A Woman's Worth 2

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A Woman's Worth 2 Page 7

by Jahquel J

  “No doubt.” Moses shook his hand.

  In the bathroom… Kim sat on the toilet with her phone to her ear; she nervously bounced her leg up and down waiting for the person to answer the phone.

  “Tone, I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m leaving. I have been having sex with this man every night for what? Punishment?” Kim whispered enraged. Tone had made her take the job to be an inside ear on what Lace had going on. Sleeping with Lace wasn’t a part of the plan. What scared Kim the most was she actually was falling in love with Lace. She wanted to stop before she made the decision that would end her marriage.


  Marquise had Tiffany’s leg in the air as he inserted his fingers in and out of her pussy. Tiffany was breathless, so all she managed to do was moan when she felt the air return back to her lungs. Marquise dug in his pocket and pulled out something and before Tiffany knew it she felt a vibrating pulse being inserted in out of her clit. She couldn’t take it any longer. She wined her hips like she was dancing to Reggae and let out soft moans in between calling Marquise’s name. Marquise was just about to put his mouth to Tiffany’s love chest like it was a water fountain when someone knocked at the door. Tiffany lifted her head, agitated, and looked at a clueless Marquise.

  “Who knows we are here?” He asked.

  “I told Mezzie that’s about it,” Tiffany answered, as she got up and grabbed her jeans and crop top. She quickly put them on. She looked in the peephole to a pacing Tyrisha. Tiffany opened the door but not enough where she could slip in.

  “How do you know that I’m here?” Tiffany questioned.

  “I asked Mezzie. Crazy how you didn’t tell you best friend where you would be.”

  “Funny. You haven’t been acting like a best friend.”

  “You gonna let me in or not?” Tyrisha practically begged.

  “No, I’m busy.”

  “Fuck you then bitch! You been acting real crazy since hanging with Mezzie. You and that bitch could never be friends. She fucked my man and had two babies. Now she engaged to your man and has a baby. You shouldn’t be fucking with her just on general principal,” Tyrisha nagged.

  “You’re wrong. Reshawn was never my man. I left him remember? I know how to let shit go. I am in a new relationship and I can’t be bringing up shit that happened in my old relationship up. Now you can’t do that, you have to remind Mezzie every step of the way which is why you and Moe got the problems you do. What was done was done, it’s nothing you can change.” Tiffany put Tyrisha in her place. She didn’t need to get hype to get her point across like Tyrisha. Tiffany slammed the door in her face and got back to the nice piece of meat that waited for her.

  “Fuck you bitch, hope that bitch fuck ya new man too!” Tyrisha yelled and left the hotel. She grabbed her cellphone out the center console and dialed a number. She was desperate. The person answered on the first ring.


  “Can I see you?” She asked nervously.

  “Meet me at Gansevoort in the meat packing district,” The person said and ended the call.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mezzie sat in a car across the street from an apartment building in Brooklyn. Mezzie was growing restless of this whole ordeal with Tone. She just wanted the nigga to die, except Reshawn kept explaining it was much more complex than that. She sipped her coffee and ran her hand through her freshly dyed black curls. Her phone beeped and Mezzie looked down to see Reshawn wishing her a ‘good morning’ and telling her to be careful. She loved Reshawn with every fiber of her body. The things she wanted in a man, Reshawn was fully packed with all of them. Reshawn couldn’t be that man for Tiffany. Mezzie believed everyone had that one person who was worth changing for; and she was that for Reshawn.

  Mezzie replied with a kissy face emoji and looked up just in time to see Tyrisha come out the building with a duffle bag. She was dressed in a white leather jacket and the matching boots.

  How the fuck that bitch afford that? Mezzie wondered aloud. She dialed Tiffany’s number and her sleepy voice came through the phone.

  “Hey, Mez, what’s up?” Tiffany yawned in the phone.

  “I just seen your friend. I'm following her now,” Mezzie answered making a left following three cars behind.

  “Let me get dressed and meet you at the twins’ house,” Tiffany suggested.

  “Alright, I’ll call the twins.” She ended the call while she merged on to the highway. She dialed another number and prayed one of them answered.

