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Forever Page 5

by Wanda Boyd

  - What is it, Mom? Did something happen?

  - It's happened! I went to the house of Cecilia and as soon as she saw me, she fell into a cry that lasted several minutes. I still do not understand why, but then she showed me something that made me even more believe in my theory. Son, she has a medical chart to certify their amnesia.

  - Medical Letter? Mother, should be off-kilter - say, still rubbing his eyes to sleep.

  - No son! I know Cecilia since she was born. I'm sure you're telling the truth. Son, she loved you very much. I always suspected that her sudden disappearance and today I'm pretty sure she never wanted to hide the girl from us. I was thinking, son. I think the accident that caused the amnesia Cicely just ... just ... - she could not pluck up the courage to tell me what I knew I would.

  - No! Do not you dare say that! I do not think you believe that liar! She took my everything, mother. Look at me and tell me if I am the shadow of happy man already was. How can you tell me who believe in it and do you think my daughter ... my little daughter ... m-died? - My eyes fill with tears, but I refuse to fall in front of anyone.

  - Son, I'm not advocating Ceci! All I'm doing is for you to find peace and try to be happy.

  - Mom, go away!

  - Antonio Ignatius, do not you dare throw me out of your house!

  - I do not want to evict you, Mom. So please, go away on their own. I need to be alone! - It gives me a hurt look and then go.

  I spent hours thinking about what she said and came to the conclusion that those who should investigate all this would be me. I expect to spend the weekend and on Monday morning, I would go to every hospital in the neighborhood in search of information.

  I spent the rest of the day in bed, and the night also. I turned off my phone not to be disturbed. I wanted to recover emotionally not to fall on the barbecue. After all, I have female company and she is not to blame the chaotic state I'm living. I wanted the event to be as pleasant as possible, because God knew how much I needed a little fun.

  The sun rose and I have raised with the chickens. I lay in a refreshing bath, perfumed me around and went to the market to buy meat, bread, ingredients for a spicy crumbs and fresh salads. Soft drinks, mineral water and juices were also on my list, but the beer would be on account of my friends who have lost the bet. I bought some fruit and some bottles of vodka to the girls if deliciassem with caipirinha. I wish the party was complete and that no one leave badmouthing.

  As soon as I got home, I found Canoe and Alana on the balcony. Alana looked at him like that made my blood boil with anger. I always knew my sister had a crush on him, but lately I think this fall is turning into something deeper. Your looking at it reflected his thoughts: he was like a Greek god to her. What about him? He loved my sister, always loved. But not the way she expected him to love her. He was much older than her, after all. He would not dare think of it otherwise. No, not think. He loves his teeth and wants to preserve them forever.

  When you see me, Canoe abe a broad smile and Alana looks boring.

  - Speak, brow! - He says, and then give a touch of hands, those guys give more partners. - I came to help you, man! After all, your friend here is Masterchef.

  I give an ironic laugh, just not to give his arm to twist, but the truth is that my friend sends a lot in the kitchen, even. Everything he does, we devoured in seconds, and he is aware of his culinary skills.

  - So it's good to be prepared. I need you to make rice, vinaigrette, farofa and fry crayons, as a snack.

  - I'll help you with crayons, Canoe! - Alana soon volunteer, with a strange smile on his face.

  - But you know how to cook, sis?

  - Do not call me sis, you are NOT MY BROTHER! - She practically screams, and we both looked at her with wide eyes.

  - Calm down, meant no harm - he says, his eyes hurt.

  - Whatever! - She replied, looking to the side, avoiding demonstrate their frustration. She does not know I know what are your feelings about it, and I hope to continue without knowing. The last thing I need is to hear my sister venting about her feelings about my best friend.

  - She knows how to cook, yes. And already made delicious pastries, by the way - say, to cheer her up. I am not encouraging any kind of relationship between them, but I confess that if in a few years they both get it right, I'd be happy until. It would be very nice to have it in the family. But this only when Alana has some thirty years, of course.

