Love Came Calling

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Love Came Calling Page 8

by C. A. Popovich

  “How much longer are you going to be here?” Barb asked. She sandwiched Kelly’s hand between hers for a moment before gently releasing it and retrieving their iced teas. She opened Kelly’s bottle before handing it to her.

  Kelly took a settling breath before answering. “Checkout is noon next Sunday.” She took the bottle Barb offered and shivered as a current of desire shot up her arm when their fingers brushed. This woman was all kinds of sexy.

  Barb smiled, took a step back, and bowed slightly. “I’d like to formally request the honor of your presence for dinner with me this Friday. About six?”

  Kelly scrutinized Barb, searching for guile, but found only directness and honesty in her gaze. “Six o’clock would be great. Casual dress?” She doubted there were any fancy restaurants on the remote island, but she wasn’t sure. Barb’s soft chuckle answered her question.

  “You’ll be perfect in whatever you wear.” Barb winked. “Jeans and a T-shirt would be fine. It’ll be a long week for me until our date. I’ve got to get back to work, but you enjoy the rest of the powwow.” Barb waved to a few people as she walked away from the festivities.

  Kelly watched Barb leave, enjoying the sway of her hips and her confident stride. She found Barb forward but sexy, and she looked forward to their date to learn more about the self-assured conservation officer.

  She tossed her empty bottle in a recycle bin and turned toward where Josie and Ruth sat. She stopped when she saw a tall, unshaven man in worn jeans and a flannel shirt towering over Josie. He was waving his hands and looked menacing. She watched for a moment before continuing to another table to sit and observe. He looked slightly threatening, but Josie only shook her head at him and leaned back in her chair. She stood abruptly when he turned toward the seated Ruth and scowled. She couldn’t hear what he said, but he definitely didn’t look happy. Josie stood and situated herself between the man and Ruth, and Kelly waited. She wouldn’t intrude, and she knew Josie could handle herself. But she’d be ready if it looked like Josie needed backup. The desire to protect her was strong, but she’d keep it in place, where it belonged. She wanted to be with someone who wanted her, not someone who wanted only a friend. But friends protected each other, too, right?

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’ve already told you I don’t want to sell. I’d appreciate it if you’d quit asking and leave us alone.” Josie stretched to her full height, which didn’t bring her eye to eye with Abe, but she hoped it showed him she wasn’t backing down under his veiled threats. But the way he looked at Nooko scared her. “We’re trying to enjoy the powwow. Please, just leave us alone. I’m not selling, and I don’t know who you think you are, but back off.” She stood with her hands on her hips.

  He lifted his hands in front of him before speaking. “Hey. I don’t want no trouble. I just want your property. I’m sorry Jack’s dead, and I wasn’t ready to buy it when he was alive, but I am now. I just want you to sell it to me, and I’ll be out of your life.” Abe took a step back and lowered his arms.

  “Is there a reason you want my property? There are many places for sale around the island that would probably sell for less.” Josie relaxed slightly but remained wary.

  “I want that property, and you need to change your mind about sellin’.” He grunted, glanced at Nooko, turned, and stomped away.

  “Who was that, Joslyn?”

  Josie bristled at the frown lines on Nooko’s forehead. No one had the right to upset her nooko. “He’s Abe Bernstein, the guy I told you about who asked to buy my property. Did he look familiar to you?”

  “No, honey. Not at all. He’s a little scary.” Nooko looked tired; her shoulders slumped slightly. “He’s got bad energy.”

  “I know. I’m not sure why he’s so persistent. I’ve told him every time he’s asked I don’t want to sell to him.” Josie was unnerved after Abe’s aggressive stance and scowl at Nooko. She searched the area for her group, considering heading back to the lodge, and then was puzzled by her flush of calm at the sight of Kelly walking toward them.

  “Hey there. Everything okay?” Kelly asked.

  “Yeah. Fine. I was thinking about heading home soon. If you’re not ready, I can come back and pick you up later.”

