Ryan's Love (Sawyer Brothers #1)

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Ryan's Love (Sawyer Brothers #1) Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  I didn’t want to leave him, but I wanted to help Olivia with breakfast. It was Pancake Saturday, and I had grown to love helping her whenever I stayed overnight on those days. Saturday mornings were a tradition she and Ryan had created together, and I wouldn’t do anything to change it. I slipped on my sleep shorts and a tank top and quietly exited the room, closing the door behind me.

  As I walked down the hall toward the kitchen, I could already hear the clinking of pans and the cupboard doors shutting. Olivia had the radio set to a country music station, and words about love and life filled the open area.

  She turned just in time to see me emerge from the hall and offered me a smile. “Good mornin’, sunshine,” she chirped.

  Her happiness and fun-loving attitude was a mirror image of her father’s. They both always had the ability to make even the worst day so much better.

  “Good morning,” I said as I stepped up to her side. She already had the batter mixed, and a bag of chocolate chips sat next to the bowl, still unopened. The pan was on the burner, greased and heating. “So what do you need me to do?” I asked, letting her lead the way.

  “You can add the chocolate.” She pointed to the bag. “Last time, Dad said I had more than enough.” She rolled her eyes at the ridiculous thought of there being such a thing as too much chocolate.

  “As if that is even possible,” I said as I tore the bag open and began adding the chips. She grinned when I went a little overboard. I would happily endure Ryan complaining to see that bright smile on her face. It isn’t like he wouldn’t eat them anyway.

  I tilted the whipped cream can upside down and sprayed it onto the top of the pile of pancakes Olivia had placed on a plate. I swiped my finger across the peak it had formed and lifted it to my lips.

  Ryan stepped up behind me and reached around, wrapping his hand around my wrist. He then lifted my finger toward his mouth and placed his lips over the tip, sucking lightly.

  The flick of his tongue mixed with the gentle suction instinctively made me squeeze my thighs together. The sense of need combined with the overpowering love that rushed through me gave me chills. Was it normal to be so consumed with one man that everything around you just disappeared with one single touch?

  The thoughts racing through my mind were inappropriate, given that Olivia was only a few feet away.

  He released my finger and carefully let out a slow, calming breath. When I knew I was relaxed enough not to melt to the floor, I looked back over my shoulder and met his heated stare. The smirk on his lips told me he knew exactly what he had just caused. The arrogant ass played a hard game of teasing.

  “Well, that wasn’t really what I’d planned on tasting first thing this morning, but it’ll have to do. For now, anyway,” he said.

  I narrowed my eyes at him as he chuckled and slowly backed away. That was cruel.

  Bonus Chapter


  I woke up to Bailey shrieking. “Yes, I’m serious. He proposed, and the ring is gorgeous.”

  I peeked up over the back of the couch. Her back was to me as she talked on the phone.

  “Seriously, Alena, he is perfect. He treats her so well, and she deserves it after what Kevin put her through.”

  I remember overhearing my dad telling Uncle Jackson about Amber’s ex. He was awful, and Bailey is right; she did deserved better. After the initial shock at the idea of my father being with another woman faded away, I found I truly loved Amber.

  When Dad told me he wanted to ask Amber to marry him, it floored me. Not because I didn’t want him to but because it didn’t bother me that he wanted to. I never thought I would actually be comfortable with him remarrying. But over the last six months Amber had truly become a best friend and someone I was happy to have in my life. She made my father happy, and I adored her for it. He’s the most amazing man I know, and he should feel the love Amber gives him. He deserves it.

  When I told my dad I was okay with his proposal, he insisted I help pick out the ring. I’ll never forget the experience. He had no idea what kind to get, but with the help of me and Gran, we chose the perfect setting.

  Amber was in the shower, and with Bailey carrying on in the kitchen I had no hope of going back to sleep. What teenage girl woke up on a Tuesday morning during summer break at five thirty?

  I did, apparently.

  After the girls were up and ready to roll, we made our way downstairs. Amber had been teaching me how to bake, and she said I was a natural in the kitchen. It made me feel closer to my mom. We used to always bake together.

  Just after we unlocked the front doors, Uncle Noah and my father came in. The long, sleepless night at work had left them in desperate need of coffee. They both sat down on the opposite side of the bar, and Amber began filling two coffee cups.

  “Long night, boys?” she asked.

  “Slow night,” Noah grumbled.

  “Well, that’s good, right?” I replied.

  Before they could answer, the bell on the door jingled, and we all looked up at the newest customer.