  Somewhere in Crown Heights …

  “Yo,” Epiphany answered, wiping the coal out her eyes.

  “Hey. Me and Tiff are coming over in a few,” Mezzie uttered.

  “Aight, I got the chicken and it’s hot. Come before it gets cold,” Epiphany spoke in code. She nudged Promise who was in a deep coma.

  “I hate cold chicken, I’ll be there.”

  “Aight.” Epiphany stretched her lean, though thick, frame and scuffled out the bed. Last night she and Promise sat on another one of Tone’s house.

  Epiphany walked into the kitchen and grabbed the half empty orange juice container and took a swig out it. Promise came behind her with a confused expression on her face as to why Epiphany woke her up. Epiphany looked at her twin and winked letting her know money was about to be made. The two had developed certain facial expressions only the two of them knew about, seeing they both always ended up in some shit.

  “We breaking that money up?” Promised leaned against the counter of her one bedroom apartment.

  “Mezzie just called me. She and Tiff about to come over,” Epiphany said not bothering to look up.

  “Let me go wash my ass,” Promise huffed.

  “Go do you.”


  Mezzie and Tiffany banged on the apartment door an hour later. Epiphany answered the door in boy shorts, no shirt or bra and a cup in her hand. Mezzie was a little shocked considering there were men in the hallway shooting dice. Epiphany stepped aside and winked at one of them then closed the door. Epiphany walked to the kitchen table and sat down with her drink in one hand.

  “Do you always walk around like that?” Tiffany looked at Epiphany’s perfectly sculpted breast.

  “If I got, why not flaunt it? So what y’all wanted to meet here for?” Epiphany asked.

  “I wanna know what’s been going on with the Traps y’all been hitting?” Tiffany took a seat and crossed her legs.

  “We hitting every one of them and stacking the bread. Only problem is, Tone is getting smarter and getting more men who are equipped for the job,” Epiphany started.

  “Not to mention, I think some of the new men are cops.” Promise came out the room with a robe on.

  “He can’t keep affording these cops to move his work. It’s probably expensive and it’s costing him more than he’s making. Send someone in the house and we run up in there after they give us the headcount inside.”

  “I know his biggest Trap is in Brooklyn. That is the one that brings in the most money. I heard it generates about three thousand an hour.” Epiphany schooled Mezzie and Tiffany.

  “All I got to say is, ‘let’s get this money’,” Mezzie replied.


  Mezzie and Tiffany walked into the house to Reshawn and Moses smoking and drinking. Mezzie shook her head and walked passed while Tiffany snatched the blunt from Moses and took a pull. She was a little stressed.

  “Miranda, get ya’ ass back here,” Reshawn called her. She sighed because he only called her by her real name when he was pissed.

  “What?” Mezzie stood at the archway of the kitchen.

  “Where you been?”

  “Busy,” She said being imprecise.

  “Since you don’t want to talk, I will,” Tiffany spoke.

  “We planning on robbing Tone’s biggest trap house out in Bay Ridge.”

  “Who is we?”

  “The twins, me and Mezzie,” Tiffany responded.

  “When was I going to be told? When one of y’all w
as laying in the hospital fighting for y’all life?” Reshawn roared. “Y’all got muthafuckin’ kids. Epiphany and Promise do this shit for a living, don’t you see how easy they been hitting this nigga?”

  “Man, whateva, I’m doing this.” Tiffany walked away.

  “Tyrisha is back with Tone, when I followed her today, she drove straight to that nigga, he answered the door and kissed her on the lips,” Mezzie blurted.

  “Mezzie, please tell me you’re lying.” Tiffany came back in the room.

  “Yeah, Mez, please tell me you shitting me.”

  “Nope, I wish I was,” Mezzie countered. Moses flipped the kitchen table over and slammed the Ciroc bottle into the oven door, shattering it. Tiffany backed up and Reshawn ushered them out the kitchen. Moses was something compared to the hulk. Especially when it came to Tyrisha.

  Staten Island, Annandale.

