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Change Page 7

by Tony Corden

  I wonder what will happen with the v-kids. It's weird to think that I’m thinking of them as kids when they are all older than me. For them to have a PAI chip means they must have been at the top of their classes, they would have had to fight to get there. They have to be tough, but they all looked a little lost and broken. Why would someone do that to them? I told them I have no idea why someone would do this to them and that’s the truth. How can someone treat another person so callously? Surely some connection, some empathy, some sympathetic impulse would stop them from treating another person like that. How can Meredith do it? And her husband? And Jackson? And all the followers, the mine guards and the like? Part of me is starting to hate her, and that is where I might fail. Stop her? Yes! Punish her? Yes! Frustrate, annoy and irritate her? Whenever I can! Hate her? I must not. This is more for me than for her; I cannot give in to hate because that will change me. And I won’t give her that power over me.


  December 3, 2073

  Leah was waiting at the podium when her five friends arrived. She hugged them all, saving Thad until last. She also reached up and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Inside they all settled into their usual chairs, except Thad who came and sat on the sofa next to Leah. Amy raised her eyebrows at Leah who smiled and blushed.

  Wisp saved Leah by saying, “We reached Ticareti today. We’re staying in an Inn and wondered how long you’d be. After we finished the mine, we spent some time harvesting various plants unique to the area.”

  “I’ve finished at Gôskel-Orman and will head to the Port of Tekne tomorrow. I hope to catch a boat to Ticareti immediately. Gèng estimates it is a journey of four days by sea, so I may be a week altogether. I’ve also had problems with my college application, Meredith Kodoman again, and I still haven't finished my flight training. You should all stay at the Clan property and get it organised. We also need to organise a wagon train to Platin and collect whatever has already been mined.”

  Zack said, “I can do that. I’ve some friends who have a transport business. I believe they are trustworthy and won’t rat us out.”

  “That’s ok with me, if everyone else agrees.”

  After checking for agreement, Zack said, “We’ll need a clan account at the bank. Either you, or a designated Treasurer, is needed to make the arrangements.”

  Wisp volunteered for the task and Leah promised to make the changes to the clan settings in the morning. James and Amy promised to look into organising the clan Mansion. Thad said he would help whoever needed assistance. They agreed that they would use the spare time to improve their professions. Leah said she would try and do the same while on board ship.

  Finally, Leah said, “I have three applicants for the clan. Gèng can you give some images of Eli, Elsa and Matt.”

  Gèng had a three dimensional model of each appear in the middle of the room.

  Thad leant forward and said, “Leah, I know these guys, they are part of the extended Kodoman family. You need to ditch them.”

  “I know Thad, Elsa is Meredith’s niece, Eli is her husband, and Matt is a relation of Eli’s. They were honest about their relationships and probably have more to fear from being associated with me than I with them. They fought alongside me for three days and not once did they try to harm me. On the contrary, they all saved my life at times.”

  Zack said, “My concern is more personal. How do you know they aren’t being controlled by Meredith? They would need to have their firewall improved, and their world scrubbed, before I’d be happy having them in the clan.”

  The others agreed, and Leah asked, “Gèng, can you tell if someone has been compelled by meeting them here or would you need to go to their world?”

  “I’ve referred your query to Security Controller 11-5, and he said that I would need to be in their world. He has put me in contact with a private firm who specialise in cleansing infected worlds. This firm has been given the contract by International Virtual Security to clean personal worlds of the code that allows people to be controlled. They are highly respected and confidential.”

  “So, if I check they are clean, then are you all happy to have them join the clan?”

  “Yes, but we need a charter for them to sign, what have you said so far?”

  “I told them the motto and that it meant, ‘Do what is right, don’t be a scumbag. Succeed at whatever you attempt. Look out for and protect family, friends and those less fortunate.’”

  “Succinct. And the buy-in?”

  Amy said, “I suggest its a diamond to join. We’ll need to work out what benefits members receive. I suggest they have free accommodation at the clan houses and we need to give payouts from the various mines. The Platinum mine alone will repay the joining fee after the first load.”

  Thad said, “If you want, I’ll do some research and pull something together.”

  Everyone agreed, and they spent another hour recounting their various journeys. Leah didn’t tell them about being changed. For some reason, she was hesitant to do so. Amy, James, Zack and Wisp left, while Thad stayed behind for a moment. He knew enough to move slowly with Leah and only stayed for one long kiss and then he disappeared.

  Leah asked Gèng to arrange a time to meet with the three possible recruits.

  Gèng agreed and then said, “I’ve finalised a design for various memory nodules to be placed along the spinal column and within each limb. Are you comfortable with me beginning the process?”


  “I have found a highly respected psychiatrist who can see you soon. I have tentatively booked you in for a consultation after you visit ‘Dark Moon Duel’ later today.”

  “Are you sure it is necessary?”


  “Okay! I’ll make myself available at that time to see the psychiatrist. I have another task for you before I take a small break and some food.”

  “Certainly, what is it?”

