1st Street Church: Love's Leading (Kindle Worlds Novella) (BRG Security Book 4)

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1st Street Church: Love's Leading (Kindle Worlds Novella) (BRG Security Book 4) Page 9

by Kate Cambridge

  “I know who Daisy is,” Thea responded through gritted teeth. “If she did anything to…”

  “Hold on, Thea. We don’t know what happened yet. Give me a few minutes to assess before you come in.” He disconnected.

  Thea’s run slowed to a jog. That was confusing. Does Thor not want me there? And then it dawned on her—maybe the reason he wanted her to leave had nothing to do with her research—and everything to do with Daisy.

  Thea arrived within four minutes, noting the police cruiser parked outside the store, but no lights were flashing. She peeked in the front window and saw Thor talking with Daisy. Mackenzie sat at the bar with two friends from school. Everything in her wanted to rush inside, wrap her arms around Mackenzie and take her home, but she knew she needed to respect Thor’s wishes.

  Thea looked back toward Thor, and her eyes connected with Daisy’s. Daisy raised her eyebrows and moved closer to him, putting her hand on his arm, and turning him just enough so his back was to Thea. She watched as Daisy wrapped her arm around Thor’s neck and moved in to give him a kiss.

  Then the pavement came up to meet her as everything went black.

  * * *

  “Where am I?” Thea asked, willing her eyes to focus, listening to a faint beep—beep—beep.

  “Hey sunshine,” Wren answered. “You’re at St. Joseph’s.”

  “The hospital?”

  “No, the saint’s.”

  Thea offered a weak smile. “What? Why—” But then it all came rushing back.

  “Zee—is she okay?” Panic filled her voice as she struggled to sit up, shielding her eyes from the dazzling lights.

  “Whoa there, take it easy.” Wren stood up from her chair and gently pushed Thea back to her pillow.

  “I can’t. I have to get to Zee. Where is she?”

  “Thor took her home. She was exhausted. He didn’t want her to worry about you, and he didn’t want to not be with her—so I got babysitting duty.”

  Thea gave a half-laugh. “I’m rolling my eyes in my mind, Wren, even though I can’t open my eyes to show you.” she said with a groan. “Can you dim those lights? When can I get out of here?”

  “Sure,” she offered, walking over to the light switches beside the door as the doctor walked through. “Hey, Doc.”

  “I see our patient is awake. Hi, Athena, I’m Dr. Owens, the attending here tonight. How are you feeling?” he asked as he pulled a small pen light from his coat pocket.

  “I—I’m fine, thank you. When can I leave?” she asked as she winced from the bright light he shone in her eyes.

  “How’s your head?” He crossed his arms, clearly not believing her.

  “It hurts, but that’s par for the course with a migraine. Surely it’s nothing to keep me in a hospital for.”

  “In and of itself, no; but in your case, add a case of severe dehydration, low blood sugar, and two fainting episodes within two hours of each other, and I’d say we have pretty good cause to keep you at least overnight.”

  Wren smiled, as if she liked this guy, and Thea gave her a dirty look.

  “I can’t. I have to get home. Wren will take care of me, won’t you, Wren? You can release me to her care.”

  “You a doctor, Wren?” Dr. Owens looked at Wren.

  “Not the last time I checked, Doc.” She gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

  “Any medical experience?”

  “Just basic first aid,” she added.

  They both looked at Athena, who groaned.

  “Get some rest, Athena, and I’ll see you in the morning. We can talk about your discharge then.” He turned to Wren, assessing her. “Can I get you anything? Have you eaten?”

  “I’m starving.”

  “I’m heading to the cafeteria, why don’t you join me?”

  “You don’t have to ask me twice; I’ll see you in a bit, Thea.” Wren offered as she followed the doctor out of the room and closed the door.



  Beep—beep—beep. Athena stretched, moving her head slowly from side-to-side. So far so good. No pain. She opened one eye, and then the other. Wren was asleep on the reclining chair next to her, and even in sleep she looked exhausted.

