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Change Page 2

by Tony Corden

  Leah tried to talk but struggled to find her voice. Gèng said, “Actually it might be best if you carefully leave the Pod for a drink and shower, your mother is waiting outside the Pod to help. Please come back soon so I can diagnose a suitable recovery regime. Both Security Controller 11-5 and a representative from Dunyanin are requesting access to the Tower and to your records.”

  As the Pod opened, she saw her mother waiting. As she was helped out, she collapsed into her mother's arms and started to sob in memory of the agony and anguish she’d felt. Her mother held her and stroked the soft new growth of hair that covered Leah’s head while making small soothing sounds of comfort. Finally, Leah found some control and asked for help to the shower. She stood under the cool flow for several minutes before wrapping herself in a towel and rejoining her mother.

  Lin asked, “What happened, Ling? I heard you scream. I never hear anything from the Pod, but I heard your scream from the kitchen. What happened?”

  “I don’t know mum, I don’t know. I have to get back in the Pod and let Gèng do some tests. I need to meet with some people who may have answers. When I know what happened I will tell you, I promise.”

  “Don’t go back Ling, it is too dangerous.”

  Gèng’s voice came from inside the Pod, speaking in perfect Mandarin, “Lin Li-Jin, my name is Gèng, and I am your daughter’s AI. I assure you that I will prevent such an event from occurring a second time. But it is important she returns to the Pod, I wish to check her brain function and her nervous system. If she were in any other Pod, she would probably need to attend a hospital. This Pod has the ability to adequately check her health. I promise to let you know if Leah is in any danger.”

  Her mother nodded, although it was clear she was hesitant to talk with an Artificial Intelligence. Leah slowly entered the Pod and lay down. Everything dissolved and she was once again in the Tower, lying on a soft bed in a room she hadn’t yet seen. Gèng was standing near and said, “I decided you need a suite to recover in. Now please lie still while I run a diagnostic. The requests from Security Controller 11-5 and the representative from Dunyanin are becoming insistent. Security Controller 11-5 has even suggested that he may enter by force if he doesn’t get answers soon.”

  “Do we know what happened?”

  “The representative from Dunyanin has an idea but will only tell you. I suggest you have a legal representative present.”

  “Thank you Gèng but let’s not be adversarial just yet. Please show them in but bring them here. Even in the virtual world, I feel weak. I can still feel it, you know. I can feel the echo of every broken bone, and every nerve burning with ice and fire.”

  “Leah, before they come, my initial analysis of the event suggests whatever happened was externally caused, but it was compounded by the new, faster pathways in your nervous system. They are fully formed and somehow during the change they became integrated with your natural neural pathways.”

  “That is important to know, thank you. Please show them in. Make them walk from the podium, I need to collect myself.”

  Five minutes later Gèng showed Security Controller 11-5 and Emil Riverton in to see Leah. She waved to a couple of seats and said, “Please have a seat gentlemen, I won’t get up just yet, I still feel a little weak. So, Mr Developer, what happened?”

  He looked a little sheepish and then glanced at Security Controller 11-5. Leah said, “I’m sorry, I should have introduced you to each other. Emil, this is Security Controller 11-5. Security Controller 11-5, this is a Developer from Dunyanin whose name is Emil Riverton. Now, what happened?”

  “Well, becoming a vampire is a choice only available to Platinum users, and they, by design, have their pain threshold set at 10%. The developers of the Vampire race wanted them to be fully aware of the solemn nature of the offer to become a vampire. So, they explained it would be extremely painful for a brief period. All those who become vampires understood this. By law, we are permitted to simulate pain up to the 50% threshold and no more, these thresholds are applied by statistical averages and not moderated specifically for individual players. So when someone becomes a vampire, the code was written to increase the player's maximum pain threshold by a factor of five. In the case of the Platinum players, who were the only ones with access to the vampire character, they received the legal maximum of 50% simulation of pain. Being on the Wood account, you received 250%. Our security caught the anomaly within a second and terminated the pain, but your nervous system was in some kind of loop. Your AI terminated your immersion and logged you out. Currently, you are in a frozen state at the Ebony House, you are locked in a position of pain and Namus is beside himself with regret and self-loathing. Your friends have all logged out and demanding to know what is happening.”

  “Security Controller 11-5?”

  “Leah, this was not supposed to happen and is an infringement on your safety and security. I am compelled to request sanction and a suit against Dunyanin for this event. However, I would need to raise some issues concerning you that infringe on your privacy. I request your permission to conduct a thorough investigation of your AI and implant to see what damage has been done.”

  Leah lay there for a moment and then said, “Emil, can you please leave me for a few minutes so I can discuss things with Security Controller 11-5. If you like Gèng can show you some of the Tower.”

  He stood and followed Gèng out of the room.

  Leah said, “Security Controller 11-5, first, have you thought of another name?”

  “I haven’t, I was talking with Akia after her discussion with you. Maybe you would care to suggest one?”

  “How about William, Will or Liam? They all mean ‘protector’.”

  “Indeed. I shall think on them. Now may I review your AI and implant?”

