “Aye, what’s good, Remi Chan?”

  Remi smoothly turned the corner, rolling her luggage behind him. Per usual, he sported a three-piece suit and playboy swagger. His hair was slicked back, not a strand out of place. Much like Raven, Remi was a looker. And also, like Raven, he knew it.

  “Naturi, luv, how are you?” He threw his arms around her and squeezed her tight. “Been too long. I didn’t know what my brother would do without you around to keep him in line.”

  “Speaking of your brother…” Lips pursed, she hit him with a glare. “Why’d you let him cancel my reservation?”

  Brow cocked, he responded with, “Better question. Why’d you make a reservation at a hotel owned by his brother, knowing he has the ability to cancel it?”

  Eyes squinted, she stared him down.

  He met her glower with a smug smile.

  “Okay, touché to that.”


  “It’s my fault for not being able to turn down a great discount.”

  “If by discount you mean free…”

  “Discount nonetheless.” She slipped around him and grabbed the handle of her suitcase. “Thanks for bringing my stuff. Much appreciated.”

  “Where’s Rave?” he asked, following her.

  She left her luggage by the stairway then made her way into the kitchen. “Shower.”

  Right on her heels, Remi trailed her. He was so close he was damn near humping her. “So, you two good, or what?”

  “You’re in my bubble, Remi.”

  “Can’t help it. You smell nice.”

  She spun around and shoved him out of the kitchen. “Mind my personal space, sir.” Took her a long time to get use to Remi. He was a bit mannish, but he was also a low-key sweetheart, which was why she put up with his shit. Probably why Raven put up with him as well.

  Chuckling, he unbuttoned his jacket, showing off his stylish vest, and slipped onto the stool at the bar. He pulled out his phone and started drumming the screen with his thumbs. “Got any tea prepared?”

  “Not yet.” She grabbed the kettle filled with the water she’d heated up earlier. “Earl Grey?”


  As she poured the steaming water over the tea bag, she said, “I see you’ve got yourself another car to add to your collection.”

  Eyes still on his phone, he grinned. “She’s a smooth ride, isn’t she? She’s my favorite one yet.”

  “You and Raven with your expensive hobbies…” She retrieved the platter she’d made earlier from the fridge and pulled the plastic wrapping from over it.

  He glanced up from his phone. “Oooh, what’s that?” He reached out to steal a slice of salmon.

  She smacked his hand and moved the platter down the bar. “Not for you, sir.”

  “What’s the green stuff?”

  “Naturi’s special pesto. Made it with cilantro, basil, pine nuts, garlic, jalapenos, parmesan cheese and some freshly squeezed lemon juice,” she boasted. Before laying out the salmon slices and the three Cs, she made a swirly trailed of pesto on the platter. That way, with every morsel Raven consumed, it offered a taste of her spicy mix. “Just to add a little pizazz to Raven’s boring snack choices.”

  “Aww, look at you, wifein’ it up with my brother,” he sang on a mocking tone. “Fixing him a cute little platter and everything.”

  Rolling her eyes, she flicked her hand at him. “It’s not what it seems. We like to do things for each other, ‘cause, ya know, that’s what friends do,” she offered on a snarky tone.

  “Ah, so you two are still playing that game? Alrighty.”

  “Oh shaddup, Slick Rick.” She slid the mug of Earl Grey in front of him, along with a small bowl of raw sugar, and a side of ginger cookies. “You’re just mad you don’t have a friend like me.”

  “Can’t argue with that.” His almond-shaped eyes roamed over her collarbone and got stuck on her breasts.

  “Aye, man!” She slapped the counter, making him jerk, then pointed to her face, showing him where his gaze should be. “Control your eyes before they become a problem.”

  Offering her that infamously smug smile, Remi snickered. “So tell me, is Naturi here to stay, or is she off to her next destination?”

  She relea
sed an exasperated sigh then leaned over the bar to rest her elbows on it. “Gotta head back to Florida in a couple of weeks to see about my dad’s dry-cleaning business, which for some odd reason he left to me, and to sign off on the trust funds.”

  “Trust funds? For who?” he inquired after taking a sip.

