Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 146

by Easton, Don

  “It’s called none of your business,” replied Jack.

  Lorraine mouthed the words “fuck you” and smirked again.

  “Speaking of which,” said Sy, “You both ready to go?”

  “Both of us?” replied Jack. “I was thinking we didn’t need Princess.”

  “Hey, I don’t want to be stuck sitting in the apartment by myself,” protested Laura.

  “Not really any choice,” said Sy. “You have to come. My friends said they wanted to meet the both of you. You get a van to use?”

  “Got one from Budget. It’s in the underground lot. You better duck down when we leave.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. I’m doing a lot of ducking these days. Give me a minute to go back to my place and use the can. I’ll meet you both downstairs.”

  When Jack and Laura left Brewski’s to go to the van, Laura grabbed Jack by the sleeve and said, “You try to cut me out of the action again and I’ll kick you in the nuts.”

  “It just occurred to me, why should we risk the both of us if there’s no need?”

  “That’s bull. You thought of it before and waited until we were in front of Sy, hoping he would agree with you.”

  Jack frowned and said, “Okay, you’re right, but think about it. Why risk your life if we don’t need to?”

  “Because I’m your partner. That’s why.”

  Balvinder received his second call that morning and passed it on to Fateh. After that he sent the second text that morning to his contact with Satans Wrath, asking to meet. He received a text message back saying: “Like before. I’m busy. Meet this afternoon.”

  Balvinder shrugged. He had done what was asked. Besides, by this afternoon the war might be over …

  There was a reason why the prospects couldn’t meet Balvinder right away. They were waiting in Sy’s apartment to confirm that Jack and Laura had left with Sy, before using the pass key they had been given.

  The prospects weren’t the only ones waiting. In a wooded area close to the United States border, Fateh bounced along in the back of a van with one arm draped over Big Bertha. A gang member by the name of Hadad drove, while three other gang members sat with him in the back of the van.

  Fateh looked out the window as the van approached an uprooted tree beside the road. Rutted wheel tracks led past the fallen tree into the woods. “This is it,” he said. “Hadad and I checked it out early this morning. There is only one way in and out.” He looked at Hadad and said, “Drive past the entrance and find a place where we can watch. They’re in a Budget van. Once they arrive, give ’em a minute to get in there and park. Then we introduce them to Big Bertha.”

  Jack and Laura gave Sy a curious look when he arrived and climbed in the rented van. He was carrying a box made of thin plywood that he set in the back of the van.

  “What’s that?” asked Jack, hearing a scratching noise come from the box.

  “That my friend, is Harry the Hamster.”

  “You’ve got a hamster in there? What on earth for?” asked Laura.

  “It’s a safety thing,” replied Sy. “Something my friend Cocktail came up with for the lab.”

  “The old canary in the coal mine?” asked Jack.

  “Yeah, something like that,” replied Sy, laying down on the seat behind Jack and Laura as Jack drove toward the exit.

  Shortly after Jack pulled out from the underground parking lot, Sy sat up and directed Jack to drive to a rural area near the United States border, which was about a thirty-minute drive from their apartment.

  “Why down there?” asked Jack.

  “They didn’t want to do the deal around my apartment. There’s a place in the bush we are to go to. I’ve never been there, but I drew a map,” said Sy, taking a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. “They always pick different places,” he continued. “They know what they’re doing. Don’t worry, there won’t be anyone around to bother us.”

  Part way to the destination, Jack realized that a car was following them and told Sy.

  Sy glanced back and said, “Yeah, I recognize Croaker, the guy driving. The bikers are pretty cautious. They do that sometimes. I told them what you were driving. Last night they gave me the route we’re taking. They put guys out along the way to make sure we’re not being followed.”

  Minutes later, Croaker passed them, slowed in front and turned off.

  “Just got the okay,” said Sy. “If he had turned on his four-ways, it would have meant we were being followed and to abort.”

  “Good,” said Laura. She swallowed and added, “I feel safer already knowing how careful these guys are.”

