The Mystery of Ireta Omnibus

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The Mystery of Ireta Omnibus Page 45

by neetha Napew

  With a speed that blurred movement, a Thek pseudo-pod extended a core to Kai. When he reached out to take it, the core was withdrawn beyond his grasp and he thrust his hands behind him, feeling more like a small miscreant than ever in this Thek presence.

  “Toooo hotttt. Eggsamine.”

  Hands still behind him, Kai leaned forward and peered obediently at

  the core. It looked like the same type of ancient device which Tor had recovered from their abandoned campsite.

  “Is it Thek design?”

  Thunder rumbled underfoot. Although the cruiser contingent glanced

  warily skyward where Ireta’s clouds rolled across a silent sky, Kai reckoned that the thunder was a Thek exchange of conversation and that it emanated from one of the immense Thek whose crowns were just visible over the bulk of the transport.

  “Where found?”

  Kai was startled by such a mundane question but the coordinates of

  that find came quickly to mind and he recited them.

  Then thunder rumbled again, was answered by a lesser noise which Kai decided was Tor’s rejoinder for the Thek’s upper third rippled slightly, as if courteously turning in the direction of the questioner.

  “Kai, ask it if this planet is claimed by the Thek?” Sassinak requested, leaning forward to murmur in Kai’s ear.

  “Verifying!” To everyone’s astonishment, the Thek answered her, and then compounded the surprise by a second gratuitous command. “Dismiss. Will contact.” Tor’s outline assumed a rigidity which Kai knew meant it would answer no further questions or summons.

  He turned around to Sassinak.

  “Dismissed, are we?” She was more amused than offended by Thek

  abruptness. “They’ll get back to us when they’ve had a good old think about all this?”

  “I’d say that’s a fair analysis of the exchange,” Kai said, and he was once again put in mind of Fordeliton’s impudent analogy of the old children’s tale and the categories of the Thek. The Thek so rarely generated anything approaching amusement, yet Kai now found it difficult to control his laughter. He glanced quickly at Fordeliton who turned an expression of bland and utter innocence on him.

  “Ford, the men can stand down. Secure from red alert. Just the sort of thing that Thek complain about. Lack of proper attention to detail. Shall we adjourn to my quarters, gentlemen? Can you spare us a few moments, Kai?”

  He nodded and Sassinak swiftly led the way back into the cruiser and to her quarters. Fordeliton and a tall gaunt man with a lean aesthetic race and exceedingly sharp eyes entered the commander’s cabin along with Kai.

  “I don’t believe you’ve met our science officer before, Kai.

  Governor, this is Captain Anstel.”

  “My pleasure, Governor,” Anstel said in an unusually deep bass. I have read your reports. Fascinating! Completely engrossing. Not only the dinosaurs—and that is indisputably what they are—but also the fringes. I did a complete analysis of their chemistry. Totally new, although there are two points of resemblance between these fringes and the plastic Wahks of Lesser Delibes planet . . . Ah, yes, sorry about that, Commander.” Anstel subsided, his gaunt face losing its animation as he folded his long body into a chair.

  “If your duties permit, Captain Anstel, I’m sure that Trizein would enjoy exchanging information with you,” Kai said.

  “I should like nothing better. It has always amazed me how much fascination those prehistoric creatures have for us, who are such insubstantial creatures in the scale of time.”

  Deciding that business must be done, Sassinak took charge of the conversation. “Kai, what do you make of this latest development?”

  “Can Thek be worried?” Kai asked, glancing around.

  “Is that your interpretation of thunder rumbling under-foot?”

  Sassinak grinned. “As is only proper for an ephemeral, I have great respect and admiration for our silicon allies. But such a—“ she paused to find the appropriate word, “convocation on an otherwise undistinguished world must surely be unique. That must suggest interest of a high degree. Mountainous, I might say.”

  “And who is cast as Mohammed?” the irrepressible Fordeliton asked quietly.

  Kai suppressed another laugh and noticed Sassiness’ brief acknowledgment of her adjutant’s wit.

