Doctor For Hire

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Doctor For Hire Page 6

by Tory Baker

  I hear the woman hissing, I even hear her words, I just don’t care. What I do care about is that Tabitha goes stiff in my arms and her whole body tightens as she pulls away from me. I don’t let her go too far. Instead, I pull her tight into my side and turn to face the woman together.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Mom,” Tabitha says, clearing her voice, her gaze not leaving mine for a long moment before she looks at her mother. Then she leans in and kisses her mother on the cheek. The mother’s eyes are on me and she’s barely paying attention to her daughter. I’ve see this type of woman before and it’s the same type that made me swear off women in the first place. She’s nothing like Tabby, I can immediately say that without even blinking.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” she asks Tabitha, her calculating eyes boring into me. “Honestly I tried to teach both of my daughter’s manners, but Tabitha would rather have her head in a book then listen and learn,” she says giving me a cold smile.

  “I happen to think Tabitha is perfect just the way she is,” I respond, giving her a cool tone that has a bite to it, and clearly meant to be a warning.

  “It’s so strange that we’ve never heard about you from Tabitha before all this came up, don’t you think Mr. Miner?” she asks and I immediately pick up a new tension in Tabitha and I immediately tighten my hold on her and put more of my body between her and her mother, as if to protect Tabitha.

  What kind of mother asks these kinds of questions when she sees her daughter for the first time in probably months?

  “It’s Dr. Miner,” I tell her. Normally I don’t give a damn, but this woman definitely needs to be brought down a peg or two. “And no I don’t think it’s strange at all. It’s probably my fault. I’ve kept Tabitha rather busy. Your daughter is special, as I’m sure you’re well aware of Mrs. Riley. I find myself monopolizing all of her time.” I answer, my voice grim. I don’t like her. I think she might be the reason Tabitha seems unsure of herself at times—which makes me like her even less.

  “I see. How well do you know my daughter?”

  “Mom, surely we can have this conversation some other time. We’re here for Hilary after all,” Tabitha says, stepping in.

  “Of course. Too bad you didn’t feel that way enough to be on time,” the mother says as her parting shot as she turns and walks to the table where Tabitha’s family are gathered.

  “Traffic was a little crazy,” Tabitha defends. She puts a tight smile on her face and I hate it. I have the urge to kiss her again, but instead, I just let my thumb brush back and forth on the inside of her palm. I don’t let go of her hand as she hugs her father, some Aunt named Harry and says a cautious hello to three others. She doesn’t introduce me, and I’m fine with that. They’re all looking at her strangely and with each one she says hi to, the tension inside of her becomes so tangible her hand quivers in mine. I’d understand soon enough. “Hilary, you look so beautiful,” Tabitha says as she bends down to hug her sister.

  “Do you like it? Robbie bought it for me. I saw it in the window at Quasars and had to have it,” she gushes, modeling the pale blue dress she’s wearing that is made of silk and probably cost a crap load of money. I have to wonder what Robbie does for a living. I get the feeling it better be good to keep Hilary happy. Hilary, though nice enough, reminds me enough of her mother and the reason why I swore never to commit to a woman that I could get the hives. Not for the first time I’m left wondering how Tabitha even came from this family.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Tabitha says, softly. “Hello, Robbie. It’s been a long time.”

  I don’t like the way Robbie is looking at Tabitha. At first glance, there’s not a lot I like about the man in general. He’s got beady eyes. I’ve heard that saying, but never actually paid attention to anyone enough to know where it came from. This man could be a poster child for it. Look up beady eyes in the dictionary and this dick would be right there as an example. And if he doesn’t stop looking at Tabitha’s breasts I’m going to deck him.

  “Hey Tabby, you’re looking good,” he says and he stands up and moves to kiss her and I don’t care if he is engaged to Tabitha’s sister, or that he was only trying to kiss her cheek. I just know I’m not about to let that happen. I quickly move between them.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Brody Riley. Tabitha is mine.”