  Thea sat up, and looked down at the IV in her arm, then at the bag hanging off to the side. It was half full—not good—they must have changed it while she was sleeping. They’d better not make her wait until it was empty to release her. She swung her legs over the bed, pulling the hospital gown closed as she moved, standing tentatively.

  She felt better, a lot better than she had yesterday, and man did she have to pee. She removed the pulse monitor from her finger, and pushed the IV pole as quietly as possible, but Wren woke with a start.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Going to the bathroom, if that’s okay?”

  The sarcasm didn’t escape Wren who gave her a sardonic look back. “How’s your head?”

  “Much better, thanks.” Then she turned back. “Hey, did your first aid training include removing IV’s?”

  Wren rolled her eyes. “Do you want to get out of here today, Thea?”

  “Okay, okay. Don’t be testy.”

  Thea heard voices as she finished washing her hands, and opened the door to find the doctor talking with Wren.

  He turned toward Athena, watching her closely as she moved toward them.

  “Hey, Doc Owens, perfect timing,” She greeted him cheerfully.

  “You look better today.”

  “I am, so can we get this thing out of my arm so I can go home?” Her stomach sunk even as she said it. It wasn’t her home anymore, but she would go back one last time.

  “Are you in pain?” he asked, reaching out to help her to the bed, concern on his face.

  “No, there’s no more headache. I’m fine.” She offered a smile.

  “I’ll be outside,” Wren said as he took his stethoscope out of his pocket.

  He waited for the door to close before he began his exam, asking questions that only increased Thea’s annoyance.

  “Doc, I appreciate your concern and thoroughness, really I do.”

  He raised his eyebrows as he silently counted her pulse.

  “Okay, well that may have been a slight exaggeration, but I do appreciate that you take your job seriously. I am fine, can you release me now, please?”

  “I’ll release you with one condition,” he stated as someone knocked at the door. “Come in,” he responded.

  “Anything,” she said, waiting for Wren to join them as the door opened.

  “You need to take it easy for a few days, drink a lot of liquids, eat, and no running or traveling for at least three days.”

  She groaned.

  “It’s not negotiable.”

  “I’ll make sure of it, Bentley.” Thor’s voice sounded from the doorway.

  Thea’s pulse leaped, and the doctor’s eyebrows raised as he pulled his eyes from Thea’s face, turning to shake Thor’s hand.

  “Thor, it’s good to see you.”

  “You, too, Bentley. How’s our patient?”

  Both men turned to assess her.


  “Sounds about right,” Wren agreed.

  Thea narrowed her eyes at her, the flush in her face growing redder with every passing moment.

  “All right, enough! I’m right here.” She glared at each of them. “And, I’m ready to go.”

  “You’ll make sure of it?” Dr. Owen’s asked Thor.

  “I will,” he promised. He turned to Wren. “Can you help her get dressed and meet me at the entrance? I’ll pull the car around.”




  They rode in silence for the first five minutes.

  It was Thea that broke it.

  “Thor, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry to cause all of this trouble. Mackenzie—how is she?”

  “She’s excited to see you.”

  “I can’t wait to see he
r.” She couldn’t keep the longing out of her voice.

  “We need to talk, Thea. Maybe not today, Bentley was pretty insistent that you need to rest, and Mackenzie seems quite enthralled with the idea of doctoring you.” He smiled. “But we need to talk soon.”

  “I know.” It was hard for her to believe that he’d choose Daisy to spend the rest of his life with, but at the end of the day the only thing that mattered to her was he and Mackenzie were happy, and if they’d be happier without her, so be it.

  She laid her head back on the headrest, closed her eyes, and rode the rest of the way in silence.

  * * *

  No sooner had Thor opened the garage door and begun pulling the car inside, than Mackenzie had the side entry door open. Her eyes were wide, and filled with excitement. She carried a little doctor’s kit in her hand, and Thea half-laughed and half-groaned when she saw it.

  “She’s taking her new role very seriously,” he offered.

