Witness Protection (The Witness Series)

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Witness Protection (The Witness Series) Page 10

by Bec Botefuhr

  “What about me pops?” Imogen teases.

  “You are the prettiest doll.”

  John winks at me and I laugh. I sit down beside Nate and shove him with my shoulder. He grins and takes my hand. We sip coffee and eat apple cake, chatting about the drive up and the case. I hear a car pull up outside and Imogen stands.

  “That must be for me.” She smiles.

  “Is that boy here again? Don’t trust that one, not one ounce.” John grumbles.

  “We are just friends dad.”

  “He better be a good one,” Ryder mutters. “Or I will knock him out.”

  Imogen blushes. “He is nice, stop all this macho man business.”

  She walks out and I sip my coffee again, I am half way through swallowing it when she comes back in with a very handsome bloke. A bloke I know. I spit the coffee all over the table and begin choking and coughing furiously. Nate pats my back and rubs it until I stop my coughing fit.

  “Are you ok love?” Lucy worries, wiping up the coffee.


  I curse and glance up at the man who has spoken, Chance Spencer stands in front of me. Years on and the man still looks exactly the same. Blonde hair, ice blue eyes, big solid build. He was the most handsome boy in school and I knew he would grow to be a handsome man. Pity about his cold personality.

  “You two know each other?” Imogen asks.

  “Um, yeah. Maya, it’s been a while.”

  “Err, yeah. I’m sorry why are you here?”

  “I know Imogen, we go to the same college.”

  “You go to College?” I snort a laugh.

  “Yes, I am studying agriculture.”

  I roll my eyes and stand. “I just need a minute.”

  “Where do you two know each other?” Nate asks, giving me a look.

  “Oh sorry, I haven’t introduced him.” Imogen smiles.

  “I wouldn’t.” I mutter.

  “No, please do.” Ryder says in an ice cold tone.

  “This is Chance, he and I are study partners.”

  “Mother fucker.” Nate growls.

  “What is going on? Son watch your mouth.” Lucy snaps.

  Ryder is on his feet and tearing around the table in a second, he grips Chance’s throat and yanks him close.

  “Ryder!” I yell, rushing over and gripping his arms.

  “Whoa son.” John says, pulling him back.

  “What is going on?” Lucy cries.

  “You fucker, I ought to break your neck.” Ryder hisses.

  “WHAT IS GOING ON?” Lucy screams now.

  “Why don’t you tell them all CHANCE?” Nate snaps.

  “Stop,” I cry, throwing my hands up. “Stop! I don’t need that spilled around the room so just stop. Imogen, I knew Chance in high school. He and I, had a relationship and it didn’t end well. It was in the past where it will stay.”

  “Maya, what happened back then…” Chance begins.

  “Don’t you dare speak!” Ryder growls.

  “Ok, ok, enough,” Imogen snaps. “Chance, what happened?”

  “I said don’t, it is my business and it is in the past.” I yell.

  “I had sex with her, and my friends took photos and everyone saw. She left school because of the taunts and names. It was a mistake.”

  John turns now and his fist connects with Chance’s face. I stare wide eyed and shocked. Ryder blinks and Nate stiffens.

  “John!” Lucy cries.

  “No man should ever disrespect a woman like that, get out of my house boy and don’t you come near my daughter again.”

  “Imogen.” Chance says, pleading.

  “Get out, I thought you were a good one.”

  “It was years ago, I was young and stupid. Maya, I am sorry.”

  “Leave!” Imogen yells.

  Chance wipes his bloody lip and turns to walk out. I shove my way from Nate’s arms and stalk down to my room, I can’t believe it. Of all the people Imogen would know, it had to be Chance. I just can’t catch a break. A knock on my door an hour later stirs me from my thoughts, Imogen walks in with a beer and chips.

  “I thought you could use this.”

  I smile weakly. “Thanks.”

  She hands me a beer and I take it, she sits beside me with the bowl and we just sit in silence for a long moment.

