The Pure Soul (Book 3)

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The Pure Soul (Book 3) Page 26

by Jeff Hale

  I followed Raven through those double doors and a long carpet that looked to be woven from rubies that had been melted down and turned into a fine thread. We stopped at stairs that led up to the throne and I looked up and saw… her.

  Where Raven was night, the queen of the local fae courts was day. Her golden-blonde hair spilled down her back and over her shoulders, a crystal crown perched upon her brow in a delicate fashion. Her face was kind and friendly, but also as beautiful to me as Serena’s… almost. Her bright, sky-blue eyes sparkled with life and merriment.

  She was slender but I could definitely tell that she had the curves where it counted, her gown showing plenty of cleavage. She stood, and I could tell that her gown was not solid. It was crystalline and prismatic. Colors shifted this way and that. I caught a glimpse of her leg here, and almost saw a breast there. It was tantalizing, and while it seemed that she was showing a lot of skin, at the same time, she wasn’t. To go with her gown was a resplendent pair of high-heeled glass sandals.

  “Raven,” she greeted, her voice almost cold. Despite that, her voice had a musical quality to it. It was like hearing your favorite song for the first time ever. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked.

  “Believe me, I didn’t want to come here, Cynthia. But this… man is a friend, and he needs to inform you of some things that have been going on in your court without your knowledge,” Raven shot back, almost gloating.

  A guard in crystal armor glared at Raven. “That will be Queen Cynthia to you, outcast!” he announced.

  “Shut your mouth, you have no right to speak to me in such a manner, lowborn!” Raven replied, her wings fluttering ominously for a second, seemingly darkening the room. I had to wonder just how much of that promise to make it midnight here was actually truth and not bluster.

  “Enough already,” the queen said in a sweet voice. She looked at me and descended the stairs, then took my arm. I suddenly couldn’t breathe. “You… you’re kind have not been seen in a very long time. What brings you here, young Sentinel? What news do you bring of the Dragon Realm?” she asked as she walked arm in arm with me out of the throne room, Raven following closely behind.

  “What do you mean by Dragon Realm?” I asked, still confused by the term. I was suddenly at ease. Like I’d known this queen for a long time and she was one of my closest friends.

  “Why, that is your realm. The realm of humans and dragons. Dragons rule there, so we call it the Dragon Realm. You should know this, you are of the blood of the dragon, and the soul,” she answered.

  “Oh. I guess you don’t call these realms the Fae Realms like we do. It never occurred to me that you might have a name for where I came from I guess,” I said, feeling a bit sheepish and stupid.

  “But it shows that you are easily enlightened if such a thought came to you without any prompting on my part,” she pointed out. “Merlin’s disciples have always been quick thinkers and had great insights.”

  “Thanks,” I said, and I could swear I was actually blushing. “Anyway, as to why I am here...”

  “I have already heard that you were coming. The Embassy was quick to inform me after the Adjudicator called them. I understand it has something to do with your trial. You… killed several shifters?”

  “I killed some that attacked me to defend myself and some humans, and I killed another to prevent any retaliation, especially against one particular human. I was going to kill three others, but…” I started to tell her more but she cut me off as we got out to the courtyard.

  “It is beautiful out here, is it not?” she asked, gesturing around her. I nodded simply. “I do not abide dark thoughts here, and I fear you have many such thoughts, even now. You must rid yourself of such negativity if you are to survive your coming trials, and there will be many. You must protect your mind from dark influences, lest you become a pawn to the darkest of evils. Your great power and your great love serve you well, but they will be your undoing, and that power will be turned against those you hold most dear. You must do away with this mortal that you cling to so fiercely,” she said as we wandered aimlessly through the courtyard.

  “I’m not… I won’t kill…” I sputtered, surprised that this radiant creature would even suggest such a thing.

