Tales From a Second Hand Wand Shop- Book 1: They Were the Best of Gnomes. They Were the Worst of Gnomes. Page 44
Once again standing on hind legs, he scanned the area. The tracks of the three Shamblers were plainly evident- they led along a jagged path of already wilting flowers. GaribaldisGila dropped to all fours and slinked along their path, eating the flowers as he went.
“Home free Liverioso!” Semfeld beamed. “Oh, pardon me, I mean the Mysterious Liverioso!”
“Why thank you, Astounding Themfeld!” Liverioso reclined on his Shambler as well. “Thoon enough we’ll exthact our revenge!”
The two rode generally northward, with only a few minor detours (some even on purpose!), the next two months.
As always, with GaribaldisGila close behind.