Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 36

by Easton, Don

  “I just thought ... what about the phones? Would they —”

  “They would never get grounds for a wiretap. It’s hard enough to get grounds on people with criminal histories, let alone us.”

  Natasha let out a deep breath and then smiled. “It’s finally over,” she murmured.

  Jack nodded, but his stomach continued to churn. The black coffee and eggs seemed more infused with grease.

  “You still look like something is troubling you,” said Natasha.

  “I just have a lot on the go. I’m okay.” “You don’t look it. This thing with Bishop — it could exacerbate the stress from last year. Now this thing with Holly’s husband.... I’m worried about you.”

  “I can handle it.”

  “I’ve heard that before. Usually from people who are on their way to a nervous breakdown. You should take some time off.”

  Boatloads of cocaine due to arrive any day. Lance now president of the west-side chapter. A debt to be repaid to Damien. A family destroyed who shared my name. Take a holiday! Don’t I wish!

  “I’m fine! If you want to worry about someone, worry about Charlie. That’s the little guy who needs help.”

  “No need to snap at me.”

  Jack stared at her and then said, “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. But it proves my point. You are under a lot of stress.”

  Jack sighed. “I know you’re right. I’ll watch myself, but there is too much happening right now for me to take a break. There is nothing going on that I can’t handle. I still have control. You’ve taught me that.”

  Natasha smiled and said, “The advice I once gave you about post-traumatic stress was simplified. It’s more complicated than that.”

  “Duly noted,” said Jack. “I’d love to stay and talk, but I have to pick up Danny. We’re meeting a source this morning. See if he can help shed some light on things.”

  Natasha followed him to the door, where she gave him a passionate kiss and said, “Just remember. I love you. I also know you’re not made out of iron. I wouldn’t love you if you were. I love you because you are human, and all humans have a breaking point. Just look after yourself, if not for you, then for my sake, will you?”

  Jack kissed her again and then left.

  Staff Sergeant Legg walked into Isaac’s office and got right to the point. “He went straight to his sister’s place. Everything seems legit.”

  “He may have suspected that he was being followed,” said Isaac.

  “Always possible. Do you want us to bring him in for interrogation and see if we can wrap it up, one way or the other? Shouldn’t take long to corroborate when and where he went in Mexico.”

  “Not yet. Get your ducks in line first. Obtain photos of him and his wife and send them to the Mexican authorities. They can check with the local police where Bishop was staying. The place is so small that any grin-gos are bound to stand out.”

  “I doubt that there are more than a couple of policemen there to show pictures to,” said Legg.

  “Then there’s also not much of a population base. Shouldn’t take them long. If Taggart was there, we’ll find out soon enough.”

  Jack and Danny crossed a small knoll in the cemetery and saw Lance waiting at the usual location.

  “Any heat over the labs?” asked Jack.

  “Not a bit. Too Mickey Mouse to worry about. Besides, we still have two labs going full tilt and it’s a good excuse to jack the price way up.”

  “Anything on the Taggart murder?” asked Jack.

  Lance shook his head. “Don’t think it was connected. The dumb schmucks running the labs are too stupid to keep something like that quiet. We would have heard.”

  “What about the cargo ship taken down in San Diego?” asked Danny.

  “Not a peep about it. Everyone thinks it was just a casualty from the war on terrorism. Our money is riding on the next ship, which should arrive soon. I’ll get a couple of days’ notice to find a stash site and make sure the deliveries are lined up.”

  “Anything else?” asked Jack.

  “Whiskey Jake and I are to meet with Damien tomorrow. Said something about having to see Leitch in the morning and then he wants to meet us right after.”

  “Bet Leitch wants to talk to him about the labs,” said Danny.

  “Naw, I don’t think so. Damien is worried about the anti-gang legislation but nobody was charged with that. The labs will probably come up, but Damien wouldn’t concern himself with something as trivial as that.”

  “What do you think it’s about?” asked Jack. “Money laundering?”