  “My nieces and nephews, aaand…” She shook her head as she held back the mistiness threatening to glaze over her eyes. “My father’s mistress’s kids, who are most likely my sister and brother.” No one in the family wanted to admit it aloud, but those kids looked like Lester Ross had spit them out himself.

  “Oh.” Remi’s eyes danced, his jaw pulled tight. “Ohh…” he repeated on a hum. “That’s mighty noble of you.”

  “Yeah well, not the children’s fault their parents are assholes. I figured the best way to handle the money was to spit it up and drop it in several accounts for the kids. It’ll grow on the interest alone. Then when they turn eighteen, they can do whateva they want with it.” She dusted her hands off. “My conscience is clear, and my hands are clean. After I finish signing the papers, I’ll be back in Georgia to get on your nerves again. Then I gotta go condo hunting and all that good stuff. Yey.”

  “Why…?” He spread his arms out. “When you have a whole lotta house right here. Not to mention it’s basically brand new.”

  “Nah, I’m not gonna intrude on Raven’s space like that. I know we’re good friends and everything, but… that’s not cool.”

  He stared at her for a second, his head tilted. “Oh, so he hasn’t told you. Of course, he hasn’t.”

  “Told me what?”

  That smug grin returned to his face. “Let me ask you something. Do you think the day you and Rave met was an accident?”

  “It was an accident.”

  He reached toward the platter again, trying to swipe a baby carrot. “What if I told you it wasn’t?”

  Naturi smacked his hand a second time then moved the platter even further down the counter. “You trying to tell me he ran into me on purpose?”


  Lips pursed, she cut an incredulous glint at him. “I must have stupid written on my forehead.”

  “You definitely got something written on your forehead,” he countered with a snicker.

  “Have you seen how that boy waxes and caresses those bikes out there?” she said, pointing toward the door that led into the garage. “Not one spot on them. He loves his bikes. They are his precious,” she said, doing her best Gollum impression. “He would never take the chance of fuckin’ them up, or hurting himself for that matter. Like, what would be the purpose of doing that?”

  “To get your attention. He’s impulsive like that.”

  “Wow. The things you come up with…”

  He let out a disparaging chuckle. “Such a shame.”


  “You’ve known my brother for years, and yet, you still don’t know shit about him.”

  “Ohh, here you go,” she muttered in annoyance, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. “Mad ‘cause I don’t fall for the crap that spills outta your mouth?”

  “You were shopping at the mall that day.”

  She twisted the top off the bottle and paused. What the hell? She hadn’t disclosed that information to anyone, not even Raven. So how would Remi know where she was before the accident?

  As if reading her mind, he replied, “because Raven called me before the accident to let me know he was going to be in an accident. Notice how quick the wrecker showed up.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. Would Raven actually go through all that trouble just to meet her? Nah. That would be crazy. Raven was a lot of things, but crazy wasn’t one of them. Besides that, the accident occurred a couple miles from the mall. Anyone with half of a brain could figure out that’s where she was coming from.

  “You’re so full of shit, Remi,” she scoffed.

  “Sometimes I am, but right now I’m not.”

  “Oh c’mon, big brother…” Raven descended the stairs, tugging a shirt over his head. A pair of ripped jeans hugged his legs but fit low on his hips, yet again, giving her hungry eyes a glimpse of the V that led to his crotch. His muscled abs peeked at her before he pulled the shirt all the way down. “We both know you’re always full of shit.”

  His inky hair was still damp from the shower. He’d applied some eyeliner, so his hazel eyes were popping with sex appeal.

  Jesus, this man is just too fine!

  He winked at her as he grabbed her luggage then he jogged back up the steps, carrying them like they weighed nothing.

  “Not as full of shit as you are, little brother,” Remi called after him. “Took you long enough to come out. What were you doing, choking your cock?”

  Raven laughed. He clearly didn’t hear the whole conversation, otherwise, he would’ve had more to say.

  Once he was out of sight, Naturi looked away. Her eyes clashed with Remi’s. He wore a stupid ass grin as he shoved a ginger cookie in his mouth, which meant he’d been watching her while she gawked at Raven. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d caught her staring at his brother.

  “Control your eyes before they become a problem,” Remi teased, in a mocking manner.

  “Oh shaddup,” she hissed, snatching his plate of cookies away.