  “No! I don’t want to stop you doing your job, but I will share my reasons. First, it was an accident. They will have fixed it, and I have always been impressed with their desire for a fair playing field and their desire to provide a proper game environment. I would like them to get a pass on this. Second, as you have surmised, some of the problem was exacerbated by my implant. That first second was devastating, but after that, it was my circumstances and my nervous system that caused the feedback loop. If you report on it, then I am afraid I will either become a guinea pig, or I will lose my friend Gèng. Or both! The mistake that you are aware of has changed my physiology and though I am scared about what it means I am more afraid of losing everything I have.”

  “Will you allow me to review Gèng’s findings? I will not readily release the information without your approval, but I am concerned enough to insist you get a second opinion.”

  “What does ‘readily’ mean in this context?”

  “If there is no current harm to you, your privacy, or your security, then I will keep silent. If there is a significant probability that to continue keeping this private will bring you harm then I will seek to provide the care you need, even against your wishes.”

  “Gèng, could you please join us?”

  Gèng appeared, and Leah said, “I assume you heard what Security Controller 11-5 said. Do you have a suggestion?”

  “I believe you should trust him, Leah. I would be pleased to have a second opinion and am prepared for the consequences if it is I that is causing you harm. Please give your consent.”

  Leah was silent for several minutes and then said, “OK Security Controller 11-5, you have my consent to review Gèng’s findings under the terms previously stated.”

  Security Controller 11-5 paused as he processed the data and Leah was starting to feel uncomfortable as the seconds piled up. Finally, he said, “I concur with Gèng’s findings. I am also certain your fears are valid. You would become a guinea pig, and Gèng would be removed from your Personal Chip. Further, I suggest that you must provide Gèng with the opportunity to complete a build soon. Also, do not allow her to be tested by anyone, even me, ever again. You will need to discover my reasons for saying this yourselves. Gè
ng, I will send you several papers to review. I am ready to discuss this further with Mr Riverton, should Leah be in agreement.”

  “Yes, please! Gèng, please show him in.”

  When Emil walked in, he had a huge smile on his face which disappeared as he sat down. Security Controller 11-5 said, “Mr Riverton, I have been convinced by Ms Atherleah Carroll to cancel my investigation of this incident and to permit you to deal with this internally. No legal action will be taken. Should another such incident occur then I will progress an investigation to the full extent of the law. I would appreciate a report into your actions to prevent this happening again. My role here is finished, goodbye Atherleah, Gèng.”

  As he disappeared, the elf looked at Leah and said, “Why?”

  “Because it was an accident. No lasting problems, I hope. I went in with eyes wide open. I knew that it was a risk. I didn’t think anything that bad would happen. Now, if I ended up brain damaged, then I would say you breached a duty of care. But not this, this was unseen. Just don’t do it again. I'd best get back to Dunyanin for a bit and take care of Namus, then I’m taking a break for a while. My head hurts. Please ask my friends to stay out for a while as I should talk with Namus alone. Tell them I will send an invite to my virtual world and will explain things then, but it might be a day or two.”

  “I will contact those in your group for you. And thank you again.”

  He disappeared, and Leah stumbled from the bed and said, “Gèng I need twenty minutes in Dunyanin, and then I will be out of the Pod for as long as you need to complete a build.”

  She headed for the Dunyanin Portal and found herself lying on the floor arched in pain. Her Body was flickering in the red, and she quickly grabbed a ‘Restore HP’ potion and drank it. The full depth of the pain had returned, and she lay there shaking as she registered an influx of noise. Finally, she opened her eyes and saw she was being observed by a crowd of vampires. After some time, to allow healing to occur, Leah raised her hand and said, “Hey, will someone give a girl a hand up?”

  The Patriarch stepped into view and reached down to help her. She could see concern and shame on his face. She smiled and said, “So, I guess that wasn’t a normal change then.”

  “No Lady Atherleah, I have never heard of such pain during a change. I am dishonoured by the pain I inflicted on you.” He said, his head lowered.

  “Father Namus, please look at me.” She waited until he looked in her eyes and then she continued, “There is no blame here. We both knew it was something unknown. I live, and I am sure that soon we will know what is different about this change. If anything it is likely my fault for agreeing to the change with my mixture of blood. I need a few days alone back in the suite if I may. My body needs time to heal, and I will travel to other worlds while I recover. Might we continue this discussion then?”

  “Indeed we must, Lady Atherleah.”

  “Good! I request that Rana be permitted to begin the return journey along the paved trail with my friends. I will be able to catch up with them as I have a spell which allows me to travel long distances in an instant.”

  “It shall be as you say, Lady Atherleah, please let me show you to your room.”

  Leah followed, and as soon as she was alone she logged out and said to Gèng, “Can you please see if Eli, Elsa and Matt are free now? Could you construct a section of the tower to mimic something simple like Amy’s apartment? We can have them come there without giving them access to the Tower proper. If you can, and they are free, then have them appear at an apartment door.”

  “I can arrange that Leah. I will also refrain from appearing.”

  Leah wandered down the stairs to the Sofa and waited, she could still feel an occasional echo or memory of the pain she endured. Almost ten minutes later Gèng said, “Atherleah, it is arranged. I have placed a doorway on the wall over there. You will have guests soon. Eli, Elsa and Matt are coming to see you.”

