Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 194

by Easton, Don

  “Your history indicates that you are anything but easy to kill,” mused Connie. “Someone could be in for a big surprise.”

  “If I have a good cover team along with surveillance of the bad guys, we might get an indication about how they plan on doing it. For instance, if the bad guys meet with someone who later tries to do a hit-and-run on me, perhaps then that would be enough to apply for a wiretap.”

  “That would probably work,” agreed Connie.

  “Just make sure you don’t end up with a bad case of road rash, or worse,” said Laura, solemnly.

  “Can’t say as I would appreciate trying to scrub tire tracks off my head, either, but I don’t see any other alternative at the moment. The priority is to identify who calls the shots and get evidence against him and Oskar both, as well as the hitmen. To do that, we’ll need wire.”

  “I’ll prepare the wiretap application with everything we know,” said Connie. “If things go well, it won’t take long to add the critical information and get the order.”

  “The critical information being an attempt on my life,” said Jack.

  Connie nodded.

  “The three murders we know about have all taken place outside of Canada,” said Rose. “If we do go ahead with the UC, it would likely involve the need for co-operation from foreign police agencies.”

  “I’m okay with that,” said Jack, “providing my cover team is comprised of people I know. Ones who have been properly trained for the task.”

  “I have to say, it sounds really dangerous to me,” said Dyck. “You could get yourself killed.”

  “If I do get killed, I hope that a judge would authorize a wiretap then,” said Jack, sombrely.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Virgil answered his phone and immediately recognized Jack’s voice.

  “What did you find out about your brother’s criteria for hiring his next victim?” asked Jack, gruffly.

  “Fuck, you woke me up,” complained Virgil. “I spent the weekend partying with him on his boat. Caught the last ferry home last night.”

  “Quit complaining. What did Oskar tell you?”

  “He wants somebody from Victoria or Vancouver Island. He is only going to use the professional head-hunter recruitment type agencies in Victoria.”

  “You told me before he uses different regions to diversify his victims. Big deal. I thought you said you were a smart guy. Is that all you know?”

  “No, but give me a chance to wake up. He said they plan on doing the next guy in Asia.”

  “That’s a big continent. Can you narrow it down?”

  “He said they have legitimate business to do in a few places like China, Thailand, Malaysia … maybe Myanmar. He is hoping to get someone who has some knowledge of that part of the world to do the legit work first, before … you know, terminating his employment. He won’t be advertising that, but it is something he would prefer.”

  “And the legit work would be?”

  “Looking at different companies in regard to workplace safety, fair trade … ethical-type crap. Also someone who knows a bit about accounting and can look at books.”

  “Is that it?”

  “Yeah, except for schmoozing. He says he needs someone who is friendly and good with people because of all the corporate clients they need to suck up to.”

  “If you hear or think of anything else, call me.”

  “I expect he’ll be collecting applications this week.”

  Jack cringed. He knew he didn’t have much time.

  “You going to keep a close eye on who they hire?” asked Virgil.


  “Is it going to be you?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Jack.

  “Come on, I’m not stupid. You wouldn’t be all that interested in the criteria for hiring if you were only going to watch whoever he hires. You wouldn’t care. It’s you, isn’t it?”

  “It might be,” admitted Jack.

  “Might be?” laughed Virgil.

  “I’ll be applying, but it doesn’t mean I’ll be picked.”

  “Yeah, well I hope you are picked.”

  “Put it this way, if something happens to me and your brother isn’t caught, you’re going to jail.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I didn’t mean it that way. I just want it all to be over.”


  “Maybe you should use the team of people you have following me around to follow you instead.”

  “Oh, uh, they are not following you at the moment because of other priorities. You are all on your own for a couple of weeks at least.”

  Virgil hung up and gave a sarcastic laugh. He went to the kitchen and pulled up the blind to peer out the window. Like hell I’m not being watched. He wants to see if I’m going to go out and be naughty …

  Virgil felt the sash cord around his fingers and smiled. It gave him an idea.

  Go ahead and watch. You’ll see what a good boy I am. All in good time, my lovelies, all in good time …

  “How did he respond?” asked Laura, when Jack hung up.

  “He’ll figure I lied to him about saying there was no surveillance. I think it will keep him on the straight and narrow for today.”

  “You think?”

  “He’s tired and paranoid, but it wouldn’t hurt for you to go sit on his car and make sure he’s behaving himself. If he comes out, I don’t mind if you heat him up from a distance. He’ll think Special ‘O’ are doing their thing.”

  “What are you going to do?” asked Laura.

  “This afternoon I’ll pick up the electronic hardware and meet you at midnight to slap it on his car. I’m told these trackers are good for fifty hours of car movement before you have to change batteries. We’ll take turns monitoring the laptop.”

  “First time for everything. I have to say, it sure sounds a lot easier than the old days.”

  “For sure. The laptop will even sound an alarm. Every time he moves, we’ll know. Then you can watch the map on the laptop to see where he’s going. It will even time his stops.”