  “No. I’m ready. I’ve got my maple syrup and moccasins, I’ve enjoyed the dancing and music, oh, and the corn soup was interesting. It was all terrific. Thanks for bringing me. I’ll just let the others know we’re leaving.”

  “The rest of the event is pretty much a repeat. Maybe a few new dancers, but Nooko’s beat, so we’ll wait for you in the car.”

  The ride back to the lodge was quiet, and Josie considered telling Kelly about Abe. She didn’t want to worry her, but he would’ve been hard to miss towering over them, and Kelly had walked up quickly after, which meant she probably saw the whole thing. She glanced at Nooko in the passenger seat, who looked to be having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She decided to tell Kelly about him if she asked. Her nooko was safe, and she’d do whatever necessary to protect her. She parked and turned in her seat to speak to Kelly. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Kelly. I didn’t mean to cut your day short. I can drop Nooko off and take you back if you’d like.”

  “That’s okay. I can always drive myself back if I want to go, but I’ve enjoyed myself, and I appreciate you being there to fill us in on the meaning of the dances. Thanks for the ride. Oh. Didn’t the new lodgers in cabins five and six want to go to the powwow?”

  “They decided they’d been to many of them already and they’d skip this one. They’ll be heading back home on Monday. I guess one of them has some sort of family emergency. It’s too bad. I think they’d have gotten along well with you guys.” Josie shrugged.

  “Yeah, too bad. Maybe I’ll stop and say hello to them tomorrow. I’ll see you two later.” She patted Ruth’s shoulder. “You take it easy for the rest of the day, and get some sleep tonight.” She exited the vehicle and headed to her cabin with a wave.

  “I’m going to change and rest a bit, dear. Kelly’s right. I need to put my feet up.” Nooko stepped out of the vehicle and headed to the lodge.

  “Wait up, Nooko. I’ll help you up the stairs.” Josie rushed to her side and held her arm as she wobbled on the first step. “A little jingle dancing and you think you can do anything.” She smiled to show she was teasing.

  “Thank you so much for taking me. I had a wonderful time, and I did do well, didn’t I?”

  “You sure did. You were the leader of the group out there today.”

  Josie made sure Nooko was comfortable before heading to check the building. Her apprehensions were aroused since confronting Abe at the celebration. She started with the lodge and walked through each room. She checked behind the hot tub room and confirmed all the outside doors were locked. Everything was as they left it, so she shook off the unsettling feeling and went to her office to check for another note. She double-checked the safe and the lock on her desk drawer before inspecting the outside of the buildings. There was no note and nothing disturbed.

  She sat at her desk and picked up the landline phone to call Barb. “Hey, Barb, it’s Josie. I need to let you know that Abe confronted me at the powwow today.”

  “Sorry, Josie, I didn’t notice. What happened?”

  You were too busy seducing Kelly to notice. Josie shook off the thought and concentrated on telling Barb about Abe. “He didn’t threaten me, but he sure pressed hard about me selling to him.”

  “I’ll double my rounds in your area and make sure the other COs are aware of him. Let me know if he bothers you again.”

  “Thanks, Barb.” Josie hung up and leaned forward, cradling her head with her hands. She took a deep settling breath and headed to her studio.

  She peeked into Nooko’s room as she passed it and found her sound asleep, looking relaxed and content. She opened the door wall when she got to her studio and breathed in the fresh air. She was nearly finished with a dream catcher she’d planned to give Kelly. She didn’t w
ant to examine too closely her desire to give her a gift. She told herself it was just gratitude for her caring attitude toward Nooko. Trying to keep her distance from Kelly was proving more difficult as the days passed.

  Something about her called to Josie and triggered a fear she wasn’t ready to let go of. She carefully threaded the rainbow colored beads on the three soft leather strips hanging from the willow hoop wrapped in fine yarn. She attached feathers on each end with secure knots while she silenced the voice in her head telling her this meant more than only a gift to a friend. She refused to admit to herself how much she’d been thrown at seeing Barb and Kelly together at the powwow. She knew how seductive Barb could be, and she worried she would charm Kelly into seeing her, then walk away. Josie had been honest with Kelly about her disinterest in serious dating, and she hoped Barb would be as well. It was none of her business who Kelly chose to see, but she knew Kelly wanted more than what she, or Barb, had to offer. She repeated it over in her mind, willing her heart to listen.

