Don't Shoot The Harbinger

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Don't Shoot The Harbinger Page 15

by Ryan Green

  “If I was to be a part of this I want to be completely done with anything involving sex trafficking or any of that other disgusting pedophile shit. I’m sure there are a million other ways we can make money” I explained to them.

  “Absolutely buddy. Child pornography is just an easy buck in a niche market. Those chat rooms and message boards are always being investigated and shut down by the FBI , we’re past due on doing away with all of that. Where we really make their money is in lobbying and politics. Not only that but also by laundering money through mega churches and in funding private prisons” Father explains to me. “There is a whole underground network of millions of people that are constantly funneling tax dollars and donations to aid in whatever it is that we decide we need to fund. There is an unlimited supply of manpower and resources. Government propaganda videos, music festivals, hell we even released fifteen movies in Hollywood last year” Father begins bragging to me.

  “How can we get rid of these pedophiles? I want to kill them all. It might be a little much to ask immediately but that is what I want. If you want me to take you all seriously that is what I want. Anyone who has hurt children or violated a child in any way I want them gone. The community has no place for people like that, people with disgusting fetishes and a desire to pray on human beings who can't stand up for themselves. They all must die and we have to do it” I am now beginning to speak with a confidence that my parents have never seen come from me before.

  “That is asking a lot Blaine. There are probably at least two hundred people in our area alone that would fit that description, let alone the thousands of others across the world” Father says.

  “That’s it? Two hundred people around here and thousands across the world? Can’t you see that out of millions of people in this cult there are only a few thousand that get off on this type of deviant behavior? They need to be killed. They need to be killed as soon as possible, and we need to do as many as we can at once.”

  “You need to plan another one of your sacrificial orgy parties or whatever it is that you call them, but be extremely specific about who you invite. I’m sure there is a way that we would be able to take care of everyone in one quick act” I tell my parents hoping that they are on board.

  My parents agreed to host another party and we all began planning it.

  Megan chimes into the conversation.

  “So you and your parents planned a party where you would get a bunch of pedophiles together and you would kill all of them?”

  “Yeah pretty much. My parents were in charge, these people had no choice but to come.”

  “Well, why didn’t you just tell the cops or something?”

  “The cops wouldn’t have done anything Megan. These people had gotten away with this kind of behavior for decades. It was up to me to put an end to it.”

  “Your plan was to put an end to it by pretending that you wanted to be the new leader of this pedophile sex cult and then murdering a bunch of people in front of your parents or with your parents ...and then what? Were you going to kill your parents too because they were part of that cult?”

  “Just let me explain everything and you will get it Megan.”

  “You keep saying that to me Blaine but nothing seems to be getting any more clear or make any more sense. All of this is extremely out there stuff.” Megan says to Blaine.

  Blaine explains the details that his parents and him came together and executed.

  We planned for everyone to come over to my parents house where we would have a girl there to stage a ritual sacrifice.

  Megan cuts in again “Where did you get this girl?”

  “My parents knew her, can I go on?”

  “Yeah go on.”

  So we invited over around twenty people, men and women that were locally involved in creating and distributing child pornography. People that had been doing these disgusting horrible things for a very long time, people that needed to be stopped.

  So when they got there and they saw the sacrifice was going on everyone usually partakes in drinking blood after they begin to start the bloodletting on the victim.

  “So you actually killed this girl just to get back at all these pedophiles?” Megan asks.

  “Yes. My parents knew her and they told me that she was willing to die for their cause.”

  “You mean die for your cause? Because now you were the leader of this cult.”

  “Will you please just let me finish? Everything will make sense.”

  So after the blood letting my parents collected a large jug of the blood and they spiked it with cyanide and ricin. The smell of blood and the consistency easily masked it so that no one would suspect a thing. After all of the people drank the blood like they normally do they all died. Then my parents and I took all of the bodies including the girls and we took them to the funeral home of one of the members and we cremated them all together.

  “Blaine. You killed an innocent girl, then you collected her blood and you used it as a way to poison and kill all of them people. Then you took all of their bodies and you burned them? Do you not see how fucked up all of this is?” Megan hysterically explains to Blaine.

  “No, I know that it’s fucked up. But I’m trying to explain to you how I made it all better.”

  After we burned the bodies, I immediately went to the police. I reported myself and I reported my parents and I reported every single instance of crime and murder and rape and abduction that I could possibly find in all of the records that were kept. I alerted the FBI to the status of the cult and the names of everyone I could find.

  My parents were arrested and they were charged, about 300 people were found and arrested and charged in connection to the cult.

