Autumn's Blood: The Spirit Shifters, Book One

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Autumn's Blood: The Spirit Shifters, Book One Page 12

by Marissa Farrar

  What’s happening to me? These men had a way of capturing her attention.

  “Come on.” He helped her climb from the can. Moments later, another gunshot rang out.

  “Blake!” she cried.

  But he dropped from the window, landing on his feet in a crouch on the ground.

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  They ran, putting distance between themselves and the hotel. They stayed close to the walls, keeping out of sight of the chopper above. Quickly getting lost in the bustle of the city, they left the helicopter and the men chasing them far behind.

  AUTUMN STOPPED AND bent over, her hands placed on her knees as she gasped for breath, her lungs burning. She tried to speak, but the effort only rasped her throat, making her cough. Annoyingly, the two men seemed relatively unaffected by the long run. At least she hadn’t been totally out of shape and unable to run at all. She couldn’t imagine how embarrassing that would have been. She’d often been jealous of her roommate Mia’s small, curvy frame, but for once she was thankful for her own tall, athletic figure. Plus, the running she liked to do when she was trying to figure out a problem had also helped.

  She managed to catch her breath enough to speak. “Where the hell are we going?” So far, they’d been heading out of the city, and now only the occasional house broke up the street. They’d either have to find a car and get onto the freeway to get away from the city, or else head into the miles of forests and State Parks which stretched out for thousands of miles either side of the city.

  The two men exchanged a glance.

  “I only know of one place where we might be safe,” said Chogan.

  Blake’s lips thinned to a line. “Oh, no. I’m not going back there.”

  “Where?” she asked, looking between them.

  “He’s talking about going back to the reservation.”

  “People there will be able to help us,” Chogan insisted. “They’ll understand.”

  “I’m not going back.”

  Chogan grabbed Autumn’s arm. “Fine, but I’m taking her with me.”

  Autumn laughed in surprise, though her reaction wasn’t due to humor. “Err, I don’t think so! I go where I want, not where I get taken.”

  Chogan let go and folded his arms. He looked at her from beneath his dark brows. “Fine. Ask him if he’s got any better plans. Both of you have your faces plastered all over the news. If you stay in public, these people who are after you will find you.”

  “If you hadn’t gone near the government building, they’d never have found us anyway,” she snapped.

  “Yeah? Don’t you think someone would have reported you eventually, like that chambermaid?”

  Autumn remembered the woman passing them in the corridor, and then again when they’d been searching for an escape. Chogan was right, and after all the commotion at the hotel, they’d be more visible than ever. “Perhaps Chogan is right,” she said.

  Blake reared back as if she’d slapped him. “What? You’re taking his side?”

  “I didn’t realize we had sides here. I thought we were all on the same team.”

  Chogan offered her a smile, but she didn’t miss the way his gaze darted, self-satisfied, over to Blake. “Do you have any other ideas, Cuz?”

  “We’ll head into the forest, but if there’s any sign of anyone following us, we don’t go near the reservation. I won’t bring these assholes into innocent peoples’ lives.”

  Chogan’s face lit up. “So does that mean we’ll shift?”

  “We’ll be faster as wolves, and, of course, they’ll never be able to track us.”

  “But what about the girl?”

  Autumn bristled at the word girl.

  Blake glanced over at her and she felt his eyes travel across her body. Unconsciously, she found herself standing taller, sucking in her stomach. “She’ll have to ride.”

  All the air exploded from her lungs. “Ride? What do you mean, ‘ride?’”

  “Exactly what I said. I’m plenty big enough to carry you on my back when I’m in wolf form.” A smile touched his lips. “I think I’m big enough to carry you when I’m a man as well.”

  A blush colored her cheeks, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through her. He couldn’t be serious? She’d witnessed his extraordinary change. Surely she couldn’t ride on him.

  “I should take her,” interrupted Chogan. “If she’s so important. I’m a lot faster than you.”

  Blake glared at him. “You’re not taking her, even if you are faster. I’m the one who’s stronger.”

  “When you two have finished your who’s-got-the-most-testosterone competition, I’ll tell you who is going to take me. Blake, I’ve seen you as a wolf; I’ve known you longer. I trust you.”

  He bowed his head. “Thank you.”

  As they walked, the density of the buildings began to thin. Ahead, the trees thickened, leaving the city behind. There was a certain peacefulness about the forest now night had fallen. Moonlight peeped between branches, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. Small animals rustled in the bushes around them, an owl screeched overhead.

  They reached a clearing. “Here?” said Chogan.

  Blake nodded. “Yes, this will do. He looked over at Autumn. “Are you ready for this?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  She stepped back, giving the two men space.

  Giving each other a modicum of privacy, the men turned their backs on each other. Chogan pulled his shirt over her head and Autumn realized what was about to happen. Oh crap. They’re both going to get naked. Her heart rate picked up, her eyes darting between them. Though the night was dark, there was enough moonlight to catch the planes and curves of their bodies. Enough light to be able to compare the two.