  “Leitch could be his Maytag agent, but these days Damien seems to be fixated on the Indos and what they’re up to. He told Sparks to take whatever funding he needs for bugging and put him in charge of selecting surveillance teams. I think we might be going to war.”

  “With the police?” asked Danny.

  Lance frowned at Danny, then said, “No, of course not. With the Indos. I got no idea where that thing came from about someone killing the other Jack.”

  “I want you to try and identify the dirty narc for us,” said Jack.

  “Yeah, I know, but it isn’t the sort of thing I can ask about. Maybe now with my new promotion, things will come a little easier. Damien mentioned there will be some restructuring taking place. Maybe that’s what he wants to talk to Whiskey Jake and me about tomorrow.”

  It was later that afternoon when Ray parked his green van with the tinted rear windows and went for a stroll in Stanley Park. It didn’t take him long to find Leitch, who handed him a manila envelope. Ray opened it and withdrew a report.

  “It’s yours to keep,” said Leitch. “I made a copy.”

  Ray was pleased as he glanced at the report. It gave him names, addresses, criminal histories, and a complete picture of the hierarchy of organized crime as it related to the Indo community in Western Canada. It also listed their affiliations with other groups worldwide. He was particularly pleased to see that The Boss was not included. Canada’s federal police force was sadly lacking in its assessment!

  Ray read in the report that there was speculation about a war in British Columbia between the Indos and Satans Wrath. Interesting. Who will win? The bikers are much more organized yet seem to lack the propensity to remove obstacles related to the judiciary — something I just can’t comprehend. On the other hand, the Indos use violence without hesitation but are not as well organized. If there is a war, which side will win and work for us?

  Ray looked at Leitch and asked, “Has Damien received this yet?”

  Leitch shook his head and said, “The copy for Damien has been locked away as usual. I’m supposed to give it to him tomorrow morning.”

  Ray snickered to himself. The report was from a police officer that Satans Wrath had cultivated, yet it was he who saw it first. Leitch knew his place. The amount of money he had been paid was minuscule in the overall scheme of things. Of course, a bloody fool like Leitch thinks the amount I gave him makes him wealthy. Small men ... small dreams.

  Ray saw another sheet of paper in the envelope and pulled it out. “What’s this?” he asked.

  “Some Mountie that Damien wanted checked out. An officer by the name of Taggart. Someone by that same name was murdered. The note says the police officer with the same name is almost in tears over it.”

  “Really!” Ray paused for a moment, lost in thought, then asked, “Tell me, is Jack Taggart a common name in Canada?”

  Leitch shrugged and said, “Not really.”

  “I have never heard of such a name. It didn’t occur to me that there would be two in one city. Perhaps it is fortunate for the policeman that his name was not in the telephone directory.”

  Leitch smirked when the meaning of Ray’s words became clear. “I suspect The Boss will not be happy,” he suggested.

  “I’m hardly concerned. I will let him know. This is nothing that can’t be fixed.”

  chapter six

  On Thursday morning, Jack
felt more agitated as he thought about the funeral he would be attending tomorrow.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t go,” suggested Natasha. “Why put yourself through that?”

  “Holly thinks it has something to do with me. It would be cowardly not to show up.”

  “But at the funeral, it —”

  “I think of them all the time. Holly ... Jenny ... Charlie. I need to go.”

  “You’re tormenting yourself by being involved in something that may have nothing to do with you.”

  “How could I not be involved? Do you really think I could just forget about it, not knowing if it was because of me? Every time I see a little kid running or playing, I’ll think of Charlie. There’s no way I’ll ever not be involved.”

  “Fine, then I’m going with you.”

  “Thought you had to work.”

  “You’re more important. I figured I wouldn’t be able to talk you out of it. I already booked the morning off. I also talked with Susan. She and Danny are going as well.”