  - All right, then you will be my sous chef.

  - Sous what?

  - My assistant, okay?

  She grins and his eyes light up. I feel lighter for having contributed to this smile. We entered the house, and go to the garage to remove the tables and chairs that I keep to any parties. The organize in the yard, put towels on the tables, organize a table with silverware, napkins and glasses and, finally, put another table with several bottles of vodka, whiskey, rum and fruit a container for the canoe put the fruits it peel and chop. I took a shower, put a gray shirt with v collar, a new dark jeans and decided to put a sports boot, those that look like a shoe. My hair I just played back, leaving a little creepy. I spent my most memorable scent and looked in the mirror, enjoying my look. I was ready for a hot night with Suzi. I needed to bury me urgent that woman, to release all the tension that Cecilia caused me.

  Before leaving, I remembered that there was not yet set the speakers out there. I arranged one by one and sent a whatsapp for Diogo bring your music selection. The guy had a huge collection of downloaded music, and was always the DJ parties.

  Not long before I arrived at the home of Suzi, because the streets were empty and I drove at high speed. And I'm a guy who loves adrenaline, so I had the job I had.

  I was coming season of pawn parties, and I had faith that this year I would be champion.

  From an early age I discovered that I had talent as a cowboy pawn, and my first professional win was at eighteen. But the moment that Cecilia left, she took both my daughter as my heart and soul, and without all this I was not able to keep me champion. But I was determined to turn the tables this time. I find out where my daughter and she would be my luck mascot.

  car went down, rang the bell and soon Suzi appeared, encouraging me with the sight of her slim body and seductive. She wore a mini denim skirt, a top and let his long hair falling down her back. Her full breasts were overly exposed to the neck, but I did not care. There was jealous of her, just felt horny for that woman. This finding discouraged me and decided I would change the situation. And start now.

  - Hello, Suzi! You are very beautiful and provocative, but I'd rather leave that overexposure to when we're alone later. What if you put a shirt or tank top and covering this beautiful commission on? - I said, and she opened as wide smile that could almost see his wisdom teeth.

  - Well well! Antonio Inacio jealous of this poor waitress? This is something memorable. Wait for me here I return in less than two minutes - she said, before leaving wiggling. Little did she know it was just the opposite, that not to be jealous, I needed her to change their attitudes to, who knows, one day I get to have. And as I wanted to have a relationship with her, it would be nice to know that my friends had seen her naked almost entire body.

  I was the complete opposite with Cecilia. I never liked to wear skirts or short dresses. just shorts were also unthinkable. Geez, why I had to think of her every time?

  Damn it!

  But then Suzi reappeared with a white tank top and her hair pulled into a ponytail, and it made me excited. She was very beautiful!

  I went into my truck and she spent the whole trip stroking my thighs. I could not wait to be alone with her.

  But once we arrived, my heart raced and the lust for Suzi disappeared.

  It was there, at my party. And it was beautiful, with a white dress that made her look like a nymph, with her loose hair blowing in the breeze. She was a vision!

  Then she turned and saw us, hand in hand. His smile faded and she seemed a little confused. She put her hand on his head, as if in
pain. I looked at Suzi and she was visibly irritated by the presence of Cecilia. But an evil gleam came into his eyes and, in a matter of seconds, she pulled me and tascou me a kiss those losing their breath. But this was not the effect it had on me, I just felt embarrassed. His tongue was walking in my mouth, she ran her hands behind my back and my chest. Then he grabbed my butt and groaned like a porn star. It was enough to make me away.

  - I'll be right back! - Informed before almost rushing into the house.

  - Man, what's wrong? It looks like he saw a ghost! - Alana said, so I closed the door and leaned against the wall, as if hiding.

  - Something similar! - I said, and she soon realized.

  - That little woman is there, right? - She asked in a sour tone.

  - Yes she is. - She just heard my answer and then returned to the kitchen. Then reappeared with pastel trays.

  - Well, I think it's time to serve some snacks - she said, and then gave an evil smile.