  She locked her studio door when she’d finished for the day and took the path alongside the hot tub area back to the kitchen. When she reached to unlock the door, she looked past the garbage bins and around the corner of the building but saw no one.

  She went to wake Nooko and relax. It had been a fun but long day, and her energy waned. “You ready for dinner, Nooko?” Josie waited from outside her bedroom. She’d checked every door lock again to reassure herself. “We have leftover spaghetti, and I’ll make a spinach salad.” She knocked on the bedroom door. “Do you need a hand?”

  “I’m coming, dear. I wore myself out dancing. I’m moving a little slow.” Nooko opened the door and leaned heavily on her cane.

  “Let’s eat in the lodge again.” Josie followed her grandmother closely until she sat at one of the tables before going for the food.

  She returned to the table with two plates of spaghetti and a bowl of spinach salad, surprised to see Kelly and Nooko laughing and munching on pieces of cheese and apples. “I see you couldn’t wait for dinner, Nooko.” She smiled to soften the comment.

  “Hey, Josie. I hope you don’t mind. I thought I’d see if anyone was here and wanted a snack. I see you’re about to have dinner. I’ll leave you two alone.” Kelly stood to leave.

  “Please stay,” Ruth said. “We have enough spaghetti, don’t we, Joslyn?”

  “We do. Would you care for a plate, Kelly?”

  “Oh, thank you, but my group is planning to try the little restaurant with homemade pasties tonight. I’m looking forward to it. They’re going to meet me here in a few minutes if they’re not all worn out from the powwow today and running late. You go ahead and eat.”

  “Have you ever tasted a pasty? Not everyone knows what they are.” Josie took a bite of her salad after she spoke.

  “Oh, yes. I think of them as a pot pie, only folded in half and stuffed full.”

  Josie chuckled and finished her meal while listening to Kelly and Nooko discuss the powwow. It looked as if neither one would forget it for a long time. She took the time to observe Kelly as she smiled and laughed with her attention on Nooko. She watched her lightly rest her hand over Nooko’s and gracefully tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Josie lost herself in a fantasy of taking her in her arms and, starting with her lips, kissing her way down her neck to her breasts. Kelly glanced her way and tipped her head slightly. Her lips twitched to a half smile as if she were reading her mind. Josie picked up their empty plates and retreated to the kitchen.

  She set the dishes on the counter and leaned over the sink as it filled with hot water. She willed her breathing and heart rate to normal as desire stirred her every nerve.

  “Need help with anything in here?”

  Josie heard Kelly’s voice glide over her skin as tangible as a touch. She turned with her back against the counter as she took a step toward her.

  “I thought I’d help with the dishes.” Kelly took another step closer and reached past her to grab a dish towel.

  Her arm brushed her hip and their breasts were inches apart. A need she’d never known before settled deep into a place Josie hadn’t known existed. The heat coursing through her body consumed her reason. Her mind told her she had to resist the pull of this woman. She had a reputation to maintain, and Kelly wanted a commitment she couldn’t give. But she released her grip on the counter behind her and leaned toward Kelly. The allure that was pure Kelly urged her closer until she felt the whisper of her breath.

  “Or maybe I could help with something else.”

  Their lips met and tendrils of passion drew their lips together. How can this feel so right? She pulled Kelly against her, spun around, and pushed her against the counter. Their kiss deepened, and the feel of Kelly in her arms ignited the cravings she’d been denying for days. She lingered with her lips on Kelly’s, wanting more but unsure of what. Carrying this into the bedroom for a quick roll in the hay somehow wouldn’t be enough. She drew away and searched for answers in Kelly’s beautiful face, not daring to ask. They were both breathing hard, and before Josie could speak, Kelly pulled away but kept her hands resting on Josie’s shoulders.


  “Yeah.” She inhaled to settle her pounding heart. “I’m not going to apologize, even though it probably wasn’t the wisest decision I’ve ever made.” She placed her hands on Kelly’s hips and tugged until the fronts of their bodies molded together. She fit perfectly.