  “She doesn’t need to do that. Tiffany is barely a year old. Jimmy is less than two months. She should stay home. Danny and I will go, but it’s not necessary for —”

  “It is necessary! For all of us! Don’t shut out the people who love you when you need them.” Natasha then softened her voice and said, “We’re all worried about you. Quit trying to shoulder everything yourself. You’re not alone in this. It’s imperative that you remember that.”

  The banks had just opened when Damien met with Leitch outside. Leitch watched his secretary go in, then turned to Damien and said, “The Crown’s case against those arrested inside the labs is strong. Same goes for Silent Sam for picking up the money. Petro is in a better position. They saw Silent Sam hand him the money but can’t prove that Petro knew it was the proceeds of a criminal venture.”

  “Just do your job,” said Damien. “That’s what we pay you for.”

  “The Crown does have a weak link. One person in toxicology examined all the exhibits. A Lucy somebody ... I’ve got her name at the office. If something were to happen to her at the opportune time, everything might get tossed out of court. She would be easier to get to. She doesn’t carry a gun.”

  “Forget it!” said Damien. “There’s no need to whack anyone. This is B.C. What are my guys going to get? Probation? Maybe a couple of months?”

  Leitch first shrugged that he didn’t know but then admitted, “Probably.”

  “You read in the paper about someone by the name of Jack Taggart being murdered?” asked Damien.

  “Yes. Unfortunately it wasn’t the same Jack Taggart who provided the grounds for the search warrants.”

  “I think someone thought they were killing him. Whoever it was made a huge mistake. I’ve met Taggart. Had a chat with him last year in my basement after a couple of my men stepped out of bounds. Those men are now dead. Taggart saw to that. You can bet some sorry bastard will pay for trying to kill him.”

  “Too bad whoever tried didn’t succeed.”

  Damien shook his head. “Killing cops makes martyrs — and more cops with a vengeful attitude to replace them.”

  Their conversation came to a stop when the secretary returned and handed her boss a brown manila envelope. She then continued down the street to her office.

  Damien accepted the envelope and opened it. He caught a glimpse of the RCMP crime report. It was dated yesterday. Hot off the presses. He then read the note about Jack Taggart. Upset about the murder ... but doesn’t suspect Satans Wrath.

  Moments after Leitch left, Damien sent a BlackBerry message to Lance and Whiskey Jake. Two hours later, when he finished meeting with them, he sent another message: Mister Taggart, we need to meet!

  The reply was fast. Excellent idea! How about now? This time, not in your basement!

  Damien sent his response. Montrose Park — by Second Narrows Bridge — 30 minutes.

  Danny looked across the desk as Jack deleted a message on his BlackBerry and asked, “A message from our friend?”

  “Different friend. I want you to drop me off and wait in the car. I’ll call you when I’m done.”

  “Holding out on me?” said Danny light-heartedly, trying to be funny.

  “It’s Damien,” whispered Jack.

  “Christ! How did he get your number?” “I gave it to him.”

  Danny was taken aback. “You’re not meeting him alone. It could be a trap.”

  “It’s not a trap. But you’ll keep your trap shut and do as I say.”

  Danny’s heart quickened and the blood vessels in his face revealed his anger. “We’re partners. You think you’re being macho meeting him alone? Think he’ll respect you more? That’s not the way to —”

  “It has nothing to do with that. It’s a personal matter. One I hope to resolve soon. Maybe you should just stay in the office.”

  Danny paused and then said, “Personal matter?”

  Jack didn’t respond.

  “Damn it, okay. I’ll wait in the car. At least I’ll be closer if you need help.”

  It was late in the afternoon when Jack met Damien and they went for a stroll around the small park that faced the Burrard Inlet.

  Jack was blunt and to the point. “What the fuck is going on? I knock off a few of your labs and someone tries to kill me!”

  Damien let out a snort and said, “Why do so many of you cops feel you have to lard on the tough talk?”

  Jack pointed an accusing finger at Damien and said, “I know who was getting rich from those labs!”