  “Imogen I am sorry, I am sure you liked him…”

  “No, to be honest I really didn’t. He is hot and all but I saw how he behaved with a girl I knew, he was a study partner and was trying hard to get with me but I am not stupid. I want you to know I am not mad, and I am sorry about what happened to you.”

  “It’s hardly the way to meet someone’s family. I feel like a fool.”

  “No, you shouldn’t. My family isn’t like that, and we all really like you.”

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Honestly.”

  “Sorry again.”

  She waves a hand. “Tell me something good, we have all this beer and chips. Maybe about you and Ryder?”

  “Oh, no…it was just a fling.”

  “Ryder loves you.”

  I blink at her. “Excuse me?”

  “Ryder, he is in love with you.”

  I shake my head. “No, I think you have it mixed up.”

  “No, we all saw it. When Chance came in, and introduced himself you should have seen Ryder’s face, the way he flew around that table…”


  “Ok, ok…you will see it in your own good time.”

  “It’s confusing.”

  “It looks it. Ryder is a good bloke, be kind to him.”

  “I will.”

  “Then we will be just fine. Another beer?”

  We sit and drink beer and eat until we are giggling like children. I like Imogen and we have a good connection. When we finally emerge from the room, I can smell a barbeque cooking and I can hear laughter from the deck. We walk out to see the three men sitting and chatting. Music plays in the background, it has a good feel, the whole scene just feels right.

  “Well there you two are.” Nate grins, walking over and tucking me into his arm. I can smell beer on his breath and I know he is drunk.

  “We were having girl time, where is the good music?”

  “Oh, I got a good one.”

  I watch Nate go and change the song, when “A thousand miles” comes on, Imogen squeals and begins singing. Nate joins in, pressing his hand to his heart and belting out the tune with her. I laugh.

  “Come on Maya, everyone knows this one.”

  Nate walks over and sings right in my face, I can’t help but laugh and join in. He is so loveable, so Nate. He wraps his arm around me and we all being singing loudly.

  “Coz I would walk a thousand miles if I could just see you, tonight.”

  I catch a glimpse of Ryder and he is giving a lazy half smile at us, he looks happy, finally. We continue to sing and dance until dinner is served. We all sit down to a gourmet barbeque prepared by Lucy.

  “Oh Lucy, this is amazing.” I compliment her.

  “Thank you love.”

  “Good ma.” Nate says with a mouthful.

  “Chew your food properly son.”

  I snort a laugh and then we all erupt again.

  “My children and adopted children have all had too much to drink.” Lucy grins.

  “I’m sober Luc,” Ryder says, patting her hand. “We can’t control the feral ones.”

  “Hey!” Imogen giggles.

  “Well at least I have you Ryder.”

  We finish up and I help Lucy clear up. By eight pm I am shattered and Imogen is passed out cold on the couch. Ryder disappeared an hour ago and Nate is out having a deep and meaningful with his dad. I walk out and wish them goodnight, then make my way to my room. I pass Ryder’s on the way and see him sitting with his head in his hands. My heart clenches and I want so badly to go in and comfort him. I knock lightly on the door and he lifts his head, meeting my gaze.

  “Hey GI J
oe.” I say softly.

  “Hey baby.”

  I walk in and close the door behind me, locking it. I slide onto the bed beside him and we both stare down at our hands.

  “I thought you could use a little company.”

  “I don’t deserve it.” He says, his voice low.

  “No, probably not. Ryder what’s wrong?”


  “Really? You haven’t spoken two words to me and…”

  He turns and grips my cheek.

  “Ok, you are right, I have been a jerk. I have been hurt alright, badly…”

  “Janelle?” I cut in.


  “You love her still Ryder?”


  “You did though?”

  “Yeah, she was my everything.”

  “And she hurt you?”

  “Broke my heart into a thousand pieces.”

  “You want to tell me about it?”

