Witness Protection (The Witness Series)

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Witness Protection (The Witness Series) Page 5

by Bec Botefuhr

  “You are wrong,” He whispers, “You frighten me.”

  “Me?” I tremble.

  “You make me come alive in ways I haven’t come alive for years. Even with all those girls, you spark my interest, I want to fuck you Ari.”

  “I told you, I am not here to play. I don’t need to leave with a broken heart.”

  “Who says I will break your heart?”

  “You clearly don’t do relationships Ryder, so what do you suppose we do? Fuck and then when the killer is caught, I leave and end it? You might be able to work that way, I don’t.”

  “I don’t stay with those other women because it’s not what they want either. I never said I don’t do relationships so stop assuming.”

  I blink stupidly at him. “Ok, so put that aside, you expect me to trust you and let you do things that scare me?”

  “Yeah, I do because I won’t ever hurt you.”


  “Look, do you trust me now?”

  I nod. “Entirely.”

  “Then let me do something with you, just tonight, I won’t lay my hands on you, not once.”

  “What are you going to do then?”

  “I want you to see my control, I want you to see me in the throes of pleasure to see I am not a monster. I want you to show me what you like, I want to see you coming.”

  “And we are going to do that without touching?”

  “We are going to do it to ourselves.”

  “Oh hell no,” I say, putting my hands up. “I am not doing that in front of you.”

  “Stop pushing everything aside Ari, please, just listen.”

  “I don’t want to do that!”

  “Why, why not?”

  “It’s shameful.”

  “No, it’s beautiful.”

  “I can’t…can’t bring myself to do that in front of you.”

  “I will do it too.”

  “I don’t see the purpose.” I mewl in protest.

  “The purpose is trust, you are trusting me not to touch you because you have said it frightens you, I am going to sit back and not lay a hand on you, we are going to show each other pleasure.”

  “Still don’t see the point.”

  “Just trust me, will you?”

  “I can’t Ryder, I can’t do it.”

  “Let me show you how.”

  He stands and slowly drags down his boxer shorts, I gape when he springs free and stands before me so gloriously naked. His body is gorgeous, toned, rippled and shining under the light. I suck in a breath and stare down at his erection, which is pulsing and huge. Oh my. I meet his gaze again as he crawls onto the bed and lays beside me, not touching me but close enough that I can smell him.

  “Ryder.” I whisper.

  “Bodies are beautiful Ari, touching is beautiful, what I do to those women is what they find beautiful, giving up control arouses them. Give me some of your control, I won’t touch you, just give it to me. Touch yourself, show me how you pleasure yourself.”


  He grips his shaft and I can’t help the pathetic whimper that leaves my throat as he slides his hand up and down slowly.

  “That doesn’t embarrass you?” I whisper.

  “Why would it?”

  “You don’t really know me and, you are just touching yourself.”

  “Ari, is it making you feel good?”


  “Then I am not just pleasuring myself. Enjoyment can be created without laying a hand on another person, now come on, show me.”

  I hesitate, clenching my eyes shut as I slide off my panties. I can’t, I can’t do this in front of him.

  “I can’t.”

  “Can I touch your hand a moment?”


  He grips my hand and lowers it to my sex. Covering my finger with his, he slides it through my folds and I whimper. He does it again, and again until I am moving on my own, then he moves his hand away.

  “Yes, that is so fucking beautiful, spread your legs further.”

  I do as he asks, surprised at my own actions. I have this control, it is my hand and my body, I can stop at any moment and it brings me comfort. I let my eyes go over him stroking slowly up and down, then I look up to meet his gaze. It is fixed on my face, which surprises me.

  “Ryder?” I pant.

  “Yeah baby.”

  “Can I kiss you?”

  “Oh, fuck, yes.”

  He leans over and presses his lips to mine, taking me in for a deep, long kiss. I open my mouth and moan when his tongue slides in and dances with mine. My fingers move faster, my body sparking to life in ways it has never done. His hand moves faster, his muscles flex and pull. God, it feels so good, so good.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.” He murmurs, finally looking down to my hands.

  “Oh…” I whimper, letting my head drop onto the pillow.

  “Show me how wet you are, show me.”

  I let my legs fall open further and he hisses through his teeth.

  “You are beautiful, from head to toe, beautiful.”

  It surprises me Ryder has this soft side, this kind and caring side. He always comes across as so hard, but in the bedroom he is something different. It makes sense to me now, why all those women swoon over him. He is a sweetheart, deep down, he is a sweetheart.

  “Ryder, I…I…”

  “Watch me come,” He growls. “Watch me.”

  I lift my head and watch his hand furiously work his length, when he releases, the white liquid shoots out and onto his belly. It is my undoing, I explode with a ragged cry. I fall backwards onto the bed and he falls beside me, we lay looking at the ceiling for a long moment.

  “Wasn’t so bad huh?”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He asks, sitting and picking up a tissue from my bedside table.

  “For taking it slow like that.”

  “Sex, oral, it is all extremely pleasurable when done right. That jerk didn’t do you any favors but not all men are overbearing like that.”

  “But you like being a dominant.”