  “Silly knight. Of course I don’t mean kill her. I mean you must distance yourself from her. If you do not, you both will undergo such tortures as to unhinge you both. Your minds will be broken, and the evil I spoke of will take advantage of that. Now, I must tell you, it isn’t written in stone, it is one possible future, and a future I am afraid that is most probable at the moment. Now, enough about that. What is it you came here to tell me?”

  “Baba Yaga has agents in your court. I found one of them masquerading as one of your Embassy guards,” I said, keeping it direct and to the point.

  “You are certain of this?” she asked, giving me a shocked look.

  “I am. Lucien destroyed the infiltrator before he could do any further harm,” I assured her.

  “If the Phoenix killed him, then that makes me even more certain of what you saw. Very well. I will come with you to the trial myself, to ensure that the proceedings go without further incident. If your cause is just, I am sure they will exonerate you of the charges. You seem like a just and upright man, but that is to be expected of Merlin’s knights,” she said.

  “Well, we should get back as soon as possible then.”

  “Don’t worry. A day may have passed over there, but they won’t start your trial without their vict… I mean their suspect,” Raven quipped as I felt that wrenching sensation again.

  Once again we were in the Flame, in the board room where we had been when we left. Lucien was going over some files.

  “Ah, you’ve returned, and with Queen Cynthia herself. It is a pleasure, as always, m’lady,” Lucien said, standing and bowing before the queen.

  “No need for you to bow, old friend. We dispensed with such formalities long ago, and you know it. Now I hear there is troubling news about my court,” she said, taking a seat in the nearest chair. It seemed incongruous at best and almost comical at worst. She just looked… out of place.

  “Yes. Baba Yaga has managed to place spies amongst your court. Be careful in the coming times, Cynthia, your court may become a mess of intrigue if you do not cull the spies as soon as possible,” Lucien warned her.

  “We have the full power of the sun and its light to root out this conspiracy. Do not doubt that they will be found and returned to the Hag with a message for her to remain out of my affairs,” the queen assured him, using a tone that sounded imperious, but at the same time friendly.

  “Now to the matter at hand. I am glad that you have returned safely, Aerick, now maybe you can help me with the formation of your defense,” Lucien said, gesturing to the pile of books, papers and folders. I sighed and sat down to help.

  We sat for several hours poring over those books and files, with Lucien asked me various questions that would help my case and that he figured the Adjudicators would ask in order to goad me, much as Darien had earlier. I figured that Queen Cynthia would be bored, but instead she ended up being very insightful, showing an avid interest in the case. By the time we were done, I had a massive headache again and excused myself to my room to lie down. Lucien knocked a few minutes later and came inside.

  “I’m going to Celeste’s now,” he informed me.

  “Please. Don’t. Just leave her be. She probably wants nothing to do with me anyway,” I pleaded.

  “What if she still did, would you want her brought here in your defense? She could prove to be an integral witness as I told you before.”

  “Yeah, if she will, I guess. But tell her this doesn’t change anything.”

  “Might be better if you told her that yourself once she was here.”

  “Whatever. I have a horrid headache. Go away now. Please?”

  “Very well, I will return shortly with her.”

  I lay in bed and watched television, hoping tha
t distraction would help the headache ease. A few hours later there was a knock on the door. I figured it was Lucien or Raven, so I just called out for the person to come in.

  “Got something new?” I asked without looking.

  “Uh, well… that is… I uh…” I heard Celeste’s voice.

  I looked up and saw her standing at the door, though it was closed behind her. I groaned and lay back down, flipping the channel a couple more times before it landed on a cryptozoology show on the Discovery channel.

  “This changes nothing between us. The only reason you’re here is because I have an amazing capacity for self-preservation and I’m pretty sure that my accusers want to see me get executed for my supposed crimes,” I said without looking back her, though her image was burned into my mind. It was warm out, so she wasn’t wearing much. Serena was never one for a lot of clothing during the summer. A simple sports bra and a pair of denim shorts unbuttoned, showing off a pair of bikini bottoms under them was all she was wearing outside of those high heel boots that went to just above her ankles. She had her hair pulled pack into a pair of ponytails.

