Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 56

by Easton, Don

  “Maybe,” said Damien. “Either that or following a suggestion from their lawyer — Leisure Suit Larry.”


  “It would be his style. He recently recommended that someone from your toxicology department be killed to jeopardize some court cases. I believe her name was Lucy.”

  “Lucy! Who did he say this to? Is there a contract on Lucy’s —”

  “No. He suggested it to me. I nixed the idea immediately ... but I’m not Carlos. You cost him a lot of money in San Diego. He would agree to have you killed if he didn’t think of it himself.”

  “I didn’t exactly advertise my involvement.”

  “No, you were waiting to nail me with the second ship,” said Damien bitterly.

  Jack nodded and said, “Speaking of that, nobody in my office knows about tonight either. I was grilled this morning about Bishop. I would like to be prepared before I go to work tomorrow morning. Anything you learn from Ray would be appreciated.”

  “I’ll see what I find out. I’ll send you a message around four tomorrow morning. We can meet then,” said Damien.

  “I don’t start work until eight. We could do it at seven,” said Jack.

  Damien shook his head and said, “That doesn’t work for me. If you want to know what Ray said, answer back at four.”

  “I would like to ask him a few questions myself,” said Jack quietly.

  “Such as?”

  “Whose idea it was to try and kill me and Danny’s baby. Was it Carlos or Ray? Also, I want to know how Carlos found out I was involved with the first ship.”

  Damien nodded and said, “I’ll ask, then let you know.”

  “One more thing. Ask him who the four guys were who kidnapped your family and where they can be found.”

  “That,” said Damien, pointing his finger at Jack’s chest, “is my business.” He turned to walk away but paused and said, “We’re just like you guys on this one.”

  “How so?” asked Jack.

  Damien sneered and said, “We’re making sure that Ray doesn’t say anything without his legal counsel present.”

  His legal counsel? Jack realized what Damien meant and watched him walk away. He thought about the early morning hour when Damien said he would call. Certain tasks are better accomplished in the dark ... like body disposal.

  Jack checked his watch. That was six hours from now. He left the hospital and got in the car with Laura and told her about the conversation.

  “You think they’ve got Leitch and the Brit?” she asked.

  “Positive. The way things are going, I bet they’ll both be dead in less than six hours.”

  “We better reach out to our friend and see if he knows where they are!”

  “Whiskey Jake is with Damien. I’m sure our friend is involved and unable to call. He could be with Rellik right now.”

  “So what should we do? Set up on Damien? You can bet he is going to take a personal interest in this.”

  “Personal! Oh, it’s personal all right. Just ask Holly or Charlie or Danny and Susan! This is personal! It’s also personal for Damien!”

  “Jack, relax,” said Laura quietly. “You don’t have to convince me it’s personal. Danny’s baby convinced me of that. If the both of them are found with a bullet in their head, I won’t exactly lose sleep over it, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Good. Then let’s not lose sleep. Go home and rest. I’ll call you as soon as Damien contacts me.”

  Laura stared intently at Jack and then nodded in agreement.

  They were just pulling out of the lot when Jack received a text message from Lance.

  “It’s our friend,” he said, reading the message. “Says we need to talk. Urgent. He is on his way to meet Number One.”

  “He’s on his way here,” said Laura. “We could meet him a block away before he arrives.”

  Jack shook his head. “We don’t need him telling us tonight what is going to happen. I’d rather he tell us tomorrow.”

  “Good point,” replied Laura.

  Lance wasn’t too surprised when he received a message back asking, On your way to VGH?

  Lance quickly typed, Yes.

  Lance was shocked when his next message asked, The two interviews over?

  Lance paused, not sure how to respond. Then simply typed, Yes, but not finished.

  You safe?


  We’ll meet tomorrow.

  Jack put his BlackBerry away as Laura said, “Yes, but not finished?”

  “They’re still alive.”

  “That’s what I figured,” said Laura.

