Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 22

by Easton, Don

  “Whose idea was it to meet here?”

  “Mine. If our friend doesn’t cooperate, I’m going to send you back to the car to get some stuff from the trunk.”

  “What stuff?”

  “A blanket and —”

  “Over here!” Lance yelled.

  Jack and Danny had reached the crest of the hill and saw Lance sitting on a marble tombstone.

  “How’s it goin’?” asked Jack. “Are you taking any heat over Halibut getting busted?”

  Lance shook his head. “Naw, they figure it was one of two things. Either the heat came from Montreal like they said on the news, or else the cops threw that out as a red herring and were really following Halibut all along. If they decide the heat was on Halibut, it will look bad for Rolly.”

  “Why Rolly?” asked Jack. “Come on, we can walk as we talk,” he added.

  Lance stood up and joined Jack and Danny as they slowly walked through the cemetery.

  “Wizard gave Rolly shit this weekend,” continued Lance. “He told Rolly that he should have used Dragon because the heat had been on Halibut before, when we whacked Lenny. Not much else was said about it, but Damien is pissed off. It’s caused a bit of a stink in the club.”

  “Why is that?” asked Danny.

  “This was only the second shipment. Now the guys back east are pointing fingers at us, saying we screwed up, and we’re pointing fingers back at them.”

  “Speaking of Damien,” said Jack, “how come you’re not an executive officer? Maybe not national pres, but you’ve got more brains than Wizard. You could be president or vice-president of your chapter. You’ve got a lot of years in.”

  Lance shrugged. “Wizard is smarter than he looks. He’s got a good chance of beating Damien out for national pres. The election takes place in a couple of weeks. Presidents from all the chapters in the country will be flyin’ in to vote.”

  “You think Wizard is in the running?”

  “Definitely. He’s fluent in French and has a lot of support from the guys back east. He’s been down there schmoozing with them. It was him who set up the speed connection.”

  “Still doesn’t explain why you haven’t made executive level.”

  “It’s a lot less hassle just being one step removed from executive. Less work, but you’re still respected and not stuck with a lot of the shit jobs.”

  “Start campaigning. We want you to be an executive officer.”

  Lance nodded. “Yeah, I could see that comin’.”

  “Anything else going on?” asked Jack.

  “Don’t know if you’re interested, but I heard Damien telling Wizard that he was flying down to the Grand Caymans for a week. Damien said that if they couldn’t reach him for any reason when he was gone, then Wizard would act as national president. He left last night and is coming back next Sunday.”

  Jack stopped walking and stood beside a fresh grave. He prodded the dirt lightly with the toe of his ankle boot and said, “Doing a little banking, is he?”

  Lance chuckled, then said, “Yeah, probably. Doesn’t say and I don’t ask.”

  “Speaking of asking,” Jack flashed a glance at Danny, then continued, “I’ve got something for you to ask Rolly.”

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “Did you hear about those two little kids who were killed in a farmhouse up the Valley? Eight weeks ago?”

  “Yeah. Is that when it was? I only know what I heard in the news.”

  “Rolly killed the little boy.”

  “What? You certain?”

  “I’m positive. I think Wizard did the little girl. I want you to talk to them about it. Find out if they were with someone else.”

  “You don’t ask questions like that! Forget it!”

  “You will ask! I’m not giving you any choice in this!” yelled Jack.

  “Fuck you! I’m not doin’ it!”

  Jack flung his car keys at Danny, then tackled Lance by the throat.

  Shortly after arriving at work, Wigmore received a call from a man with a nasal voice.

  “Superintendent Wigmore speaking.”

  “Yes, is this Superintendent Wigglemouth?” came a somewhat mumbled, nervous-sounding reply.

  “It’s Superintendent Wigmore!”

  “Yes, Superintendent Wigglemore?”

  “Wigmore,” he replied, enunciating the name carefully.

  “Wrigglemore,” the voice repeated carefully.

  “For Christ’s sake! It’s Superintendent Wigmore! W-I-G-M-O-R-E!”

