Fast: A Pregnant by the Bad Boy Romance (Burns Brothers Book 2)

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Fast: A Pregnant by the Bad Boy Romance (Burns Brothers Book 2) Page 2

by Gillian Archer

  Now it was my turn to groan and lose the feeling in my knees. Christ. This woman. I was inches from just lowering her to the ground here and now when someone started up a motorcycle.

  The sound of the revving engine jolted through Hope like a crack of lightning and she sprang away from me. Her eyes darted around the courtyard as she panted. She looked like someone who didn’t want to be caught. Someone who was maybe cheating on their boyfriend.

  “Who the hell are you?” I took a step away from her, like that would make a difference.

  Because if it’d been her old man who’d come outside and saw us making out, I wouldn’t even be breathing right now, let alone talking.

  Hope blinked up at me with an incredulous expression. “I’m Hope.”

  “Bullshit. Who’s your old man?”

  “I told you, I don’t have one. Why would you think—”

  “Because you look guilty as fuck.” I cut in. “Clearly you don’t want to be caught out here with me. Why the hell aren’t you wearing a ‘Property of’ vest?”

  “Because as I said—I’m not now or ever have been the property of a King. I’m my own woman.”

  “Then why the fuck are you acting so guilty? I’m not going anywhere with you if I gotta look over my shoulder the whole fucking time. I don’t require commitment, but I’m sure as hell not gonna be anyone’s dirty mistress. Especially if you got a scary one-percenter boyfriend. I like my balls where they are, thank you very much.”

  “I’m not… He’s not…” Hope sighed and shook her head.

  …and that was where I got off the crazy Hope ride. Maybe my brother, Austin, had it right. I needed to stop thinking with my little head.

  “Yeah, I’m out.” I took a few steps backward, and away from her. “Have a nice life.”

  I’d turned to go when Hope’s words had me freezing in my tracks.

  “He’s not my boyfriend. He’s my father.”

  Chapter 2

  Hope Stephens

  I winced. There had to be a better way to say that. You’d think after six months of living here I would’ve figure it out. You’d also be wrong because here we were. The last time—and really the only time—I’d told a guy who my father was, he couldn’t run away fast enough, like I was patient zero or something. It was insulting. And also the reason I hadn’t looked at any of the men here in that way again.

  Until Ryan.

  If it’d been anyone else we wouldn’t have gotten this far. But I’d had a crush on him ever since I’d seen him on TV. And then I felt that charge of electricity when we met in person. He was just so gorgeous and masculine and sexy.

  “No boyfriend then?” Ryan asked.

  I blinked and suddenly he was only inches from me. He was so close I could feel his breath ruffling my hair. Why did he have to smell so good?


  “Huh?” I blinked and the mental picture of him breathing me in while nestled between my thighs faded away. Right. We were still standing in the clubhouse courtyard and not in my bed at home. “No, no boyfriend.”

  “And you’re above the legal age of consent? Since you’re hanging out here, I didn’t think I’d need to card you.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “That’s kinda creepy. Do you often card the girls you want to go home with?”

  “Only when they threaten me with their daddies.” Ryan smirked.

  “Forgive me for being jumpy.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “The last guy who found out about my father ran a mile when he found out. His legs did that Scooby Doo thing, and he was gone.”

  “I don’t care who your dad is. Believe me, I’m the last guy to judge a person based on their sperm donor. Mine might be the shittiest one of them all.” Ryan hung his head as he rubbed at the back of his neck.

  I recalled all the media hoopla about his dad, who’d just been released on parole after serving twenty-five years for killing Ryan’s mother. Ryan was in his late twenties, so he couldn’t have been that old when it all had happened. I would guess that he didn’t have any memories of either parent. It was heartbreaking and made me feel like my family drama was small potatoes in comparison.

