Sassy Faerie Princess_Sassy Ever After

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Sassy Faerie Princess_Sassy Ever After Page 13

by Nicole Austin


  Trevor sighed as Brady once again shook the cage bars and yelled idle threats. This had been going on since they woke several hours ago, imprisoned by black metal bars of a cage suspended high up in the trees of a completely foreign landscape.

  “Stop wasting your energy,” he said, knowing it was a waste of breath.

  Turning his attention back to the landscape, he now understood why the fog lamp had made Serena homesick. As far as the eye could see were lush fields, forests, and crystalline pools of water, a perpetual layer of white fog rolling over it all.

  Christ, Serena.

  What had those scary bastards done with her? Was she okay?

  His heart ached with regret over having not believed her stories about faeries. Faeries!

  Trevor raked a hand through his hair as images replayed in his mind. He sure as hell became a believer when wings—freakin’ wings—popped out of her back and she flew. Soared. Zoomed toward the sky and snatched Luke right out of the air. She’d saved him. Had she been hurt when they hit the ground, which had rocked under his feet? He prayed she was all right.

  He’d never seen anything as beautiful as her stunning wings. Gossamer layers of feathers ranging in color from plum at the base through varying shades of purple, turning pink toward the edges, which were tipped with gray. A shimmering, sparkling ethereal glow had emanated from her as those massive, powerful wings lifted her right off her feet.

  He clearly remembered Abby squealing with glee, shouting “My Fairy Princess!” over and over again as she jumped and clapped.

  “Hey, you,” Brady yelled. “Yeah you. Where the hell is Serena?”

  Suddenly jumping back from the bars, Trevor heard him whisper, “Holy fuck.”

  Rising, he stood next to Brady, watching in awe as a faerie who appeared rather nervous flew up to the cage, muttering under his breath in a whiny voice the whole way.

  “Quiet. You must be quiet. Don’t draw the queen’s attention.”

  Putting on an air of false bravado, Brady took a step closer and demanded, “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Shh,” the rather flamboyant yet plain looking faerie warned. “I’m Brynn. Serena’s friend.”

  He was pretty sure the guy mumbled, “Her only friend.”

  Clutching the bars, Brady pleaded, “I have to see her. To know she’s okay.”

  Brynn’s wings flapped faster. “She’s fine…for now. She has to go before the queen and her court to plead for her life. I must prepare a defense.”

  Trevor moved forward. “We can help.”

  “Feck, no,” Brynn swore. “You have been sentenced to death. You can’t help anyone.”

  His heart clenched, and his stomach, which had turned to stone, dropped down to his feet. Death. Brady and he had been sentenced to death.

  “We’re not Fae,” Brady growled. “We’re human. Your rules don’t apply to us.”

  “Oooh,” Brynn tittered, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Humans are not allowed in Fae. And Fae are not allowed to travel through the portals to your realm. To any realm.”

  “No. Serena didn’t go through a portal,” Trevor stated, remembering the story she told him that first night. “She made a wish to the moon.”

  Brynn’s hand flew up to cover his mouth, his eyes darting this way and that as he stared at them for several long moments.

  “That changes everything!” he said as he turned and zoomed away.

  “No. Come back here,” Brady demanded.

  Brynn just continued on, muttering to himself as he flew away.

  Deflated, Brady let Trevor lead him back to the blanket in the corner, settling down next to him. They huddled together, held each other close and prayed for a miracle.

  And hell, if faeries, elven guards, and magical portals existed, miracles sure as fuck could happen, too.

  “All we need is a miracle,” Trevor said.

  Brady interjected. “All we need is Serena.”

  And it was true. Serena was their miracle, and all they’d ever need, besides each other.


  “Just be quiet and let me handle this,” Brynn said, his wings flapping at warp speed. “I have a plan.”

  A plan. Yes, she needed a plan to get the three of them out of this alive. But she didn’t have a plan. Why didn’t she have a plan?