  He shakes his head and lays back down beside me. “What image is it you have of a dominant in your head?”

  “A man whipping a woman who doesn’t want it, tying her up and making her do things she doesn’t want. Being unable to gain control, not being able to be freed if she is scared.”

  “You are wrong. A dominant, a true dominant knows what a woman wants, knows how she wants it and where. If she can’t take spankings, he doesn’t give them because it’s his job to know her and her reactions. Not all subs get whipped or spanked, some just like to be tied or cuffed.”

  “You don’t hit them all?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Does normal sex bore you Ryder?”

  “No, making love when you are in love beats all the sexual fantasies in the world.”

  “And if you aren’t in love?”

  “Sex should be fun, if you aren’t in love like me and you are doing it for fun, then it should be just that. I am a dominant in the bedroom because it’s what I enjoy. The women I pick up enjoy it too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy vanilla sex.”

  “Vanilla sex?”

  “Just normal sex.”



  “Would you enjoy normal sex with me?”

  “Oh baby, yeah.”


  “Because you are beautiful, fresh, so innocent. Those other women, they fuck around like rabbits, they have lost that beauty but you…you are different.”

  “So you wouldn’t want to tie me?”

  “Oh, I would tie you, even spank you but I would never do anything harsher to you because it isn’t who you are.”

  “Do you think you would get bored though, with someone like me?”

  “Women and sex would never bore me.”

  “If it was with just one it would.”

  “No, you are wrong about me
Ari, I am not what you think.”

  “Then why aren’t you in a relationship?”

  “I got burnt that’s why and after that I haven’t found anyone I have connected with. I am not a pig, nor do I treat women badly. I treat women how they treat me. If a woman is respectful to me, I am respectful to her, if she is a bitch, I will be an ass. I treat my subs the way I treat them because they love it, not because I am a prick.”

  “I guess that’s a fair call.”

  “You aren’t like the other ones, you always gave me a hard time.”

  I giggle. “Someone broke the mould when they made me GI Joe.”

  “That they did. So tell me, how do you feel?”

  “I guess…I guess you are right. I do feel more comfortable and now I know…you won’t make me do things I don’t want.”

  “You think you ever want to give it more of a go?”

  I think about it for a long moment, I know one thing, right now I want more, not sex but more.

  “I would like more.”

  “Well, you tell me when and I will go slow.”


  He rolls and looks at me. “Say again?”

  “I want more now Ryder, not sex just…show me something, something not over the top. Show me what you might do with someone who isn’t an extreme submissive.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod, swallowing. “Yes.”

  “You say stop, at any time and I will stop ok.”


  “You will listen to everything I say?”


  “Tell me what your limits are for right now.”

  “No whips or things like that.”


  I flush. “That’s ok.”

  “Good, I have just the thing.”

  He stands and walks out of the room. He comes back in a moment later with some fluffy cuffs and I giggle.

  “Fluffy cuffs?”

  He grins. “They are gentle.”

  He grips my ankles and drags me down the bed. He hooks the cuffs around them, then attaches them to the bed poles so I am spread eagle.

  “I won’t do your hands tonight.”

  “W-w-what are you going to do?”

  “We are going to do a little control baby, you ready?”


  He grins, tossing me a towel.

  “Bite it, don’t scream or make a sound. If you do, I will spank you. It is fairly straight forward.”


  Easy, I won’t scream. He will lose this battle. He kneels between my legs and swipes his finger through my sex. I grit my teeth, crap, I might be wrong about the screaming.

  “Gorgeous, wet and gorgeous. I am going to use my tongue to make you come, remember, one noise and my hand lands on your ass.”

  I lean back and close my eyes, my heart is thumping. At the first touch of his tongue, I squirm, oh sweet Jesus. He slides it up and down, slowly, softly. He strokes it around and around my clit and then bites down. I moan. His hand comes down onto my thigh in a hard whack and I yelp, it comes down again.

  “Next time, I give you four swats for every noise. Don’t scream or I won’t let you come.”

  “Please.” I beg.

  He slides his tongue through again and I clench my teeth so hard my jaw hurts. I decide the towel was a good thing and put it into my mouth and bite down. The pleasure is coursing through me hard and fast, his tongue is moving with such skill. It should be illegal to be this good. He flicks and swirls, sucks and plunges until my body is shuddering violently. I come with force, but I don’t scream. I bite down so hard onto the towel I catch my tongue and draw blood. Sweat beads on my forehead.

  “Good girl,” He murmurs against my wet flesh. “Good girl.”

  He slides up my body and removes the towel, then leans down and plunges his tongue into my mouth. The taste of me, combined with him is erotic. I kiss him furiously, finally letting a moan slide out. When he pulls back, I am panting.

  “You are bleeding.”

  I forgot about my tongue, I touch it and wince. “Sorry.”

  “Did you bite it?”


  “You did real good, you have some serious self-control.”

  “I told you I do.”

  “You taste beautiful.”

  I smile and put my forearm over my face with a pleasured sigh.

  “I want to keep going Ari, I will do this until you trust me enough to fuck you and then I am going to fuck you in ways you couldn’t imagine, you won’t know what’s hit you. Think about that tonight, because this was just the beginning for us.”