  Chogan pulled the band from his long hair, allowing the thick, shiny black locks to fall around his face and down his back. His body was smaller than Blake’s, his skin a shade darker and without the tattoos, but still with perfectly formed abs, his waist narrowing in to a thick patch of dark hair …

  She forced her eyes away, down to the ground, but she couldn’t help herself and found her gaze drifting back up. She felt drawn to them, to both of them, and she couldn’t not watch this extraordinary thing that was about to happen.

  Blake followed suit, tugging his t-shirt up over his head. His tattoos were shadows in the darkness, their sharp edges blurred, but he still looked beautiful.

  Chogan shed his shoes and jeans, so he stood naked in the night air. He lowered his head, his back, shoulders, and neck straining. The first crack of bone breaking was like a muffled gunshot in the night, and nearby animals scurried away in a burst of movement.

  Blake threw the rest of his clothes away. She saw him close his eyes, and then his head flung back and he howled into the night.

  She stepped back, frightened, her hand clutched to her mouth. Was this really happening?

  All over Chogan’s body, fur began to appear, a different shade than Blake’s, though the exact color was difficult to distinguish in the poor light. His limbs jerked in uncomfortable angles, one way and then the other, though the man made no sound.

  In contrast, Blake voiced his anguish, roaring and snarling like an animal being attacked. The shapes of both men began to change, their limbs lengthening and growing thicker, their backs stretching. Their shoulders became more prominent, necks extending. But of course it was their faces which changed the most. Where one moment she’d been standing beside two men, both beautiful in their own way, with so many similarities, now two amber-eyed wolves stared back at her.

  Blake gave himself a shake, his silver fur rippling around his body. He trotted up to Chogan and the two animals touched noses.

  Autumn watched, her breath caught in her chest. Both animals were massive, though Blake was bigger than Chogan by at least six inches all over.

  Blake trotted over to where Autumn stood trembling. Slowly, he lowered his body to the ground and lay down. He tossed his head toward his
back, and she understood what he wanted.

  She forced her legs to move and approached the wolf. In the background, Chogan stood, his head held high, ears pricked, alert for any sounds or movement around them.

  She stood close enough to smell the musky scent of wolf, to feel the heat of his breath against her skin. She reached out and gingerly touched his fur. He was real. This was real.

  “Are you sure you want me to do this?”

  As an answer, he swung his massive head back around and nosed her in the butt, almost lifting her off her feet. She gave a squeal of surprise, not sure whether to laugh or scream. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she leaned up against his shoulders and leaned across to wrap one arm around his neck. He nosed her again, pushing her up, and she swung one leg over his back, her arms around his neck, her thighs locked behind his huge shoulders. She lay flat, her face pressed against the thick, coarse fur, digging her fingers in, like sinking her hand into warm sand. Where she’d previously been cold and wishing they’d allowed her to pick up her thick overcoat before being hustled from the government building, she no longer felt the chill. Heat radiating from the powerful animal’s body warmed her.

  Blake got to his feet and she clung on tighter, remembering a few horse riding lessons she’d taken as a child and using her thighs to stop herself from sliding from his back. He leapt forward and took off at a run. She gasped as she seemed to leave her stomach behind her, holding on to his neck for all she was worth, hoping she wasn’t hurting him. By scooting herself farther forward on his back, she found she could nestle between his shoulder blades, so reducing her chances of falling.

  They ran far and fast, the wind tearing through her hair so it streamed in whipped curls down her back. Blake’s fur rippled in the wind. Somewhere up ahead, Chogan led the way, covering mile after mile of forest terrain, leaping over small streams, from boulder to boulder, soaring over fallen tree trunks.

  Though she could feel Blake’s wolf body heaving beneath her as his lungs labored for breath, there seemed to be no slowing to his stride, as though his speed and strength were endless. On occasion, Chogan slowed and gave a small yip or growl, and then they’d change direction a fraction, something Autumn came to realize was them sensing humans or some other potential threat up ahead.

  Though she never would have thought it possible, after a couple of hours, the warmth and galloping motion of the powerful body beneath her lulled her to sleep.

  Chapter Fifteen

  MIA WALKED TO the apartment window, pulled back the drape, and peered onto the street below. Night had long since fallen and a light drizzle fell, misting beneath the orange glow of a street lamp. She knew she needed to leave the safety of the apartment and go to the police station to report what had happened in Thatcher Woods, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to walk out. She’d been hoping Autumn would come home so she’d be able to run the incident past her and get her thoughts on it, but so far that evening she’d seen no sign of her friend.

  It wasn’t like Autumn to get home late and not let her know. She knew she wasn’t Autumn’s mother, but the other woman normally called or texted if she was going to be home late.

  She’s probably gone out with the cute guy from work.

  But her internal reassurances didn’t ring true. Autumn didn’t exactly go on many dates, and if something like a guy asking her out had happened, Autumn would have texted her at the very least.

  Mia chewed on her lower lip and peered out at the street again. Someone stood on the sidewalk, a figure looking up at her window.

  She frowned, an uncomfortable crawling sensation creeping over her shoulders. A car swept past, blocking her view of the other side of the sidewalk for a moment. When the vehicle passed by, the person had gone.

