Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 39

by Easton, Don

  Elvis spent the next half-hour looking through pictures of Satans Wrath. “Sorry,” he said, “don’t believe it’s any of these. The fellow was quite dark. Maybe Indo. We’ll do another report for Molen tomorrow. See what happens then.”

  “Good luck,” replied Jack. “Is Laura still around? Or is she off to Bangkok or someplace again?”

  “She’s home. Why?”

  “Nothing. Just tell her I said hello.”

  East Hastings was swarming with a variety of the drug addicts, low-level dealers, pimps, muggers, and prostitutes who laid claim to the area. Drug overdoses, murders, and AIDS took a severe toll, but the population continued to grow.

  Jack felt dirty just walking into the Black Water Hotel. Even the regulars considered it a dirty, dangerous place. I’ll be showering tonight as soon as I get home. Maybe after the first shower, Natasha will join me for the second...

  The place had not changed any since last year. Pot lights marked a stage in the centre of the bar where a stripper was performing. She wore only a variety of tattoos and stood gyrating her crotch against a pole that ran up to the black ceiling before disappearing amongst the broken cardboard tiles. She didn’t have much of an audience.

  Jack sauntered to the rear of the bar where the pool tables were located. He didn’t see Spider but did recognize the face of someone he had continually lost money to when he played pool last year. The man recognized him and was eager to continue making money.

  The waitress came along a few minutes later. She also recognized him but didn’t know his name. “Hey! Mister Kokanee, right?” she said.

  Jack smiled. Like most waitresses, she knew her clients by what they drank.

  “Haven’t seen ya around for a while.” she said.

  “Ya, you know. Been travelling around the world. Staying in my penthouse suites as I go.”

  The waitress laughed, then said, “Good one. You’ll be able to drop me a tip then.”

  Halfway through losing at pool, Jack casually asked if Spider had been around.

  “Was here about an hour ago, don’t know where he went.”

  Jack continued to sip beer and continued to lose at pool. Numerous hookers made eye contact with him but a subtle shake of his head indicated he wasn’t interested. His mind drifted to what Elvis had told him about Leitch’s contact in the park. Is Leitch playing both sides? Wanting to represent the Indos and the bikers? Dangerous territory for a lawyer to be in.

  Spider did not return and it was long past midnight when Jack arrived home. Natasha was sleeping so he quietly slipped into the shower. When he stepped out to reach for a towel, she was standing in the doorway wearing a fluffy white bathrobe. “Remember me?” she asked.

  “You sort of look familiar. Did you follow me home from the Black Water?”

  “Noooo. Guess again.”

  “Your face is familiar, but I’m not sure. Maybe if I was to see a little more of you.”

  “Like this?” said Natasha, slipping the robe off her shoulders and letting it droop to reveal the tops of her breasts.

  “Exactly ... but I still can’t quite put my finger on it.”

  The bathrobe fell around her feet and Jack took a moment to reflect upon how beautiful she was ... and how lucky I am that she loves me.

  “Perhaps you can’t put your finger on it,” said Natasha, “but it would appear that another part of your body is rising to the challenge.”

  Their bed was only a few steps away, but it was a few steps too far. They made love on Natasha’s bathrobe. When they were finished, Natasha snuggled in with her head on Jack’s chest. He covered her with part of her robe, and then they both fell asleep.

  In the morning Natasha put on a pot of coffee. She did not have to be at work until after lunch. She was pleased that she had convinced Jack to spend the morning with her.

  Jack walked into the kitchen and used the phone to call Danny. Susan answered and said that Danny was in the shower.

  “Tell him that we’re not starting work until one-thirty today,” said Jack.

  “Great. I’ve got shopping to do and he can look after Tiff and Jimmy for me.”

  “You say he’s in the shower?” said Jack, loud enough for Natasha to notice. “Hang on, I should let you speak with Natasha. She’ll tell you what you should do when he gets out.”

  “Jack! Damn it!” said Natasha, as Jack tried to pass her the phone. “No! You are such a turkey!”

  “A turkey?” Jack started to laugh, then said, “If I’m a turkey, then so are you for marrying me!”