  “Yours,” he repeats shocked.

  I hear Tabitha’s sister and a few others gasp, but something else happens. I hear Tabitha giggle into my back. That lightens my anger marginally. I realize I’m coming off as a caveman, but seriously this man has his fiancé standing right beside him and still stares at Tabitha’s breasts even while he’s talking to her. Then he wants to stand up and touch her.

  No fucking way.

  “Brody has a way of sounding like a caveman. All those hours in the operating room ordering others around I think,” Tabitha laughs, standing once again to my side. I wrap my arm around her and make myself smile—when what I really want to do is hit this clown. “He means we’re dating.”

  “Oh,” Robbie laughs, his eyes going back to Tabitha and I swear to God his eyes are back on her breasts.

  “Seriously dating,” I add.

  “Oh wow. I can’t wait to see if Tabitha catches my bouquet,” Hilary giggles, and either she’s clueless to the fact that her fiancé is lusting after her sister’s breasts or she just doesn’t give a fuck. I’m on the verge of telling him to adjust his eyes when Tabitha moves us away from them, giving Robbie her back. Thank God. I make sure to keep my hand on her back and walk behind her, because he’s not getting a chance to stare at her ass. Tabitha has a beautiful body and her breasts are indeed perfect but damn her ass could make a man beg. She’s wearing a black dress that laces up the back and it hugs her ass like a second glove. She looks good enough to eat, and I definitely plan on doing that again—and soon.

  “Brody, you’ve met my mother and sister, this my father Jason and my Aunt Harriet, and this is Calista and Joseph Stedman, Robbie’s parents. And of course you just met Robbie,” she finishes up lamely, tense again as Calista and Joseph stare at Tabitha with thinly disguised hate.

  No wonder Tabitha didn’t want to face all of this alone.

  We’re seated and I make sure to put her in the chair that is the farthest away from Robbie. We’re still too close for my liking, but now the bastard will see me first when he looks at Tabitha and that’s exactly how it should be.

  “Tabitha, I’m surprised you could get time off work to take part in the wedding. Your mother says all you do is work, that you have no real life,” Calista murmurs, taking a drink of her wine.

  Again, Tabitha stiffens beside me. The waiter comes by and we order before Tabitha gets time to respond, but that doesn’t stop Calista.

  “I suppose your boyfriend was able to get you to take a day off. It’s probably helpful having someone who doesn’t mind giving up living a normal life for the sake of a career.”

  “A normal life?” I ask, before Tabitha can talk.

  “A home, family, a real life.”

  “I can assure you Mrs. Stedman that despite our working hours Tabitha and I have a very normal life.”

  “I don’t see how it can be, what with all the hours you work. You must never get time alone,” she argues.

  “We manage,” Tabitha says. “Hilary is everything ready for the wedding?” she asks trying to divert the conversation to another topic, which is probably a good idea.

  “It is,” her mother answers for Hilary, “despite your lack of help. I do hope you plan on being here the next three days to help and not find a reason to go back early.

  “I’ll be here for the next three days, Mother. I wouldn’t miss Hilary’s wedding.”

  “That’s good! Because you’re part of it,” Hilary pops up and the rest of the conversation consists of a wedding dress, bridesmaid’s dresses, and flowers.

  My eyes glaze over like the rest of the men’s—except
for Robbie’s who I catch staring at Tabitha again. There’s going to be trouble and I’m going to see to it that he learns looking at Tabitha is not okay and that she is completely off the market. To prove my point, I put my hand in her hair and pull her close to me and kiss her gently on her lips. It’s just a subtle kiss, but it still feels good to remind her I’m here and that I want her. Her eyes go dark and soft and I lose a piece of myself in them right then.

  “What was that for?”

  “I couldn’t stop myself,” I tell her honestly and I watch as she smiles and a pale pink tint comes over her face.