  A few minutes later, they stopped at a traffic light and Jack noticed that Laura was starting to tremble.

  “You okay? Your body is shaking.”

  She turned the heater on high and said, “I’m cold.”

  “I know how you feel,” said Jack. “I get ... cold too, when I’ve been shot at. It’s funny. You think it would happen at the time, but with me, it seems to come later when I’m actually safe.”

  “I guess that’s when we finally have time to think about it. How do you handle it?”

  Jack let out a sigh, then said, “Natasha says it’s something you need to be aware of and control. Emotional shock, acute stress disorder, PTSD — whatever the label, it basically boils down to someone being exposed to a life-threatening event. A reaction to something that causes intense fear, helplessness, and horror.”

  “Like back at the river.”

  “For Vicki and Katie ... yes.”

  “You trying to tell me you weren’t afraid? Horrified at what almost happened?”

  “Definitely, but not helpless. Neither were you. When we were running toward them, I slipped and fell. It didn’t slow you down any. You continued right on.”

  “I was too afraid to turn around. Thought I would get a bullet in the back.”

  “Or too angry. Either way, you’re not what I would call helpless. Remember that. You made decisions. You were in control. As long as your brain has control of something, anything, you are not entirely helpless.”

  Laura gave him a grim smile, then continued to drive. After a moment she turned the heater off and said, “Thanks.”

  “You may not know it yet, but there might be times when this job could become stressful. We have to watch out for each other.”

  “It could get stressful!” yelled Laura, while punching Jack on the shoulder. “Well, please let me know if you think that might happen!”

  They both laughed, harder than they would normally have, as their bodies and minds leapt at the chance to relieve some tension.

  “Does Natasha prescribe something for it? The stress, I mean?” asked Laura, while glancing in the rear-view mirror at her mascara.

  “A three-olive martini works for me. Care to join me?”

  Laura shook her head. “Thanks, no. Elvis will be wondering what happened. We’ve already logged in fourteen hours today. All I want to do now is close my eyes.”

  Laura was almost home when she drove past a liquor store, then slammed on her brakes and backed up.

  Jack was relaxing on the sofa talking to Natasha when the phone rang.

  “This stuff is awful!” said Laura. “How do you drink it?”

  “Ah ... you are wise to phone the master martini maker,” replied Jack. “It is actually an acquired taste. For beginners, I recommend...”

  Elvis saw Laura’s hand tremble as she slid a martini across the kitchen table toward him. He took a sip, grimaced, and then said, “So, you set the alarm clock for four?”

  Laura nodded.

  “Pretty early.”

  Laura took a swallow but held the glass with both hands to try to stop it from spilling.

  “Are you going to tell me about it?”

  Laura peered at him from over her glass but didn’t reply.

  “Something bad happened today ... or tonight.”

  Laura put her glass back down on the table and her eyes opened wider as
she feigned surprise.

  Elvis’s face reddened and he said, “Don’t lie to me, Laura! Don’t give me that act surprised, show concern, deny, deny, deny routine. You narcs do it so much that it has become a joke in our office. If you don’t — or can’t — tell me, fine, but respect me enough not to lie to me.”

  Laura’s face went blank for a moment, then she started to cry. Elvis put his arms out to her. She quickly rose and then sat on his lap and held him tight.

  “I respect you,” she sobbed, “and I love you more than anything. What happened today ... I really love you. This ... I can’t talk about it. Everything will be okay. Just trust me.”

  Elvis held her but didn’t respond. What is going on?

  chapter thirty-three

  It was quarter to four in the morning when Damien, Lance, and Whiskey Jake arrived back at the car wash. Leitch and Ray lifted their heads and turned to stare. They were still naked and tied face-down to the railings on the floor, with gags in place.

  Leitch’s eyes were wide with fear. His face was bloodied, but he still had hope. He grunted and whined as he tried to plead. White blisters on the soles of his feet were explained by the cigarette butts lying beside them.