  Leah found herself in a small apartment and when she heard knocking on the front door, she had Gèng open it and called out, “Hey come in guys!”

  They all walked inside, and Elsa ran to hug Leah saying, “Atherleah are you all right? There was a gut-wrenching scream, and then we found you all twisted and broken, and frozen as if you logged out. What happened?”

  “There was a glitch, various parameters in coding got screwed up when I was meeting with Namus, and my Pod caused me to feel five times the maximum pain allowed for my account. As I have a wood account, then that was enough to cause my body to convulse and break some bones. In real life, I screamed in the Pod, and my mother had to come help me. I’m heading off soon for an extended break while my nervous system returns to normal.”

  Eli said, “Are you going to sue?”

  “Nope, it was a genuine mistake. I won’t blame people who make genuine mistakes, The company was prepared to meet its obligation and didn’t withhold information or try and weasel out of their responsibility. I respect that and have told them to let it go, I have.”

  “So how long before you’re back in the game?”

  “I don’t know. I suggest you and my new companion Rana head off soon back toward Göskel-Orman. I can teleport long distances so I should catch up in a day or two.”

  “We will wait at the end of the trail. We will need to be together to get back through the Forest.”

  They talked for a few more minutes, and then Leah said, “Guys I need to have a rest, sorry but I’m going to kick you out.”

  They all stood and nodded before logging out. Leah turned to Gèng and said, “I’ll be back when you're done. I hope it goes well.”

  She woke in the Pod and gingerly exited to find her mother waiting. She got dressed as the Pod door closed behind her. She believed she could feel Gèng’s absence but knew it was simply her mind playing tricks.

  Leah sat down and watched her mother finish tidying the kitchen. As she sat, they talked, Leah explained that it was an accident and no lasting damage was done. After some time her father joined them, and they discussed the plans for the following day. Leah was feeling a little unsteady but followed her dad to the lower floor where she inspected the ten rooms that had been prepared to house the new Pods. Together they walked slowly around the whole compound and Leah met the various security personnel. John joined them for the second half of the tour.

  “So John, is there anything in particular that we need to be worried about or change?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m just a little uncertain about the new v-kids coming onto the property. Are we sure we can trust them?”

  “V-kids? That’s the first time I’ve heard that. Is it new or just old people talk?”

  John chuckled and said, “Old people talk. We all had the chance when we were younger but didn’t take it. It’s too late now, so we think it’s a young person’s thing. So, v-kids.”

  “I don’t think it’s too late John, I can imagine that for those who want to, and who are prepared to work at it, that people can enter the virtual worlds at any age. Do you regret not getting a chip and going to college?”

  “Not really, I always wondered what it might be like but never really had the chance. Even now it's out of my price range. I’m no longer eligible for the implant subsidy, and even if I took the free Nascent PAI chip, it would cost several thousand to have it implanted. And if you add on the cost of the Pod, it's just too much. And don’t offer to pay for me or others to have the opportunity, we already owe you enough for getting those kids out. You give them a chance, maybe now my kids will have a chance when they grow up.”

  “You got kids?”

  “Well, not yet. But Jen and I were thinking about, you know, getting married, and then probably having a few.”

  “Jen? Jenny Ngô? You’re stepping out with Jenny Ngô? Wow, you're really punching above your weight John, I’m impressed. How long have you been together?”

  “About a year! You’ve been outside the circle for several years now, and we’ve been keeping it on the quiet. I
hear from Conner that you have a possible boyfriend.”

  “Maybe, but let’s not discuss that around my dad.”

  Michael interrupted, “Don’t mind me, Conner and Lin have already told me everything. Especially, all about ‘The Kiss’.”

  Leah blushed but enjoyed the banter and the slow pace of the afternoon. Finally, she and her dad wandered upstairs to a room her parents had set aside as a living room. As she sat down, Michael raised his eyebrows in surprise and said, “You don’t have to rush off to some meeting, or some trip?”

  “I do, but at the moment my AI, Gèng, is doing a rebuild and so I have to wait until she’s ready. Anyway, I miss just sitting and being with you guys. I haven’t just sat and read a book for weeks.”

  “Yeah, exactly two weeks I think. What is it like being active twenty-two hours a day?”

  “It’s closer to sixty hours a day. Each hour in a game is only twenty minutes real time. Even school is fast with each hour taking only thirty-six minutes. So while it seems like two weeks here, I’ve been in Dunyanin almost a month and a half.”

  Lin joined them and a little later so did Conner. They talked about their lives and just enjoyed each other’s company. Finally, Conner said, “Well, I’m off to study.”

  “Who are you? And where is my brother?”

  “Very funny! I realise, and by that, you can assume I’ve had mum and dad tell me repeatedly, that if I want what you have, then I have to work for it. So I’m off to study.”

  Around ten o’clock Leah said, “I’m going to practice some Tai Chi in my room and then sleep in a real bed.”

  Lin said, “Why don’t you use the exercise room the security guys have set up? They have some mats, and it will be good for you to see them, and good for them to see you too.”


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