  “Is your friend Cocktail going to be there?” asked Jack, glancing in the rearview mirror at Sy’s face.

  “Naw, Cocktail turned the chemicals over to them. He won’t be coming.”

  Jack glanced at Laura who also tried to hide her disappointment by turning to look out the passenger window.

  “I thought Cocktail was going to help train Sammy,” said Jack. “We were supposed to meet him.”

  Sy shrugged and said, “He’s trained me. Don’t worry, I can set it up. Also got the recipes with me,” he added, gesturing to his BlackBerry.

  Back in the RCMP Headquarters building in Vancouver, a monitor saw an indicator light go on in Jack and Laura’s undercover apartment and turned up the volume.

  “Hey, we’ve got some action,” she said to her colleague. “Sounds like several men are searching the place.” A man’s voice over the recorder soon announced who they were.

  “Hey Taco! Look what I found,” yelled the voice. “Got a broad’s driver’s licence.”

  The monitor checked her list of names. Taco was the nickname of a Satans Wrath prospect.

  “What ya doin’?” asked Taco.

  “I almost missed it,” said the voice. “It was taped to the bottom of the desk drawer and fell off when I opened it. Look, there’s more. We got some of the guy’s ID too.”

  “Fuckin’ A,” replied Taco’s voice. “Take a look and see who Jay and Princess really are. Get on your BlackBerry to Pussy Paul right fuckin’ now.”

  Both monitors in the RCMP building smiled.

  “Snoopy bunch, these bikers,” said one.

  “Yeah, we should talk.”

  Jack drove as instructed and turned down a rutted lane past a fallen tree leading into a wooded area. Moments later they reached a small clearing where a scattering of empty beer bottles and the blackened remains of a fire pit told him the location was no doubt a favourite hangout for young people looking to party. He parked the van and shut off the engine.

  Another van immediately appeared from behind them and Jack realized it had been parked in a location hidden from view on the far side of the clearing.

  “That was quick,” said Jack.”

  Sy peered out the window and said, “Yeah, that’s Hamburger who is driving. He’s big enough to lift a full barrel by himself. That’s Chugger beside him. He’s no wuss, either.”

  Hamburger backed his van up and parked so the rear doors of both vans were facing each other.

  “You two wait while I go chat with them first,” said Sy.

  Jack and Laura watched as Sy stepped out of the van and met with Hamburger and two other bikers who got out to meet him. Jack opened the door and looked at the group and Sy motioned for him to step out of the van.

  Before Jack could move, the roar of an engine caught everyone’s attention as a third van bounced into the clearing and came to a broadside stop.

  “What’s going on?” asked Laura nervously.

  “Don’t know,” replied Jack. “Maybe more bikers for security.”

  “Hope so, or — oh, man!”

  Jack looked in disbelief as the side door of the newcomer’s van slid open. Inside they saw a 50-calibre machine gun mounted on a tripod. Fateh looked like a raging fanatic as he swung the muzzle around in their direction.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  One of the monitors in the RCMP building started
to panic. She had replayed two calls that had come in earlier that morning. The calls were related to the investigation by the Organized Crime Task Force on gangs, but were low priority because the intercept was on the cellphone of a low-level gang member who worked for Balvinder.

  The first call was from a young woman who said, “Your phone cool?”

  “Yeah, it’s in my mother’s name. What’s up?”

  “Sy will be leaving his apartment tomorrow morning with a guy named Jay and his fuckin’ bitch. They’re supposed to go meet some friend of Jay’s to do something. Probably sell him dope. If you meet me, I copied a rough fuckin’ map of where they’re going.”

  “Who is this fuckin’ Jay?” asked the man.

  “The same guy who drove that night when I called you from the party. I don’t like his attitude. He wanted to fuck me, but I told him he was so old I’d have to lip-start him. Freaked him right out,” she laughed. “I was hoping you would get him that night, too. Today is your chance. Put one right up his ass for me and do his bitch, too.”

