Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 112

by Easton, Don

  “Don’t even think about it,” said Laura, pulling back and distancing herself from his reach. “The clock starts now,” she added, glancing at her watch.

  Lee turned his attention back to the phone. “Contact the delivery person again. I must speak to him within two minutes! No longer!”

  One minute later, Lee’s cell rang and he stared at Laura, as if in a trance.

  “Answer it,” she said. “Better hope it’s Jack and not a wrong number.”

  Lee answered and said, “Put him on. Quickly!”

  Laura cocked the hammer back on the pistol she was pointing at Lee’s face while carefully accepting his phone in her other hand. “Please … be careful what you say,” he cautioned. “You never know who is listening.”

  Laura subconsciously held her breath and brought the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

  “Hi, honey,” said Jack. “Kind of a long day, eh? You okay?”

  The pent-up emotion Laura felt released itself. “Yeah, I’m okay,” she said, as tears streamed down her cheeks. “You?”

  “Still above ground. Feel a little chilly, but I’m okay. Someone borrowed my cell so I couldn’t call. I was worried that you might have gone skiing.”

  “I … I was going to,” replied Laura, wiping her tears with her fingertips. “My friend is already dressed for it.”

  “Sorry about that. Somebody will be in deep ca-ca for not letting me call. I’ve, uh, been busy. Tied up until half an hour ago. Just got back into the city. They said I’ll have my stuff back in half an hour. The heels of my shoes somehow fell off and are being repaired as we speak. You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine,” replied Laura, feeling more in control. “Just get here.”

  “You okay to eat?”

  “You’re hungry? Now? After all this?” said Laura, instantly angry.

  “I spoke with Lee about twenty minutes ago. He apologized and offered to treat us to dinner. Being gracious, I accepted his offer. After all, it is just business. Nothing personal. I was supposed to call you but … these gentlemen I’m with didn’t understand the urgency. They insisted I would have to wait until I got my stuff back.”

  Laura paused a moment to collect her thoughts and said, “You sure this isn’t a way to … you know, get us together?”

  “I’m sure, but hang on. My favourite team is here. Mister Smith and … gee, I forget the other guy’s name. Tell Mister Lee to introduce me so I can shake his hand.”

  My favourite team? Mister Smith and … Laura clued in. Smith & Wesson! She put her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone and whispered to Lee, “The men with Jack have guns. He would like to be given one,” she said, handing him the phone.

  Lee’s head bobbed that he understood and he spoke into the phone. “You will give him anything he asks for immediately. Anything! Consider him your boss for now.” Seconds later, Lee passed the phone back to Laura.

  “Thanks, honey. I am now shaking hands with my favourite team. I would suggest that we take Mister Lee up on his offer for dinner. I need to buy a fresh shirt for the occasion as well. We should give everyone a fresh start, don’t you agree?”

  After hanging up, Laura took a deep breath and slowly exhaled before looking at Lee and saying, “I want lobster. Lots of it. Scallops, too. And take off the ski mask. You look silly.”

  At eight o’clock, Jack and Laura accompanied Lee to the Five Sails restaurant in the Pan Pacific Hotel. Laura ordered scallops as an appetizer and then dined on Atlantic lobster. Jack ordered roasted breast of pheasant while Lee contented himself with a meal of pan-seared Alaskan sablefish.

  Neither Jack nor Laura discussed what had happened earlier in the day and tried to keep the conversation light.

  As they were finishing their meal, Jack noticed that Lee’s hand still shook as he sipped on a glass of Chardonnay, “Kang, you have hardly eaten. Was the fish not to your satisfaction?”

  “It was fine, thank you. I have simply lost my appetite. So much has happened so fast. My mind is still reeling.” Lee noticed Jack’s appetite appeared to be fine and asked, “Didn’t today’s events spoil your appetite?”

  “I thought you were a little rude,” replied Jack.

  “You describe what I did as simply rude?” asked Lee in surprise.

  “Perhaps I am being needlessly finicky,” replied Jack. “I have been in your position before where such measures were taken, but you could have offered a sweatsuit. I was rather chilly.”