  “Ya didn’t do anythin’, though. Ya saved my life, not ta mention Travis’s, Kevin’s, Erin’s, and Tiffany’s. And even if we weren’t there, what were ya supposed ta do? Lay there and let them kill ya?” she said in a soft voice.

  “Yeah, because I give a shit about your abusive boyfriend and his pack of cronies. Just. Go away. Like I said, you’re only here for one reason.”

  “And ya can’t even show yer appreciation? Ya can’t even look at me?”

  “Nope. Honestly… I hate you.” That hurt me just to say, and I felt my heart contract painfully. I’m sure it hurt her just as much if she felt the same way about me that Serena had.

  “Why?” she asked in that same low, soft voice. I could hear the tremble in that single word, and I knew she was crying.

  “Because all you do is hurt me every time I see you. Every time I’m around you all you do is remind me of her, and remind me that you aren’t her at the same time.”

  “Fine. I’ll do what I’m supposed ta be here fer. Not fer you, but fer myself. I… care fer ya, no matter what ya may feel fer me, and doin’ this will prove that ta myself. After all, I must care if I can help ya out even though ya claim ta hate me.” I heard the door open and then close.

  I stayed sequestered in my room for the next day, having no reason to talk with anyone. On the day after that, I headed out to the main portion of the club. The club was closed ‘for renovations’ though I knew those changes would be made in a matter of hours and in actuality was closed for the trial.

  I was headed towards the kitchen area when I heard a peculiar noise coming from one of the private booths. I ignored it, continuing for the kitchen, when I heard it again, but this time it was unmistakable. It was Celeste, giggling.

  My stride took on new purpose as I changed direction and moved towards the source of the noises. Once I got to the booth, I pulled the curtain aside, ripping it from its holders. The sight that greeted me had me in a cold fury that promised that someone was going to die.

  Celeste was in the booth, wearing a short denim skirt and a white tank top that came to just under her chest. Alex was there with her. They didn’t notice me at first because they were caught up in a rather intense kiss. He had his left hand on her upper thigh, and the right one up her shirt. She had her hand around his neck and the other up under his own shirt.

  Reaching down, I grabbed Alex by the back of his neck and flung him across the room in one smooth motion. Celeste looked up at me, furious at first, then in horror as I conjured my blades. I turned towards Alex and started to approach him slowly.

  Today, Alex would die.


  “You keep your fucking filthy shifter hands off of her!” I yelled at him as I got closer. I had every intention of killing him as soon as I reached him.

  “Ah, bloody fucking hell, not again,” he said, as though he was familiar with the scenario. He pointed back at Celeste. “Hey, mate, she started this whole thing. She wanted it. I’ll take a beating for that, no way in bloody hell am I dying for it though.”

  I stopped, and gave him a confused look. I thought that might have been what he was hoping for. “What the hell do you mean? You telling me that you’re going to give me permission to beat you up, but you’re protesting me killing you?”

  “No, mate, I’m telling you that I’ve been beaten up for a similar situation. I’m not dying for the same thing a year later,” he said, holding his hands up to show that he meant no harm. “Besides, what does it matter? You don’t want her, in fact you said you hated her. Or at least that’s how she spins it.”

  “I do… and… I don’t know….” I banished my blades and leaned against a nearby post.

  “Whoa, mate, I think you need to talk about this. If you want to I’m…”

  “Willing. I get it. But you’re one of my accusers, won’t this kind of cross your interests?”

  “Not really.”

  “Aerick! Ya have no right!” Celeste stormed up behind me. “We’re not tagether, you’re not mah boyfriend, an’ ya don’t even care what happens ta me! So drop the possessive macho act right now! I can see whoever I want ta see!”