  If her wings hadn’t been bound, they’d be flapping even faster than Brynn’s as she stood, bound my magical vines to the truth tree, front and center in the clearing that buzzed with anticipation and excitement. Lights twinkled in the darkness, illuminating the gathering place where all of Fae had turned out to see Queen Marina’s bastard half-human child brought before the court. The entire dark elven guard was assembled around the perimeter, an ominous reminder of the queen’s brutal rule.

  Serena watched, heart lodged in her throat, as a cage slowly descended from the treetops and a quiet hush fell over the assembly. She knew Trevor and Brady would be in that cage. What she didn’t know was if they were still alive.

  Brynn moved in front of her, blocking her line of sight. He took her hands and warned, “Whatever you do, remain calm.”

  That only increased her fear. But then he moved out of the away and she saw them. Her men. Alive, well, and looking fiercely alpha. Her light and dark. Day and night. Her reason to fight. To live.

  The guards drummed their weapons on the ground, and everyone stood as Marina and her ridiculous court flittered their way to the front of the clearing. Standing before her thorny throne, Marina stared Serena down for endless moments before finally sitting. Her court followed suit, and the head guard stepped forward.

  “My Queen.” He bowed deferentially then rose to his full eight-foot height. “I have captured your bastard daughter”—he extended an arm toward the cage—“and the humans with whom she consorted. Princess Serena is charged with illegal portal travel and consorting with humans. The humans”—he flashed an evil grin—“have been sentenced to death for threatening the elven guard.”

  Brady shook the bars of his cage but, thankfully, remained silent.

  “Thank you, Sirvor.” Marina said, barely suppressing a smile.

  Serena knew her mother had been looking for a reason to condemn her since she’d been born. She had to be filled with glee that the time had finally come.

  Brynn flittered forward, cleared his throat as he bowed. “My Queen.

  “Brynndel,” Marina acknowledged.

  “If it pleases you and the court, I will be defending Princess Serena.”

  Princess. Ha! What a joke. The faefolk did not acknowledge Serena as nobility, and her name could not be found anywhere in the books of royal history and succession.

  Marina’s stony expression slipped, and a bit of glee shone on her pretty face. Brynn was often dismissed as a fool, and their friendship had made him somewhat of an outcast. He would never be seen as a threat or someone who could foil Marina’s plans.

  The queen drummed her fingers on the arm of her throne and appeared thoughtful for several long moments before declaring, “I’ll allow it.”

  “Thank you, my Queen.” Brynn bowed and backed up until he once again stood next to Serena. “I call Moon as my first and only witness.”

  Several of the court members gasped, and many in the assembly whispered speculatively, while Marina leveled the weight of her displeasure in a scowl directed at Brynn. If a stare could kill, he’d be six-feet under.

  Glancing up at the waning moon shimmering high above the clearing, Serena would have sworn he winked down at her. A bit of her tension ebbed. Brynn was a genius, and she would owe him her life.

  But what about Trevor and Brady? How would she save them?

  One of the court faeries moved to the queen’s side and whispered in her ear. The corner of Marina’s lips twitched, and Serena got a sinking feeling.

  “Well, Brynndel, since the moon can’t come down here to appear before this court, he can’t be a witness. As that was your only witness, I
find Serena guilty of illegal portal travel and consorting with humans. Her sentence—”

  “No,” Brady shouted, and the clearing fell into a stunned silence. “You can’t condemn Serena without hearing the witness’s testimony.”

  Several of the elven guard advanced on the cage, weapons raised, the magical double-edge sword tips stopping mere inches from his beating heart. Her own heart seized and lodged in her throat, cutting off her breath. Then her legs went weak, and she collapsed, held up only by the vines binding her.

  Trevor shoved Brady out of the way, taking up a position between him and the guards. “No one will believe in this court or its rulings if you prevent witnesses for the defense from providing testimony.” Trevor stood tall and strong and sure. “Not when all you have to do is fly up there to hear the moon’s account of the events.”

  They were spectacular, her alpha males. Pure of heart, standing up to the queen, fighting for her. Mixed tears of joy and love and fear streamed down her cheeks. Trevor and Brady loved her. Believed in her. And risked everything for her.