  “Oh, honey,” said Laura. “Quit being a wimp. The two martinis you had as an appetizer surely must have warmed you by now.”

  “A sweatsuit? That is your only complaint?” asked Lee. “Didn’t you find the whole ordeal stressful?”

  “Business often is,” replied Jack.

  “Your ability to … handle business is remarkable,” said Lee.

  “You appear to have done well for yourself, also,” said Jack. “Perhaps we should see if there would be an advantage for us to go into business together?”

  “Absolutely,” replied Lee. “We should talk later. Perhaps I can call you early next week.”

  “That would be fine,” replied Jack. “Although, I must admit, if the long hours we put in today are normal, then I should decline such a partnership. You may have noticed that Laura gets a little upset when I do not come home on time.”

  Lee smiled and said, “I have noticed that.”

  “I did find today stressful,” admitted Laura. “I would suggest we not do that again.”

  Lee lowered his voice and said, “Not as stressful as it was for Arthur Goldie.”

  “Oh?” replied Jack. “Did he have a bad day?”

  “I have heard,” said Lee, “that he had a bug infestation. One was apparently found inside the collar of his jacket.”

  “I see,” said Jack. “Bet he didn’t find that funny,” he added, glancing at Laura.

  “Certainly no laughing matter,” replied Laura, seriously, frowning at Jack.

  Jack speared the remaining piece of pheasant with his fork, smearing it around in the creamy risotto and wild mushroom sauce before taking a mouthful. “Will Mister Goldie be quarantined?” he asked, after swallowing.

  “Quarantined?” replied Lee with an evil grin. “No, I’m afraid the bug he caught was fatal. It is fortunate that I avoided any contamination. You have my gratitude.”

  “Ah, I didn’t really do anything,” replied Jack. “I would have handled it myself, but I am new to Vancouver and was afraid you might get the wrong idea. I did not want you to think that my organization was attempting a hostile takeover, if you know what I mean.”

  “I understand perfectly,” replied Lee. He studied Jack closely for a moment and said, “You are a shrewd and knowledgeable businessman. You opened my eyes about someone I thought was a friend. The bug was only part of the evidence of his utter lack of loyalty. I am told that he had surrounded himself by an enemy common to us both.”

  “An enemy who wears uniforms?” asked Jack.

  “Yes, their colleagues are known to do so.”

  “But you told me Goldie’s condition was fatal?”

  “It was. His experience was similar to yours, except he did not survive.” Lee glanced at Laura and said, “I have come to the conclusion that underground parkades are dangerous to everyone’s health.” He smiled at Jack and added, “He was not provided with a sweatsuit, either.”

  “I see,” said Jack.

  Lee raised his wineglass in a toast and said, “Today, although discouraging in nature, was ultimately successful. You are responsible and I am indebted to you.”

  Laura clinked glasses and thought, You have no idea how responsible …


  Da Khlot and Sayomi were summoned to meet The Shaman. They bowed at the entrance to his den before entering and standing silently as he gazed out his window at a clump of bamboo. Eventually he turned, waving an arm in the direction of his computer as if to explain it, and said, “We have to go back to Canada.” He pointe
d his finger at Sayomi and said, “Go alert the flight crew and tell them we will leave Sunday morning at nine.”

  Da Khlot remained standing and watched as The Shaman’s eyes followed Sayomi’s figure as she left the room. Even a shaman cannot resist her beauty. But she is still a whore …

  “There is a serious matter to attend to in Vancouver,” said The Shaman. “Mister Lee did not choose wisely for the candidate he named as his successor and enthusiastically supports a new candidate. I am concerned that Mister Lee may be blinded by his rush to correct his error or perhaps by his desire to return home. Either way, Mister Lee’s error in judgment and his rapid decision to correct the situation causes me considerable distress. Mister Lee will be provided with a test to give to the new candidate. Should the candidate fail, I believe it would be prudent to sever ties with everyone concerned. Therefore, your services may be required.”

  “The special suit?” asked Da Khlot.

