Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3) Page 8

by Samantha Lind

  As my girlfriend.

  Wearing my jersey.

  She’s worn my jersey to countless games, but for some reason, it feels so different this time.

  I’m on fire during the game tonight. Every shift feels like it’s my first one of the night. Every pass seems to hit the desired teammate’s stick perfectly as we coast to a seven-to-one blowout over Vancouver. I shower at record speed, talk to the media that gather around my locker, and get out of the locker room quickly. For the first time in as long as I can remember, my body doesn’t hurt after the game. I don’t require the trainers to stretch me out, or any medical attention. I have the normal sore muscles from skating for the past few hours, but nothing that is serious. For once, I don’t feel like a thirty-three-year-old veteran player.

  As soon as I leave the locker room, I make my way up to the WAGs suite. I told Madison I’d just meet her there rather than her having to make her way down to the locker room level. Sometimes some of the wives and girlfriends will come down to meet the guys, but most of them prefer to wait upstairs.

  I’m the first guy to walk into the suite and I find everyone huddled in groups, still talking amongst themselves. The few kids that are in here all look exhausted, as it’s past their bedtimes, I assume, or are sleeping in their mother’s arms already. Becca is standing, pushing her stroller back and forth a little, either to keep or get Michael to sleep.

  I walk over to Madison, and she turns toward me as I approach, smiling brightly at me. It lights up the room and I place a kiss on her lips.

  “Hi,” I whisper against them.

  “Hi,” she replies. “You had a good game tonight, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m good. Feeling great, actually. Haven’t felt this good after a game in a long time,” I tell her. “Ready to get out of here?”

  “Yep, let me just say goodbye to everyone and we can go.”

  “Hey, Murph! Good game tonight,” Becca tells me.

  “Thanks. Felt good out there tonight.”

  Madison says her goodbyes and we head for my truck in the players lot.

  After making it home, Madison tends to Max while I change out of my suit. I find her relaxing in the living room, glass of wine in hand, as she lounges on the couch with Max curled up next to her. His head is in her lap as she strokes behind his ears.

  “I can’t think of a time that I’ve ever been jealous of my damn dog until right this moment,” I say to Madison, as I stand looking at them on the couch.

  Madison throws her head back and laughs. “You could come join us,” she says, patting the cushion next to her. Max lifts his head slightly at her movement as he looks at me like I’d be an idiot not to take her up on her offer. So, I do just that.

  I sit next to Mads, placing my arm behind her on the back of the couch and prop my feet up on the coffee table in front of us, crossing them at the ankles. Madison leans into my side, cuddling right into me.

  “I was texting with my dad earlier, and he’d like to do lunch on Sunday. Would you like to join us?” Madison asks.

  “I’d love to, but if you want to have lunch with just him, that would be fine with me, as well.”

  “No, he invited the two of us. Said he wanted to see both you and I.”

  “Okay, then I’d love to go with you. Are we meeting somewhere or going to his house? Or you could invite him here, if you want. I can cook us something.”

  “We hadn’t confirmed plans, so I’ll call him in the morning and invite him to come here.”

  “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”

  We stay on the couch, talking over our day, the coming weeks, and my travel schedule. It’s late, and Madison keeps yawning as she talks, so I know I need to let her get off to bed.

  I stand, offering a hand to Madison. She takes it and heads for the bedroom while I let Max out for the last time tonight. While he’s outside, I clean up our glasses and start the dishwasher quickly before letting him back in and heading for bed myself.

  When I enter my room, I find Madison curled up, already sound asleep. She’s got the comforter pulled up to her chin, all tucked under the blankets. I slip into the bathroom and then into the bed. I find her in my t-shirt under the blankets and I curl around her, spooning her. With her in my arms, I quickly drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The past week with Richard has been perfect. Our lives just blend together so well, and we’ve easily fallen into a comfortable routine. It feels right being together, sleeping next to him each night.

  After last weekend, I sent David a text on Monday, letting him know that I’d enjoyed our time together but that I was no longer looking to pursue anything, and wished him well. He took the news just fine and wished me luck.

  With David in my past and Richard in my future, life was looking pretty good.

  “Hi, Daddy,” I say, greeting him as I open the door. He accepted our invitation to come to lunch here at the house. He wraps me in a tight hug and kisses my cheek.

  “How’s my baby girl?” he asks, releasing me from his grasp.

  “I’m good, really good,” I tell him with a huge smile on my face.

  “I like this look on you. Being in love sure makes you glow.”

  “Thanks, Daddy. Richard really makes me happy, but even with how long we’ve been friends, we’re still finding our footing as a couple.”

  We walk into the living room at the same time Richard comes in from the patio. He fired up the grill a few minutes ago, to get a start on lunch. He’s making us chicken and beef kabobs with grilled veggies and some potatoes. I made a strawberry shortcake parfait for dessert for later.

  “Thomas, nice to see you,” Richard says as he approaches us, reaching his hand out to shake my dad’s hand.

  “Nice to see you, too, son. Thanks for having me over today.”

  “Anytime. My home is always open to you,” he tells my dad as he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

  “Should we go sit on the patio?” I suggest. “Can I grab either of you something to drink before I head outside?”