  - You're up to something, are not you? - I asked, but I already knew the answer.

  - Imagine, little brother! I just want to serve crayons, before it cools and wither. After all, I made with love - she said, before disappearing from my view. And I, frankly, did not believe a word.

  Finally, I decided to pull myself together to face life. I was never a coward and did not intend to start to now. I would go back to the barbecue and Diogo help me in our mission, as agreed. At the end of the day, I'd be one step ahead of Cecilia and commemorate my battle, while I was inside Suzi. Yes, this barbecue promised many good things.

  Chapter 9 - Cecilia

  I arrive at the barbecue and let my eyes run, it is as if to see Anthony, my body sought for it indirectly.

  The question that I betrayed him not out of my head, I tried to find a reason for my actions, but without remembering what I went through before the accident, would be impossible.

  Mari takes me to the desk with drinks, grab a beer and take a big gulp to try to cool off. Not even the fresquinho dress is helping. I had made the decision to talk to Anthony about the baby, but just did not know how to explain.

  I turn to look at the party and see the Antonio coming hand in hand with the waitress, a strong pang head almost knocks me to look at this scene.

  The man shakes me, moves me in a way I could not understand.

  I sit at one of the tables scattered around, and Mari approaches.

  - What friend?

  - Anything. - I give a weak smile and she stares at me. - I'm fine, I swear.

  - License. - A young man to the side of Mari and I recognize as Diogo. - Dance with Me?

  Mari looks at extended his hand and accepted dance, I can see that my friend is embarrassed. She was always confident if wanted to be with someone, it was, but for some reason this pawn shook.

  - Cecilia?

  - I know you.

  I look at the girl standing in front of me, it should not have more than fifteen years. She put a tray on the table and sits down.

  - I wanted to apologize for the bucket of water that I played on you. But I lost my head when I saw you after so long.

  - What did I do to you? I do not know who you are.

  - I am the sister of Antonio ...

  - Look, I do not know the reason for him to be mad at me.

  - You took my niece away.

  Hear about the baby I carried messes with me, take a deep breath not to cry and not to break down in front of these people.

  - What's your name?

  - You know my name - speaks mad.

  - No, I do not know. I do not remember anything.

  - Alana.

  - Alana, I swear to you that I do not remember anything, I suffer from amnesia. So I can not say why I left or what happened to me and his brother. But whatever happened, it's between me and him.

  - What did you do with it - Alana insists.

  Grab the edge of the table and look forward.

  - I said this is between us, Alana.

  - Okay, I do not want to fight, I brought this pastel to you as an apology.

  She hands me a crayon on a napkin and I end up accepting to avoid fights. I did not want the heavy weather when he was a sad news to report.

  - Thanks.

  As the pastel and she watches me with a smile all the time.

  - Well, I will serve the other guests.

  She gets up and watch her walk away, while I finish eating.

  - Seriously, friend, he's jealous of me and one I will spend the night with him.

  I look at Suzy sitting on the end table that I am and my desire is to pluck the feathers she calls hair. She talks with two other women and realize that looks at me sometimes.

  - Do you think he will officiate something between you? - One of the women question.

  - I do not know yet, but I believe it will not take long for him to be all mine.

  I grab my beer, I take all nervous and I'll get another.

  Here I worried about how to tell the bastard about our baby, and he worried about when I could sneak into the pants of that cow.

  Stop near a table, look for foods that are there and feel someone approaching.

  - Hi, Cecilia.

  - What do you want, Suzi?

  - I just wanted to warn you that Antonio is now mine, you may have gone back to the city, but that does not mean he will accept you in his life. He has gone to my bed for a long time, he has fun with my body, and I who give pleasure to him.

  - And you're telling me this why? - I ask nervously.

  - So you know it's mine. - She comes to my ear to whisper: - Tonight he'll scream my name when you come. You're just a mere memory, darling.

  She goes away and waddled my will is to fly on her neck.

  Even without remembering Antonio, could not avoid anger knowing that he would be with her, the two were having sex and he was loving it, apparently.