  “She is her father’s daughter,” Thea affirmed, and her stomach somersaulted when he turned to look at her.

  “Wait there. I’ll come around to help.”

  “I’m fine, Thor. You don’t need to help me,” she insisted as she opened the door, and in one fluid movement was out of the car and moving quickly toward Mackenzie.

  “Zee!” She opened her arms, and the little girl came flying into them.

  “Thea, I was so worried. Are you okay? Come inside, I’ve got the couch all set up for you. I’m going to take care of you, and you can call me Doctor Zee.”

  “Well, Doctor Zee, that’s very kind of you,” Thea said, struggling to keep the laughter out of her voice, turning back to Thor with a smile.

  He gave her an I warned you look, and put his arm under her elbow to help her inside.

  His touch felt warm, comforting, strong, but she shook her head, trying to shoo the thoughts away.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, concerned.

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine. Really, I am. I feel 100 percent better.”

  “Come into the living room, Thea, I need to take your temperature,” Doctor Zee demanded, and Thea threw Thor a silent “help me” plea, but she had the sneaky suspicion he was enjoying this as much as his daughter was.

  “Bring her to the couch, Dad. Thea, I put some blankets here for you, now lie down.”

  “I really am feeling much better, Zee—I mean, Doctor Zee,” she tried to assure her.

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Thor chuckled. “Now Zee, be sure to be kind to your patients.”

  “I will, Daddy,” she said as she grabbed Thea’s wrist. “Where the pulz, Daddy? Thea doesn’t have one. Does that mean she’s dead?” Concern wrinkled Zee’s brow.

  Thor walked over to the couch and knelt beside Zee. “Hmm. Let’s see. She looks very much alive to me, Doctor Zee. Here, move your thumb here.” He took Zee’s hand and moved it down toward the base of Thea’s wrist, “And your finger here.”

  His hand caressed Thea’s wrist and her pulse leaped.

  “See, there it is.” He softly ran his finger back and forth over Thea’s wrist where her pulse was beating erratically now. His eyes darkened, and she could tell he was well aware of the impact he was having, but she didn’t dare to pull her hand away or do anything that might upset Zee.

  “Oh, I feel it, too, Daddy! Yep, she’s alive. Now, Thea, the doctor at the hospital said you need to drink a lot of fluids, eat food, and rest. I’ll get some water. I’ll be right back. Daddy, you stay here and watch the patient.”

  “With pleasure.” He grinned.

  She snatched her hand away as soon as Zee walked into the kitchen, giving him her best, what do you think you’re doing glare.

  He laughed out loud. It was like music to Thea’s ears, and she struggled to keep the pain that stabbed her heart out of her face.

  “We need to talk soon, Thor. I have so many questions—about Mackenzie and why she left the school without one of us—and about Daisy.” Her voice grew quiet.

  “Tomorrow,” he assured her. “Today you need to rest.”

  “Okay, but do you think you can coach Zee on the fact that by tomorrow I should be fine to be up and around, please? I never was a very good patient.”

  “Understatement,” he agreed. “She’ll be the one reason you’ll actually listen to the doctor’s orders.” His eyebrows rose. “So don’t count on me trying to dissuade her from that.” He caressed her cheek before joining Zee in the kitchen. His touch leaving a warm mark long after he’d left.



  Thea tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep. She wrestled with her intense feelings for Thor, and the acknowledgement that she would be leaving in a day. Part of her wanted to maximize every moment, and part of her didn’t know how to survive being close to him when her heart, mind, and body craved him so completely.

  She’d finally fallen asleep when she heard a tentative knock on her door. “Come in,” she said with a sleep-laden voice.

  Zee opened the door, followed by Thor carrying a tray filled with breakfast food.

  “Good morning!” Zee called out. “We brought you breakfast in bed. Daddy and I made it ourselves.”

  “Mmm. That looks and smells delicious, Doctor Zee. I can’t wait to eat it,” she assured her with a smile.