  It had been too long, decided Natasha, since she had seen him laugh. She laughed as well. Not so much over what Jack said, but simply because their life seemed normal again ... at least for now.

  They had a leisurely breakfast and Jack told Natasha about his visit with Holly yesterday and her response to what he had told her.

  “Now you know it’s not your fault,” commented Natasha.

  “Part of my brain tells me that. Sometimes another part makes me question the consequences of what I do.”

  “You do what you think is right. You weren’t born with crystal balls ... thank heavens.”

  Jack smiled and said, “I know. Things just don’t turn out as I plan sometimes. I need to think more about potential consequences.”

  “How about the potential consequences of another shower?”

  It was mid-afternoon when Elvis arrived and motioned for Jack and Danny to follow him to Louie’s office.

  Elvis ignored Louie’s greeting and said, “Things didn’t go well. This morning Molen received the second report and delivered it to the secretary. Then he started to act real kinky. Maybe burned the surveillance. Later when the secretary showed the report to Leitch he sent a note on his BlackBerry and then burnt the report in a garbage can.”

  “Son of a bitch!” said Danny. “Leitch and Satans Wrath are on to us! They’ll change how they get the info.”

  “This could draw some heat on our source,” added Jack.

  “Listen, fellows,” said Elvis, “I’m really sorry if these guys burned our surveillance. I feel pretty bad about it.”

  “I’ve been burned on surveillances too,” said Jack. “It happens. It was a chance we took when we decided to try this route. I’m not blaming you.”

  “Appreciate that.”

  “What are your plans now?” asked Louie.

  “I’m going to talk with Legg and recommend that we back off him for a little while. I’ve checked his file. He has a history of alcohol-related incidents. Maybe people won’t put a lot of faith in his paranoia.”

  “Is he married?” asked Jack.

  “Was. Divorced four years ago. No children. What about the other leaks? Anything more on the narc who was recruited?” asked Elvis.

  Jack shook his head and then said, “Did you ask Laura for suggestions?”

  “We usually agree not to discuss work at home, but this time I made an exception. She said she doesn’t know.”

  It was early evening when Jack walked back into the Black Water. He felt a surge of adrenalin when he saw Spider sitting with a hooker near the pool tables. He walked directly up to him and sat down.

  “Remember me?” asked Jack, leaning across the table.

  Spider looked a little surprised but sat back in his chair and said, “Yeah, I remember you. Where ya been? You lookin’ to score?” he added, before Jack could respond.

  Surprised by my abruptness, but not scared. Just as I thought. He’s not involved with anything to do with Holly’s husband.

  “Hey, Mister Kokanee! Another?”

  Jack nodded to the waitress and tried to turn his attention back to Spider but was interrupted once more by the tap of a pool cue on his shoulder.

  “Hey, good buddy! Want a chance to win your money back?”

  “Maybe later,” said Jack. When the man left, he looked back at Spider and said, “I’m lookin’ for some-thin’, but...” He stopped and gave a subtle nod toward the hooker sitting b
eside Spider.

  Spider waved a hand for Jack to relax and said, “Don’t worry about Ophelia here. She’s solid. What do you want? Crystal meth?”

  “Not now,” replied Jack. “Do need to talk to you in private.”

  “It’s okay, guys,” said Ophelia, her voice sounding hoarse. “I’m gonna hit the street for a while. Can’t even afford a smoke right now,” she added, harshly.

  Her raspy voice was not lost on Jack. She’s the tipster who called Connie!

  “So what ya after?” Spider asked before looking past Jack and yelling, “Hey! Freddy! Hang on!”

  Jack turned and saw a man on the other side of the bar yell, “I’m leavin’.”

  Spider looked at Jack and said, “Hang on. Be right back.” He then walked out of the bar with Freddy.

  Jack stayed where he was and the hours slowly went by without Spider returning. Jack decided not to play pool tonight and sat waiting. He watched three men, all wearing cheap sports jackets, stagger inside and take a seat closest to the stage. Two had their ties loosened around their necks while the third man had his tie half hanging out the side pocket of his sports jacket. As the night wore on, their catcalls became louder. Occasionally, one or the other would throw loose change at the strippers.