  “Can you review the Dunyanin forums, or fora I suppose, and see if there is any way of finding a well-respected trader or trading firm who could be hired to broker all the loot. I would prefer someone who is free to move to Ticareti and join the clan. If we can’t find someone, then I’ll consider placing an advertisement. I just don’t have time to sell everything I’ve collected.”

  “I will instigate a search. Also, you should take the dragon egg and allow it to time to hatch.”

  “Will it proceed with hatching if it is in my bag?”

  “I don’t think so, but even if you removed it every time you take a break, it would proceed faster than it is at the moment. Also, Mĕi needs to increase her Level. She is currently only Level 1 even though she is so big. On the road to Tekne, there will be some low-level MOB’s for her to chase. The guides suggest to let her wander. If she dies, you will know and you can revive her later. Either way, she needs to grow if she is to help you. It won’t take her long as pets earn points at an accelerated rate until they reach the level of their owner.”

  Leah took another break and found she needed another meal. She entered Dunyanin and made her way to meet Rana. Together they entered the city and went to the market. Leah wanted to get a tent for the journey as well as giving Rana an opportunity to visit the city. An hour-and-a-half later and they left the town on the trail which ran alongside the River Canli down to the sea. Leah let Mĕi roam free, and once she had been introduced and accepted Rana, she began to forage on the side of the trail. As long as Leah and Rana kept their distance, then Mĕi was able to find low-level MOB’s to fight. While they were travelling at the slower pace, Leah asked Rana to teach her how to use the Mist skill. In the beginning, Leah could only Mist for a minute, but after some practice and the application of some skill points, she was able to extend this to periods of up to ten minutes. As there was no cool-down and it was only a mana expense she practised moving rapidly between solid and mist forms.

  She queried Rana about the dangers of being in Mist form. Rana said, “I do not know of anything that can ha
rm someone in mist, but then we tend not to fight when misted. It takes mana, and I suppose a spell which cancels mana or absorbs it might affect a person who is Misted.”

  “Are there any restrictions about when I can mist?”

  “Yes, you cannot Mist completely with a weapon in your hands, they always remain solid and this affects your own transformation.”

  “But I’ve been Misting and holding Merdiven has made no difference.”

  “Then either at the time you Mist it must not be viewed as a weapon, or there is something unusual about Merdiven.”

  Leah unequipped Merdiven and equipped Baris. She was unable to fully Mist while holding the sword, so she assumed the difference was Merdiven.

  “What other things do you think I should learn about being a vampire?”

  “There is too much light to practice using Shadows, but you could practise changing your form. The easiest is to learn how to bring forth your claws and fangs. Until this is mastered, then the other forms will elude you.”

  Leah spent the next several hours practising how to change her hands to extrude her nails into sharp claws capable of shredding through flesh and skin. She was loathe to extrude her fangs, but an icon Gèng had placed at the top of her vision reminded her that the time would come when she would need to feed.

  After five hours travelling, Leah and Rana moved off the trail and stopped for a small lunch break. Leah took the Dragon’s egg out of the mining bag while they waited. Rana had many questions and was in awe of Leah’s possession of such a prize. She said, “Vampires throughout history would praise you because you have an egg of the enemy.”

  “Not my enemy, Rana. In fact, one day I will travel to the Dragonebone Islands to fulfil a quest. I hope this dragon will grow to be my friend and my mount, and that it will make travelling faster.”

  “I imagine they will hate you more than any other vampire if you appear riding a dragon.”

  “Oh, it gets worse. This egg is not pure. It is a mixture of a fire-dragon and a life-dragon. Dragons do not let such eggs hatch. I think I will be the epitome of everything they loathe, all wrapped up in one person.”

  After lunch, Leah put the egg away, and they continued on their way. Just before three Leah stopped and said, “I need to go now. Are you comfortable travelling on your own for a while?”

  “Indeed. I will probably move at thrice this speed without having to wait for Mĕi.”

  “Then you take the tent and keep moving. I will use my teleport spell to travel faster tomorrow and catch up. I plan to be back around nine in the morning.”

  “If I rise earlier then I will proceed with haste toward the sea. How much further is it?”

  “Altogether, probably another fifty leagues.”

  “I shall make haste.”

  Leah watched Rana head down the trail and called to Mĕi to come closer so she could transform her into a statue. When Mĕi arrived, she logged out and took a break before heading to Dark Moon Duel and the Tournament.

  Leah arrived at the School of Swords at the appointed time, and after changing into her new armour, she added the new weapons and belted the sword at her waist. Master of Blades Farron approached her with a dark red cord. He said, “Here, tie this on your belt. It declares that you are a student at my school and that you join the tournament with my blessing. I believe you will bring me honour today, as well as yourself.”

  Together they walked through the city toward the city’s central amphitheatre. As they approached, she could see thousands of people making their way through the main gates. Farron said, “The spectators. Most are members of the city, but some are like you, Challengers. The Challengers come to check out the competition.”

  “Is that what you call us? Challengers!”

  “That is what you call yourselves. Everything is ‘I challenge you’. But that’s good. We are a proud and martial people. We love to fight, and your challenges help us improve. I was defeated many times in my youth, and it taught me much. Now I am a Master of Blades.”