  Goddess, save them!

  Marina slowly rose and held up a hand to quiet talk among the assembly. The faefolk all knelt and dropped their gazes to ensure the queen’s wrath did not come down on them.

  “How dare you contradict me, human,” she bellowed. “You have been sentenced to death and will not be permitted to address this court or I when your presence here is against our laws.”

  Brady went shoulder to shoulder with Trevor and snickered. Oh, goddess, Marina would strike him down for sure.

  “We did not come here voluntarily,” Brady pointed out. “We were forced here by your Warcraft wannabes.” Then he pushed his chest right up against the bars as if daring the dark elves to skewer him.

  Her vision swam, blackness at the edges narrowing in until Serena was certain she’d pass out cold. In fact, her entire torso turned ice cold while dampening with sweat. She panted for breath, unable to get oxygen into her lungs.

  “That’s true,” Brynn spoke up, rifling through the pages of the book that appeared in his hands. “The humans have not broken our laws.” He glanced down at the page, ran his finger along a line of text then met Marina’s furious gaze head on. “In fact, attempting to protect a member of the royal family comes with great reward. Any threat the humans made against the guard were intended to protect Princess Serena.”

  “Serena is not an acknowledged member of the royal family,” Marina bellowed.

  Brynn, goddess love him, didn’t back down. For so long, she had thought him scrawny and pathetic, but now she saw him in a whole new light. Strong, intelligent, and a true friend.

  “Not officially,” Brynn acknowledged, “yet the record of her birth lists you as her mother, my Queen. That clearly makes her a member of the royal family.” He bowed his head deferentially.

  Marina’s glorious black-and-gold wings expanded, flexed, and she shot upward, heading straight for Moon with Brynn hot on her heels.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Holy fuck,” Trevor whispered.

  Brady nodded. “We might just make it out of this alive. All three of us.”

  He stared across the clearing at Serena. Christ, she was glorious. Here, in her world, she sparkled with the soft lavender glow of her magic. Dressed in a white flowing gown with a ring of flowers woven in her chocolate-brown hair, she took his breath away.

  A change came over her. She rose, standing tall and proud, love shining in her emerald-green eyes. Meeting his gaze, she smiled.

  Brynn suddenly appeared at her side and gave her a bright smile.

  With a boom and crack of lightning, Queen Marina appeared before her throne and stared at Serena with pure hatred shooting from her stormy eyes. Her attention turned to the cage. “Since the humans were protecting a royal, the charges of threatening the elven guard and death sentence have been rescinded.”

  Brady didn’t breathe a sigh of relief. Not yet. Not until they heard what would happen to Serena. Trevor grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers, both holding on tight.

  Facing Serena, the queen declared, “On the charge of illegal portal travel, you have been proven innocent.”

  A collective gasp rose in the clearing. The queen lifted her hand, and all fell silent once again. “On the charge of consorting with humans, you have been found…guilty. For your punishment…”

  Brady stopped breathing, fear tightening around his ribcage as he waited what seemed to be endless hours for the queen bitch to continue. Marina’s stern glare swept the crowd, a clear warning to remain quiet.

  “Since you made another species believe, thus ensuring the continued survival of all faefolk, I will be lenient.”

  Somehow, he doubted her mother from hell knew what lenient meant.

  “You will be stripped of your magic and your wings, turned into one of the humans you seem to revere above your own kind, and banished to their realm for the remainder of your life.”

  And finally, he breathed, sucking in a big lungful of air and screaming her name.

  As he watched, helpless to intervene, the vines binding Serena fell away, along with the chainmail. Her majestic wings expanded, and she hovered several inches above the ground. Then her body jerked, back bowing, and the fog turned ominous, lifting to swirl around her, intensifying into a violent storm, obliterating her glow.

  He wanted to close his eyes but couldn’t look away as he waited for any sign that she was all right. God, please, he prayed. We just found her. Don’t take her away from us so soon!