  “How ya doin’?” croaked Ophelia, taking a chair beside him.

  “Doin’ fine. Waiting for Spider. Know where he went?”

  Ophelia shrugged and said, “Nope.” She pointed to one of the three men hassling the stripper and said, “See the fat guy there?”


  “Flashed his wallet when he bought the last round of beer. Figure he’s got at least forty bucks in it. Seein’ as you’re a friend of Spider’s, thought I might let you in on it. We’re gonna jump him in the alley. Could maybe use a man. Want in? We’ll split it three ways.”

  Jack shook his head and said, “Thanks. Appreciate the offer but I don’t need any cash at the moment.”

  “Suit yourself,” said Ophelia.

  Jack watched her speak with others in the bar. Eventually she ended up at a table talking to a skinny junkie. Fellow looks like he’s about to die at the ripe old age of twenty-two. Then both of them got up and walked past Jack a few steps to the fire escape door at the rear. They stepped outside, letting a girl into the bar as they did.

  It didn’t appear to bother any of the clientele that the girl was about twelve years old, but it bothered Jack. He had seen child prostitutes before, but that didn’t make it any easier. He watched her head straight to the fat man and bend over and whisper in his ear. Then she knelt beside him and ran her hand slowly up the inside of his thigh. Moments later, the girl walked out the back door.

  The fat man leaned forward and said something to his two friends. They all laughed, and then the fat man stood up and made his way toward the back door.

  Should I bump into him and pick a fight? Deck him and save him from being another victim in the alley? Jack felt his frustration grow. Who is the real victim here? Him ... or the girl?

  “To hell with you, asshole,” said Jack under his breath as the man staggered past him. Jack watched as he opened the rear door, blinking his eyes and staring into the darkness.

  Immediately a tire iron smashed his face. The sound of his skull crunching above his eye and upper cheekbone was slightly audible. Before he could collapse, a hand appeared out of the darkness, grabbing his collar and jerking him off the back step. The door swung shut.

  God! They didn’t even wait for him to step outside! He didn’t even get a chance to yell!

  Jack was no stranger to violence, but the sudden brutality in this instance caught him by surprise. Must not show my feelings... He looked around the bar. Some of the junkies were looking to see if anyone would react. Several glanced in his direction. He smiled and held his beer up in a silent toast before taking a sip.

  Minutes later, Ophelia and the skinny junkie walked in through the front of the hotel and went straight to a table where a dealer had been busy all night. The skinny junkie hadn’t bothered to wipe the spray of blood off his face. Jack watched them make an exchange under the table.

  He could feel the knot in his stomach tighten as the crunch of the man’s skull continued to echo in his own head. The only ones who hadn’t noticed the attack were the two drunk friends up near the stage. One jostled his buddy with his elbow as he stood up and put some money between his teeth. The stripper squeezed her breasts with her hands to grip the money and take it from his mouth.

  “Hey! You’re still here,” said Spider, sitting back down in his chair. “What’s up?”

  Jack’s thoughts returned to the reason he was there. “I’m lookin’ for a piece. Have to have it by the day after tomorrow at the latest.”

  “Don’t have a gun.” Spider paused as the waitress yelled that it was last call, and then he asked, “What’s the rush? Maybe I could help ya if I thought it was worthwhile.”

  “I’ve been bangin’ this chick for about four months now. She’s kinda high class. Got lots of money and a rich husband.”

  “I’m listenin’.”

  “She wants him dead. Said there’s ten Gs in it for me.”

  “Ten grand!”

  “Keep your voice down,” said Jack, looking suspiciously around.

  “Why in two days?”

  “It’s her birthday. She’s gonna take the ferry over to Victoria in the morning to visit her mom. Her husband works at home by himself. Does some sort of bookkeeping thing. I’ve sort of been jerking her around for a couple of months. Now she says if it’s not done, she’ll find someone else. I swore I would do it.”