  The second call was between the same people and the young woman said, “They’re heading out in a couple of minutes. Jay’s got a Budget van. Him, his bitch, and Sy will be inside. Don’t fuck up this time.”

  “Don’t worry, with Big Bertha on the scene, a fuckin’ cockroach wouldn’t survive.”

  “Who’s Big Bertha?”

  “A big fuckin’ boy’s toy. These guys will be maggot food by lunchtime.”

  The monitor fought back the tears as she reached for the phone. Investigators from OCTF had cautioned her to listen carefully for any mention of Big Bertha. Intelligence reports indicated it was the nickname of a 50-calibre machine gun that the gang was attempting to get. She also knew Jay’s real identity.

  Connie was sitting with Sammy in a pickup truck parked down the road from the rented farm house going over last-minute details when she received a call from the monitor, telling her about Big Bertha and the plan to murder Jack, Laura, and Sy.

  “That fucking whore! Who is she?” demanded Connie.

  “We don’t know,” replied the monitor. “It was an incoming call from a cellphone.”

  “Damn it, find out! If Jack and Laura get killed, she is going down for conspiracy. I’ll call Jack. Better hope we’re not too late!”

  “Let me call him,” said Sammy, who had his ear pressed close to Connie’s phone. “If Sy hears it’s me he won’t be so suspicious.”

  “That’s if anyone is left alive to hear,” said Connie, winding down the window for a sudden need of fresh air while Sammy dialled.

  Back at the clearing, Fateh hesitated when he recognized Hamburger. Jack looked at Laura and said, “Stay cool. See what happens, but on the first shot, bail out the door, stay low, and head for the bushes. Try to keep the engine block of our van between us and that gun.”

  “It’s too far. We’ll never make it,” said Laura.

  “I know.”

  “You know? Then don’t you have a better idea?”

  Fateh spoke to the other men in the van with him and gestured toward the bikers. It was obvious he hadn’t expected Satans Wrath to be present.

  As if reading his mind, Hamburger barked out an order. Both the other prospects took their windbreakers off to reveal they were wearing club colours. They only had the bottom rocker, but it was enough to show they were prospects for Satans Wrath.

  Fateh waved his arm at Hamburger and shouted, “You three better take off. I got business with these others!”

  Jack saw Hamburger nod.

  “Jack, the bikers are going to leave,” said Laura. “We’ll be massacred!”

  Jack jumped from the van and approached Hamburger and took him aside, under the watchful aim of Fateh.

  Hope you’re good at making friends fast, thought Laura.

  After a terse and whispered conversation, she saw Jack hand his BlackBerry to Hamburger who threw it to the far side of the clearing, before shoving Jack back toward the van.

  Oh, man …

  Hamburger shouted, “Hey! You! The broad in the van! Get the fuck out here!”

  Laura quickly got out and stood with her back to the side of the van next to Jack and Sy. She watched as Hamburger sent a text message on his BlackBerry.

  Laura felt her BlackBerry vibrate and quickly shut it off. She expected it would also be thrown, but Hamburger simply glanced at her and said, “Smart move.”

  A full two minutes ticked past before Hamburger received a reply, during which time Fateh manned the gun with both hands, staring at Jack and Sy with murderous intent.

  Hamburger looked at the text message, subconsciously nodding his head as he did so. When he finished, he told Jack and Sy to remain where they were while he and his two associates stepped back to talk in private.

  “What’s going on?” shouted Fateh from the van.

  “Shut the fuck up and watch,” replied Hamburger, while walking back and standing in front of Sy.

  “You are a stupid fuck, do you know that?” roared Hamburger as he punched Sy in the gut. Sy slumped and two more punches saw him fall to the ground where Hamburger started kicking him. Sy curled into a fetal postion and cried out in pain while loud cheers emitted from Fateh’s van.

  After delivering a stomp to Sy’s kidneys, Hamburger spun around and punched Jack in the mouth. Jack fell back against the van, stumbling to the ground on one knee before slowly getting up. He knew better than to fight back and was relieved when Hamburger stepped away.