  He kisses me and then leaves the room, and leaves me panting and completely content.

  * * * * * *

  Stupid girl. She thought I was kidding, thought I was joking. I sent her that note, left it perfectly on that idiot Vicky’s body and there she is banging that cop like a whore. She just can’t see it can she? Can’t see I am coming, watching. She thinks she is safe. It is time to ark it up a little, get her heart racing once more.

  I look over at the squirming girl on my bed. Ah, little Rose. Stupid little bitch was banging her boyfriend in his car, then the idiot snuck home in hopes of remaining unseen. I snagged her easily. Now she is looking at me with big grey eyes, very similar to mine really. I walk over to her, palming the knife in my hand.

  “Now now, you wish you weren’t such a bad girl don’t you?”

  She nods frantically.

  “You are sorry aren’t you?”

  Nods again.

  “You don’t want me to hurt you?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Well,” I say pressing the knife to her stomach. “You should have thought of that before you fucked your little boyfriend in the car.”

  She screams as the blade drags across her skin. No one can hear her out here though, no, we are all alone and it is dead quiet. I adjust my cock, it is throbbing to get out and fuck her until she can’t breathe. Might jam this one in her mouth, stupid little whore likes it in her mouth. I pull my cock out and she gapes, this should be fun.

  * * * * * *

  “Nice house.” Ryder says as we pull up at my foster home a few days later. I have been desperate to see my sister and the two men finally agreed to take me.

  “Yeah this family are well off.” I say.

  “This family?”

  “Foster family.”

  “This is a foster home?” Ryder asks shocked.

  “Yes, we were raised in the system. Stayed with this family most of our lives.”

  Both men turn and stare at me. “What?”

  Ok, I hadn’t told them about my family. What was there to say? My mother and father abandoned me and my sister when she was three and I was five. They disappeared off the face of the earth but I know they are still alive somewhere.

  “Long story. We grew up with this family, they are great.”

  “What the fuck? Why didn’t you say? Where are you parents.” Ryder snaps.

  “Can we not do this now?”

  “That your sis?” Nate asks, cutting me off from my glaring.

  I glance at the blonde girl bounding down the path. I squeal and leap out of the car and into her arms.

  “Oh Maya, I have missed you.”

  “Ari, it’s Ari.” I remind her.

  “God, it has been so boring around here. Oh my God is that them?”

  I turn and see what she can see. Two gorgeous men in uniform stepping out of the car, their shirts untucked, their hair unruly.

  “Sandy this is Ryder and Nate.”

  “Please to meet you miss.”

  She shakes both their hands with a blush. “Sandy, call me Sandy.”

  “Nice to meet you Sandy.” Ryder grins.

  “Oh….” She flushes.

  “My baby!”

  I turn and see my foster mother bounding out, I let go of Sandy and bound into her arms. We hug and laugh, enjoying the comfort
. She has been our rock, fostering us from a young age and taking care of us. After introductions and saucy little glances from my mother and sister, we all head inside, and sit down in the sitting room.

  “You have a lovely home here mam.” Nate says.

  My mother smiles at him. “Well thank you.”

  “Nice view.” Ryder murmurs, staring out the window.

  “Nice view indeed.”

  I shove my mother and she grins at me. “Tea, coffee?”

  “Coffee mam.”

  “Yes, coffee.”

  “Ari, will you help me?” My mother smiles innocently.

  We walk off into the kitchen, Sandy follows with a giggle. When we are out of sight, I glare at them both.

  “Could you two be more obvious, nice view, really mom?”

  My mother smiles innocently. “It was a nice view.”

  “God, they are so hot!” Sandy swoons. She is coming on seventeen, and peaking her beauty. She is blonde, brown eyed and gorgeous.

  “I have to agree with your sister, they are very nice looking men.”

  “You get to live with them, see them shirtless, oh my.” Sandy fans herself.

  “They are really good people, I love hanging around with them.”

  “Was that a blush?” My mother teases.

  “It was defiantly a blush.” Sandy taunts.

  “Stop it, I like being with them.”

  “So which do you like the most?”

  I could lie, but it isn’t worth it. They will see right through me.

  “Nate is gay, and is a great friend. So, I guess Ryder...”

  “I knew it!” Sandy squeals.

  “Oh honey, he is dazzling.”

  “Tell me about it!”

  My mother prepares some coffee and biscuits and we head back out. Ryder and Nate are sitting on the couch chatting. Ryder’s phone rings and he stands to answer it. As he passes me, his hand grazes my back. I shiver and hope no one saw. Nate winks at me and thanks my mother for the coffee. All afternoon we chat and drink coffee, the men absolutely adore my mother and sister, and the feeling is definitely mutual.

  After a long, teary goodbye we head off. Nate announces he has to go into work, so we head on in with him. The office they work in is huge and full of people rushing around and chatting frantically. Nate rushes off to organize some things in his office, so I sit with Ryder in his. I prop myself up on his desk and grin down at him.

  “Well hello there.”

  I turn to see James Clancy walking in.


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