  “Can you grab me a beer, sweetheart?” Richard asks.

  “Sure can. Dad, can I get you anything?”

  “A beer sounds great, and maybe a glass of water.”

  Richard and my dad head for the patio while I grab the drinks from the kitchen, before joining them outside. The smell of the food grilling has my stomach growling. Richard is an amazing cook, so I know lunch is going to be delicious.

  A little while later, we all sit around the table, enjoying our food, catching up with each other. I talk to my dad fairly often, being a daddy’s girl, and with us being the only immediate family we each have left that’s local.

  We’ve finished our lunch when my dad sits back, a serious expression on his face. “I wanted to have lunch with you today because I needed to talk to you in person about something.”

  I sit up a little straighter, the seriousness in his voice worrying me.

  “W-what is it, Daddy?” I ask nervously. Richard reaches over and grabs my hand, offering his support.

  “My bloodwork came back abnormal last week from my annual exam. My doctor would like me to do some follow up tests to rule out cancer. The labs were not promising, so he’s set up for the testing to take place this week.”

  “Oh, Daddy!” I cry, flinging myself out of my chair and into his arms, hugging him as tightly as I can.

  This can’t be happening. I already lost my mom to cancer, I can’t lose my dad to it, as well.

  “I know, baby. It wasn’t the news I wanted to hear, either. I go in tomorrow morning for my first set of testing, and we should hopefully have preliminary results by the afternoon or evening, and final biopsy results within a few days.”

  I stay wrapped in my dad’s arms for a while. I finally push back from him, wiping at the tears still streaming down my face.

  “I’ll come with you to your testing,” I state, not asking.
  “I’d like that,” my dad tells me, squeezing my hand in his. “I’ll actually need a ride anyways because of the anesthesia that I’ll be given for the biopsy.”

  “What kind of cancer do they think you might have, and what kind of biopsy are they doing?” I ask.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I didn’t tell you that already. Prostate, for both. My doctor runs the bloodwork test for any men my age yearly, due to the heightened risks. My blood work came back high for the markers. The only way to get a definite answer is to biopsy. So, we’re going straight to that. They can also do an ultrasound, but only the biopsy can give us the exact yes or no answer.”

  “Will you be able to go home tomorrow, or will they keep you in the hospital?”

  “I get to go home. They said I might be sore for a few days. Once they get in my results, which my doctor said can take one to three days, he’ll have his nurse call me, to bring me in as soon as possible to give me the results in person. He said, either way, he’ll have me come in. That way, I’m not freaking out if they want to schedule something rather than telling me over the phone that nothing is wrong.”

  “Has he told you what would be next if the results do show cancer?”

  “Yes. If they’re positive, I’d be referred to an oncologist to get a treatment plan and possibly a urologist. Depending on the stage will depend on what treatment I’d need. Some need surgery to remove the prostate, some just need chemotherapy and or radiation.”

  I sit back, tears still streaming down my cheeks. I take in everything my dad has just told us. Richard reaches out, placing a hand on my shoulder, and squeezes lightly. I lean into his touch, needing his support right now. I don’t know what I’d do if I’d just gotten this news alone. Having Richard right next to me is my small thread of strength in this mess the day has turned into.

  A few hours later, my dad finally says his goodbyes with plans for me to pick him up in the morning. I’m still lost in my thoughts, feeling like a cloud has settled over me.

  I collapse on the couch after seeing him out. My body is drained; I think I’ve cried every tear in the past few hours that I can possibly cry today. Richard stepped away a little while ago to work on the dishes, allowing my dad and I some time alone. He’s been super attentive all afternoon and evening and has been my rock. Constantly showing me his support and love through simple touches, keeping my water glass full, and tissues at hand when I’ve needed them today.

  I’ve got my eyes closed as I lay here on the couch. The cushions dip next to me as Richard sits down, pulling me to lay with my head in his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair, which soothes me.

  “Are you ready to eat anything?” he asks, almost as quiet as a whisper.

  “Not really, but I know I need to. I just don’t have much of an appetite.”

  “I know, sweetheart. But you do need to eat. I can make you something, or we can order in.”

  “I’m fine with whatever you want. If you order, I can just pick off of your food, or order me something small.”

  Richard pulls his phone out from his pocket, pulling up the Grubhub app, scrolling through the available restaurants.

  “How does P.F. Chang’s sound?”

  “Sure, what are you going to get?” I ask.

  He scrolls through the menu, telling me my options. We settle on an order of Mongolian Beef, rice, and some sushi rolls to share. We’ve got about an hour until our food is due to be delivered. We stay on the couch together, not moving, until the driver arrives with our order.

  Once I smell the food, my hunger takes over, and I actually eat a normal-sized meal. I know I’m going to need the energy for tomorrow, as well as a good night’s sleep tonight.

  “Why don’t you go take a nice hot shower while I clean up from dinner. The hot water will do you good, help relax you so that you can fall asleep,” he suggests.

  His suggestion sounds perfect, so after placing a kiss on his lips, I head for the shower.