  Amber froze and Bailey groaned in irritation. The clinking of heels against the tiled floor was the only sound before the woman stopped and shook out the umbrella that had been shielding her from the light rainfall outside. When she had finally succeeded in righting herself, she looked up and forced a smile.

  “Amber,” she cooed. The fakeness in her voice made my lip curl in disgust.

  “Mother,” Amber replied. “What are you doing here?”

  “Can’t I visit my daughter?”

  “I spent twenty-five years in the same city as you, and for the last fifteen I rarely saw you. So why the hell did you travel thousands of miles to Montana? I know it wasn’t because you missed me.” Amber obviously wasn’t excited to see her mother, and I didn’t blame her. The woman had an attitude.

  “Can we talk alone?” her mother asked, placing her hand on her hip.

  “No, these people are my family. Whatever you need, you can say right here,” Amber said.

  “Family?” she questioned

  Amber only nodded as her mother looked around the room, noting each of us.

  “I was hoping you could help me out with a little mess I found myself in.” The woman smiled and rolled her eyes.

  “I’m not giving you any money.”

  The entire exchange felt odd. What kind of mother rarely visits her daughter and only does when she needs something? The woman was nothing like Amber. She wore a tight red dress and heels that appeared to be six or more inches tall. Her hair was bleach-blonde, and she’d clearly spent too much time in a tanning bed. She did not pull off the look well. She just looked cheap.

  Before she could say anything more, the door chimed once again, and Uncle Jackson appeared just over the woman’s shoulder. His eyes widened in a way that made me laugh. I couldn’t stop it from spilling out in the silence of the room. The thing about my Uncle Jack is that he’s a man on the outside, but he’s such a kid at heart. He finds the humor in just about everything, and right now it looked like he found Amber’s mom pretty dang humorous. Well, at least her getup was funny.

  My dad shot me a warning look, creasing his brows. I guess my laughter may have come off as rude, but I couldn’t stop it.

  “Um.” Jackson stumbled over his words. “Excuse me, ma’am.” He squeezed past her, and her face lit up with interest.

  “Don’t mind me, Cowboy.” The woman bit her lower lip and scanned him appreciatively. Ew. Poor Uncle Jackson just caught the eye of a cougar.

  “Oh hell no,” Bailey said to my left. “Back off, Carla.”

  Everyone turned to face Bailey, who was glaring at Amber’s mother. Uncle Noah chuckled, whispering the words “cat fight” just low enough that you could barely make it out.

  Bailey and Uncle Jackson had been skirting around each other for months, ever since the cookout. I was still young, but I knew what it looked like when two people were attracted to one another. I was just wondering when they were gonna sto
p playing games and admit it to each other.

  I wasn’t sure what caused their games to begin anyway, but right now it looked like Bailey was about to murder Amber’s mom.

  “I’m not playing, Carla. I said back off.” She took a step in the woman’s direction, and Carla smirked back at her.

  “What’s wrong Bailey, you afraid your man might like a round with a more experienced woman instead?”

  Uncle Jackson stepped between them, but even with his size I wasn’t sure he would stand a chance against them. There was definitely a story there; the hatred between Bailey and Carla was more than obvious.

  “Okay, ladies, let’s simmer down,” he said as he looked back and forth between them.

  Amber looked embarrassed, and Bailey was still glaring at Carla, who looked completely unaffected.

  Uncle Noah and Dad were enjoying the show entirely too much. Their eyes were lit up as if they were watching some reality TV show.

  I had a feeling things were about to get a whole lot more interesting.


  Sara Eirew, thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you put into the photo shoot for Ryan’s Love. You brought my vision to life, and I am truly grateful. This was an amazing experience, and you are amazing.

  To the cover models Katherine and Charles. Thank you both for making my cover beautiful and for becoming my Ryan and Amber. You too are beautiful, and your love shines.

  Thank you, Lydia. Of course you still and always will keep me moving. Oh, and for our crazy conversations that led to a few of the scenes within this book. You know the ones. I’m so glad we crossed paths and I can now call you a true friend. I adore you.

  To my family, because you allow me the time I need to create my imaginative worlds through words and pick up my slack. You three are the true rock stars. I love you, Jason, Jayden and Tayler.

  And to my editor JoSelle. Thank you so much for making Ryan's Love something I am proud of. Thank you for stepping up when needed and bringing the love of this story back to me. I look forward to our next project, as it is a great pleasure working with you.

  To all the readers, you all make writing worth it. Thank you for giving my work a chance.

  About the Author

  C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

  She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband of 14 years and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.










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