Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3) Page 6

by Samantha Lind

  As the evening progressed, our touches became bolder, longer, and more intense, as did our kissing. We certainly have some strong chemistry between us.

  But something is holding me back.

  David was a complete gentleman when it was time for us to part ways and head home. He didn’t pressure me or make me feel like I was leaving him hanging by not going home with him. He offered, but I politely declined. Knowing I’m not ready to take the leap into a sexual relationship, I was grateful he was so nice about my brush-off.

  My week passes by without much fanfare. Work is steady, but no major crisis has come up. After I leave work today, I head straight for my dad’s house for our weekly dinner date. Since there is an Eagles game tonight, we’re grabbing an early dinner and then going to the game together.

  “Hey, Dad,” I call out as I walk into his house from the garage.

  “Hey, sweetheart. How are you today?”

  “I’m good,” I tell him, leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. “How was your day?”

  “It was good. Spent some time down at the ice rink, helping Joe out with some paperwork for the summer camp program. They have to have the donation list to the Eagles within the next week or so, for what they’re requesting this year for the kids. So, they are having to go through everything to figure out what equipment needs to be replaced.”

  “I’m sure he was thankful for that help.”

  “Yes, it’s a big project. But it’s important. The kids need proper equipment if they’re going to play hockey.”

  “I agree,” I tell him. “Well, are you ready? If we’re going to have enough time to go to dinner before the game, we better get going. I know how you hate missing the puck drop.”

  “Yep, let me just grab my coat and we can head out. Where did you want to go tonight?”

  “I’m not too picky. We can go grab something quick, around the arena, if you want. That way, we only have to park once.” One of the perks of my job is having a pass for the employee/player garage, so we always have reserved parking.

  We grab burgers and a beer at one of the sports bars next to the arena before heading in to find our seats, as the team prepares for the game. Our seats are in the friends and family section, so we have great seats tonight.

  As we watch the guys warm up, we continue talking. I love the time I get to spend with my dad and that we had sports to bond us after my mom died.

  “So, anything new happening in your life?” my dad asks.

  “Not really. But you’ll be happy to hear that Kinley set me up with a doctor she works with. I’ve been out with him twice and am going to an event with him on Friday night. He’s a really nice guy. You’ll like him,” I tell him, bumping our shoulders together.

  He furrows his brows. “What do you mean, you’re dating someone? I thought you were in love with Richard.”

  “It’s complicated, Daddy,” I tell him, sighing. “I’m not getting any younger, so it’s time I move on from always waiting for him to see me as more than his best friend. I want to have what you and Mom had. I want a man to love me for me, to cherish me. I want to fall madly in love with someone who loves me just as much and get married and have kids with. Unfortunately, Richard just sees me as his friend and I’ve had to accept that.”

  “I think he loves you just as much as you love him, baby girl. I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. I just don’t understand why you’re both so damn stubborn about it.”

  “When I told him that I was going to start dating again, he didn’t even flinch, so I don’t think those feelings are as strong as you think they are,” I state, pausing to take a drink of my soda. “I’m hoping to talk to him this weekend. I’m his date to the charity event that the team sponsors, so I’m hopeful we’ll have some time. Before I let this possible relationship with David go any farther, I need to know that nothing more can be between Richard and me.”

  “Have faith, baby girl, have faith. But I’m proud of you for getting back out there and dating again. I do want you to be happy, and to give me some grandbabies, sooner rather than later.”

  We continue talking, thankfully not about my love life – or lack thereof. Our conversations usually end up on sports, so it’s no surprise when we start discussing just that until it’s time for the puck to be dropped and the game to start.

  The game is amazing. Every lineup on the Eagles team is meshing well together, making one play after another, and they easily take home the win.

  My dad always enjoys talking to the guys after the game ends. Once the crowd thins out some, we make our way to the elevator that takes us down to the locker room level of the arena, where we can wait for the players.

  As we’re waiting, we bump into Kinley, Becca, and Bridget Soaps, as well as Laura Erickson, who works in the team’s office and whose dad owns the team. They are all headed down to meet the guys from the WAGs box, where they usually sit during the games.

  “Hey,” I greet the group of women.

  “Oh hey, I didn’t know you were coming to tonight’s game,” Becca says, leaning in to give me a quick hug.

  “Our father-daughter date for the week,” I tell her, nodding my head toward my dad.

  “You should have told me, we could have gotten you passes for the suite.”

  “Oh, it’s fine. My dad likes being down closer to the ice.”

  “You should come to the next game with us. Come enjoy the wine and food while the guys skate their asses off,” Kinley chimes in. “We tend to have a lot of fun up in the box, and I’m sure Laura can get you a pass if we ask her nicely.”

  “Anytime. You just call me, and I can absolutely get you a pass into the box,” Laura confirms.

  “I’m sure you do,” I tell Kinley, laughing, then turn to Laura. “Thank you, I appreciate your offer.”

  The door to the locker room opens and the first few guys start trickling out. Laura excuses herself to go find her dad and the head coach to take care of some paperwork she had in her hands.