  - It's all right? - I hear someone ask me and I turn.

  A beautiful dark-haired man is smiling at me and I get no reaction.

  - Yes, it is. Because?

  - You were talking alone and I was worried.

  - I speak alone normally. - I give a smile and he laughs.

  - I'm Edgar. - He reaches out, and I compliance.

  - Cecilia.

  - This alone?

  - No, my friend is here, but found a guy to dance.

  - You do not dance?

  - I do not know if I can dance - talk and he looks at me blankly. - I had an accident and suffer from amnesia.

  - Partial or complete? - Question.

  - Total. I do not remember anything before waking up from a coma.

  - Oh, retrograde amnesia. Trauma?

  - Was. Like you...

  - Sorry, it is a doctor of mania. I am a neurologist, there have just intruding - he smiles. - We have craze to study medical cases. How long the accident?

  - Five years, almost six actually.

  - But it's a long time. Usually does not last so long.

  - I know, the doctors explained. It even has a medical team in the capital who studied my case. They can not tell if I'll come back to remember something someday.

  - Do you feel pain?

  - I feel, especially when trying to remember something. I have horrible migraines. And twinges in head trauma in the region.

  - Well, if you need anything, I'm the orders. Hospital work here in the nearby town.

  - Thanks.

  - Well, what about then we tried to dance? pretty girl can not stand in the corner while the others play.

  - I end up stepping on your toes.

  - No problem, I mean, if you were ugly, but there have problem, but it is beautiful. - He shrugs and not resist.

  - Okay, I accept dance.

  He takes me to the dance floor, snared my waist with one arm and hold my hand. I try to follow his footsteps and, after some time, I feel my body get into the rhythm, as if he knew what he was doing.

  - Saw. Your head can not remember, but the body always rem

  - As well?

  - Your body, your heart and even your subconscious can remember some things. It's like they say, no one forgets how to ride a bike.

  - So, my body would react stimuli that my memory does not remember? - I ask remembering how he reacted to Antony.

  - Exactly.

  - Good to know - speak and he smiles.

  We continue to dance until a knock on the shoulder of Edgar.

  - It's my turn to dance with her, man. Go on a beer on my own will - Antonio speaks and Edgar ends away.

  The Antonio pulls me against him, and feel your body pressed to mine.

  Against my will, my body reacts to it, I feel my skin tingle and heat, wanted to feel his hands running through my bare skin. But I have to content myself with having only his breath beating down my neck, and her warmth enveloping me.

  I forget I'm at a party and that man dancing with me is practically a stranger, and I take our proximity, wanted to cling even more to it, but Suzi appears and pulls him to dance.

  I pull away from the two and I'm coming back to the table when someone holds my hand.

  - Wanna Dance? Maybe now we can finish a song.

  I smile to Edgar and let him pull me back to the track.

  We danced two songs, and I end up enjoying myself a lot with him. When finally the song ends we get something to drink. Take the first sip of water and feel my stomach churning almost inside out.

  - Then God!

  - Some problem? - He asks worried.

  - No. - I take a deep breath, but the pang comes again. - I'll be back - talk and move away.

  - Cecilia. - Fatima comes to me and almost let out a cry of frustration.

  I needed an urgent bathroom.

  - Hi - I speak and feel the cold sweat run down my skin.

  - What happened?

  - I pre-need ua soak neer.

  - Do you have one in the corral. - She points and run there.

  I open a door and to my luck, is the bathroom.

  Levanto dress running and just have time to lower my panties before a tragedy happens.

  Chapter 10 - Ignatius

  While playing a game of card games with the guys, I watch Cecilia eye corner. The cards are dealt and the eye, tucking in my hand. quickly look at Diogo, which raises me eyebrows, indicating that has seven crowns. I blink in the most subtle way possible, but it captures my sign, it gives one side of smile. The first round is over and we leave Canoa and Marcelinho win. They get excited and already loose a cry of "truco" in my ear.


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