  “So you, like us, are resurrected.”

  “Of course. Is there any other way of life? If we perished after every fight why would we continue to train you or fight you? If death were the end of everything, then combat is surely the stupidest course. Are there truly worlds where death is final? I have heard others talk of such things but have given their words little credence.”

  “I don’t know, Master Farron. I know of worlds where after death, people are seen no more. I doubt that is the end of them, but no one knows. Many believe, even on those worlds, that there is life, after death.”

  “Which is as it should be! If not, then life should be spent on other things besides war and combat. I imagine people who lived on those worlds would live in constant fear, fear of death, fear of anything that brought harm. Maybe even fear of life itself.”

  “You are right. Many live in fear of those things and at the same time seek ways to escape their fear.”

  “Such a life would be a nightmare. I am glad that I live in this world then. But enough of such chatter. I will enrol you in the Sword Division Entrance Level of the Tournament. You will face others like you. Now, because it is the Sword Division, there will be no use of magic. Other divisions will test the Bow, Hand-to-hand combat, Knives, Axes, Magic and then the Team Division. If you compete favourably in your matches, do not be surprised if you are asked to join a team. I request that as my student you allow me input on the team you join if you are approached.”

  “I will look for your help, Master Farron. Are the battles like our sparring?”

  “No. These are to death. Because it is the Tournament, you will be resurrected immediately. It is possible, if the numbers are uneven, that a well-respected loser be promoted to the next round. The other difference is that Magic is prohibited. But do not be surprised if, when your opponent has an opportunity, that they hit or kick you. Knives are also common. Most unranked, though, are like you and have limited knowledge of such weapons.”

  “If I see an opportunity, will you be dishonoured if I use such skills? I have some skill with the knife from other places I have visited.”

  “No. There is no dishonour. I will only lose standing if you show no skill, or if you are defeated early. I am glad you have these skills. Some of the other Masters teach such tactics. I usually wait until your sword work is at least two or three levels higher. I expect you to do well though as most Challengers rely on a set of scripted moves and struggle to adapt. Most who reach the higher levels of combat train as you do. They seek to understand and read the flow of combat. They feel free to modify their movement in accord with context. Only a few of these unranked will have started down that path. This is why I expect you to succeed.”

  “If someone is defeated, must I kill them?”

  “It is preferred as then they resurrect with full health. Winners, on the other hand, progress at times with damage from a previous duel. This Tournament allows you to ask for three mercy killings to restore your health.”

  They approached a long table where people were registering. Farron led Leah to one of the officials and said, “This is Atherleah, she is unranked. She is a student in the School of Swords and trained by me, Master of Blades Farron.”

  “One unranked named Atherleah in the Sword Division and trained by Master Farron. That will be ten Gold.”

  Leah paid the woman, who handed Leah a wood token with an engraved Sword on one side and the number ‘58’ on the other.

  “Entrance Level matches begin in ten minutes, West Quarter of the Amphitheatre. There are currently fifty-nine registered contestants. The top thirty-two will enter the final draw. Current prize for first place is 352 Gold and the honour of competing in the Level 1 competition, free of charge. Do you have any questions?”

  Farron said, “No!” and led Leah away.

  It took five minutes to reach the marshalling area. When they arrived, Leah looked around and saw a whole range of contestants from maybe ten or twelve dif
ferent races; orc, elf, reptilian, canine, feline, avian, insectoids, humans and something that looked like a thin rhinoceros. Each of them were wielding swords, and some had several. One of the insectoids was wearing four, one for each hand.

  After waiting five further minutes, an official announced, “We have sixty-one contestants in the Entrance Level Challenge for those with their Primary Weapon declared as Swords. The total Prize pool after appropriate fees have been deducted is 546 Gold. This is 364 Gold for the winner and 182 Gold for the Challenger who loses the final match. You must remain within the marshalling area. You are allowed three mercy killings. The winner will be eligible to enter the Level 1 Challenge which begins immediately after the finish of the Entrance Level Challenge.”

  Leah’s first duel was against one of the cat analogues. The Challenger was fast and agile, but predictable. Leah calmed herself and concentrated on defence until she understood the Challenger’s style. She received some glancing blows on the armour, but none caused a problem. When she saw her opponent start a series of attacks for the third time, she waited until they were committed to the attack and then drove forward in a lunging attack and killed them with a single thrust to the heart.

  In the second round, she faced another human. Leah stood in one of the relaxed stances Farron had taught her. Her sword was in the 'low' position with the blade pointing down at a forty-five-degree angle and almost touching the arena floor. Her body appeared open for attack but the stance allowed for a fast counter-strike. She was calm and watchful. Her opponent began with a more dominant stance and had his sword held horizontal at face level with the sword pointing toward Leah. She waited until she saw the faint tremor of his sword endpoint as he prepared to strike in a downward slashing movement. She pushed off with her rear foot, angling to the outside of his swing. As his sword passed her turned body, she brought her weapon up and across, slicing through the front of his neck and killing him.


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