THE INNOCENT: A Cowboy Gangster Novel

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THE INNOCENT: A Cowboy Gangster Novel Page 11

by CJ Bishop

  “Okay.” Jacob glanced at Eric and his heart beat a little faster; they would have the bedroom to themselves for the whole night. They’d never had a chance to really be alone together, or have the privacy to really explore their feelings for one another. A tingling excitement tickled Jacob’s belly button; a quiet excitement that reflected back from Eric’s pretty eyes.


  “What do you mean you’ve seen this handiwork before?”

  Spotlights had been set up in the warehouse while the CSI’s went about collecting samples. A steady barrage of flashes exploded all around the room as the scene was photographed from every possible angle.

  Wil and Frank stayed out of the way of the forensic team.

  “I’ve cleaned up a few of these messes,” Frank said. “They have a similarity that’s hard to explain, but I’d bet money that they’re done by the same people.”

  “Any theories about who they are?” Wil shifted and studied his friend, a small knot forming in his gut.

  “No specifically,” Frank admitted. “Although, my guess would be one of the crime families.”

  Wil returned his attention to the butchered bodies.

  “You don’t seem too troubled by this massacre,” Frank murmured. “I mean, short of the grisliness.”

  Wil knew what he was supposed to say, and he said it. “As an officer of the law, I can’t condone murderous acts.”

  “Naturally.” Frank cleared his throat. “But there’s nothing in the ordinances that says, as an officer of the law, you have to feel remorse for the demise of these pieces of human waste.”

  “No,” Wil agreed quietly and looked at his friend. “No, there isn’t.”

  “They bought and sold children,” Frank said. “Children like the Morgan twins…like Tad. You won’t catch me shedding one fucking tear for them. They got what they deserved.”

  Wil nodded. It was no wonder he and Frank were best friends; they were very likeminded. They rarely disagreed on any issue, yet maintained their individual points of view. On the rare occasions that they interpreted things differently, the matter could be discussed without arguments ensuing. There was no one that Wil respected more than Frank.

  “I have to get back to the station,” Wil said. “I need to contact the FBI, get their special unit down here ASAP. A group of buyers are coming in early tomorrow morning.”

  “How do you know this?” Frank asked, then held up his hand and nodded. “Your anonymous tip?”


  “Were the Morgan twins with this group that was killed here?”

  Wil nodded. “I was told that they’re safe and will be delivered to me tomorrow.”

  “And you trust this…tipster?”

  Wil met his friend’s steady eyes. “Yes.”


  “They told me about this warehouse and it was legit.”

  “I see,” Frank murmured. “But does guiding you to a warehouse full of slaughtered men constitute trustworthiness?”

  Wil understood his doubts. Had he been in Frank’s place, he would’ve had the same doubts. “In this case,” he said. “Yes.”

  Eyeing him thoughtfully, Frank said quietly, “This anonymous tip…wasn’t really anonymous, was it?”

  Wil rubbed the back of his neck. “I need to get back to the station.”

  Frank smiled knowingly. “That’s what I thought.” He gripped Wil’s shoulder, an unspoken affection in his touch. “You do what you have to do to get the job done. You have a good head on your shoulders, Wil. I trust your judgment.”


  Frank’s hand lingered a moment longer before dropping away. “Better get a move on and get on the horn to the big boys.”

  “Right,” Wil nodded, an odd quiver in his navel that he couldn’t account for.


  “We’re okay. Really.” Noah and Noel both had reassured Abel and Devlin many times over since they’d arrived home, but the two men remained concerned. Noah wasn’t frustrated; it felt good to have family who cared about them so much. If anything, he felt sorry for Abel and Devlin because of how much they worried about him and Noel.

  “I’m sorry.” Abel cast him an apologetic smile. “I guess maybe it’s affected us more than you two. I hope you can understand. You boys mean everything to us.”

  “We know,” Noel said softly from across the table where he was setting their places for dinner. “We don’t mind that you keep asking if we’re okay.”

  A car pulled up out front. Then another. Noah went still as he started to lay silverware beside the plate; the second car sounded like Chris’. He’d learned to distinguish it apart from all the others. But why would he come here tonight?

  Car doors opened and closed.

  “That’s probably Maddy bringing Savannah home,” Abel said.

  The front door opened, and voices tumbled down the entry hall. Noah strained to hear that one voice. His heart was pounding furiously by the time Savannah and Maddy entered the kitchen, followed by Miranda and Chris.

  Noah felt frozen in place as he was immediately locked into Chris’ stare. He was broke free an instant later when Savannah smothered him in a hug and kissed all over his face, making him blush.

  “Oh, my God,” she said. “We heard what happened. Are you guys okay?” She crushed him again, hugging him until he grunted, then suddenly released him, leaving him dazed as she swept around the table and grabbed onto Noel.

  Noah caught his breath just in time for it to be stolen away again as Chris surged forward and swept him into his arms, holding him tight. Desperately. “I can’t believe that happened to you,” he whispered, notable emotion in his voice. He pressed his lips to Noah’s hair and hugged him a little tighter. “I’ve never been so scared and freaked out in my life.”