  I stand in the glass enclosure, the water turned up as hot as I can stand it, allowing it to cascade down over my body. I don’t know where it comes from, but a sob bursts from my body as I crumple down onto the bench in the shower. I let the worry, the fear for the unknown, the terror of losing my dad, the memories of what my mom went through all come pouring out of me as the water washes the tears away.

  I don’t know how long I sit there sobbing. But the next thing I know, I’m being wrapped in Richard’s arms.

  “Shhh…sweetheart. I can’t promise everything will be okay, but I’ll do everything in my power to make it happen,” he murmurs into my ear.

  “W-wha-what am I-I-I going to do if he dies?” I sob into his arms. “He’s all I have left.” I cling tighter to Richard.

  “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’ll be right here next to your side every step of the way. And I have a feeling your dad won’t give up without one hell of a fight if his tests come back showing cancer. We don’t even know for sure yet if he has cancer. This could all be a false positive.”

  My sobs slow as Richard holds me, his strength seeping its way into me. He eventually shifts me so that he can wash my hair before turning off the water and wrapping me in a warm towel. He’s got one of those fancy towel bars that heats the towels for you. He must have turned it on before he got in here with me.

  The warmth from the shower and now the towel has my muscles feeling loose, and the exhaustion from the emotional day takes over. I dry off quickly, grabbing one of Richard’s t-shirts to put on, along with some panties. I brush out my hair and braid it so that it will be out of my way tonight and tomorrow.

  I crawl into bed, grabbing my phone to set my alarm for six a.m. I have to pick my dad up by seven to have him to the hospital by his 7:30 check-in time. I’ve been so wrapped up in his news, that I haven’t paid any attention to my phone since he arrived for lunch. I notice a few missed texts from both Kinley and Becca.

  Richard must have texted them earlier, as my texts from them went from asking about getting together this week, to sending their thoughts and prayers for my dad’s tests, and to please keep them in the loop on what the outcome is. They’ve both already offered to come sit with me if I need company while I wait for his tests tomorrow.

  Pulling up our group text, I send a quick reply, so they know I’ve at least seen their messages from earlier.

  Madison: Hey, thanks for the messages earlier. I appreciate them. I’ll let you guys know if I need some company once I know more tomorrow morning.

  I plug my phone in, setting it on the nightstand. I curl into my normal side sleeping position and close my eyes, hoping that I’ll be able to sleep tonight. Richard climbs into bed, wrapping himself around me from behind.

  “I want you to wake me up if you can’t sleep tonight,” he says, his voice sounding a little hoarse from the emotions that he’s also shown today. I know the news hit him hard, and he’s been doing such a great job being my support today.

  It doesn’t take me long to drift off to sleep and before I know it, my alarm is sounding. I wake up, groggy and feeling as if I’m hungover. My head is pounding, probably from all the crying I did yesterday. I slip out of bed and find the Advil before using the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I pad out to the kitchen to start the coffee, before going back into the bedroom to get dressed. When I walk in, Richard is no longer in bed, and the bathroom door is now closed.

  I pull out some yoga pants, t-shirt, and a sweatshirt. Not knowing how long I’ll be at the hospital today, I want to be comfortable. I grab my work bag to take with me today. The hospital has WiFi, so I plan to take my laptop, as well as my kindle, and of course, my phone with me to keep me occupied. I’ll add a few snacks once I’m back out in the kitchen, in case I need them.

  As I finish getting dressed, Richard steps out of the bathroom, still in just his boxer briefs.

  “Mornin’, how are you doing this morning?” he asks.

  “I’ve got a killer headache. Probably
from all the crying from yesterday. I took some Advil as soon as I got up. Hopefully between that and my first cup of coffee, I’ll find some relief.”

  “Do you want me to make you some breakfast?” he offers.

  “That’d be great. Thanks.”

  Richard grabs a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt and heads out to the kitchen to make us some breakfast. He scrambles up some eggs and fries some bacon for us to share, as well as some toast, to round out our breakfast.

  While he’s cooking, I pour us both a cup of coffee. I hold my cup in both hands, the heat seeping into my skin, warming my body from the outside in. I take a tentative sip, not wanting to burn my mouth from the hot liquid. The heat of it sliding down my throat and coating my stomach settles some of the nervous jitters I’ve been feeling since I woke up this morning.

  I finish my breakfast, having to force myself to eat this morning. Richard grabs my plate before I can get up to take it back to the kitchen. While I’m sitting at the table, drinking my coffee, Max comes over and rests his head on my leg. He must’ve picked up on the fact that something is wrong, as he’s been a very quiet dog since yesterday. I almost forgot he was even here, he’s been that quiet, and I’ve been that distracted and in my own little world.

  His presence calms me just a little bit more this morning. I stroke his head, loving the softness of his fur beneath my fingers. I get lost in petting him, only the sound of Richard’s voice pulling me from my trance.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks, as I look up at him. He’s got his keys in hand and has changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and has a hoodie in his hand.

  “Oh, are you coming with me?” I ask, a little shocked.

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else today.”

  “Don’t you have practice?”

  “Nope, it’s Monday. No practice on Mondays and even if we did, being with you is more important. I would have called in and took the day, if I wasn’t already off.”


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