  “Come in, you better have what I asked for,” Tone opened the door. Tyrisha strutted in the house with a Valentino pants suit with the same color nude studded pumps. One would think she was about to walk the runway in Paris. Tone closed the door behind her and sat back down at the kitchen table.

  “I got that and more baby, one of them niggas owed you money and I made his ass pay up,” Tyrisha gloated. Tone motioned for her to bring her face forward; he kissed her Ka’oir cover lips as a sign of a job well done.

  “You know I missed you when you were gone, right? I always knew you would come right back.” Tone tilted his head and popped the pills in his mouth.

  “I know you did. The real problem is whoever is hitting ya’ men while they’re delivering. The men keep saying its two women.”

  “I’m already on it. I got a plan in motion, I know who they are already,” Tone answered.


  “Mezzie and Tiffany.”


  Tyrisha walked into her single family home located across the street from South Beach in Staten Island. Tone had paid up the lease for two years and leased her BMW. The block housed mostly Mexicans and she managed to become close to one particular one, Alomar. Alomar was part of the MS13 Mexican gang. He moved from LA and found Staten Island to become home. He was low key but dangerous and Tyrisha loved it. The way he held her neck while they fucked, had her sprung. He was violent when he didn’t get his way, still Tyrisha was off limits. Tyrisha made Alomar believe it was just the two of them, when in fact she was making Tone believe the same thing.

  Alomar was seated in front of the TV watching the news and cracking his knuckles. Tyrisha walked behind him, pulled his head back and kissed him, he liked the roughness. Alomar turned off the TV and turned his attention to Tyrisha. He watched her take her jacket off and slip out her shoes. Tyrisha felt him watching her and wondered what he had up his sleeve.

  “What’s up Al?” Tyrisha took two Coronas out the fridge, both for Alomar.

  “Nothing. Where you been at?” He looked her in the eye as he opened his beer with his teeth. Tyrisha winced.

  “Some shopping, the usual. What you been up to?” Tyrisha changed the subject.

  “Killed my next door neighbor and raped his wife Well, not me but the crew,” Alomar answered unaffected. Tyrisha eyes almost popped out her head and she wished she had never asked him the question.

  “Don’t worry mama, I would never hurt you. Draw a bath so I can fuck the shit out of you,” Alomar ordered in a non-threatening matter. Tyrisha got up to go to the bathroom but her legs felt like rubber. She was playing a dangerous game and when it was all said and done, would she live to tell about it?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kim finished another shift in the medical wing. Lace was already waiting at the door for her with a drink and a cigarette, a habit she picked up from him. Kim accepted the tokens of his affection and kicked her shoes off in the foyer. The maid quickly grabbed the shoes and scurried to put them in the rightful place. Lace held her hand and walked her to “their” wing of the house. All the girls were out for bowling night; something Kim convinced Lace to enforce for the girls. Kim sipped her champagne and puffed on her cigarette. Lace admired his woman. The way she drank and smoked was like a classic, old Hollywood star.

  Lace helped Kim get undressed and slipped on her silk kimono with just her bra and panties set underneath it. Kim flopped down on the bed and tucked her feet underneath her. Lace joined her.

  “What’s on your mind?” Lace needed to know, he had become obsessed with anything Kim.

  “I’m just tired and I need to relax. I also need to stop smoking these damn cigarettes,” Kim added.

  “No more cigarettes, maybe we can get you the electronic kind. Would that be okay?”

  “I guess, Sylvester. Why do you always want to please me? It’s like you might die if you don’t. If you’re trying to over compensate for me leaving my husband, you don’t have to,” Kim sighed and handed Lace the cigarette and drink. Lace looked down at his phone and sucked his teeth.

  “We will continue this later. I got to run but I love you...do you love me?”

  “You know I do. Go handle business I will be here when you return.” Kim ran her hands over her face. Maybe she just wasn’t use to it but Lace’s knack to shower her in his affection was wearing her thin. He needed to know how much and when she loved him every second of the day. Lace kissed her forehead and headed out. Ten minutes after he was gone, he called her.

  “I do and I always will,” Kim answered knowing why he called.