  “I don’t really see our pirates cast in such an auspicious role, Ford. Nor have I yet seen anything that spectacular about this noxious planet of yours, Kai. Was that the same core which brought Tor to your rescue, Kai?” When he nodded, she continued, “And all those little Thek concentrated on gobbling up the remaining old cores—when they weren’t frying fringes. Kai, it appears to me that your revival, and the providential arrival of the Zaid-Dayan in pursuit of the heavyworlder transport are incidental to a vastly more important problem. Therefore, since the records of both your EV and my Sector Headquarters list Ireta as unexplored, and yet Thek artifacts have unquestionably been discovered here, I will venture the perhaps bizarre opinion that there may have been a missing link in the famous Thek chain of information. And it broke here on Ireta. Do you agree?”

  A grin might not be the diplomatic response to Sassiness’ astute opinion, but with Fordeliton’s irreverent analogy still tingeing his once dutiful respect, Kai found it possible to entertain the possibility of Thek fallibility. If the Thek were the Bear entities of the old folk tale, who was the parallel for . . . ah, yes, Goldilocks? Surely not the pirates who were finding the planet far too hot for them. Suddenly the analogy lost its appeal. Kai was not at all certain that he wanted the Thek to lose their reputation for infallibility.

  “The old core was definitely of Thek manufacture,” he finally admitted. “And unquestionably it has generated Thek interest. But I can’t see why it or this planet should evoke such an unprecedented response.”

  “No more than can I,” Sassinak admitted, picking up her wand and playing it through her fingers. “I scanned your initial reports again . . .” She shrugged. “Ireta is rich in transuranics, some of the exotic earth’s and metals, but . . .” Or perhaps, the Thek must establish to their own satisfaction why this planet is so miscatalogued. And I confess, I’m probably as curious as they are to know how such a break occurred. None of us wishes to cast aspersions on the infallibility of the Thek. No one likes his anchors to come adrift.” She smiled at Kai as if she fully appreciated and shared his ambivalence.

  “When our screen first showed the ghost cores, they went as far as the area of basement rock. No farther,” Kai said tentatively.

  “Which would suggest that the cores were planted—“ Anstel paused, stunned by the immensity of the elapsed time.

  “Many million years ago,” Kai finished for him, “considering the geological activity of this planet.”

  “And the Thek have rendered all of the old cores completely denying us the chance to date the artifacts,” Anstel said, his eyes flashing with indignation. Then he fixed Kai with a hopeful stare. “You didn’t by any chance? . . .

  “No, we didn’t have any dating equipment, since our mission was supposed to be the first.”

  “Eons ago the Thek cored this planet?” Sassinak asked.

  “If not the Thek then some other—“

  “Not the Others again!” Sassinak humorously negated that possibility. “I don’t wish to lose god and nemesis in the same day.”

  “Couldn’t have been the Others,” Kai said, shaking his head vigorously. “That old core was of Thek manufacture. Undeniably. We’re using recent cores of the exact same design. Until today I never appreciated just how good the design was. The screen blips were faint, but they were there!”

  “Are we not forgetting that planets visited by the Others are invariably lifeless, reduced to barren rock. Stripped. Lifeless!” Anstel spoke with the distaste of one who values life in all its forms.

  “Then why have we been visited by this Thek delegation?” Sassinak asked.

  “Someone forgot that this planet had been exp
lored and classified,” Fordeliton suggested, “and they intend to repair that oversight. Your friend Tor did say “verifying” in its distinctive fashion.”

  “How will they verify that,” Anstel asked, “when Thek have disposed of the evidence of the old cores?”

  “Perhaps,” and there was a wicked gleam in Sassiness’ sparkling eyes, “they had to digest them to find out?” She leaned forward and tapped instructions in to her console. Immediately the screens came to life: the Great-Big Bears had not moved, nor had the Medium-Size ones. The three small ones had disappeared. The fourth screen showed the site on which the Thek had been attacked by the fringes. It was unoccupied. Just then a buzzer alerted Commander Sassinak. “Yes? Oh, really?” She made another adjustment and Kai half rose from his seat in astonishment. A myriad of Thek forms inhabited the plain below the campsite.