  “I said someone normal, Celeste. This is as far from normal as you can get. Besides, you’re only doing it to spite me, and to prove to yourself that you’re worthwhile because I rejected you. That’s not fair to Alex here. Why don’t you just go home for a little while? I’m sure Lucien will come for you when you’re needed.”

  “I don’t have ta do what ya tell me ta.” She put a finger against my chest, pressing.

  I glanced down at that finger and looked back up into her eyes. I willed the Aether to flow through me for the briefest of seconds, knowing that my eyes would flare with elemental power as a result. She dropped the finger and Alex moved to get in front of her.

  “Don’t. Do that. Ever,” I said in a low voice full of menace. I needed her to think I truly did hate her. I wanted her as far away from me as possible, and Alex was not very far away at all. I wanted her to beg and plead for a normal life just to get away from me.

  “Uh…. S-sorry. That’s right… ya don’t… like that. Somehow I knew that.” She backed up and lost her steam. She turned, gave me a confused look over her shoulder, then started sobbing as she walked out of the building.

  Once she was gone, I deflated and dropped to my knees. I was almost on the verge of breaking in that moment. Maintaining this façade and continually hurting Celeste was hurting me even worse.

  “Hey, come on. Let’s get some drinks, I reckon it looks like you could use a couple. Or ten, whatever.” Alex reached down and helped me get to my feet again. He was surprisingly strong for his frame, which shouldn’t have been that big of a shock to me considering I knew he was a shifter. He just didn’t come off the same way most of the other shifters did. We walked over to the bar and he went behind it, grabbing a couple of glasses.

  “So what’ll it be?” He poured himself some tequila before downing it quickly and pouring himself another.

  “Screwdriver, make it a double, and neat.”

  “So what’s up with you and her?”

  “A lot, it’s a long story.”

  “I reckon we’ve got nothing but time right now.”

  “Why would I talk to you about it? Just a second ago you had your hand up her skirt.” I scowled at him.

  “Yeah, and she wouldn’t let me touch a damned thing, something about it not feeling right because it wasn’t you. She’s a horrible tease.”

  “Watch it.”

  “Sorry, mate. Seriously though, what’s the story?”

  “She isn’t who she thinks she is. Or at least I don’t think she is. I believe that she’s really a girl named Serena. Serena and I go back to my childhood; we met in kindergarten. As we grew older, things changed between us until eventually she fell in love. I did too, I was just afraid of it, so I never adm
itted it. I figured I’d have all the time in the world so when I told her how I felt, I’d know that I meant it and I’d be ready. Then she was killed. Everyone thought it was a drive-by gone wrong, something about power lines or something. Turns out she was killed by a demon who did it under orders from Baba Yaga in order to get to me.”

  “Yeah, I heard she was after you, and I gotta say, mate, you have some powerful enemies.”

  “I have equally powerful friends. If it weren’t for Lucien and Merlin…”

  “Wait. The Merlin? He’s a friend of yours?”

  “You could say that. More of a mentor really. Not the best company when it’s just you, him, a spirit and a cave cut off from the rest of the world.” I shrugged.

  “Yeah, you go ahead and shrug, but damn, mate, you know some people way up there don’t you? Sorry, go on.” He pushed a glass towards me full of orange juice and vodka.

  I took a long drink before I continued, feeling the double shot of alcohol burn down my throat. “Anyway, I spot this girl all around town before running into her at a local Sonic. Says her name is Celeste, and has this whole other life. If you knew Serena before, you’d know that was her. She looks like her, dresses like her, acts like her. She has the same likes, dislikes, quirks, flaws, everything. There is no doubt in my mind that Celeste is Serena. In fact Baba Yaga pretty much confirmed it. She just doesn’t know it somehow. Well there are some things that are different, I can’t explain that though.”

  “I’ve seen that look before. You really love her. Don’t you?”


  “And you’re willing to sacrifice anything, including any chance you have with her, up to and including your own heart and soul to protect her, wouldn’t you?”


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