  The caller hung up.

  It was dusk when Lance walked along a path in Stanley Park. The street lights came on and he nervously looked behind him, didn’t see anyone, then walked up to Wizard and Rolly, who were sitting on a bench eating popcorn.

  They stood up as he approached. Wizard jerked his head toward the path, indicating they should walk as they talked.

  “So what’s the deal?” said Wizard gruffly. “How come ya want to meet us out here?”

  “The deal is,” said Lance, his voice trembling, “I got a real nasty visit from two cops this morning.”

  “What the fuck did they want?” said Rolly with a higher than normal laugh.

  “They wanted me to become a rat is what they fuckin’ wanted!”

  “What!” said Wizard incredulously. “What were they, two rookies tryin’ to give away a handful of cash?”

  “These weren’t fuckin’ rookies,” said Lance. “One guy is fuckin’ crazy. Maybe both of them are, but one for sure. They took me to a graveyard and the crazy one jumps on me and starts chokin’ the shit out of me until I black out. When I come to, he’s still sittin’ on my chest!”

  “Are you fuckin’ serious?” said Wizard.

  “That ain’t all. Then I see that the other fucker has got a blanket spread out on the ground and is shovellin’ dirt onto it out of a new grave. Pretty fuckin’ obvious what they were plannin’ on doin’ with me!”

  “You’re sweatin’ just talkin’ about it! You are fuckin’ serious, ain’t ya?”

  “You’re fuckin’ right I’m serious!”

  “Why? What the fuck did —”

  “The crazy one said I tried to kill him two weeks ago.”


  “Remember Eddy? Behind the Black Water?”

  “Yeah. Did he rat out on us?” asked Rolly.

  “Whoever told you he was a rat fucked up real bad. Because Eddy was the crazy one who attacked me this morning! He’s an RCMP officer!”

  “Fuckin’ Eddy is a cop?” Wizard looked astonished. “Can’t be!”

  “I saw their badges. The crazy one said he’d let me live if I cooperated with them.”

  “So what did you tell ’em?” growled Wizard. “How come he didn’t kill ya?”

  “Fuck, I was in a bad situation! Then the crazy one says he wants me to testify about Lenny and also wants me to find out what Rolly did with the shotgun he used on some kid!”

  “What?” yelled Rolly. “They know about me?”

  “I told them I needed a couple days to think about it. I knew if you used a piece to whack someone that you would have tossed it, but I wasn’t gonna tell them that!”

  “What made them think I whacked some kid?” spluttered Rolly.

  “They know all about you two,” said Lance, while nervously looking around.

  The three men stopped talking as a couple jogged towards them, then passed by.

  “What do ya mean? What’d they say?” asked Wizard.

  “They told me things I didn’t even know. Like they said that Rolly killed a little boy out in some abandoned farmhouse. They said you were with him when he killed the boy and popped the kid’s sister first.”

  Wizard immediately grabbed Rolly with both hands around his throat and pinned him back against a tree. “You fuckin’ idiot! Who you been blabbin’ at?”

  “Fuckin’ nobody, Wiz, fuckin’ nobody!”

  “Then how could they have known?” yelled Wizard. “There was only t
he three of us there! The Suit wouldn’t have said anything! They even know which one of us did which kid!”

  “No way! I haven’t said a fuckin’ word! I swear, not a word!”

  Lance looked at Rolly and said, “They told me that you also whacked a guy last week. Someone by the name of Bobby Singh.”

  “You stupid, stupid fuckin’ cocksucker!” screamed Wizard, pinning Rolly’s head against the tree and choking him with one hand while punching him in the face. Rolly’s nose crunched like a piece of celery and two teeth slid down the back of his throat like wayward Chiclets.

  Rolly screamed out, more in fear than in pain. “Don’t, Wiz! Please! I haven’t said a word! I swear on my mother’s grave!”

  “Well, how else could they have found out?” seethed Wizard, slowly releasing his grip. “How the fuck could they have known that unless you’ve been talking?”