  “Muhlah! Every fringe on Ireta will be homing in on us.”

  “I doubt it. Nor would they pose you a problem if they did. Between

  Thek and the globe, you couldn’t be better protected.”

  “But what are they doing there? I’m here. Tor knows that. Muhlahl! Kai’s startled reaction was shared by everyone in the room. For the Thek were spinning off in all directions, nearly thirty small Thek pyramids were hurtling skyward and disappearing with astounding speed.

  “Now what?”

  “Now what, indeed?” Sassiness’ expression sparkled with amusement

  and speculation.


  Sassinak adjourned the discussion to the wardroom where off-duty officers were enjoying a noon meal. When Sassinak apologized that the lunch was made of processed foods, Kai, mindful of his praise for the previous night’s dinner, forbore to mention that he was better suited to it. But after his first mouthful of the protein, he wondered if his eating preferences had been undermined by circumstance. While the cruiser’s mess was appetizing and well served, Kai for the first time recognized the faint after taste that Varian had always complained of.

  “I suppose you were too busy with the geological aspects of the mission,” Anstel was saying, his gaunt face animated as he addressed Kai across the table, “to have much time for the dinosaurs?”

  “Unfortunately, I was,” Kai said as he belatedly caught the end of Anstel’s comments and realized that some response was due. “We did have an orphan hyracotherium for a pet—“ Kai broke off, then finished as if his pause had been to swallow, “but that was before we went cryo.”

  “A hyracotherium?” Anstel’s eyes bulged with excitement. “Really? You’re certain? Why, that creature evolved into the equine species an Old Terra. Did you know that?”

  Feeling unequal to a lecture on the matter, Kai tried a diversion.

  “We also have furred avian creatures . . .”

  “Furred?” Anstel was entranced.

  “Actually,” Fordeliton began with so bland an expression that those

  who knew his ways became alert, “Varian, whom you must concede is a reliable source, said that most of the dinosaurs she observed suffered from over-weight, bad nutrition, parasites of remarkable tenacity and variety, and were not affectionate by nature.”

  “One does not expect dinosaurs to be lovable,” Anstel said with quiet dignity. “They fascinate by their size and majesty. In their diverse species, they dominated the Mesozoic era of Old Terra for several million years before a shift in the magnetic fields of the planet traumatically changed their environment.

  “Nonsense! A cosmic cloud obscuring the sun caused the climatic change,” Pendelman corrected firmly.

  “My dear Pendelman, there is absolutely no proof of that theory


  “Oh, indeed there is, Anstel. Indeed there is! Bothemann of the New

  Smithsonian of Tyrconia has documentation, both—“

  “Bothemann’s hypothesis is shaky at the very best since the

  geological area in Old Terran Italia that allegedly supported the

  contention, was engulfed in the mid-European plate shift in the early

  twenty-first century—“

  “Ah, but records from the Central Repository, made by that

  Californian group, are—“

  “As suspect as many other theories from that neck of the woods—“

  “Gentlemen, how or why Old Terran dinosaurs met their end is not

  pertinent,” Sassinak declared. “What is germane is that dinosaur like creatures are alive and in relatively good health on Ireta. Enjoy that reality for however long you are able to indulge your fascination. Save the great debates for the long watches of the night!”

  A yeoman caught her attention. She beckoned him over and listened to his message. Turning to smile at Kai, she murmured a quick answer. The yeoman speedily retraced his steps.

  “Varian has arrived. She’ll join us here.”

  “Would she remember where you found the hyracotherium, Kai?” Anstel


  “Yes, but I must remind you that that would have been forty-three years ago.”

  “Surely, it was not an isolated example of the species?” Clearly Anstel would not rest until he had seen one.

  “She’s concentrating on a study of the golden fliers who could well be an emerging species,” Kai said, to give Varian room to maneuver if she didn’t wish to get involved with Anstel.

  “I must look up my references disks. Hyracotheriums I recall in perfect clarity, but I’m not certain about . . .”

  “Trizein has identified the golden fliers as the pteranodon.”

  “Pteranodon!” Once again Anstel’s eyes widened in shock.