  “I just wanted to make sure. I will see you later,” He ended the call and sped out the gates. Kim fell back on the bed and thought about who her loyalty lied with. Tone was her husband and sent her to find out everything about Lace and his business. He knew the outcome could possibly get Kim killed but he sent her anyway. Kim knew so much stuff she wanted to put her brain in a safety deposit box.

  Then she had Lace who treated her like gold and cherished the ground she walked on. He was a little much at times; however, he loved her and respected her. Tone wanted the information now. Kim didn’t want to give away Lace’s secrets that he shared with her in confidence.

  Kim knew his medicines were the thing that kept him on the right path. If she switched and replaced them with sugar pills, Lace would be off his rocker and she could easily hand over the reins to his business to Tone. Kim didn’t want to do that to him, especially after all he went thru to get where he was today. Tears ran down her cheek she didn’t know which way she wanted to go. She loved Tone but was love enough to risk her life for?


  Lace walked through the store front; he picked up an Muscle Milk and continued to the back. He knocked three times and the door opened. Reshawn opened the door and gave him a pound. Lace walked to Moses and did the same thing. He hadn’t been summoned there in a minute and he needed to know why.

  “What’s up?” Lace asked.

  “We moving in on Tone’s trap in Bay Ridge.” Moses got right to the chase.

  “What you got planned?”

  “We hit that shit tonight,” Moses replied.

  “From here.”

  “Yeah. You, me and Mezzie riding together while the twins and Reshawn ride together.”

  “I’ll be in the car. Let me ride with the sexy ass twins.”

  “Behave, Lace. Those my sisters.”

  “I got you, nigga.” Lace walked out the store.

  “Wait,” Mezzie called Lace.


  “Kim was sent to fuck you over.”

  “How do you know all of this?” Lace questioned.

  “Wire taps. Any person can tap a phone and I got all of Tone’s phones tapped. Tyrisha frequently switches phone so it’s hard to get one on her,” Mezzie informed Lace.

  “So Kim has to fucking go.”

  “Not really. Kim told Tone a couple weeks ago she was done doing shit for him. She stopped calling and he hasn’t spoken to her since. I would say she’s rocking with you on this one. Use her to our advantage, being his wife she has to know a
lot of what he has going on.” Mezzie patted Lace’s shoulders.

  “My baby picked me?” Lace felt relieved.

  “Apparently so, she was supposed to switch your pills and I guess she hasn’t. Do you feel different?”

  “I feel fine; I know I won’t be after today though.”

  “Why?” Mezzie and Moses asked at the same time. Lace grinned and turned to leave. He left Moses with an uneasy feeling that New York was about to be reintroduced to Lace, but ten times worst.

  Lace knocked on the window and Epiphany let him into the car. She sat in the driver’s seat smoking a blunt and bobbing her head to music. Lace reached his hand out for the blunt. Shockingly, Epiphany handed it to him.

  “Where ya’ other half?” Lace looked around.

  “Working.” Epiphany took the blunt back and took a dragon pull. Her phone started ringing. She pressed the steering wheel and answered.


  “We ready. Follow behind Mez,” Moses said and ended the call.

  Epiphany strapped her seat belt and scrolled down a few songs before she settled on one. She opened the sun roof at the same time as “Me and My bitch” by Jaheim played through the speakers. She pulled off snapping her fingers. Lace looked at the black haired beauty and his dick got hard. It was then that Lace started to develop a crush for Epiphany Jewel Ellis.


  Epiphany called Kea to see who was in the house at the time.

  “Who in there?”

  “Two niggas and another one upstairs counting the money. I'm in the living room with the two.”

  “We about to come in,” Epiphany replied.

  Epiphany and Mezzie came around the back of the house. The house was situated on a busy block in Bay Ridge. They didn’t want to draw too much attention. The mission was to get in and out. Tiffany already stood at the door with her finger on the trigger. A man answered the door looking at Tiffany’s body up and down. Tiffany spotted Kea, straddled on top of the other nigga.

  “Is my cousin here?” Tiffany played it off. “Kea. She said she was here.”

  “Yeah, she right there. Come in, sexy.” The man stepped aside and welcomed Tiffany in.


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