  Ray’s eyes were dark. His experiences had taught him that pleading might only prolong the inevitable, delaying the welcome relief of death. The smell of burnt hair lingered in the air from more personal places where a cigarette lighter had been applied to his body.

  “What did you find out?” asked Damien.

  Rellik tapped Ray in the ribs with his boot and said, “Ray, here, was acting on orders from Carlos. They found out that Jack Taggart was involved with the first shipment that the cops grabbed in San Diego.”


  “They have sources in the phone companies. They did phone tolls of the U.S. cop who got the search warrants. They found several calls back and forth between him and Taggart. Right before the bust, during the bust ... and a call after. Good idea. Something we should be doing.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t Carlos tell me? Would have been nice to know, seeing as we had two more shiploads coming!”

  “They figured they had taken care of the problem before the next ship went out, except they whacked the wrong guy. That’s also where Leisure Suit Larry here came in. He told Ray that you weren’t prone to killin’ cops ... not even broads that work in the cops’ labs. They figured if you knew, you might back out of the deal.”

  Damien knelt close to Leitch’s face and said, “You will soon discover that killing people is an option I am not always opposed to.”

  Leitch grunted and whined as Damien stood to face Rellik again.

  “What about The Toad? Where is he?”

  “They both deny knowing him.”

  “I was told that they were both in a park with The Toad.”

  “Maybe someone bullshitted you?” suggested Rellik.

  “Same person said that these two knew each other. That info was good.”

  “I was pretty thorough, boss,” said Rellik. “I really don’t think they knew him. At least, not under that name.”

  Damien thought about this, then asked, “What about trying to drown the cop’s kid?”

  “Ray says that Carlos figured they could neutralize the cops by messin’ with their brain cells. Scare ’em all into doin’ nothin’. After that, he said somethin’ about giving them a choice of silver or lead.”

  Damien looked at Ray and said, “For your information, the cops in Canada are paid a fuck of a lot more than the cops where you come from. They’re not easily bribed here, and if you offer them silver or lead ... I guarantee they’ll give you lead!”

  “There’s another thing with Leisure Boy,” said Rellik. “Ray paid him a hundred grand to backstab us. Leisure Boy gave him reports from the rat cop before we even saw ’em. Also set up companies for Carlos to launder money here.”

  “Maybe that was The Toad’s interest in Leitch,” suggested Lance. “Using him to move the money out of Canada for him!”

  Leitch shook his head from side to side and let out a muffled protest. It brought him another kick in the ribs from Damien, who then asked, “How many guys they got here?”

  “Twenty-one people,” said Rellik. “But only four besides Ray that got balls to do stuff. The rest are mom and pop types used for laundering.”

  “Names and addresses?”

  Rellik nodded and said, “Phone numbers, too. The four tough asses live in a rented house together. Got someone watching it now. Don’t think anyone is home yet. Ray has his own apartment. We got someone lookin’ in it now.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Yeah. Before we got Ray, Carlos was planning to have you personally deliver the last payment down to Colombia. Wanted to see if you would give your life to save Vicki and Katie.”

  Damien stared down at Ray for a moment, then said, “Untie his arm. The one that’s broken. He can still use it to hold a phone.”

  Rellik untied Ray’s wrist, and a moment later Damien punched in the numbers on the cellphone. He waited until Carlos answered and then said, “Carlos, your brother wishes to talk with you.” He handed the phone to Ray and said, “I’ll let you say goodbye.”

  “Carlos!” screamed Ray, then rapidly spoke his native tongue.

  Rellik’s face betrayed his wishes as he looked at Damien.

  Damien stared briefly at Rellik and thought, You disgust me. He then said, “Yeah, go ahead. Do your thing. Leitch first.”

  Ray looked back in panic as Rellik put on a pair of coveralls and surgical gloves before picking up the broken broom handle. He held it with both hands and closely examined the spiral of barbed wire, then looked down at Leitch’s upturned face and grinned.