  “If he goes to a playground, can I shoot him?” asked Laura.

  “Thought you wanted to castrate him with his knife?”

  “You gave that back to him. Completely ruined my fantasy.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “All kidding aside,” said Laura seriously, “if he is arrested, it could seriously jeopardize any chance of catching Oskar.”

  Jack brooded as he picked up his phone and started to dial. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. As long as he thinks he is being watched, he should behave.”

  “Guess if he does end up watching some playground, I could have uniform check him out. That might scare him off until you’re done the UC.”

  “Too risky. If he goes into predatory mode, he will do a lot of counter-surveillance. If he doesn’t spot anyone following him, but ends up getting checked near a playground, he’s liable to clue in.”

  “So what do we do?”

  “Have to decide at the time. It makes it all the more urgent to get the UC underway and finished.” Jack gestured to his phone. “I’m hoping Comical Crime can help with that.”

  Laura grinned at Jack’s way of mocking the section.

  Jack’s call to Commercial Crime received the urgency he was hoping for. After a flurry of phone calls back and forth throughout the day, Jack received a call from Inspector Penn at Commercial Crime.

  “You’ve kept half our office pretty busy today,” said Penn.

  “Sorry about that, sir. It is urgent.”

  “No problem. We don’t usually get involved in these things. It’s got everyone’s adrenaline pumping. I think it’s been a good break from the usual routine.”

  “Glad to hear that.”

  “We have a resumé prepared for you that I think you will like. Also the right people are in place to verify it if someone checks.”

  “What’s my cover story?”

  “You used to work with the Minist
ry of Labour investigating best practices for employment and safety. I have someone you can contact to coach you on the basics of what you need to know.”

  “Much appreciated,” said Jack.

  “I’m not done. After the Ministry of Labour, you went to your current position working for EICG, which specializes in ethical investments. Their head office is in Vancouver, but they do hire people who work on contract out of their homes. Victoria would make sense. I have a contact person for you there, as well.”

  “Sounds perfect, but who or what is EICG?”

  “It stands for Equitable Investment Consulting Group. A retired member from our office is a CEO there. He is willing to meet you, as well.”

  “This is really fantastic. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

  “I’ll email you the resumé for your perusal, along with the contact numbers. The one thing we are missing is an accounting background, but that is not something you could muddle through without getting caught.”

  “A few years ago I took a basic accounting course to help me with a drug-money-laundering investigation. This guy isn’t looking for a chartered accountant. I think what you did for me is the best we can do.”

  “You mentioned he might want someone with a knowledge of Asia?”

  “I’ve been to Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan before. Once I went across a river into Myanmar, as well, so I do know some of the basic customs and culture of those countries. That part I can pull off.”

  “With the type of background he is looking for, I would be surprised if there is anyone in Victoria that could match this resumé. This should get you an interview, the rest will be up to you.”

  “I owe you one.”

  “Maybe you’ll quit referring to us as Comical Crime,” said Penn.

  “That’s a promise,” Jack said, smiling.

  “You’re home early,” said Natasha, as she followed Mike and Steve to the door to greet Jack. “It’s only four o’clock.”

  Jack gave the boys a hug and then kissed Natasha before saying, “I have to go back to work tonight at midnight.”

  “An all-nighter?”

  “No, only a couple of hours. But I do have a UC assignment that will keep me tied up for a while.”

  “UC. Shhh,” said Mike, putting his finger up to his lip and looking at Steve. “Undercover,” Mike whispered.

  “Undercover,” whispered Steve back, then made a loud “Shhh,” splattering bubbles at Mike.

  “Local?” asked Natasha.

  “No, but not far. I have to go to Victoria tomorrow. I’m applying for a job with a bad guy over there and have to make it look like I’m from Victoria. I should know by the end of the month if I’m hired.”

  “Will you be gone until the end of the month?”

  “No. I need to get a local cellphone and make it look like I live there. I’ll befriend a few waitresses and check out the regular haunts that I would be expected to know. If I’m hired, I will also need an apartment. I expect the operation to be short-term. Maybe a month or two, although it will likely include some foreign travel.”

  Natasha let out a loud sigh and nodded.

  “Do have some good news, however,” added Jack. “I called Bill and Marlene. If I am stuck working over there for a while, they are more than happy for you guys to stay with them so we can see each other.”

  “We can do that?” asked Natasha, looking pleased.

  “If by some remote chance a bad guy sees us together, I’ll use a cover story that you’re my ex-wife bringing the kids over from Vancouver to visit me.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Jack looked at Mike and Steve who were both listening carefully. “Going undercover with daddy, do you two think you can remember the cover story?”

  “That you and Mommy are divorced and we are visiting you,” said Mikey in a serious voice.

  “That’s right,” said Jack, before looking at Natasha and asking, “Where did he learn the word divorce? He’s not even four yet.”

  “Half the kids he plays with in the park come from single-family units,” noted Natasha. She saw a distant look on Jack’s face and quickly said, “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to bring up the park thing.”

  “It’s okay,” replied Jack, as an image of Virgil came to his mind.