  We chat amongst ourselves for a few more minutes as we wait for the guys to make their way out. I take the chance to peek in the car seat attached to the stroller to get my baby fill. “How does Michael do with all the noise at the games?” I ask Becca.

  “He does well. The noise isn’t quite as bad in the suite, and when he’s sleeping, I just put him in the stroller and keep that towards the back of the room. I did buy him some baby ear plugs that we can use, but I don’t think we’ll end up needing them upstairs.”

  “That’s great. If you ever want to leave him at home for a game, I’d gladly come over and watch him for you.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but for now, he’s easy to bring along. Scott says he’s his good luck charm. Now, offer that up next season, when he’s mobile and getting into everything, and I might take you up on that.” She laughs.

  “Offer will still stand then,” I tell her.

  “We’ll see about that.” She winks at me. “Who knows, by then you might have to be here for every game, cheering on your man.”

  I just shake my head at her, not feeling like diving into that statement.

  I hear male voices, and look over my shoulder as Scott, Brian, Richard, and Matt Soaps all come out of the locker room, one after the other. Richard’s face lights up when he sees my dad and I waiting down here for him.

  “Thomas, it’s good to see you,” Richard says, reaching his hand out to shake my dad’s as they pull each other into the one-armed man hug/pat on the back.

  “Good to see you, too, Murph. How’re things going? You guys looked good out there tonight.”

  “Good, really good. The team is gelling well together. Now, if I could just get my body to stop showing its age each night, things would be a lot better,” he tells my dad half-heartedly.

  “Ah, the old body starting to give you problems now, is it?”

  “Just a bit, but I’m sure some rest in the offseason will be just what I need to get back into the swing of things.”

/>   His comment to my dad about returning next season isn’t lost on me. I’m glad to hear that he’s considering it and not set on retiring at the end of this season. I know his years in the league are coming to an end, but I also don’t think he’s quite ready for retirement just yet.

  Chapter Eleven


  Coming out of the locker room tonight and seeing Madison and Thomas waiting for me was a great surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see them tonight, so it boosted my spirits a little. After talking with them for a while, we all part ways and head home. I’ll see Madison for sure on Saturday night, and between now and then I’ve got plans to solidify; one being lunch with Thomas later this week.

  When Madison wasn’t paying attention, I asked him if he had some free time this week that we could get together, just the two of us. He eyed me like he knew exactly what I wanted to talk to him about, and he’s almost correct in his assumptions. While I won’t be asking him for permission to marry his daughter—yet—I want to get his blessing to date her, with the intention of things becoming serious between the two of us a lot quicker than they might with someone else.

  It’s finally Saturday and I’ve received a confirmation text from Scott that Becca and Madison are at the spa, so my plan has started and in place for today. I’m meeting up with Scott, Brian, and I think, Mark Lee, one of our defense guys, for lunch, while all the women spend the day being pampered. If I’m not mistaken, I’m pretty sure Mark has been trying to get Laura Erickson to go out with him. He’s got it pretty bad for her from what I’ve witnessed.

  I have some time before I need to leave for lunch, so I grab Max’s leash and take him for a run around the neighborhood. The weather has been a little temperamental lately, so I’m taking advantage of the nice weather we have today to get in a good run outside. Once we return, I refill his water dish and hit the shower.

  About twenty minutes later, I’m all showered and dressed, and I check on Max, who’s sound asleep on the couch.

  Lazy dog.

  I guess the run wore him out.

  I grab my keys and head out to meet up with the guys. We decided to meet up at Topgolf for some lunch, and to have some fun together this afternoon before it’s time to collect the women and make our way to the fundraiser.

  I arrive and park next to Scott, who has already unloaded the stroller and is snapping the car seat into it. Climbing out of my truck, I meet up with him behind our vehicles.

  “Hey, man. How’s it going?”

  “Good, little man here took his bottle like a champ. I guess all it took was for Becca to not be around. She was really worried he wouldn’t eat today.”

  “Ah, and how many times has she already called or texted you to see how everything is going?”

  “I’ve lost count. I told her the last time that I wasn’t going to respond to any more texts from her, as she’s supposed to be relaxing and being pampered. Not stressing over how the baby is doing.”

  “And has she kept texting you since then?”

  “Only a reply with a rolling eye emoji. I give it an hour, tops, and she’ll be texting again.”

  “Well, maybe the other girls will distract her, or she’ll start to enjoy the pampering and relax a bit.”

  We make our way inside and check in with the desk. Brian and Mark haven’t arrived yet, so they show us to our bay and start to get us set up while we wait for them. Scott and I go ahead and order some appetizers to start us off with.

  The food arrives at the same time the other guys finally show up.

  “Took you guys long enough to get here,” Scott says, busting their balls at their tardiness.

  “Yeah, sorry-not-sorry about that, man. I will take getting laid by my wife any day over hanging out with you fuckers,” Brian replies, with a shit-eating grin on his face. “She was only slightly pissed at me for making her late to the spa.”