  “Not now, I want to tell you this though, seeing you two tonight made things connect together. Nate has been in love with me for years, I know that and I have tried to make it as easy as possible for him. I am not gay or bi and it’s hard. He is my best friend, he has been there through thick and thin but I felt like we were always un connected in a sense. Then you came along and he adores you, as much as he adores me and when we are all together it hit me hard, you are the connection…”


  “You bring us together, without actually bringing us together. You are our even ground, you are the place we both go to feel good. You are the glue Maya, you just fit right in where you are supposed to. You bind us together in a way that makes us both happy. He gets me and you, and I get to keep my best mate. He is happy, happiest I have seen him. He loves having you around and you two have bonded so deeply, it just makes it easier. I want you to know I have shit going on, but I am not trying to be a jerk.”

  I snuggle into his side and he wraps his arm around me. “Apology accepted.”

  He snorts. “I didn’t get to sorry.”

  “You didn’t have to. God Ryder, stop shutting us out and just let me care for you.”

  “I am trying.”

  “I know.”

  “I missed touching you.”

  “Did you now?” I murmur.


  “I should probably go Ryder, you know I shouldn’t be in here.”



  He turns and presses his lips down to mine. “I need you, need a bit of comfort. Let me make love with you.”

  “You want to make love to me?” I ask, shocked.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “No bonds?”


  He presses his lips down to mine again, and this time the kiss gets deeper. He is shirtless and I feel his warm skin press to mine as he pushes me down onto the bed. Slowly, he lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it onto the ground. I feel his mouth circle around my nipples and then draw them in, I moan quietly and run my hands up and down his soft, firm back.

  He slides his hands down my body and lowers my panties, moving down with them. When he tosses them aside, he slowly moves back up my legs, dragging his lips over my skin until he reaches my hot flesh. He snakes his tongue out and slides it through my sex, I moan and grip a pillow, pressing it over my face.

  He sucks my clit into his mouth and tortures it with his lips and tongue. I whimper and force back the screams wanting to escape my throat. God damn. He slides a finger inside me, then two and slowly pulls them in and out. Higher and higher, harder and faster, I am building to my release. I bite down onto the pillow when his tongue moves faster and his fingers follow.

  “Come.” He hisses.

  I open my mouth and moan deeply into the pillow as my body explodes and shakes. I hear his growl of pleasure as he drags every last shudder out of me. He slides back up my body and I feel him press against my entrance, when did he get his pants off? He shoves the pillow away from my face and kisses me long and hard.

  “Don’t scream.”

  “Kind of hard.” I pant.

  “Thin walls, don’t scream.”

  He presses into me and I grip his shoulders, when he slides in further I moan lightly. Damn, he feels so amazing. With one powerful thrust, he fully sheaths himself and lets out a feral hiss. He pulls his hips back and thrusts back in, growling as he does. I grip his shoulders and spread my legs wider, lifting my hips to meet his thrusts. Our moans are silent, but pleasure tears through both of us. Pleasure filled with love and lust and for a brief moment I wonder if Imogen is right, I wonder if Ryder does love me?

  “I can’t…God, I am going to come.” He growls, his jaw clenching with the urge to stop it.

  “Come then, come.” I whisper urgently, kissing his lips.

  “You haven’t.”

  “Come Ryder.”

  He slams his hips in once more and lets out a strangled sound, I feel him pulsing into me and the feeling is quite intense. Emotion is pouring from him, heavy and deep. He has so much going on, I can feel it, sense it. He needed just to be inside me, to be with me and I didn’t care for my own release tonight because I needed him just as much.

  “Sorry.” He whispers.

  “Don’t be.”

  “So much for making love, can’t even please you.”

  “Ryder stop it. I thought that was amazing, it really was.”

  “You are a sweetheart, and would say that even if it wasn’t.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I needed you tonight Ryder and you have given me that.”

  He rolls off and pulls me into his arms. “I am real happy you came baby.”

  “There we go,” I smile into his sweaty shoulder. “Now you sound like yourself.”

  He laughs weakly. “You make me complete Maya and it scares the shit out of me.”

  I snuggle closer. “Don’t think too much about it, just let happen what will.”