  Rolly shook his head, spraying blood across his shirt and Wizard’s face. “I haven’t been! No way! Maybe it was The Suit!” Rolly looked at Lance and said, “He’s the one who ordered us to kill the kids. ’Cause they saw him. They was loose ends!”

  Wizard slapped Rolly across the face with the back of his hand and said, “The Suit didn’t know about Bobby Singh! How the fuck do you explain that!”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t….” Rolly wiped his face with his hands and then wiped his bloody fingers on his pants.

  Wizard spun around to face Lance. “So how come they haven’t arrested us yet?”

  Before Lance could reply, Wizard continued. “I’ll tell you why! They don’t have enough evidence on anything, or else all three of us would be sittin’ in the slam. It was pretty dark the night we tried to do ’im in the alley. You’re probably the only one the pig can really identify. That fuckin’ scar of yours. Plus the interior light of the car came on when you got out. I bet he’s only guessing about Rolly and me.”

  Lance shrugged and said, “I don’t know, but it sounds like they’re thinkin’ of doin’ somethin’ real quick.”

  “So who are these two pigs? When did they say they’d get hold of you next?”

  “They didn’t say, but the crazy one said he’d be in touch soon, and if I didn’t cooperate he’d either kill me or put me in jail.”

  “Are these pigs the narcs from hell, or what?”

  “No. They belong to some Intelligence thing, but I don’t know what it’s called.”

  “What’s their names?”

  “I only know the name of the crazy guy. The guy we thought was Eddy. His real name is Jack Taggart. Don’t know the other guy, but he does what Taggart tells him.”

  “See if they’ll give ya their home numbers. Get licence plate numbers, anything to help us find out where they live.”

  “I’ll work on it.”

  “Yeah, do that. And hurry before they decide to scoop us!”

  “Who’s this fuckin’ bozo who told you he was a rat in the first place? It seems to me he’s the one who set us up,” said Lance heatedly.

  Wizard reflected for a moment, then said, “I don’t think so. He’s always been right on in the past. Besides, he’d have too much to lose, what with me lining him up with little girls. Not to mention free powder. Naw, our problem lies with these two fuckin’ pigs. I’ll get you to call them … tell ’em you got to meet them. If we whack them, our problems will be over. Especially this Eddy … or Jack, or whatever the fuck his name is.”

  “Yeah, but they’re cops!” said Rolly.

  “Fuck, what’s the difference? They’re just a couple of guys, same as everyone else.”

  “Where and when?” asked Lance.

  Wizard slowly looked around. “Why not right here? It would be nice if they’re both together. But if not, just make sure we get the pig from the back alley. He’s the only fucker who could point a finger at us!”

  “Yeah, I agree with ya there,” replied Lance.

  “One more thing,” said Wizard. “Who else have you told about this?”

  “Nobody else knows.”

  “Keep it that way. Keep your mouth shut about everything! That means the bros, too. No need for anyone to know about the kids — or the pigs — for now.”

  “Fuck, I’m not stupid,” said Lance, looking at Rolly.

  “Hey! Wait a minute —”

  “Shut up, Rolly!” yelled Wizard, before looking back at Lance. “No, I know you’re not stupid. In fact, before today, I was gonna ask ya if you were interested in somethin’.”

  “Interested in what?”

  “If I make national pres, what say I back you to replace me as president?”

  “You would do that?” Lance noticed the scowl that Rolly gave Wizard.

  “Yeah, I’ll do that. We just gotta take care of a few loose ends first.”

  “Let me shoot Taggart. He was gonna kill me, so let me return the favour! I wanna pop one in each eyeball. You owe me that!”

  Wizard chuckled, then said, “Anxious to get your DD, are you? Yeah, no problem. You can kill ’em both if you want.”

  “The fuckin’ heat’s gonna come down real bad,” said Rolly.

  “I can handle the heat,” said Wizard. “Nobody should be runnin’ this club who can’t!”

  Jack glanced impatiently at his watch. What was keeping Lance? The harsh cry of a seagull over the ocean caused him to look up, but too many trees blocked his view.