  “What’s your excuse?” Scott asks Mark.

  “He was my ride,” Mark says, nodding toward Brian. “My car’s in the shop right now.”

  “Well, let’s get a game started. Help yourselves to the appetizers and our server should be back around shortly, if you want to order anything else,” I say, getting up to start off the game.

  We play a couple games over the next few hours, just enjoying the day and camaraderie between the four of us. Mark has fit in well with our group since he was traded to our team last season.

  We part ways, all needing to head home to get ready for the event tonight. We’ll be picking the ladies up from the spa, since they all took their dresses with them to get ready, once they are finished getting their hair and makeup done.

  At home, I take another quick shower, then get dressed in my tux, then check in with Madison.

  Richard: Hey, hope your day has been good. I’ll be ready to leave the house soon to come pick you up. Will you still be ready by 5:30?

  Madison: Today has been amazing. Thank you. I should be ready when you get here.

  Richard: Sounds good! I’ll see you soon.

  I check Max’s food and water dishes before I grab my keys to head out. I’m hopeful I can convince Madison to come back to my place after we leave the event tonight. That’s when I plan on pouring my heart out to her, and hope and pray she feels the same way.

  I arrive to pick Madison up at the spa and am about knocked off my feet when I get my first look at her. The dress she bought hugs her curves perfectly. Her hair, dark and cascading over her shoulder, makes me want to curl my hand around it and hold on to her as I slam into her, over and over again.

  Fuck, now I’ve got a massive boner to deal with.

  Her makeup is done, but nothing too over the top; just enough to highlight her natural beauty. The color of her dress, a dark purple, complements her so well. I kiss her on the cheek, wrapping her in a half-hug.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you,” she says, smiling up at me.

  The heels she’s wearing bring her a little closer to my height, but nothing drastic.

  We all head out to our waiting vehicles and make our way to the art museum, where the event is being held.

  The evening so far has gone pretty well. We’re seated at a table with Scott and Becca, Kinley and Brian, and Mark and Laura. It looks like Mark finally got Laura to agree to be his date for tonight’s event.

  After the dinner portion of the evening passes, the band starts up, and the dance floor is actually a popular place this evening. It helps that the organizers hired a band that is actually pretty good and is playing a good selection of music.

  The girls all head off to dance together to some of the faster paced dance songs the band has started playing. I position myself so that I can see Madison from where I stand with the guys. I watch as she lets loose with our friends, how carefree she looks, and how that just adds to her beauty. As soon as they announced they’d be slowing it down, all of us guys join the women on the dance floor.

  I lean down, so I’m right next to Madison’s ear. “May I have this dance?” I ask in a low voice, and grin when I hear the slight catch in her breath before she nods her head in response. She slips her hand into mine, and I intertwine our fingers as we take a few steps further onto the dance floor.

  Once we’re in a good spot, I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her almost flush with my body. She slips her arms up and around my neck, pulling us a little closer as we start to sway to the music.

  With her head resting against my shoulder, I bring my lips to her ear. “Thank you for coming with me tonight. I really appreciate it.”

  “Thank you for inviting me. I’ve had a great time so far.”

  “Can we talk tonight? Maybe after we leave, we can head to my place?”

  “Sure, is everything okay?”

  “Yes, I just miss talking to you. Feel like I haven’t spent much time with you lately. I’ve missed seeing you,” I tell her honestly.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” she replies, giving me a s
mall smile.

  And with those four little words, she’s given me so much hope that tonight’s going to go my way.

  We dance for a while longer, check out the silent auction items they have set around the room, and mingle amongst our friends. When the event starts to wind down, we all bid our goodbyes and head home.

  After arriving at my house, Max greets us at the door, excited that we’re back home. He hasn’t seen Madison since she checked in on him while I was gone for the last road trip. Once he’s settled down, we both get comfortable. I change from my suit into some athletic shorts and a t-shirt while Madison puts on the clothes she had in her bag from the spa this morning.

  While she’s changing, I pour her a glass of wine and grab a beer for myself, then head into the living room to wait for her to come out and join me.

  I’m sitting on the couch, eyes closed, just thinking about everything I want to tell her tonight, when I feel the seat next to me dip underneath her weight as she sits down. I grab the glass of wine I set down on the end table next to me and hand it to her.

  “Thank you,” she says, accepting the glass from me. She takes a hefty drink before setting the glass down on the coffee table in front of us. I watch her every move—the flex of the muscles in her neck as she swallows, the flex of her arm as she brings the glass back to her lap. I notice every movement she makes.

  “So, how was the date with the doctor last night?” I ask, needing to know where things are between them before I move forward with my plans for tonight.

  “It didn’t. He ended up being called in for an emergency, so I just stayed home.”

  “Are you guys going out again?”

  “I’m not sure. We don’t have any new plans. He’s a nice guy and we have great chemistry, but I just don’t think anything between us would be serious, and serious is what I really want.”

  Hearing they have good chemistry turns my stomach a bit, but hearing that she doesn’t think they would turn into anything more is a good sign for me.


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