  Damien smiled briefly and then said, “I understand your thought process. It’s logical. There may even be a certain degree of verisimilitude to what you say, but I assure you that I had nothing to do with trying to kill you and don’t know who did. You owe me a favour, remember?”

  Jack eyed him suspiciously and said, “I haven’t forgotten. I’ve still got your get-out-of-jail-free card tucked in my wallet.”

  “Good. Then think about it. I can’t collect if you’re dead.”

  Jack nodded. “Okay. I just wanted to hear it from you.”

  “Now you have,” replied Damien.

  “Speaking of favours, Bishop’s body was identified.”

  “Really? I hear that swimming pools can be dangerous. Are you warm?”

  “A little heat. Probably just routine. I think I’m okay now. Made sure I was clean before meeting you.”

  Damien snorted, then said, “Good. Glad you got a taste of it. I deal with that all the time. Bugging too.”

  “Don’t think I have to worry about that. They would need grounds. But contacting you is a concern.”

  “The BlackBerry I’m using now is safe,” replied Damien. “Doesn’t hurt to be cautious, though.”

  “If you know nothing about whoever tried to kill me, I guess there is no reason for me to contact you.” Jack eyed Damien carefully and said, “Unless I catch you doing something illegal and can rid my wallet of your card.”

  Damien smiled and said, “Good luck. Nailing me isn’t going to happen. As far as some of the bros go, think about this. Speed labs are easy to replace — that’s if we were in that business. Whacking you isn’t a consideration.”

  Jack received another message on his BlackBerry. It was the code name for Lance, followed by 911. Lance had never used the code before. Someone’s life is in danger! Someone worth saving...

  chapter seven

  Jack and Danny drove into an underground parking garage and Lance scrambled into the back seat.

  “You got a high-level rat!” said Lance, panting as he spoke.

  “Tell us something we don’t know,” replied Danny. “Someone tipped off a couple of those speed labs.”

  “Not the narc! High level. This one has access to your intelligence reports.”

  Jack felt the back of his neck tingle. “Details,” he asked. “Who? How did you find out?”

  “Remember I told you that Whiskey Jake and I had to meet Damien this morning after he met with Leitch?�

  Jack nodded.

  “Damien showed us a secret RCMP Intelligence report. It was dated yesterday! It was all about the Indos. Laid everything out.”

  “The Indos?” said Danny.

  “What if it had been about the club? I’d be dead right now!”

  “Lance, you’re forgetting something,” said Jack quietly.

  “What’s that?”

  “I said I would always protect you. Bishop wasn’t the first guy your club corrupted. He won’t be the last. Any reports I write are designed to protect you. I write them as if Damien is already reading them. I don’t trust our judicial system not to order them released to some defence lawyer. Trust me on this. Besides, the team working on the Indos has nothing to do with us. At least, not at the moment.”

  Lance let out a deep breath and sat quietly.

  “You okay now?” asked Jack.

  “Yeah ... I’m okay.”

  “What can you tell us about the report?”

  “Lots of names, addresses, and stuff. Some in boxes with lines going to circles. Damien refers to the leak as The Mole. I think it came via Leitch because he just got it. I read it a couple of hours ago but was with Whiskey Jake and I couldn’t call you until now.”

  “Where is the report now?” asked Jack.

  “Damien kept it, but I think he might hand it off to Pussy Paul for safekeeping. That’s not all the meeting was about. Damien is setting up our corporate guidelines. He laid it all out. I suggest you make notes or you won’t remember.”

  Jack glanced at Danny and gave a slight nod of his head. Danny removed his notebook and pen.

  1) Lance and Whiskey Jake to be project leaders responsible for overall day-to-day operations.

  2) Union control, especially at the ports and airport, to be handled by Brutus.

  3) Elite mobile hit squad for Western Canada to be formed and run by Rellik, who also has president status. They will be their own chapter unto themselves with no official clubhouse.


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