  I’ve got to have her soon. Maybe once I’ve completely claimed her I can handle Robbie looking at her…

  Yeah, that’s never going to happen.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “I like the way you dance, gorgeous,” Brody whispers against my ear. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as our bodies move slowly to the music.

  We managed to get through the wedding rehearsal and instead of going back to my parent’s home, Brody convinced me to go out dancing with him. I wasn’t really up to a crowded bar, but the thought of spending an evening with my parents was even less appealing. I should have known that Brody would surprise me. He managed to find a small romantic restaurant with music and a dining area outside by Lake Lesavor. I’m from this area and I didn’t even know it was here.

  “How did you know about this place?” I ask, unable to contain my grin. I’ve never felt gorgeous before, but Brody definitely makes me feel that way.

  “I asked the waiter at the place we had the rehearsal dinner. Pretty nice, right?”

  “It’s awesome,” I agree and before I can second guess myself I kiss Brody on the side of the neck. I’ve had a crush on this man for as long as I can remember. Now that I’ve actually spent time with him, he’s so much better than I realized. I actually think… I love him. Which is terrifying, but still true.

  “Your family is…”

  “Hard to take. I’m sorry about tonight, Brody. I should have warned you, but…”

  “But what?”

  “Honestly, it sounds weak—I know…”

  “Just tell me, Tabitha. You don’t need to be afraid to tell me anything.”

  “I was afraid you’d back out of coming here with me,” I tell him, being completely honest and doing my best to ignore the fear that it causes.

  “And let you get anywhere near your ex alone? Not on your life, gorgeous.”

  I pull back to look at Brody, thinking he can’t be serious. His face is stern and his eyes are intense. He seems more than serious.

  “Brody, he’s marrying my sister.”

  “That didn’t stop him from looking at your breasts the whole night.”

  “Brody, he did not.”

  “Tabitha, he did. There was a time or two I was about to get up and black his eye.”

  “Black his eye?” I gasp, reading the truth in Brody’s gaze and not knowing whether to be alarmed or slightly turned on. If I’m honest I’ve been turned on all night, and I kind of like that he’s acting like an unreasonable caveman right now. It’s so different from the straight-laced doctor I thought Brody was that it intrigues me even more.

  “So it would swell up and the asshole couldn’t look at you anymore.”

  “You wanted to hit someone for staring at me?” I ask, not quite believing him, but loving that Brody Miner seems… jealous.

  “Is that so hard to believe? I don’t know about your tastes in men before me, Tabitha, but Rodney is a douche.”

  “It’s Robbie,” I laugh.

  “Whatever, he’s still a douche,” Brody grumbles. “I really should have hit him.”

  “But what about your hands?”

  “My hands?” he asks, his face full of confusion.

  I step out of his arms, which seems to make him even more unhappy. Then I take both his hands in mine, bringing them to me to kiss.

  “You make a living with your hands, Brody. You hold life in them and perform miracles. Nothing about Robbie is worth putting that at risk,” I tell him, being completely serious.

  “Please, he’d be out after one punch.”

  “Still, there’s much more I’d rather see you do with your hands than punch out Robbie Stedman.”

  “Now that’s a coincidence, gorgeous.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’d much rather use my hands on you.”

  “That might not happen until we get back home and away from my family.”

  “We could always find a hotel,” he suggests with a devilish glint in his eye.

  “That would piss my mother off so much,” I warn him, but I’m grinning.

  “Do you care?” he asks, already knowing my answer.

  “Not in the least.”

  “How about we hit the road then?”

  “I thought you would never ask,” I tell him. My heart is beating a million miles a minute. Finally, after doing nothing but dreaming about it… I’m going to sleep with Brody.

  Well… with any luck, there will be no sleeping involved.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I think you scared that poor clerk to death,” I laugh nervously as I hear the locking of the room door.

  “He wasn’t moving fast enough,” Brody growls.

  His voice is deep and there’s a vibration in it that sends chills through my body.