  Warm tingles skittered all through Noah and he tentatively wrapped his arms around Chris, praying this moment would never end. But it did, and way too soon.

  Chris drew back and cupped Noah’s face with both hands, deep concern etching his brow, filling his beautiful eyes. “Are you all right?”

  Noah blinked and swallowed. He nodded silently, his throat too constricted for words.

  “Thank God,” Chris whispered and laid a soft kiss on Noah’s forehead. Noah went weak in the knees and leaned against him for support, afraid his legs might buckle. Chris’ hand rested gently on the back of Noah’s neck as he motioned Noel over and hugged them both hard.

  “Noah saved us,” Noel told him when he drew back.

  “Noel…” Noah mumbled as his face began to heat up.

  “It’s true,” Noel smiled, an impish gleam in his eye. “He kicked him right where it counts and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.”

  The others laughed, and Chris cupped his face again. “A hero,” he smiled softly. “I’m not surprised. I’ve always taken you for the hero type.” He laughed lightly and lifted Noah’s face. For quick, heart-stopping moment, Noah thought he was going to kiss him on the mouth. His lips touched Noah’s cheek instead and he was again buried in Chris’ arms. “I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in his ear.

  Noah could wait for the “official” kiss. Right now, he savored the lingering warmth of Chris’ lips on his cheek and the thrill of his strong arms holding him so close and tight.


  When they arrived home, Clint went next door and spoke to Cochise about their visit to the detective’s house. Axel waited at home and prepared a fresh pot of coffee. His body retained a light, pleasant tremor from their rendezvous in the car and he was already heating up again, eager to get Clint into bed. He loved their enthusiastic sex life. The thing in the car was their third time making love that day. Clint had left early that morning, but not before he’d taken care of business and given Axel something to think about while he was gone.

  Clint returned from the neighboring house as Axel was filling two cups. He dropped into a chair at the table and stretched out his legs, crossing hi
s ankles. A small smile crept across his face as he gazed at Axel with heavy eyes.

  “What?” Axel brought him his coffee then straddled his lap and sat down. “What’s that look for?”

  “You wore me out.” Clint’s smile stretched, and he picked up his cup, sipping the hot drink.

  “Why are you worn out?” Axel smirked. “I did all the work.”

  Clint chuckled and kissed him. “Guess that means it’s my turn to do the work?”

  “Yes, it is,” Axel grinned against his mouth. He stroked his face and slid his hands into Clint’s hair, dislodging his cowboy hat. He set the hat on the table then continued to comb his fingers through his short hair. “It wasn’t a mistake going to the detective’s house, was it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s a cop,” Axel said. “You’re…you. The two of you aren’t exactly on the same side of the law. I mean, he seemed like a nice person and I know he was grateful about the twins…”

  Clint curled his arms around Axel and frowned. “What’s bothering you?”

  “He’s still a cop,” Axel murmured with concern. “He’s sworn to uphold the law. You sent him to the warehouse. I didn’t have to be there to know what you guys left behind. He’s going to know you had a hand in that. What if…” Axel laid his head on Clint’s brow. “What if he comes after you? Some cops won’t compromise their loyalty to their badge for anything—even someone who helped them out.”

  “Don’t worry about it, baby.” Clint kissed him. “Everything’s going to play out fine.”

  Axel hugged him. “I have enough to worry about when you’re out on a job,” he whispered. “I don’t need anything else to stress over.”

  “He isn’t going to come after me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Some things a man just knows.” Clint lifted Axel off him and stood up. “And concerning that added stress…” He led him from the kitchen toward the bedroom. “I have a remedy for that.”

  Chapter 14

  Nina’s question—would you ever adopt older kids?—played over and over inside Emmy’s head. She knew what the young girl was really asking and that moment when Nina had hugged her and sobbed her heart out, Emmy had known the answer…even before the question was posed.

  She was both eager and nervous for Oliver to come home. They needed to talk, and she was sure they would be on the same page, but what if he had doubts?

  He won’t. You know he won’t.

  Emmy tried to focus on dinner and not burn it has her mind continued to wander back to the children. She hadn’t had a chance to spend time with the boys, but just seeing them at the dining table when she’d first arrived…her heart broke for them all. She wished for a huge house with many rooms that would accommodate all the children, a place they could call home for as long as they wished to stay. She and Oliver had discussed adopting older children, but something had held them back. Had God deliberately caused them to delay until he could unite them with these children who needed extra-special love and care?

  The hurt and anguish in their eyes had been nearly more than she could bear. But in the short time she was there with them, she’d watched them start to come out of their shells as hope began to seep tentatively across their frightened faces. They were scared, but they craved affection, someone to treat them with compassion and love.

  Emmy’s vision blurred. She touched her face and found tears sliding down her cheeks. She didn’t want to imagine the horrors that had been inflicted on these sweet babies, rather imagined their future from here on out. A bright future filled with joy and happiness and love. She wanted her and Oliver to be a part of that future, for some of them, at least.

  But how would they choose between them? They were all so in need of a loving family. And in each of their faces was something special, unique.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  Emmy gasped and spun around, startled by Oliver’s sudden presence; she hadn’t heard him come in. She smacked his arm. “You scared me.”

