Don't Shoot The Harbinger

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Don't Shoot The Harbinger Page 12

by Ryan Green

  “Is there anything else I can bring you at this time?” The waiter asks them.

  “No, we should be fine, thank you very much,” Blaine says trying to hurry the waiter off.

  Megan starts laughing “looks like you are going to need that whole bottle to yourself after having to relive that, not me. Go on with your story about your sex crazed orgy loving parents.”

  Once everyone leaves the house I finally build up the courage to get out of the car and walk to the front door and knock. I learned my lesson a few hours ago, the last time I tried to come into the house unannounced. Mother answers the door, fully clothed this time.

  “Come on in smartass” she says to me.

  I follow her in through the door and Father is standing there at the door with my arms open to give me a hug. I am a little hesitant and look Father up and down inspecting him for any signs of nudity or randomly discarded piles of bodily fluids that may have stained his clothing and could easily brush up against me.

  “Good to see you buddy,” Father tells me.

  “Mother told you I walked in on the orgy didn’t she?” I ask him sheepishly.

  “She sure did Blaine” Father replies trying his best to hold back his laughter

  “Well Father, did she also tell you that she invited me to join in on your little senior orgy?”

  Father looks over at Mother and raises his eyebrows and gives her a look of uncertainty “no, no she did not, I guess she just decided to exclude that part of the story when she decided to fill me in.”

  “I told him that he could pick a girl or two and go off into a room by themselves and we wouldn’t interrupt them so that it wouldn’t be weird for him” Mother begins to explain herself.

  “I’m not sure that is any better, sweetheart,” Father says to Mother.

  I try to change the conversation to something a little more paced.

  “So is there anywhere in this immediate area that is safe for me to sit and to relax for a little while? You know somewhere that someone hasn’t just ejaculated all over?” I ask Mother and Father sarcastically.

  Father points to the dining room table and looks over at Mother, she shakes her head no back at him. I try again pointing into the living room at a reclining chair. This time her eyes open big as she shakes her head no in an even more visible way.

  It must be her favorite spot or something.

  I looked into the living room where Father pointed and looked back at Mother as she shook her head at him. I think back to what Mother said earlier about preferring women when they attend these parties and vivid recreations of three women taking turns chowing down on her as she sits spread eagle on the chair floods my mind.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” I think to myself.

  “Dear god can I just sit on the couch and watch some TV for a little while then, I’ll just lay a blanket down or something” I say laughing.

  “It's not like everyone walks around squirting and spraying fluids everywhere Blaine, do we need to have the talk again about how sex works?” Mother asks me.

  “Please save me the details Mother I just saw all the way the inside of a woman's uterus and anus from four feet away, as four men took turns putting their fists inside of her, I think I have a pretty clear understanding now if I didn’t before”

  I walk into the living room and plop down on the couch and turn on the TV. “Do you want me to make you anything to eat, are you thirsty?” Mother asks. Very typical of a mother to offer food and drink even in such awkward circumstances.

  “I’m starving, I’m thirsty, I’m tired, I’m exhausted ...I really just needed to be at home with you guys. Some places just feel more comfortable and safe and right now more than anything I need to be where I can just feel like myself and feel secure.” I tell Mother and Father.

  “Is there anything you want to get off your chest buddy?” Father asks me.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it right now. Can we all just sit here and watch TV together and have a sandwich or something?” I ask them.

  Mother walks over and starts to rub my back a little bit and kisses me on the forehead. “No problem honey, let me make you something to eat, your Father and I could probably go for some food too.” Mother heads into the kitchen.

  Father walks over and sits down next to me.

  “If you are in any kind of trouble you can tell us, you know that right? If anyone in the world would understand it, we would understand, we’ve been through and seen everything Blaine ” Father tells me.

  “Yeah I know, when I get a little piece of mind back I will let you guys know.”

  “So buddy did that old computer of yours boot up and work or was it just trash?” Father asks me.

  “No, it was just trash. I’m not sure what was wrong with it. I plugged the thing in and it started making all kinds of weird noises. The screen started flashing all kinds of different colors and then it went black. I tried turning it off and on a few times before it started to smoke so I just threw it in the trash. I’m not so sure I really want to know what was on there anyway, I started thinking about it and maybe it was for the best I just forgot about all of that.”

  “Well it was out in that garage for a long time, maybe it got some kind of water damage, or maybe the bugs or mice got into it. That really is a shame buddy, you looked pretty excited about it.”