  “I want to go slow with you gorgeous, give you sweet words and take my time.”


  “I don’t think I have that in me right now. It seems like I’ve wanted you forever, Tabitha. Every minute I spend with you only makes that feeling more intense.”

  “Those sound like pretty sweet words,” I whisper, and they are. They might be the sweetest words I’ve ever heard and it’s all because they come from Brody.

  “You like those then you’re going to love my next ones,” he says, his eyes holding a devilish glint.

  “I am?”

  In response, he walks over to me, his eyes dark and full of hunger. He grabs the V-collar of my dress, one side in each hand. I bite my lip as I anticipate his next move My dress is a maxi dress, lacing up the back, but the front buttons all the way up the middle There’s a small belt at my waist and that’s it. It’s black and silky and one of my favorite dresses, but…

  “Undo your belt, gorgeous,” he says and somehow his voice has dropped down another notch. It causes me to shiver…all over. My gaze holds his as I untie my belt and let it drop to the floor. “You’re such a good girl, Tabitha. So eager to please. It makes me want to see just how good you are.”

  His words are like alcohol going straight to my head. I feel light headed and dizzy from the heat coming from him. I don’t think I could get any more turned on and then he rips my dress down the middle—just from the hold on my collar.

  I gasp in shock. I don’t know what I expected exactly, but it wasn’t that. Buttons either gave way or popped and flew across the room. Through it all, Brody’s eyes stay glued to mine.

  “I liked this dress,” I tell him, when I can finally speak.

  “I’ll buy you another one.”

  He pushes the dress from my body. I wasn’t expecting this to happen—at least not today. I wore just simple white panties and bra. They aren’t totally ugly, but they definitely aren’t sexy. I’m already blushing, but the thought that I’m not looking my best almost makes me run from the room.

  “Brody I—”

  “Are you going to go shy on me, gorgeous?”

  “It’s just… maybe we could shower and kind of… get ready to… well…”

  I trail off because I sound like an idiot. Shower and get ready to have sex. If I say that to him he really is going to think I’m insane.

  “A shower sounds like a great idea,” he responds. I had dropped my gaze down, embarrassed, but at his words I look up at him in surprise. I’m sure
if I could shower, get my suitcase from the car and find some sexier lingerie, I’d be better prepared for this.

  “It does?” I ask surprised, still trying to calm my nerves.

  “It does. I’ll make sure we shower after.”

  “After?” At first not understanding—probably because Brody is looking at me like he’s hungry and I’m a six course meal. It’s a great look, but I’m having trouble concentrating—especially when you add in my nerves.

  “After I work the nerves out of you,” he says, dropping to his knees.

  “I… Brody… I thought…”

  “That’s your problem gorgeous, you’re overthinking,” he says, hooking his fingers under the rim of my panties and pulling them down my legs. “Lift your leg for me,” he orders, a firm hand on my ankle.

  I brace my hand on his shoulder and step out of my panties. He maneuvers them over my heel and I at least thank God I’m wearing sexy shoes. I follow his direction as he does the same with my other leg and then he’s holding my panties and grinning up at me. He brings them slowly to his face and inhales deeply. If I wasn’t already red before, I’m probably glowing now.

  “Fuck, Tabitha, you smell good enough to eat.”

  My knees instantly go weak. I watch as he pulls the lips of my pussy apart. Cool air hits my heated inner flesh and I can feel a gush of wetness come out and slide down. I should be embarrassed, but I’ve never been more turned on in my life. I know that Brody sees it, I know he feels the shiver that runs through me. I know because he flattens his tongue out and slides it against my pussy, gathering my juices and drinking them down.

  His tongue feels like tender silk probing through my pussy… so soft, hot and slick… My eyes close as sensation after sensation hits me. His fingers graze against my clit and jerk at the sudden shock.

  “Hold yourself open for me, Tabitha,” he growls against my clit.


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