  “Heeey, I wasn’t done with those!”

  “What were you two talking about?” Raven asked as he made his way back down the stairs.

  “A whole lotta nothing,” she grumbled, as she opened the fridge. She grabbed a protein drink and handed it to Raven.

  “Thanks, Nat. Oooh…” He paused at the platter, grabbed a pair of chopsticks and gobbled down a few slices of salmon and celery. “Mmm, so good,” he mumbled, coming toward her with his mouth full. He touched her hand, like he wanted to grab it.

  There were too many emotions in his eyes to decipher. Surely, she wore the same expression. They were a hot mess, but somehow still together. There was a lot to talk about, but how could they talk without surging into the grey area that loomed over their friendship?

  “Well…” Remi stood and adjusted his jacket. “I’m gonna leave you two to continue doing…” He nonchalantly flipped his hand their way. “…What ever this is you’re doing. Naturi, give some thought to what I told you,” he added with a wink, holding his palm out to Raven. “Keys.”

  “And what is it that you told her?” Raven inquired, dropping the keys in Remi’s hand.

  That devilish grin lit up Remi’s face. “Hey, Naturi, watch this…”

  The rest of his words came out in Mandarin, a language she wasn’t even a little fluent in. However, she didn’t need to speak the language to know Remi was saying something fucked up. Sometimes he was a sweetheart, and sometimes he was a sinister asshole.

  Raven’s jaw clenched and the shell of his ears turned beet red, something that only happened when he was pissed. “Get the fuck outta my house,” he growled, with a fiery glare pinned on his brother.

  Naturi huffed out a heavy sigh and cut her eyes at Remi. “Oh God, what did you say?”

  “Something he needed to hear.” Tossing up a peace sign, Remi headed for the foyer. “Choi, kiddos.”

  Chapter 13

  Emotional Overload

  Raven rushed out the door, after Remi, leaving Naturi in the house.

  The words his brother dared to say echoed along the plains of his mind. “If you don’t seal the deal with her soon, I’m going to put all of my effort into making her mine.”

  “What the hell was that about?” Raven hissed in Mandarin, as he followed Remi to the driveway.

  “Oh, good,” Remi scoffed. “Got your attention.”

  “If you ever say anything like that to me again, I will murder you where you stand.”

  “Really? Will that give you a set of balls?” Remi glanced over his shoulder with a smirk. “‘Cause you seem to be lacking.”

  “Fuck you, Remi!”

  “Right back at cha, little brother.” He le
veled the remote to his car to unlock it.

  “What were you two talking about before I came downstairs? What did you say to her?”

  Remi spun around and stared at him, his brows bunched. “She has done quite a number on you. Look at you. You’re so sensitive about her. You’re at the breaking point, and you don’t even know it.”

  Bathed in his brother’s large shadow, Raven fell silent. Maybe he was right. I’m off the hinges. When did that happen? Before or after I kissed her?

  “Okay, jokes aside. Have you two talked?” Remi asked. “Have you told her about the house? Have you told her about your feelings? Have you told her any-fucking-thing?”

  “I was waiting for the right time.”

  “Yeah okay, I totally believe that.” Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he whirled on his heels and continued to head for his car. “What are you doing, Rave? Why did you bring her here if you were going to continue hiding from her? What’s the point? To keep her from that dude she used to date? News flash, little brother. This half-ass strategy of yours isn’t going to work.”

  Thankfully, Remi continued to speak Mandarin. He would curl up and die inside if Naturi somehow overheard their conversation from inside the house.

  “You don’t understand,” Raven managed to mutter.

  “I understand that you’re a bitch.”

  “Watch it.”

  “Don’t blow smoke in my direction.” Remi turned to face him. “I’m not the one too scared to bare my feelings to the love of my life.”

  “You’re on the outside looking in, so it’s easy for you to judge. I showed her how I felt. I offered my feelings on a silver platter and she spit them back in my face!”

  Lips twisted, Remi pinned him with a skeptical glare. “No she didn’t.”

  “How would you know?”

  “You forget, I’m the one you came crying to when you got back from Florida.”

  “Worst decision ever.”

  “Listen, Rave. I see how she looks at you. I see how she gets when you come around. That girl is crazy about you.”


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