  And right now, Ryan looked so vulnerable and badass at the same time. His aw- shucks body language juxtaposed against his dark good looks and five o’clock shadow— this was the reason I’d been attracted to him in the first place. He looked like a guy who wore his heart on his sleeve but didn’t mind beating the crap outta anyone who made fun of him for it. I wanted to soothe him and screw him at the same time.

  What was wrong with me?

  “How about we forget about our dads and go to your place?” Ryan tilted his head and sent me this look that had my heart racing. It was mischievous and naughty and just so freaking hot. Like he couldn’t wait to rip my panties off me.

  And before I knew what I was doing, I found myself replying, “Sure. We can do that.”

  Ryan’s head shot up and the gleam in his eyes had my breath shuddering. Just like that all the drama and bullshit fell away. He grabbed my hand and pulled until I fell into his hard chest. I put a hand out to catch myself and left it resting on the firm muscle of his left pec. My eyelids fluttered. Good god, if he was that hard through a t-shirt and hoodie, what would he feel like when he took it all off?

  And then he was kissing me. Ryan’s mouth moved against mine and the butterflies in my stomach multiplied. His lips were soft and supple and so fucking clever. After what felt like an eon, he pulled away with a groan.

  “How far is it to your place again?”

  I laughed as I took a step back on unsteady legs. Lord, that man knew how to kiss. Grabbing his hand, I tugged him in the direction of my apartment. After a beat, he fell into step with me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  My shiver had nothing to do with the chill in the spring air.

  We walked in amicable silence, but it felt like the longest two blocks of my life. I was so nervous I was shaking. After the first time we’d met, I’d spent I don’t know how many nights going over all the things I should’ve said to him since I’d been such a tongue-tied doofus. Now I was so anxious about what was going to happen, I couldn’t string together three words if I could even think them up. I’d never had a one-night stand before. Sure, I’d had sex, but only with boyfriends after we got to know each other. And now I was going to strip naked in front of someone who didn’t even know my last name, let alone how I like my coffee or what I’d studied in college—those little details that spelt relationship.

  No, this had all the hallmarks of a one-night stand. It’d been on my sex bucket list forever, but I’d been so determined to get the hell outta my mom’s house and then finish college so I wouldn’t need to lean on her or her husband anymore that I hadn’t gotten around to having a one-night stand. Or most of the things on my sex bucket list if I were honest with myself.

  How did I even do this?

  I didn’t know, but I was excited to find out. My heart pounded, and I snuck a peek at the silent man at my side. Ryan’s face was tense and a quick glance down below told me why—he was already hard, judging by the large member currently stretching his jeans.

  Oh wow. I had done that to him. He found me so hot that he already had a hard on. I felt so powerful.

  I could do this. I wanted to do this. Do him.

  It became my mantra as we walked and before I knew it, we’d reached my building. Ryan paused in front of the building’s front door and waited for me to do something, but I had no idea what. When I didn’t move, he looked down at me with a frown.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yes.” I nodded affirmatively like I was trying to convince both of us.

  “All right.” He eyed me for a second, waiting expectantly. “Are you going to let us in? Looks like a combo is required.”

  The door. Right. I needed to enter my code. My cheeks heating with my flustered nerves, I crossed to the keypad and entered my pin—the date that I’d found out my father
wasn’t dead after all, six years ago. The keypad flashed green, and the door buzzed. I reached for the handle, but Ryan beat me, pulled it open, and held it for me.


  “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

  I ducked my head to hide my smile. I realized it was probably a nickname he used with every girl, but I still felt a zing every time he called me beautiful.

  I got a few feet into the entryway when I realized he hadn’t followed me. Turning, I found him still in the doorway, holding the door open. “Aren’t you coming?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “Do you still want me to come inside with you?”

  I took a deep breath and nodded.

  “You don’t look sure. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind.”

  “No, I want you to come up with me. It’s just…” I trailed off, not sure how to finish that sentence or how much of myself I wanted to reveal to him.

  Ryan leaned against the open door. “It’s just what?”

  In for a penny… “I’ve never done this before.”