  The high pitch of Ray’s voice made it almost unrecognizable as he relayed the details of what was happening as Rellik twirled the broom handle slightly between Leitch’s buttocks.

  Leitch’s body writhed and squirmed against the restraints while he emitted muffled screams. Rellik then thrust deep and Leitch’s eyes and fists closed tight as his body arched. His scream was muffled by vomit. A moment later, his body went limp.

  Rellik slowly pulled out the broom handle, then walked around and knelt in front of Ray, holding the bloodied implement close to Ray’s eyes. He looked at Damien and said, “I better tape his mouth.”

  Damien nodded and took the phone from Ray, who pleaded until Rellik applied the tape.

  Rellik then looked at Ray and said, “For you, I will not be so kind. It will be much slower.”

  Damien held the phone close to Ray’s mouth. The gag that Ray wore did not block out the screams broken by the intermittent whimpering of a dying man. In the background, the sound of Carlos’s voice could be heard on the phone as he alternated between pleading, offering money, and then screaming when Ray quit speaking.

  Damien put the phone to his mouth and said, “How does it feel, Carlos?” before smashing the cellphone on the floor and grinding it with his heel. He then hurried out of the building.

  Lance followed and stood silently as Damien vomited before getting in the car.

  Jack was awake when he received the text message from Damien. They were to meet at six o’clock.

  Jack called Laura and asked, “You awake?”

  “Already showered.”

  “We meet him in an hour and forty-five minutes. I’ll pick you up. It’s on the way to the meet.”

  “An hour and forty-five! He could have let us sleep longer.”

  “I’ll buy you breakfast. Something other than olive soup.”

  Elvis’s eyes were closed, but he was awake when he heard Laura rummaging in the bureau dresser. She then went to the bathroom.

  He listened to the sound of her refilling the bullets in her clip ... and then the backup clip. What the hell happened yesterday? Moments later, he felt her warm kiss on his cheek, then she was gone.

  Jack and Laura were just pulling into a coffee shop parking lot when Jack received an
other text message. It was from Lance.

  “Our friend is still up,” said Jack. “Better cancel breakfast. We don’t have much time.”

  “Cemetery?” asked Laura.

  “You trying to pick up another date? Forget it. We’re using a parkade.”

  Twenty minutes later, Lance climbed into the back seat.

  “The Brit is Ray,” said Jack, before Lance could speak. “Carlos’s brother.”

  “Yeah, I fuckin’ figured you knew that,” mumbled Lance. “I thought I was about to be done with all this bullshit of havin’ to work with you, until Damien met ya at the hospital last night. Thought he would tell ya. Didn’t know you two were so tight.”

  “Actually we figured it out before then,” replied Jack. “So what happened? I know Damien had both Leitch and Ray grabbed.”

  “They were more than grabbed.”

  Lance recounted what happened and Jack and Laura listened quietly to the grim fate of Leitch and Ray. When Lance finished, he stared quietly at Jack for a moment and then said, “So you knew that Ray was the guy before Damien talked to ya in the hospital?”

  Jack nodded.

  Lance frowned and said, “Shit! I was close to winning this time.”

  “Winning what?” asked Laura.

  “An agreement with your partner here. He said if I could identify the Brit before he did, I wouldn’t have to work for ya anymore.” Lance looked at Jack and said, “Okay, I better go. I’ll be in touch when I need to be.”

  “Don’t bother,” said Jack.

  “What ya talkin’ about?”

  “We’re even,” said Jack. “As far as I’m concerned, you’ve more than repaid your debt. This is the last time I ever expect to hear from you.”

  Lance’s eyes opened wide. “You mean it?”

  “I mean it,” said Jack, while extending his hand over the back seat.

  Lance was quick to shake his hand and then said, “Man, you don’t know what a relief this is! Don’t take it personal — you’ve been real solid with me — but not seein’ ya anymore is ... well, better than winnin’ the lottery.”


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