  “Yes, my dear fellow, exactly like pteranodons,” Pendelman said,

  delighted to contribute to Anstel’s confusion. “I saw a whole flock of them rise from the cliffs and soar. Quite a feat, I assure you, on a storm-tossed planet like Ireta.”

  At that point the yeoman returned with Varian who greeted Kai with undisguised relief.

  “Sorry it took me so long to get here,” she said to Sassinak. “I see the Thek found you?”

  “It was Kai they wished to find and addressed in their inimitably succinct fashion.”

  “So, what has happened? Or . . .” Varian glanced around her, mindful of discretion. Only a few officers remained, most chatting quietly at a wall table on the far side of the mess hall.

  A gesture of Sassiness’ hand gave Varian immediate reassurance and the commander’s glance gave Kai the office to explain.

  “Tor has returned.”

  “With company to ward off our great big beasties?”

  Kai grinned. “Tor has returned. It and the other Thek are in the

  process of verifying.”

  “Verifying what?”

  “They did not specify.” Sassiness’ dry tone put Kai and Varian

  strongly in mind of Lunzie.


  “They dismissed us, in a word,” Sassinak went on, “and “will


  “They do have a way with them, don’t they?” Varian turned to Kai. “Not one of us thought to dismantle that old distress beacon Portegin rigged. Kenley has it down now. I’d rather not subject the giffs to further invasions especially ones conducted by the Thek. I didn’t know there were that many of the critters. And thanks be to Krims, they didn’t attempt to land on my cliff, considering what they’ve done to Aygar’s landing grid.” Varian giggled then.

  “It’s entirely possible,” Fordeliton said into the thoughtful pause that followed, “that the Thek have made a mistake.”

  “Thek? Making mistakes? How refreshing!”

  Kai felt compelled to set the problem out properly in simple

  justice to the Thek, who were so very seldom mistaken in their dealings

  with other planets and sentient species. “Now, Varian, that old core is of

  Thek design. It’s got them in a scramble. You know how Thek transmit

  knowledge, from gener
ation to generation—“

  “And there’s been a generation gap?” Varian asked, her voice bubbling with a laughter shared by the others at the table.

  “Evidently. Though the Thek way is supposed to prevent the total loss of knowledge in any line.”

  “Well, Ireta would be the right place for that, wouldn’t it?” Varian quipped, then became thoughtful. “Though, I can’t see why that would call for the presence of so many heavy-duty Thek. I mean, Ireta is extremely rich in the transuranics but . . . Or have they been monitoring planet piracy, too?”

  Sassinak cleared her throat. “Not that we know of.”

  “Then why are the big Thek squatting about the transport like they

  mean business?”

  “The biggest Thek landed beyond the transport because of the grid.”

  “Grid didn’t do much for ‘em, did it?” Varian said with another

  malicious grin. “Now what?”

  “My precise words,” Sassinak said. She gave a deep sigh. “However, since the Thek are here and the Fleet enjoins its officers to cooperate with those entities, I suppose we must be dismissed until such time as we are recalled to notice. How many years did it take them to answer your distress call, Kai?”


  “But only three days to answer your query about Tor’s whereabouts,”

  Sassinak added. “A noticeable improvement.”

  “Look what it brought us, though,” Ford said, waving his hand aft toward the Great-Big Bears.

  “Commander I am not on the duty roster and I did request permission to join a shore-leave party, Anstel began, rising from his chair and putting it back under the table in the habit of a person inherently tidy. When Sassinak inclined her head, granting permission, he executed a slight bow in Varian’s direction. “Kai mentioned that you had found a hyracotherium before you went cryo. Is there any chance that your travels today will take you near their habitat? I would dearly like to observe those creatures alive. We dinosaur buffs, I’ve discovered, all have a favorite species. The equine types are mine.”

  “I don’t see why not,” Varian said with a wide, encouraging smile. She rose. “Kenley and I got some superb footage of the giffs fishing. The aquatic life performed some acrobatics—scared Kenley out of his wits when some fringes nearly reached us.” She paused. “The aquatic fringes are a great deal smaller than the land ones. I should get some more records of them, I suppose.”


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