  “You’ve never had a guy inside your building?” Ryan tilted his head as a devilish spark gleamed in his eyes.

  “I’ve-never-had-a-one-night-stand-before.” I rushed it out in one breath, unable to look at him. An awkward silence buzzed between us. I hadn’t heard the door close but I was afraid to look. Instead, I crossed the lobby to the elevator. I felt so stupid. Why did I say that? I should’ve come up with something cleverer, but no, I just blurted out my total lack of experience like someone without any social skills. Mortified, I stabbed at the elevator call button.

  The elevator pinged immediately and the doors slid open. I didn’t even bother looking behind me. He was probably halfway back to the clubhouse by now.

  “Uh, who said we were gonna have sex?”

  I swung around and looked at him incredulously. “Why are you here then?”

  “You said you wanted to talk somewhere quieter.” Ryan leaned against the wall and hooked his thumbs in his front jeans pockets.

  The elevator doors slid shut with us still standing in front of it.

  “So, you’re just here to talk? Are you serious? What about all those kisses and the crazy sexual tension that’s been buzzing between us?” I almost pointed out the hard-on he’d walked two blocks with, but thank God my social skills weren’t that bad.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I was hoping for more, but given how hesitant you are, I thought that was off the table.”

  I didn’t even know what to say to him. It was mortifying to know I’d been that transparent. So much for my newly acquired badass skills. “You’re happy to come upstairs and just talk to me? Really?”

  “Really. I am hoping I’ll get another kiss or two, but I know even that’s not guaranteed. You’re the one in charge here, Hope. What happens between us is entirely up to you because I think I’ve made my stance pretty clear. But in case you need another reminder—” He slipped a hand behind my head and bent toward me. His lips hovered over mine, questioning.

  And I couldn’t resist. I closed the distance and kissed him with everything I had. I wanted this man. After a beat, he took over and kissed me in that amazing, toe curling way that only Ryan was capable of.

  I groaned into his mouth and swayed toward him, wrapping my arms around his muscular body. Oh my God. Yes.


  I was totally doing this.

  One night stand with a bad boy? Check.

  Distantly I heard a bell chime and Ryan pulled away with an aggrieved sigh.

  I’d forgotten where we were. And when the doors slid open a second later, I wished we were anywhere else.

  Chapter 3


  “Hopey girl! As I live and breathe!” The shriek from the disheveled older blonde getting off the elevator had my ears ringing. I’d sprung away from Hope like we were teens who’d been caught by their parents. Although given this woman’s apparent age, I wasn’t far off.

  “Goldie, hey.” Hope blanched then crossed her arms over her chest and inched toward me. “I didn’t see you at Hawk’s party.”

  “Yeah, Rags doesn’t want me hanging around the club right now. I had a little thing with Hawk’s old lady and shit went down. I don’t think you were there that night, but…oh my god! You bagged one of the infamous Burns brothers? Damn, girl, you got skills. But she’s got nothing on me, Mr. Muscles.” Goldie’s eyes raked up and down my body in a way that left me feeling degraded. She swayed toward us on her knee-high boots, stopping so close all I could smell was cigarettes and B.O. “I could do things that would make you think you’d died and gone to heaven. But lemme tell you, they don’t do things like that behind the pearly gates. I’m pure sin. This tongue is certified Grade-A evil. And the teeth are removable, if you get my drift.”

  I shuddered and flinched away as she ran her hand down my arm. “That’s an, uh, interesting offer, ma’am, but I, uh…”

  I sent Hope a panicked look. I’d been hit on by older women before but never this blatantly or with an audience or just… I felt dirty. And not the good kind.

  Hope stared back at me with large eyes but didn’t say anything. She seemed as shell-shocked as I was.

  Goldie leaned toward Hope and ran a finger down her cheek. The long, blood red nail clashed harshly with Hope’s pale cheek. “Or we can really make this a real party. I don’t think anyone at the clubhouse has played with the new girl yet. You ever been with another woman, Hopey girl? I’d love to be your first. And last.”