  The other two prospects, with pistols drawn, searched Jack, Sy, and Laura. Jack’s rented van was searched next. The only weapon they found and took was a pistol they removed from Sy’s ankle holster.

  Fateh smiled as he took one hand off the machine gun and gave the bikers the thumbs-up sign.

  Hamburger smiled back as he and his two associates walked over to talk with Fateh.

  “Think we should try to run for it?” cried Sy. “Fateh is looking at Hamburger … the bikers are between us. Maybe —”

  “Wait,” mumbled Jack, with one hand checking his bloody teeth.

  Seconds later, Fateh’s smile was replaced with a look of panic as Hamburger reached in with one meaty hand and grabbed him by the shirt and hurled him out onto the ground.

  Hamburger then beat and kicked Fateh while the other two prospects held Fateh’s other four gang members at gunpoint. Moments later, they were searched and the bikers found five more handguns. After this, Fateh and his gang members were beaten and pistol-whipped with their own weapons.

  After the beating, Hamburger ordered Fateh and his crew to get to their feet. Fateh stood, looking dumbstruck as one of the prospects drove away with Big Bertha.

  “You really think you can get away with driving in here and pointing that fuckin’ cannon at us?” snarled Hamburger.

  “We didn’t know you guys were here,” pleaded Fateh.

  “Shut the fuck up! The cannon is ours. Consider it payment for fucking with us like that. Now fuck off! All of you!”

  Fateh didn’t have to be told twice.

  Hamburger and the remaining prospects returned to where Jack, Laura, and Sy were standing. Hamburger gestured to Jack’s bloody mouth and said, “That was to let you know we don’t like being used … although, under the circumstances, you made a pretty cool move.”

  Jack held his jaw with his hand. Four of his teeth were loose, but he was glad they were still in place. He had seen the punch coming and jerked his head back to minimize the impact. He smiled wryly as he saw Fateh and his followers looking back over their shoulders while limping off down the lane.

  “And you!” Hamburger yelled at Sy. “How the fuck did they know about this place? Who the fuck did you tell?”

  “I … I … I —” Sy repeated and stopped. He was too afraid to think clearly.

  “We’ll talk about it some other time,” said Hamburger. He gestured with his thumb to the van and said, “We got shit to unload, but I tell ya, any more fuck-ups like this and I’
ll personally cut your head off and kick it up your ass.”

  As soon as the chemicals and numerous boxes of glassware were loaded, Jack, Laura, and Sy stood at the back of their van and watched the bikers drive away.

  Jack looked at Laura in silence.

  “I’m okay,” she said. “How’s your mouth?”

  “Bleeding a bit. I’m sure it looks worse than it is. I didn’t swallow any teeth.”

  “So what the fuck did you whisper to Hamburger?” asked Sy. His voice had reached a higher pitch and he was trembling.

  “I told him that I had already called my people and said it looked like Satans Wrath had declared war on us and had lured us into a trap. He denied it and said they would never put themselves in the middle like that. I told him it wouldn’t look that way and he should talk it over with his boss. Guess the boss agreed with me.”

  “Fuck! How did you know the biker boss would think that?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “Man, we’re lucky. You saved my life again.”

  “Ditto for me,” said Laura.

  “Saved mine, too,” replied Jack. “But the question remains. How did Fateh know we were here? Who did you tell?”

  “I never said much to anyone,” said Sy.

  “Someone knew. You even needed a map to get here.”

  “Last night we were partying at Brewski’s with the guys who got released from jail. I may have said I was doing a deal with you, but that was all. I also took the map out to look at it because I wanted to make sure we didn’t get lost.”

  “You put it back in your pocket after?” asked Jack.

  “Well, I was interrupted, what with the partying an’ all. It was on the kitchen counter for a while.” He looked intently at Jack and said, “You think Brewski is playin’ me for the other side?”

  “We were set up when we left the party at Roach and Bagger’s. Brewski wasn’t there then.”

  “You figured Roach and Bagger set us up that night? That’s what you said!”


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