  “Goodnight, my baby.” He whispers.

  “Night GI.”

  I sleep soundly all night long and wake before Ryder. I look down at him sleeping peacefully and smile. I tuck a strand of his longish black hair away from his face and then crawl out of his warm arms. He is in a deep sleep and doesn’t even flinch. I tiptoe out and creep back into my room, to find Nate sitting on my bed. I let off a little scream and jump back.

  “Nate, how long have you been there?”

  He grins. “An hour.”

  “Sorry, I was with Ryder.”

  “Yeah I heard.”

  I flush. “Really?”

  He laughs. “No, I was guessing but your face was priceless.”

  “Sorry, if I knew you wanted me I would have come back in.” I said, sitting beside him on the bed.

  “It’s all good. Just wanted to see if you were up for a ride?”

  “Well Nate, I thought we could date first.”

  He laughs and hugs me. “You are a cracker.”


  We look up to see Ryder walking in, all ruffled and gorgeous.


  “Borrowing your shower.” He grumbles, walking towards the bathroom.

  Nate and I both tilt our heads to stare at the gorgeous backside walking into the shower. I shove Nate and he laughs.

  “Can’t blame me.”

  “That I can’t.” I stifle a giggle.

  When Ryder is done, he comes out smelling amazing.

  “Less grumpy yet?” I ask.

  He gives me a look. “Not grumpy.”

  “A little grumpy.”

  “Anyone would think you didn’t get any last night but we all know you did.” Nate teases.

  “How do you know?”

  “I heard you.”

  Ryder’s face pales and we both burst out laughing.

  “I got Maya with that one this morning too.”


  A knock sounds on the door and both men jump a little.
/>   “Um yes?” I call out.

  “Just checking you were up.” Lucy calls.

  “I am up.”

  “Breakfast is up, do you know where Ryder and Nate are?”

  “Um, out riding?” I say, hoping it sounded believable.

  “Come on out when you are decent and tell those boys to do the same. Good morning boys.”

  “Morning ma.” They both yell.

  I burst out with laughter and the two men join in.

  “Well, guess we better get some breakfast. I am starved.” Ryder grunts, patting his flat stomach.

  “You look it.” I say winking at him.

  “It’s hard to keep this hot body you know.” He grins, winking back at me.

  I laugh and walk into the bathroom, I pull on some shorts and a singlet top, then together we all head out to the dining room. Everyone is up and surrounding a table full of bacon, eggs, biscuits and hash browns. My stomach grumbles.

  “Hungry baby?” Ryder whispers as we line up with plates.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “How are we all this morning?” John asks.

  “I think they are just dandy.” Lucy says and Nate snorts out his coffee and then roars with laughter.


  Lucy winks at Ryder and I look down at my plate blushing. Part of me is a little embarrassed she knows but the bigger part is so relieved that she doesn’t mind.

  “Up for a ride this morning?” Nate asks me.

  “Oh yeah!” I grin.

  “Ryder?” He asks.

  “Yeah, that aint going to happen. You couldn’t get me on a horse three years ago, you won’t now.”

  “Aw, Ryder you fun spoiler. Think of the fun we would have.”

  He gives me a look.

  “Just me and you Nate, how romantic.” I grin, shoving Nate.

  “I would say so.”

  We sit down and eat, chat and enjoy the morning. Before we get ready for our ride, I head back to the room and get changed. I pick up my phone and wiz through the messages. Nothing. I check my emails quickly, I haven’t in days and often Sandy sends me things. I see an email from an unknown person and click into it, my blood runs cold.

  Hello Maya,

  I bet you thought your little media stunt was going to draw me out? Silly girl. You dragged my name through the dirt and that just made me mad, that was a silly thing to do Maya. I am going get you back for that, and then I am going to get you.

  I will get you Maya, I promise you, I will get you. Guess what I am going to do to you? Go on, guess? Can’t can you? Well let me give you a hint, roar roar. I bet that has your blood pumping?


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