  “No. This will require your personal touch in regard to the new candidate. What Mister Lee is unaware of, is that the results of the test will … gravely … affect him, as well. Understood?”

  Da Khlot nodded. If the new candidate was not suitable, both Mister Lee and the candidate would fall within the familiar category. To keep you is no benefit. To destroy you is no loss.

  On Monday morning, Rose was sitting at her desk when Jack called from home.

  “Guess who bought Laura and me dinner Friday night,” he said.


  “No. His boss. Kang Lee.”

  “The Enabler?”

  “The one and only. We dined at the Pan Pacific. Don’t worry about expenses because he picked up the tab.”

  “That’s unbelievable! How? Fill me in.”

  “I took a chance on bypassing Goldie and went straight to Lee. Met him Friday afternoon in his office. The meeting went well and he offered to buy us dinner, so we accepted.”

  “Incredible! You must be a hell of a talker. This guy potentially could be one of the biggest organized crime figures in North America … and you just waltzed into his office? I never would have believed it. Did you talk business?”

  “Very little. I think he was basically feeling us out. He said he would call me early this week to get together.”

  “This is astounding. Was Goldie at dinner, too?”

  “No, it was only the three of us. Actually my timing may have been lucky. By coincidence, it sounds like Lee and Goldie have had a falling out.”

  The alarm bells sounded in Rose’s head as she recalled the assistant commissioner’s words in describing Jack. The Coincidental Corporal … “Oh, really? Tell me why you would think that?”

  “A casual comment he made. Something about Goldie surrounding himself with an enemy common to us both.”

  “I’m not an operator. Spell it out for me.”

  “It means he believes Goldie could be an informant.”

  “Damn it,” muttered Rose. “That’s all we need. If he was one of ours, we’d have been told. I’ll go through channels and check with VPD. See if it’s true. If it is, they may not like us sniffing around.”

  “Relationships with local police forces are different than back east,” said Jack. “We don’t hesitate to work with each other. Unlike our brethren in Ontario and Quebec, out west most of us have gone through a stint in uniform.”

  “What’s that got to do with it?”

  “Good education when it comes to dealing with people. We don’t show up in a province still wet behind the ears from the academy and strut around like plainclothes detectives on a Hollywood movie set. It’s bound to build animosity and distrust. The sooner the Force clues in about that, the better. Don’t worry about working with VPD. It won’t be a problem.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. I’ve worked with them in the past. They’ve got some really good people. Besides, we’re a step up the ladder from Goldie. Now we need to find out who Lee works for.”

  “Ah, yes. The mysterious Shaman. Any clues?”

  “Not yet. One step at a time. Laura and I are going to take today off, unless Lee calls. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Terrific job, you two. It’s absolutely incredible. Can’t wait to tell Isaac. After his suspicions about you, it won’t hurt to rub his nose in it a little.”

  “Uh … why don’t you hold off until the end of the week. If Lee doesn’t call, it could make us look rather bad.”

  At two o’clock that afternoon, Rose answered another call that was less pleasant.

  “Where is that son of-a bitch?”

  “Who is this?” demanded Rose.

  “Connie Crane. I warned you! Where the hell is Jack Taggart?”

  “Taking the day off.”

  “Yeah, I bet. More likely he’s out in the country droppin’ off a body!”

  “Care to enlighten me?” asked Rose.

  “I-HIT picked up another homicide Friday night out in Langley. Unidentified man, stripped of his clothes and shot in the head. Found by a farmer who thinks some Asians did it.”

  “Perhaps you’re not aware,” said Rose, “that Jack is Scottish.”

  “Let me finish. I didn’t get the case, but I saw a picture of the victim and identified him. It’s —”

  “Arthur Goldie,” said Rose, feeling stunned.

  “So you already knew? What? You in on this with him? What the hell is going on?”

  “No, I didn’t know. Just a lucky guess.”

  “Really?” said Connie sarcastically.

  “Yes, really. But the grounds for your suspicions … I was told Drug Section were doing surveillance of him while they were preparing to get a wiretap. Did they see him and Jack together on Friday?”