  “What’s been takin’ ya so long? Tryin’ to work up the courage to do it?”

  Jack looked down at the table as he toyed with his beer and said, “Yeah, I guess. Figure if I get a piece I could just pop him through the window and run. You come up with a piece and I’ll pay ya a grand for it.”

  “Oh, man! That ain’t the way to do it! You gotta get up close and personal. Popping him through a window ... you could miss or maybe just wing ’im. Look him right in the eye and take him out. That way ya know ya got him.”

  “I don’t know if I could ... I mean, I think my way is better.”

  “Forget the piece! You should use a blade. Knock on his fuckin’ door, an’ when he opens it, thrust deep into his lungs, just under his rib cage. Twist hard a couple of times and pull out. It’ll knock the air out of his lungs and he won’t be able to yell. He’ll grab his gut and bend over. Then bring it up and do his throat. No fuckin’ noise. No gun goin’ off to freak out the neigh-bours. I tell ya, that’s the way it should be done.”

  Jack put his hand up to partially cover his eyes and said, “Oh, man. I don’t think I could do that. I need a piece.”

  Spider smiled and said, “Just wait here. I’ll do some checkin’. I know everyone in here. If there’s one around, I’ll find out.”

  Jack watched as Spider quickly moved amongst a few tables, occasionally glancing back at Jack. Two people at different tables glanced at their watches. Spider is just asking them the time, pretending to look. It was what Jack had hoped he would do. He really didn’t want him coming back with a gun. The hook is set.

  Jack went into the men’s room and used his cell-phone to make a call.

  A groggy Elvis answered. “Yeah, she’s here. Just a minute.” In the background Jack could hear Elvis say, “Hon, wake up, it’s Jack Taggart.” A moment later, Laura was on the line.

  “You offered to help,” said Jack.

  “What’s up?” asked Laura, checking the time. It was after one.

  “Need a quick undercover tomorrow.”

  “I’ve got court in the afternoon. This the guy who killed your namesake?”

  “No, I’m fairly certain it’s the guy who did the war vet.”

  “Oh, man! Glad to be a part of that! What do you need?”

  “A girlfriend at about ten o’clock tomorrow morning. Won’t take long.”
/>   Laura sighed and then asked, “A bimbo?”

  “No, a couple levels above. Play the bitch. I want him controlled.”

  “Waking me up this time of night ... that should come easy tomorrow.”

  Jack returned to his seat as Spider came up to him. Spider said he couldn’t find a gun, but he was able to convince Jack to let him meet Jack’s girlfriend tomorrow morning at ten.

  Jack checked his watch as he left the bar. It had been twenty minutes since the sound of a crunching skull had started echoing in his head. He crossed the street to the parking garage and jogged up to the second level. He told Connie and Danny about his meeting with Spider and described Spider’s recommendation on how to murder someone.

  “It’s him,” said Connie. “That is exactly how Albert Dawson was killed. We’ve never released that information. Nobody knows that except the killer.”

  “Good,” said Jack, still distracted by what he knew was in the alley behind the hotel.

  “Jack!” continued Connie. “This is great! You’ve got the son of a bitch! I had a feeling that you had something up your sleeve.”

  “Laura will do a number on him tomorrow morning,” replied Jack. “Then he will be...” The sounds of sirens and a police car racing past, accompanied by squealing tires as it turned at the corner and then again into the alley behind the bar, interrupted Jack’s conversation.

  “Wonder what’s going on?” said Danny, as both he and Connie looked at Jack.

  Jack shrugged to indicate that he didn’t know.

  chapter eleven

  It was nine-thirty in the morning when Jack and Laura walked into the coffee shop and took a seat. Jack ordered a coffee, black. Laura ordered tea.

  “So tell me,” said Jack. “What’s it like, you being a narc while being married to someone in Internal?”

  “Elvis is on the Anti-Corruption Unit.”

  “Right. ACU ... the serious stuff members are investigated for. IA’s big brother.”

  “You got it.”

  “Do you walk around the house constantly checking to see if he is watching you? Come on, a narc and ACU ... that’s like trying to mix oil and vinegar.”


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