  Danny sat on the park bench beside him, with his head back and his eyes closed. It looked like he was sleeping. Jack knew better. Stress had reduced both men to silence.

  Two children zoomed by on skateboards, but Jack only caught a partial glimpse of them through the trees and shrubbery.

  A rustling sound in the bushes behind him told him a squirrel was probably storing food for the winter. It would be peaceful here, he thought, if it weren’t for what they were doing. More comfortable than waiting in a cemetery and thinking about the dead.

  Lance walked through the trees toward them. Jack nudged Danny, who sat forward in anticipation.

  Lance stood an arm’s length away, staring down at them. For a moment, nobody spoke. The glow of a street light illuminated beads of sweat on Lance’s forehead.

  “Well?” asked Jack.

  “I’ve got something for ya!” replied Lance, reaching inside his black leather jacket and pulling out a tape recorder. He handed it to Jack and said, “You were right! Wizard wasted the little girl and Rolly did the boy. It’s all here for ya to listen to.”

  Jack took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He gripped the recorder tightly to try to stop his hands from trembling.

  chapter twenty-eight

  Jack unlocked his car and Danny got in beside him while Lance sat in the back. He rewound the tape and pushed “play.” When it reached the place where Wizard admitted that he shot Maggie, he subconsciously ran his fingers across the grip of his pistol. This is it. Time for justice.

  He stopped the recorder and looked at Danny. “You wanted proof. Well, we just got it!”

  Danny silently nodded.

  Jack started the recorder again. Seconds later, he knew he wasn’t done. The Suit! The goddamned Suit ordered them killed! “No! Jesus Christ!” he yelled, slamming his fist into the dash. His eyes brimmed with tears and he bit his lip. He looked in the rear-view mirror and briefly locked eyes with Lance before looking away.

  Minutes later, the voices on the tape ended. Danny reached over and shut it off.

  Jack sat in silence for a moment to regain his composure, then turned in his seat and spoke to Lance. “You did good. In fact, better than I expected.”

  “I’ve never been so fuckin’ scared in all my life. Do you have any idea what they’d have done if they decided to search me and found the recorder?”

  Jack nodded.

  “So what are ya gonna do with the tape? Use it as evidence?”

  “That’s not going to happen. I told you I would protect you and I will.”

  “You call today protecting me? Man, this is gon
na be a long ten years!”

  “It worked out good. I told you that Rolly would get the heat.”

  “Yeah, you’re right about that. Wiz smacked him a few good ones. The dumb bastard looks uglier than ever now!”

  “I wish I had seen it,” said Jack, “but I didn’t want to take the chance of them spotting any surveillance.”

  “So what do we do now?” asked Lance. “These guys are gonna ace ya, and I don’t want any of your buddies thinkin’ I had a part in it.”

  “We can stall for the time being,” said Jack. “Tell them we called you and said we’re going out of town for a while. Keep them on the hook. We have to find out who The Suit is!”

  “Then what?” asked Lance.

  Danny looked at Jack for a reply. Their eyes met briefly, then Jack turned back to Lance. “That’s none of your concern. We’ll look after you. Just make certain you look after us!”

  “I hear ya.”

  Jack looked at Danny and said, “There’s something personal I need to talk to him about. Wait here.” He took off his gun, put it on the seat beside Danny, and got out of the car.

  Moments later, Jack and Lance strolled into a heavily wooded area in the park.

  “You got a problem with me from this morning?” asked Jack. “We can deal with it now.”

  Lance looked around. There was nobody else in sight. He turned to face off with Jack and said, “I figure I got about three inches on ya, and maybe forty pounds. Plus I notice you still favour your left side. You really think you could take me?”

  Jack shrugged and said, “Probably not. That’s why I jumped you by surprise this morning. But that’s not the point.”

  “I saw you leave your piece behind.”

  “Forget the badge. This time it’s just you and me. You can look at it as payback time.”

  “That’s not the only thing I saw back there.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is personal for you, ain’t it? You knew those kids, didn’t you?”


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