  I did everything I possibly could to make sure that no one else would get hurt going forward. I knew that I did horrible things and I wanted to fix that. So I turned myself in.

  The FBI, the CIA, the state police, and everyone in law enforcement interviewed me. They determined that because I was so messed up from being kidnapped then raised by my captors and hidden away for so long they didn’t want to try me for any of the crimes. They were thankful and quite frankly extremely surprised that I was even able to be cognizant of the fact that everything they were doing was wrong and that I had the ability to turn them in.

  So they put me into witness protection, they were able to help me find a new job, they moved me here and the rest is history.

  Now I am sitting here in this amazing restaurant with the most beautiful woman on the planet. I have come to terms with my horrible past. I have decided that I will not let that control me.

  The Order of Azoth is dead. Blaine Holly is dead. Blaine Acadia is dead. But I am alive.

  Megan is speechless, they are at a standoff as Blaine racks his brain on his next move.

  “How did you not remember coaxing all of those children into sending you pictures and participating in doing those things Blaine?” Megan asks.

  “After I was taken away from my parents for a little while I guess they must have put me through some very extensive levels of counseling to make me forget that I participated in all of that.”

  “Do you think there is a chance that it was your parents that brainwashed you to make you forget your participation in everything? Then when you got older they decided it would be the right time to clue you back in?”

  “I guess that would be possible, they don’t really seem like the type of people who would know how to do something like that though.”

  “Are you blind Blaine? You just explained to me how your parents are the most well connected people in this country, maybe even in the world. Even if your parents don’t know how to, I'm sure they would know someone who was capable of it. Maybe the FBI or whoever else you called was in on it too. Blaine, are you sure we are even safe just sitting here right now? Do you think there is a chance that we were followed? Have we been being followed the whole time that I’ve known you?”

  “No Megan, all of that is behind
me. No one knows where I am. We are safe, you are the only person who knows me now.”

  Chapter Twenty One

  “Now that I have shared with you my whole fucked up life story I am hoping that you can accept my past and you can help me build my future.”

  Blaine gets down on one knee and grabs Megan’s hand.

  “Megan, will you make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me?”

  Megan gets up from the table and she bursts out in tears. She runs to the front of the restaurant and into the women's bathroom.

  Blaine stays sitting at the table. He has a million thoughts racing through his mind ranging from thoughts of self harm to anger towards Megan.

  He shared with her something that he has never shared with anyone else before and her only reaction was to run away. Blaine sits alone in silence at the table for several minutes sipping at what is left of the bottles of wine.

  Megan reappears from the front of the restaurant and she walks over to Blaine. She grabs him by the hands and she pulls him upward so that they are standing face to face.

  “When I was fourteen years old, my parents had a bunch of friends over to their house for a party. I thought that it was just going to be a normal party, my parents hosted them all of the time. My parents and their friends were all in the backyard drinking and swimming in our pool so I decided I would just go upstairs to my room and lay in bed and watch a movie. Around ten o'clock at night my Mother and my father came into my room. They told me that because I was fourteen I was now a woman and that I was expected to start participating in activities that women participate in.

  I wasn’t sure what they meant by that, but they were going to fill me in whether or not I wanted to.

  They led me by my hand downstairs where there were men and women waiting for me, naked. These men and women I had gone my whole life trusting, they watched me grow up from the time I was born until that day. They came to my soccer games, they babysat me, they taught me how to talk and how to walk, I trusted them.

  Before I could really make sense of what was happening they were swarming me. They were kissing me, they were touching me, they were telling me how pretty I was. They were caressing me in places that I had never been touched, they were putting fingers in places I had never been touched, they were kissing me in places that only I was ever allowed to see.

  On that day my parents forced me to become what they saw as a woman. It didn’t just happen and end quickly, they guilted me into playing a part in their disgusting orgy for several hours.

  Then when they were done and they ensured that I had all that I could handle they led me into the backyard. They walked me out to a fire where there were two people covered in some kind of cloak. A woman pulled a dagger out from her cloak and she summoned me over to her. My parents dragged me to the lady and she inserted the dagger into me, she put it right inside of me, in the place where no one had been prior to that night.

  The man in the other cloak pulled out a chalice and he began collecting the blood that was flowing out from inside of me. He held it there for several minutes until the chalice was full of my blood, once it was full everyone gathered in a circle around me and the fire.

  They began to chant as they all took turns drinking from the cup that contained the fresh blood that was forced out of me from my once pure and innocent young girl's body.