  “I don’t want you to apologize. I know how you feel about long-term relationships, and I don’t want you to think I’m pushing you. I believe we’re attracted to each other, and I wanted the kiss, too. But…I guess that’s all it should be.” Kelly backed out of her embrace, leaving behind an empty space she feared could never be filled. She watched from the doorway as Kelly gave her a small smile before she walked away with a piece of the armor protecting Josie’s heart.

  Josie took a few settling breaths before going back to sit with Nooko. Kelly had asked her if she ever got lonely. Of all the women she’d kissed, she’d never felt one reach in and soothe her soul. Was loneliness what Kelly touched with her kiss? She went in to find Nooko alone. “I don’t know about you, but I’m bushed. It’s been a long day. A fun one, but long.”

  “Oh yes, dear. I’m ready to call it a day. Kelly said good-bye, and she’d see us tomorrow.” Nooko rose and swayed a moment before steadying herself with her cane. “I might have done a few too many dances today.”

  Josie helped Nooko settle into bed and then headed to her studio. She carefully placed the finished dream catcher in a cardboard box and wrapped it in foiled paper. She’d never given away anything she’d crafted. She didn’t try to figure out why she was doing so now, or why thoughts of Kelly had become a nightly event. Tonight’s, as she drifted into sleep, were of the feel of Kelly’s warm soft lips on hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “You have a date? With a conservation officer? When did this happen?” Debby pulled Kelly aside from the group seated on their cabin’s deck. They had congregated to share pasties for lunch and talk about the powwow.

  “It’s not a secret, Deb. She asked me out at the powwow yesterday, and I accepted.” Kelly leaned back against the deck rail and sipped her iced tea. “We’re just going out to dinner.”

  “What about Josie?”

  “What about her?”

  Debby stood next to her and tilted her head. “I thought maybe you two would…I don’t know. Maybe work out your differences? She’s keen on you.”

  “Josie isn’t keen on me, Deb. She’s not interested in dating. Well, she’s not interested in an actual relationship, anyway.” Kelly sighed. Did she hope otherwise? “I won’t deny Josie is way sexy, and strong, and kind, and intelligent, but she’s also totally unavailable. I’m ready for something real, not a fling. So I’m going out with Barb to see where it goes.”

  “I get it, Kelly. I was only looking for a date to take to a wedding when I met Alex. You go out with Barb and enjoy her company.
I really believe things happen for a reason and there’s someone out there meant for you. If it’s not Barb, someone else will come along. Have fun.”

  “Thanks, Deb. That’s the plan.” Kelly hugged Debby and went into the cabin. She was looking forward to her date with Barb despite the fact she couldn’t get Josie’s kiss out of her mind. She wondered if Josie had seen the two of them together, and why she cared if she had. Desire heated her to the core when she remembered the feel of Josie’s body pressed against hers, her lips claiming her, and her own need reflected in her obsidian eyes. She wondered if Josie was going to mention the man she’d been staring down at the powwow, but it was none of her business, and she questioned when she’d started to feel like part of her family, and if it was wise. Geez. It’s only been a week. It’s not like we’ve spent months together. What am I thinking? She shook off her musings and carried a tray of pasties out to the group. “I’m sure glad we got extra of these. I may go back to the restaurant tonight. I love them.”

  “I’ll go with you. I love these, too. I’m planning to talk them into giving me the recipe,” Alex said.

  “Great. I’d get the recipe, too, but I know I’d never use it. I could pass it along to my sister. She’d be happy to give it a try.” Kelly took a bite of her pasty.

  “We’ll enjoy them while on vacation.” Kristen spoke from her spot in one of the deck chairs.

  “I’ll second that,” Jaylin said.

  “Is this like, what we eat on vacation, stays on vacation, thing?” Kelly laughed, enjoying the light banter with her friends.

  “Oh, I like it. Let’s get some ice cream, donuts, chocolate, and wine to go with it all.” Debby stood and held up her car keys.


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