  “You have black circles under your eyes, Thea. You’re still sick. What will we do, Daddy?” she asked, her inquiring eyes looking up at her father.

  “Very insightful of you, Doctor Zee. Let’s let the patient eat, and then we can decide what to do.”

  They both looked at her expectantly.

  “I’m feeling better already,” she assured Zee while giving a pointed look at her dad.

  “Zee, can you go downstairs to get the travel mug of coffee we made?”

  “Yep!” Zee exclaimed as she turned and raced out the door.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “I am. I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well, and nothing will help that except talking with you.”

  “Wren is coming this morning to take Zee to the park with her friends, so we’ll have plenty of time to talk.”

  Thea had no appetite, but under the watchful eyes of her doctors, she finished all the food on her plate regardless.

  “Okay, you two. Scoot. I’m going to take a shower and then how about we go for a short walk?”

  Zee looked at her dad for direction. “I think that’s a good idea, Thea. Come on, Zee, let’s give her some privacy.”

  * * *

  The shower was exactly what Thea needed, and she felt like her old self as she dressed for their walk.

  Zee greeted her by taking her hand in hers and leading the way through the sliders to the back yard. Thea could feel Thor’s eyes on them as they walked, and Thea did her best to push away the sadness, and focus on enjoying the few moments she had left with this precious little girl. It was a cacophony of joy and pain, inexorably intertwined.

  The sun was shining high in the east, and felt amazing on her skin. The fall breeze was warm, and the air smelled fresh and new. The monarch butterflies were just arriving and there seemed to be nearly a hundred of them flying around the bushes in the backyard.

  Thea told Zee about the journey of the monarch’s from the northeast all the way to the south, how they’d continue their journey to Mexico where they’d spend the winter. Then begin the journey all over again in the spring.

  For a moment, Thea let herself forget about the fact that she’d be leaving soon, and if she didn’t know better, she’d think Thor had, as well.

  He seemed different somehow, and she didn’t know what to think of it, but she liked the new ease they had fallen into together.

  When Thor suggested they return to the house, Zee whined she didn’t want to. But when Thor said he had a surprise for her, Zee’s whine changed to excitement. “What is it, Daddy?” she asked.

  “You’ll find out soon!” He smiled, and Thea glanced sideways
at him, her mind filtering through ideas on what he might have planned. It was the first time she’d ever seen him this excited—he was like a kid about to open the door to a candy store.

  As they entered the gate into the backyard, Thea heard something, and then she knew.

  “What’s that noise, Daddy?”

  “Go see, Zee,” he said, as she ran ahead toward the sliders. In the next instant a little bundle of gold came racing out of the house.

  “Daddy,” she screeched. “It’s a puppy!

  Thea and Thor laughed in tandem, and Thea raced ahead to greet the puppy with Zee.

  “This is a Goldendoodle puppy, Zee, and he’s all yours,” Thor explained when he reached them.

  “What should we name him?” She looked from Thor to Thea and back.

  “What do you think, Thea?” he asked, and she started to argue that it didn’t involve her, but he silenced her with one finger to her lips.

  She threw questions at him with her eyes.

  “What you think does matter, Thea. It matters to me, and to Zee, and to this little puppy we’ll all take care of—if you’ll have us.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she did nothing to stop them as they rolled in torrents down her cheeks.

  “Don’t be sad, Thea!” Zee rushed to her with a worried face.

  “I’m not sad, Zee. Remember when we talked about tears sometimes being about joy?” She nodded. “Well these tears are filled-to-the-brim with joy.”

  Zee gave her a quizzical look, then a quick hug, and then rushed back to her new puppy.

  Thor gently placed his hands on both sides of her face, and leaned in to give her the most gentle, beautiful kiss she’d ever received. Her lips burned when he released her, and then he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked as he pulled her closer.

  She still had questions to ask him, but she knew the answer to this one.

  “Yes, Doctor Applegate, it’s a yes, yes, yes!” she affirmed, reaching her face up for another kiss.


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