  I couldn’t even begin to comprehend how I would work up the courage to begin explaining to my parents all of the things that I've been through in the last few days.

  Where would I start if I decided to open up? From the sick fat pedophile Don stalking me and breaking into my house on more than one occasion. Being followed from my house to work. Being followed from the parking structure to where I work. Having to deal with the paranoia of being tracked and followed everywhere that I wanted to go.

  Completely shitting the bed on the presentation in front of the man who has been stalking me and probably losing my job because of it. Having to murder the man who has been stalking him. Being questioned by the police. Going back to the man's house who I killed and finding it completely cleaned out.

  A video tape of me killing the man being sent to my house. A video tape of me as a child killing some innocent woman. Having to dispose of murder weapons and criminal evidence. Then to top it off I almost witnessed my own Mother getting gangbanged on top of the couch I was now laying on.

  I decided to hold off on opening up to my parents for now, I’ve had a lot on my mind and I really just need to reboot.

  “Do you mind if I just lay down and close my eyes for a little bit?” I ask Father .

  “Not at all, I 'll grab you a pillow and a blanket” Father tells him.

  “One more thing Father, did you change the Wi-Fi password?” I asked.

  “Nope bud, it’s still the same.”

  I close my eyes and I start to doze off.

  Father heads into a spare bedroom down the hallway and returns with a blanket and pillow. By the time Father gets back to the living room Blaine is already asleep. Father throws the blanket over top of Blaine and sets the pillow on the back of the couch.

  Father walks into the kitchen and walks up to Mom. Father stands behind her and he grabs her by the waist and kisses her on her ear. “I can’t believe Blaine really walked in on all of that today, that’s gonna stick with him for a while,” Father tells her.

  “We’re just lucky he didn’t come over last week then we had that younger teenage girl over for that sacrifice, that may have made him a little queasy” Mother says.

  “You never know he might have liked it, he is unpredictable,” Father says.

  “You’re right about that, I used to love being a part of those parties when I was a kid.” Mother tells him, she goes on “Remember when Blaine was willing to stab his own birth Mother for us? Do you ever think he will come around again?” Mother asks.

  “I’m sure he will, we’ve been doing our best to get him back. I mean he killed Don earlier so he’s
definitely headed down the right path” Father says.

  “Yeah, he looked like he liked doing it too,” Mother says.

  “It shouldn’t take much more of you messaging him to get Blaine back on our side. Remember how easy it was to convince him when he was a kid?” Father says, “You really know what to say and how to get in his head sweetheart.”

  “Oh I remember, Blaine just wants what he has always wanted... to be loved and accepted. His parents couldn’t give him that. That’s why they lost that poor boy, but we found him and we saved him. That’s why they had to die. Letting a great boy like that just slip through their fingers” Mother says.

  “Do you remember when we first got Blaine? He was so quiet and sheltered, he was like a little shelter dog. The only thing that could open him up was that damn computer. Your suggestion of giving it back to him was a great idea” Father tells Mom.

  “I can’t believe he fell for the whole come over and helped us clean out the garage trick.” Mother says.

  “Blaine’s a good kid, you know he wants to help, he would do anything for you,” Father says.

  “So when do you think we should break it to him?” Mother asks.

  “He hasn’t wanted to talk about all of it just yet. Just let him soak on it for a little while, Blaine will come around” Father tells her.

  They both walk back out into the living room where Blaine is sleeping.

  Mother bends over and gives him a kiss on the forehead while Father pats his shoulder.

  “Blaine sure is a great kid though, He’s grown up to be such a responsible adult.” Mother says.

  Mother and Father look at each other and nod.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “This duck is absolutely amazing Blaine, I don’t think that I’ve ever tried anything like it.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”

  “No, no, nothing like that it’s just having to relive all of this sucks. It makes me wonder about some of the things I might have missed that could have clued me in sooner.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  Blaine continues on.

  I wake up on the couch of my parents living room and I smell something good coming from the kitchen. I get up off the couch and see my parents sitting at the dining room table.

  “Good morning buddy we’ve been waiting for you to wake up?” Father says,

  “Morning? How long did I sleep for?” I asked.

  “About two hours, dinners ready if you’re hungry” Father tells me.

  “Take a seat honey, I’ll make you a plate” Mother says.

  I take a seat at the table, my stomach starts growling, I can't remember the last time I actually had a home cooked meal.

  Mother walks back to the table with a plate in hand.