  “Will Laura be with you?” asked Natasha.

  “No, I’ll be solo. I’ll have a cover team, but Laura won’t be involved. She will have to stay and keep an eye on our informant.”

  “Of course.” She glanced curiously at Jack and said, “This UC … high-end or low-end?”

  “High-end. Suit and tie … clean-shaven.”

  “Yes!” exclaimed Natasha excitedly. “Whoopee! My good-lookin’ guy is coming back!”

  Jack grinned in response.

  “So when does that thing come off?” Natasha asked, giving Jack’s goatee a tug.

  “How about now?” suggested Jack.

  “Perfect,” smiled Natasha, turning her attention to the boys. “Mikey, do you want to take your brother and watch TV? I think an old re-run of The A-Team is on. Daddy and I are going to have a nap after he shaves,” she said, with a wink at Jack.

  “Isn’t The A-Team a little old for them?” asked Jack.

  “You would rather they watch us?” replied Natasha.

  “Enjoy The A-Team, boys,” said Jack over his shoulder as he hustled down the hall.

  Jack met Laura at midnight, where she was parked down the street from Virgil’s house. He got into her car and handed her a laptop computer.

  “Hey, you clean up good,” she said.

  “Thanks. It does appear to have its benefits.”

  “You certainly do look less stressed,” Laura said with a smile.

  Jack decided to ignore her comment. “How long have his lights been out?”

  “Over an hour ago,” replied Laura.

  “Good. This seems almost too easy.”

  “Too easy? We’re dealing with a serial rapist. I’m not finding it easy at all.”

  “I’m talking about the new technology,” replied Jack. “Slap a magnetic car tracker under some bad guy’s car and what used to be an eight-man surveillance can be done by one person sitting at home.”

  “If you don’t mind curling up in bed with a laptop waiting for the alarm to sound,” said Laura.

  “Would you rather spend your shift out here twenty-four seven?”

  “No, I’ve done enough of that, too.” Laura looked at Jack. “I’m not complaining. This is great.”

  Jack returned to his own car and stuck a radio earpiece into his ear. After a radio check with Laura, he strolled down the sidewalk towards Virgil’s carport while Laura watched with binoculars.

  Laura watched closely as Jack ducked into the carport. The house remained in darkness and within minutes Jack had accomplished the task and met her back in her car.

  “Do me a big favour and make sure the batteries never run down … including the laptop,” said Jack.

  “Is the laptop waterproof? Do I need to take it in the shower with me?” asked Laura with a grin.

  Jack didn’t reply, but looked sombre as he stared out at Virgil’s house.

  “You okay?” asked Laura.

  Jack nodded. “I’m okay, but there is something I haven’t told you yet.” He turned in the seat to face her. “I told Isaac that I will hand in my resignation if this guy succeeds in attacking another woman.”

  “What? You’re kidding, right?”

  “No,” said Jack curtly.

  Laura looked at the laptop and thought about all the past experiences she had with electronic equipment that had gone faulty, or momentarily failed to work at a crucial time. “It happens, Jack,” she said softly. “Stuff like this breaks down all the time. This whole situation is not your fault.”

  “Isn’t it?” he snapped. “I’ve met Amanda and Megan and didn’t even have the guts to tell them what I was doing. I sure as hell don’t feel I have the right to pack a badge if I let
Virgil rape someone else.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next few days saw Jack busy in Victoria, where he obtained a local cellphone and dropped off resumés at various recruitment agencies. One agency took particular interest and said they had a company in mind that was looking for someone with Jack’s qualifications. It gave Jack hope.

  Potential living arrangements were also obtained. The mother of one of the RCMP members in Victoria managed an apartment complex. She agreed to allow Jack to use it as a mailing address. If Jack was hired, she had an apartment available at the end of the month that he could rent.

  On Friday morning, Jack took a stroll past the marina on the inner harbour across from The Empress Hotel in downtown Victoria to see if he could see Oskar’s boat.

  The marina was packed with many boats and people who were arriving for the Swiftsure Yacht Race scheduled to start in another ten days. Jack decided against going down to the actual docks in the event he bumped into Oskar.

  On Friday afternoon, Laura was at her desk when she heard the alarm go off on the laptop, advising that Virgil was on the move. She was becoming used to his regular pattern and stared at the map.

  For the last couple of days, Virgil had only made short trips to a store or periodically gone to the home of a man who Laura discovered had a criminal record for trafficking methamphetamines.

  On one occasion, Virgil had gone from the man’s house to a casino before returning to the man’s house again. It was obvious they were friends and Laura guessed that the man was part of Virgil’s drug-trafficking ring.

  This time Virgil’s route from home took him on a different path and she watched with interest as he left his home in Richmond and took the Oak Street Bridge into Vancouver. There he doglegged over to Granville Street and turned off on 66th Avenue before doubling back.

  He’s checking for heat …

  Laura grabbed the laptop and ran from the office. Virgil’s location was only minutes from her office and she kept her eye on the screen as she drove.


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