  “I haven’t called them yet, but I’m suspicious every time a body shows up with a connection to Jack. I’m calling the narcs and I want a meeting right now with all of us. Including Jack and Laura!”

  “Anything you wish to tell me before we go in?” asked Rose as Jack and Laura arrived outside the boardroom. “Connie is already inside and I have to say, she’s steamed.”

  “No,” replied Jack, politely smiling as Sammy and two other Drug Section members arrived. “I think it best that we hear from everyone.”

  Once everyone was seated, Rose said, “Well, Connie, this is your show. You call it.”

  “We can make it simple,” said Connie. “Jack, tell us what you did on Friday, or do you not wish to speak until you have contacted a lawyer?”

  “Oh, CC. You are a character,” said Jack, shaking his head. “I’m surprised … concerned … but I must deny —”

  Two of the Drug Section members laughed outright and one said, “Yup, act surprised, show concern, deny, deny, deny!”

  “This is not a time for gaiety,” said Rose crossly, “or unsubstantiated accusations for that matter,” she added, glancing at Connie. “We have some serious matters to discuss. We will not turn this into a three-ring circus. Jack, out with it.”

  Jack reiterated the sequence of events that he had told Rose, including that he left Laura in the car as potential backup if it was needed. He said he went to Lee’s office and spoke with him directly in the hope of being able to bypass Goldie. He said that Lee was obviously interested and upon leaving his office, took them both out for dinner.

  “And you told me that during dinner he said something about Goldie being an informant,” said Rose.

  “That’s right,” replied Jack. “He mentioned words to the effect that he didn’t trust Goldie, that he thought he may be surrounded by the enemy, which I understood him to mean the police,” said Jack.

  After a momentary silence, Connie slapped her hand on the table and said, “Bullshit! First of all, you’re telling me that you walk in unannounced to a guy heading one of the biggest criminal organizations in the world with only Laura as backup?”

  “Hey!” said Laura.

  “No offence, Laura,” said Connie. “But this stinks. Shouldn’t you have had a
complete surveillance team? What could you have done if something went wrong? I mean, really.”

  “When it comes to my life, I trust Laura completely,” Jack replied tersely. “UC is filled with judgment calls. I admit sometimes we make mistakes, but more people means more chances of being spotted. It is not always better.”

  “Yeah? Whatever … but I don’t believe in coincidences when it comes to murder. Not with you. I don’t know how, but …” Her eyes searched the room for support and settled on Rose. “Damn it, Rose, you know my feelings. I warned you before about him. Jack and Laura call off the narcs on Thursday night and entertain Goldie on a boat. The next day the guy is murdered. Don’t tell me that you think it’s all a —”

  “It is our fault,” interjected Sammy. Silence descended upon the room as all eyes stared in his direction. “We got him killed,” he added, quietly.

  “How? What?” blurted Connie.

  “We had surveillance on him yesterday afternoon. At around four o’clock he took off and we followed. Everything was going fine for the first few minutes and then we realized other cars were following him, too. At first we thought our paths had crossed with the City. Then we saw the others were all Asian. About then Goldie drove into an underground parking lot. I called for the team to break off, but I think we had already been burned.”

  “You’re telling me they killed him because you were following him?” said Connie. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it?” asked Rose. “Goldie told Jack last Monday that this organization is so paranoid they were going to put him on the lie detector. Connie, I sent you a copy of his report. Didn’t you read it?”

  “Yeah, I read it.”

  “Did you also happen to read the reports outlining how much our office has done to assist you in relation to the murder of the homeless person in the park?”

  “His name is Melvin Montgomery,” said Jack, sounding irritated.

  Rose looked sharply at Jack but continued, “How Jack and Laura traced the gun from the U.S. up to Canada. Right across the country to Goldie’s doorstep? Including solid evidence in his garage linking him to the murder? Have you bothered to read those reports? Now you have the audacity to point a finger at him because he’s involved in a case where a suspect is murdered? If you’re pointing fingers, what the hell were you doing on Friday?”


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