  “I made your favorite food for you, meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy.”

  “Fuck yes!” I exclaimed as I can't wait to eat.

  “Language at the table young man” Mother tells me.

  “Sorry Mom, I’m just really excited I haven’t had this in so long” I said as I started shoveling food into my face.

  My parents are asking a million questions as I am eating:

  “Have you met any nice girls?”

  “How is work going?”

  “Do you have any new career goals?”

  “Are you seeing anyone? More than one person?”

  “Are you gay? You know you can tell us.”

  If you let me finish eating I promise I will answer all of your questions. They stared intently at me waiting for me to polish off my plate so that they could continue with the interrogation. They were taking a genuine interest in me and for the first time I was open to actually sharing what was going on in my life.

  I finished my plate and I put it in the sink and rinsed it off.

  “So what have you guys packed so far for the move?” I asked.

  “Just little things. Some clothes, some extra linens, towels, small things like that” Mother tells me.

  “Do you have any photo albums or anything packed up? I’d really like to look through some old pictures. I guess going through the garage and finding an old computer just made me miss my childhood” I tell them. “Do you remember what I was like as a kid? Was I really mean or vindictive?”

  “Heavens no Blaine. You were quiet, you were reserved, you weren’t very social. But mean or vindictive? Absolutely not. Sit right here and I’ll go grab some pictures for you” Mother gets up and walks out to the garage.

  She comes back into the house with a big plastic tub.

  She sets it in front of me and I open the tub. The first thing I take out is a diploma and a cap and gown. There is a note from what looks like my old teachers and principal praising my academia but it looks like it’s in Mother and Father’s handwriting.

  “See I can’t even remember my own graduation really” I say.

  “You were homeschooled, we bought you those things so you could take those studio graduation pictures, we wanted you to feel normal,” Father tells me.

  “I was homeschooled? Why?” I ask them.

  “Because you hated school. We tried to put you in school and you just shut down. You wouldn’t come out of your room for a week after that. All you did was hide and cry, you ate a peanut butter sandwich four times a day for a week. That’s all you would touch so we decided to homeschool you” Mother explains to me.

  I dig through more pictures of me and my parents at their house at birthday parties with a bunch of strangers I don't recognize. I see pictures of them hiking through the woods, of them at the carnival of them in swimming pools.

  But one thing immediately stands out to me .

  “Almost all of these pictures are from the same time frame. I was like eleven or twelve in almost all of these pictures” I say to them with an inquisitive tone.

  “Yes, Blaine, what are you trying to get at?” Father asks me.

  “Where are the pictures from when I was a baby?” I asked.

  “What do you mean Blaine? Why would we have pictures of you as a baby? Mother asks me.

  “Well I would assume it’s normal for parents to have pictures of their child as a baby, am I wrong?” I asked them.

  “We didn’t adopt you until you were ten years old, Blaine. You don’t remember being adopted?” Mother asks me really softly and compassionately.

  “I was adopted? Well what happened to my parents? Why did they put me up for adoption?” I asked them.

  “We’re not sure, we were told that your parents just let you go one day and they took off. You were left stranded on the side of the road. We were told that your parents were addicts, it was tossed out around the station that you might have been sold off for drug money. So we heard about the case at work and we took you in.” Father begins explaining to me.

  “Well, can I see the adoption paperwork or something at least?” I asked.

  “It was never really official Blaine. We didn’t want the story to make it to the news and we definitely didn't want you to get put into foster care. Your Father and I had dealt with child services before and we knew how the system worked, foster care or a home was the absolute worst place you could have gone” Mother explains to me.

  “I’m sorry I ’m just having a hard time comprehending all of this. I was adopted by you guys. No, I was found by you guys and taken in because my drug addict parents sold me off for crack money? Rather than adopting me the right way with paperwork you just moved me into your house? Then you homeschooled me because I was too mentally fucked up to go to school?”


  I get up and I storm up the stairs into my old bedroom and I slam the door behind me. I bury my head into my pillow and I start crying, I just feel overwhelmed and broken d

  “Call them now. Get them over here, we have to start convincing Blaine now” Mother tells Father.

  Father picks up the phone and makes a call to two men.

  I am in my room playing the events of the day over in my brain. I starts thinking about how my parents left me, how my new parents are crazy sex fiends and how the house I grew up in is getting sold.

  How everything I thought I knew about my life has completely been flipped upside down all because of a fucking computer.


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