  Hope’s eyes narrowed. She flicked Goldie’s stick-thin finger away. “I don’t think Rags would like that.”

  “What my old man won’t know, won’t be a problem.” Goldie smiled devilishly, displaying yellowed and lipstick smudged teeth. “Especially with a Burns boy in the mix. Which one are you again? Ryder or Nolan?”

  Hope stepped in front of me, putting her slight frame between me and the middle-aged woman. “I don’t share. And even if I did it wouldn’t be with someone like you. Get out of our way.”

  She stared down the older woman until Goldie finally stepped away with a shrug.

  “Your loss,” she muttered as she tottered toward the lobby door.

  I jabbed at the elevator button and sighed in relief when the elevator binged, the doors immediately whooshing open. I all but shoved Hope into the elevator, careful to not turn my back on the lobby or Goldie. Hope was still glaring at her, so I punched the button for the top floor, and then the door close button. Anything to make that shitshow end.

  The doors slid shut behind us and the hum of the elevator filled the taut silence for a moment.

  “Oh my god.”

  I snorted a laugh. “You can say that again.”

  “Oh my god! I don’t… I can’t believe…” Hope shook her head helplessly.

  “Thanks for saving me down there.”

  Hope giggled. “You’re welcome. I’ve never been the knight in shining armor before.”

  I leaned against the elevator wall and shook my head. “What was it you said about your neighborhood again?”

  “That it’s close to my work?” Hope blinked at me in confusion.

  “Something about it being safe? I gotta disagree with you there, Hopey girl.”

  “Because Goldie propositioned us?” Hope smirked. “I’m sure that’s never happened to you before.”

  “I can honestly say that that has never happened to me before.” I laughed and after a second Hope joined in.

  The bing of the elevator broke our laughter a moment later as the doors slid open to reveal the fifth floor.

  Hope stepped out and turned to me. “How did you know I lived on the fifth floor?”

  “I just pushed a button. You didn’t seem to be functioning all that well at the time.”

  She smiled. “Well thanks. For walking me home and…just for being an awesome guy all around.”

  “I don’t know that I’d call me awesome.”

  “Just take the complime
nt, Ryan.”

  I ducked my head to hide my smile. “Yes, ma’am. And you’re welcome.”

  The elevator doors started to slide close when Hope threw her arm out to block them. A buzzer blared, and the doors slid open again.

  “I’m not ready for the night to end yet.” Hope tilted her head and smiled softly. “Come in for a drink?”

  For a moment the only sound I could hear was the thump of my heart. “Are you sure? Because you weren’t earlier. And I’m not saying you can’t change your mind later, but—”


  I cleared my throat. Apparently, her babbling tick was contagious. “Yeah?”

  “Stop talking and get inside my apartment already.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I gave her a small smile and wrapped an arm around her waist as she unlocked her door. Her hand shook slightly as she tried twice to fit the key inside the knob. Testing a theory, I slid a finger in that space between the bottom of her shirt and the top of her jeans. Her hand jerked hard to the right and she shivered.

  “You might want to move your hand,” Hope gasped. “Unless you want to give my neighbor a floor show right here and now.”

  I chuckled as I took an exaggerated step away from her and watched silently as she took a deep breath then opened the door. I put my hands up as I stepped past Hope and into her apartment. She laughed softly behind me as I took in her apartment. It was way nicer than I’d pictured given the neighborhood. I could see why Hope would want to live here. The large, spacious great room had floor to ceiling windows on the far wall with gauzy pale pink curtains obscuring the view. Hope’s choice of oversized tufted sofas made me want to flop down and relax. I could easily imagine us stretched out on her gray couches, Hope on her side in front of me as we watched a movie with a fire snapping away in her fireplace under the TV. Nibbling her neck when the chick flick got boring. Running my hand over her curves and dipping my finger under her waistband until I could—

  “…want to drink?”


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