  The events of earlier that day had left her understandably paranoid. She shook her head at herself. She felt like an old clucky hen sometimes, worrying about other people. Sometimes she felt like she’d completely bypassed her twenties and gone straight into middle age.

  That’s what happens when you center your whole life on worrying about other people.

  The buzzer sounded, making Mia jump.

  Autumn! She must have forgotten her key.

  She pressed the buzzer, unlocking the main front door. “Hey,” she spoke into the little intercom. “I was starting to get worried about you.”

  No answer came and that same chill worried down her spine. Damn, she should have at least asked who was there. Not just assumed.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  A gentle tap came at the front door and Mia froze, her heart thumping. Where was her phone? She patted herself down and located the item in the back pocket of her jeans. She would call the cops if needed.

  Quietly, she made her way to the door, as if she might somehow still be able to pretend she wasn’t in, despite having already spoken through the intercom. It was locked, thank goodness, so at least she didn’t need to worry about someone bursting in. She stood on tiptoes and peered through the small circle of the peephole. The distorted figure of a man in a smart suit stood sideways to the door. He had a strong, handsome profile, with short blond hair and square jaw. At least he didn’t look like a serial killer.

  “Hello?” she called though the painted wood. “Can I help you?”

  “Miss Henderson?”

  “Yes, who are you?”

  The man fished something out of the top pocket of his suit jacket and held it up to his side of the peephole, just close enough so she was able to make out the identification. “My name is Calvin Thorn. I’m with a team of government officials involved with trying to locate your roommate, Doctor Autumn Anderson. I wondered if I could have a few moments of your time?”

  Her heart lurched. “Autumn? Why are you looking for Autumn?”

  “Please, Miss Henderson. I can’t discuss this standing out in the hallway. If I could just ask you a few questions ...”

  Mia hesitated, chewing a dried piece of skin on her lower lip. The weight of her phone rested in her pocket. If she was unsure of anything, she’d excuse herself to the bathroom and call the cops from there.

  She unbolted the door and slowly edged it open. “Okay, come in for a few minutes, but I have to tell you that my boyfriend will be here any moment.”

  The man seemed to repress a smile. “Oh, sure. I won’t take up much more of your time.”

  She stepped back, allowing him into the apartment. “So what’s this about? Why are you trying to find Autumn? She isn’t in any kind of trouble, is she?”

  “Actually, yes, I’m afraid she is. Have you seen the news lately?”

  Mia’s unease deepened. “No. I don’t watch much television.”

  “Perhaps you should start.” He picked up the remote and turned on the flat screen in the corner of the living room. He flicked through until the news channel came on.

  Mia stared at him. Why on earth was this man trying to get her to watch the television? “I don’t understand what you’re telling me.”

  “Just wait one moment.” He hesitated. “There!”

  Her attention flicked to the television just as Autumn’s face appeared on screen. Mia’s heart dropped out of her stomach, her hand lifting to her mouth as she read the travelling headlines on the screen.

  Young scientist kidnapped by rogue security guard.

  A man’s face replaced Autumn’s, serious, dark, striking. He looked like he had Native American heritage. Was this the same man Autumn had been talking about?

  She remembered the agent still standing in the room with her and turned to him.

  “Oh my God. Poor Autumn! Is she okay?”

  “We don’t know that yet, Miss.”

  “I can’t believe it.” Her legs gave way and she sat down heavily on the edge of the couch.

  “May I?” asked Calvin, nodding to the seat beside her.

  “Yes, of course.” She shifted up slightly to make room.

  “So I’m sure you understand it is extre
mely important we locate Autumn. We know she has a father still living in the city. Is there anyone else she might try to contact? A boyfriend or close friend, perhaps?”

  Mia shook her head. “No, not really. Autumn doesn’t date and I’m her best friend. I’d be the one she’d contact if she could.” Her mind was in a whirl. She’d been so preoccupied with the case of Toby West, she struggled to comprehend that her roommate was now the one missing. Why on earth would someone want to take Autumn? Her friend was as harmless as they came. All she did was work.

  Something in Mia’s head clicked. “Does this have something to do with the new project she was working on?”

  The man’s gray eyes hardened “What has she told you about her work?”

  Mia’s heart lurched as she caught sight of something she’d not noticed before.

  Flecks of gold in his right eye … Oh God …

  The world around her seemed to stop. The only sound in the room was the blood pounding through the veins in her temple. Her phone! She needed to call for help. She lurched to her feet and almost stumbled. “I’m sorry,” she managed to say, staggering away from him. “I need to go to the bathroom. This has all been such a shock …”

  As she spoke, she turned back to make sure the man wasn’t following her.

  She gave a small scream of fright. He stood, a gun pointed at her head.

  “What the hell!”

  He motioned with the gun. “You need to come with me.”

  “What? Why?” She felt detached from the situation, as if she was watching all of this happening to someone else. And the thing she really didn’t understand was what connection this man had to both Autumn and Toby.

  “Do you really think you should be asking questions with a gun pointed at you? Now, get to your feet and come with me.”

  “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?”

  “Only if you do something to make me.”


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