  I must have blacked out because I don’t remember anything beyond that. I woke up the next morning in my bed, clothed and my parents were downstairs eating breakfast like nothing had happened.”

  Blaine is trying to find the words to comfort Megan at that moment, he knows who her parents are now. That can’t be a coincidence.

  “I ran away from home that day and I never looked back at Blaine.”

  “I just can’t believe…”

  Megan cuts him off mid sentence.

  “Yes, absolutely I will, I will marry you Blaine.”

  Blaine leans in to kiss Megan.

  “Wait, wait I want to take a picture of our first kiss as an engaged couple” she says as she reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone to take a picture.

  Blaine looks around and everyone in the restaurant has begun to pile into the back area where he and Megan were sitting. He smiles and thanks everyone as they are clapping and staring at the huge display of romanticism.

  “Well at least I got the proposal right” Blaine tells Megan as he leans in and kisses her on the lips.

  Megan takes a picture of them.

  “I will cherish the picture for the rest of my life.”

  The waiter comes to the table and pours them both a glass of champagne.

  “Congratulations to you both” he says as he pours the champagne. “Cheers to you both and I wish you both the best.”

  The waiter walks away from the table to the kitchen area.

  Blaine and Megan raise their glasses and they tap them together.

  “To us,” Blaine says.

  Megan nods “To us.”

  Blaine puts the champagne flute to his lips and drinks the whole glass.

  “Cheers sweetheart, drink up” Megan says as Blaine is drinking.

  Blaine looks at Megan who is just staring at him as if she’s waiting for something to happen.

  Blaine begins to feel his throat closing up.

  “You can’t stop us Blaine, you were stupid to think you ever could” Megan says as Blaine grips his throat.

  He starts gurgling and fighting to catch his breath as he stands up from the table.

  Blaine falls face first onto the floor and foam starts to pour from Blaine’s mouth. The blood vessels begin to burst in his eyes and face and he starts to turn from pale white to blue and red.

  Megan walks over to Blaine and kneels down next to him.

  This is going to sound very familiar Blaine, you showed these words to me, I might paraphrase just a little bit but tell me if I’m on the right track.

  “Boy, we gave you every opportunity.”

  She kisses him on the cheek.

  “We gave you our hands to get you off your knees.”

  She puts her ear to his mouth and nose to see if he is still breathing.

  “You sat at our table and you ate everything.”

  She slides her fingers down his eyelids to close his eyes.

  “You say that you’re still hungry, then bite the plates and break your teeth.”

  She kisses him one last time on the lips.

  Everyone in the restaurant begins to gather around them and begin clapping at the sight of Blaine's death. Megan stands to her feet. She is standing not just for herself but she is standing on behalf of countless others.

  Though Megan stands just above five feet tall at that moment she towers over Blaine’s limp body. Her mere presence and obvious glaring levels of eminence had cast a long shadow for Blaine to bask in since the day they first met.

  “He’s suffered enough already, give him the shot” Megan hears a voice say as she looks back to see the familiar voice coming from the crowd and she sees Mother emerge from the sea of faces surrounding her.

  Megan nods and she reaches into her purse.

  She pulls out a hypodermic needle attached to a syringe and she drives it into Blaine's chest cavity as she pushes down on the plunger.

  Blaine almost instantly jolts back to consciousness, his vision is blurry and his memory is foggy but he slowly is starting to piece together where he is and the events that had just unfolded.

  He looks up at Megan standing over him and his vision pans to her side and he sees his Mother standing next to her.

  “You are supposed to be in prison. I watched them take you away” Blaine tells Mother .

  Mother speaks up again “take him to the sanctuary.”

  A group of men emerge from the crowd and they grab Blaine, they cover his head with a black cloth bag. They grab Blaine’s arms and they tie his arms behind his back. Blaine is still in a fog and not completely sure if what is going on is a dream or
reality. He feels men begin to grab his legs and he starts to struggle as best as he can. He pulls and pushes and kicks but he is too weak to really put up any kind of true fight. His legs are tied together and he is carried out of the restaurant and thrown head first into a van waiting for them out front.

  Blaine is laying on his back and starts to feel a warm liquid running from the top of his head down his face and the mask starts to fill. The liquid inches up past his chin and Blaine recognizes the taste, it is blood. It moves up past his mouth and he begins breathing through his nose until the blood fills past his nose. The bag is filling up faster and faster until it is covering his eyes. He is able to move his head around enough to find an air pocket small enough for him to continue breathing. He starts to feel dizzy and he’s unsure if it's the drugs kicking in again or from the loss of blood.


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