  A loud tearing sound split the air, followed immediately by a pained scream as Serena’s beautiful wings separated from her body and burst into flames.

  Trevor and he shouted curses and pulled at the bars in vain, hearts breaking, both willing to take on any pain or punishment to spare Serena. If he could, he would take on anything for her.

  “Nooo,” Brady screamed. “Punish us. Leave Serena alone.”

  “She did nothing wrong,” Trevor yelled. “Take it out on us instead.”

  But the queen and her court were gone. Trevor and his voices were drowned out by the cacophony of sound coming from the raging storm engulfing Serena. No one heard their pleas.

  When the rampaging fog finally slowed, dissipating back to the ground, Serena became visible again, only forever changed. She stood, head bowed, hair covering her face, the glow of her magic gone. He stared at her chest, willing it to expand, to show any sign of breathing, an indication she was still alive.

  No, he didn’t believe it. She was alive. Had to be. For if she were dead, surely Trevor and his hearts would no longer beat.

  And then he saw it, the slightest bob of her head. Serena rolled her shoulders, squaring them, and lifted her head, brushing her hair back from her face. She stood tall and proud, meeting their gazes across the clearing and before all of Fae, her lips stretched into a brilliant smile.

  “Moriai of the spirit Fae,” she called out.

  An older male faerie fluttered to her side then bowed. “I am ever at your service.”

  She met his gaze, and Brady felt the strength of her love breach the distance separating them.

  “With all of Fae as witness, I, Serena, give my heart and love to you, Brady Prophet and Trevor Richardson, binding my life to yours for all of eternity.”

  Moriai fluttered over to the cage, demanded the guards make way, and approached them, giving a slight bow.

  “Prince—” A pained look crossed his features, and he cleared his throat. “Serena has declared herself as your mate in the Fae tradition. Will you accept her as your mate, binding your lives to hers and each other for eternity?” The faerie held up a hand, cautioning, “Consider your answer carefully. Once in place, the bond is permanent. Irreversible.”

  Without hesitation both Trevor and he said, “I accept.”

  Moriai smiled and said, “Repeat the words with me, Brady.”

  As Moriai whispered the words, Brady spoke them loud and sure, his gaz
e locked on Serena’s. “I, Brady Prophet, give my heart and love to you, Serena.” Turning, he met Trevor’s gaze and squeezed his hand. “And Trevor Richardson, binding my life to yours for all of eternity.”

  Without prompting, Trevor made his vow, cementing the bond between the three of them.

  “I, Trevor Richardson, give my heart and love to you, Serena and Brady Prophet, binding my life to yours for all of eternity.”

  The faerie nodded and turned to face the assembly.

  “I, Moriai, spirit leader of Fae, proclaim Brady Prophet, Trevor Richardson, and Serena bound as mates for all of eternity.”

  With a wave of Moriai’s hand, golden magic sparked and glowed, swirling around their wrists. The faefolk all cheered.

  Trevor gasped and stared in wonder as a tribal design of vines and feathers matching the unique colors of Serena’s wings settled in a band around his right wrist, heating his flesh as he became marked with the mating bonds. The same bonds that appeared on Brady’s and Serena’s wrists.

  They were truly hers and she theirs. Bound by love and Fae magic.

  Serena approached the head guard, who bowed slightly. “Sirvor. Release my mates and return us to our home.”

  Sirvor nodded, and the black steel cage shimmered then disappeared.

  Still clutching hands, they ran, meeting Serena in the middle of the clearing, wrapping her in their arms, all three holding on tight.

  After several long minutes, when he could breathe again, Trevor lifted her chin and stared into Serena’s stunning emerald eyes. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded, wiping tears from her cheeks.

  Brady gasped as he examined her back. Trevor didn’t want to look but needed to see what had been done to their mate. Fuck, he loved the sound of that. Their mate.

  Her gown was torn, revealing two vertical, ragged tears bracketing her spine where her wings had been torn from her body. The pain had to be unbearable. And now that she’d been stripped of her Fae magic, he doubted she’d heal as quickly as she had from the piercing.


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