  “I was like a bull in a china shop coming into the house,” he chuckled. “How did you not hear me?”

  Her mind had been elsewhere, with the kids.

  Oliver frowned and touched her damp cheek. “Em, you were crying. What’s wrong?”

  Emmy started to insist she was fine but fell apart instead. Oliver wrapped her in his strong arms and held her close. She managed to tell him about the kids and where they had been rescued from. She looked up at her husband and tears swam in his horrified eyes. “They need love, Olly,” she whispered brokenly. “So much love. They need…a place to call home. A place where they’re wanted and cherished.”

  Oliver swallowed hard and brushed his hand tenderly against her cheek. “We have a home,” he whispered. “A home that seems very empty right now.”

  Her chin trembling, Emmy hugged her big teddy bear with all her strength, quiet sobs shaking her voice. “I love you, Oliver. I love you so much.”


  A short while back, the single full-sized bed in what was now Noah and Noel’s bedroom had been replaced with two twin beds. When they crawled into their respective beds that night, Noel lay silently in the dark while Noah tried to get comfortable. About time he thought he was ready to go to sleep, he began to toss and turn.

  He’d thought Noel had dropped right off to sleep since he was being so quiet—until his brother snickered.

  “What’s so funny?” Noah mumbled as he punched his pillow a couple times and flopped his head into the softness.


  “Why me?”

  “You’re so jazzed about Chris you can’t even lay still.” He snickered again.

  “Shut up,” Noah muttered as a small smile crept across his lips; Noel was right. His mind refused to turn off as the scene from earlier played on a loop in his head.

  “You thought he was going to kiss you, didn’t you?” Noel’s huge grin was evident in his voice.

  Noah scowled. “No, I didn’t.” He had, but he wasn’t going to admit it out loud—it was embarrassing.

  “Did, too,” Noel countered. “I saw that look on your face. You were about to pucker up.” He laughed.

  “Uh! Shut it!” Noah yanked one of his pillows from under his head and hurled it at his brother, which made Noel laugh harder.

  “It’s okay,” he choked on his laughter. “I thought he was, too.”

  Noah abruptly went still. “You did?”

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat and twisted onto his side, facing Noah. “Must’ve been disappointed when he didn’t, huh?”

  Noah thought about it and smiled. “No. I mean, it would have been awesome if he had, but it’s okay. I kind of want our first real kiss to be in private. It will be more romantic that way.”

  “So, you’ve finally accepted that you and Chris might actually have a chance?”

  Sighing, Noah turned onto his back and looked at the dark ceiling. “I…I don’t know. Every time I think I’m just fooling myself, he does something that sparks hope again.” He laughed nervously. “I’m kind of scared to believe it, though.”


  “Well, what if I let myself fall in love with him all the way and then he finds someone else before I’m eighteen…or even when I turn eighteen, he says he doesn’t have those feelings for me?” He swallowed. “I think I’d die.”

  Noel chuckled quietly. “I don’t think you have to worry about death.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “Just that I think Chris already has some of those feelings for you, but maybe doesn’t know it yet. He was really scared about what happened at the park.”

  “Not just scared for me,” Noah said. “He hugged you, too.”

  “Not like he did you,” Noel pointed out. “I mean, I know he was scared for me, too. But you were the one he kept a hold of and kissed a couple times.”

  “Just on the forehead and cheek,” Noah murmured as his heart went a little crazy at the remembranc

  “Just on the forehead and cheek,” Noel snickered. “You were on cloud nine. And he didn’t give me any kisses. He was totally showing you special attention. That’s a good sign.”

  It was, wasn’t it? Noah smiled.

  “You guys are so getting married someday,” Noel predicted.

  Noah’s smile grew and encompassed his entire face. “Thanks, Noel.”

  “For what?”

  “You always make me feel better.”

  “I’m glad.” He let out an exaggerated yawn. “Now that your feelings are all tucked in, can we go to sleep?”

  Noah rolled his eyes and grinned. “Yes.”

  A muffled snicker came from the other bunk.


  Following dinner, Adrian talked to Jules about David spending the night in his room along with the other kids. The little boy thought it was “cool” that one of the older boys wanted to sleep in his room, too. David interacted well with the smaller children and promised to tell them some bedtime stories. He had a few stories he used to tell them at night to try and distract them from their physical and psychological trauma. Jacob thought that David might become a writer, now that he was free from abuse and had a brighter future.

  A tentative nervousness settled over Jacob and Eric once they were alone in their room. Eric perched on the edge of the bed, his hands wringing anxiously in his lap, while Jacob moved around the room, absently inspecting the furniture. Jacob didn’t know why he was so nervous all of the sudden.

  “Are you tired?” Eric asked quietly.

  “Not really,” Jacob mumbled, though he was sure if he laid down, he would probably drop off to sleep before very long. This would be the first night for as long as he could remember that he would sleep peacefully. He looked forward to it. But it was also his and Eric’s first night alone together. This was special…even if they didn’t “do” anything.

  “We should probably go to bed, though.” Eric glanced at him. “I mean, we’re supposed to be going to bed. Adrian said we needed a lot of restful sleep.”


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