Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle Page 204

by Easton, Don

  “I feel horrible,” said Jack. “I don’t know what to say. That poor guy. It was such a fluke thing. I hope he wasn’t married?”

  Oskar shook his head and said, “No, but I do need some time to think about everything. I should probably call the American Embassy in Bangkok right away. You, uh, go and I’ll catch up to you later.”

  A minute later, Jack tapped on Jim’s door and was let inside, where the team was listening.

  “They believe your story,” whispered Willy. “Pike dropped off his luggage and went straight back to Oskar’s room. Before he got there, we heard Oskar mutter that he should have had insurance on Rabbit. Come and listen.”

  Jack listened as Jim turned up the volume slightly.

  “I can’t believe it,” said Pike sorrowfully. “After everything Rabbit and I have been through. To slip and die over a fucking wimp like that. The idiot doesn’t even realize how lucky he is.”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry about your friend,” replied Oskar. “I know you two were close.”

  “In the line of work I’ve been in, I’ve lost a lot of friends over the years,” replied Pike. “Getting shot or blown up is one thing, but to lose someone over something as stupid as this really pisses me off. Rabbit and I were warriors and that’s no way for a warrior to die. Just doesn’t seem honourable.”

  “Makes you appreciate life,” replied Oskar. “You never know when something unexpected could happen.”

  “I’m so pissed off, I feel like going to that fucker’s room and ripping his head off,” said Pike, as his sorrow became replaced with rage.

  “You’ll get your chance, but not around here,” said Oskar. “One body connected to us in this dinky little town is enough.”

  “You going to call the big guy?” asked Pike. “He’ll be pissed off.”

  Jack tensed, waiting for the reply. One phone call by Oskar might wrap up the case.

  “Maybe not. Shit happens. He knows that. Besides, if need be, he has a couple of other guys capable of helping out.”

  “I won’t need any help with either of those two goofs.”

  “We’ll have to wait and see what he wants. I’ll send an email from the hotel lobby and let him know about the accident and tell him that the corporate asset we had intended to unload is still with us. I imagine he’ll want to wait and talk face-to-face in Langkawi and figure things out.”

  “Think this will change things?”

  “I doubt it. At least, not much. We’ll fly to Langkawi as planned. The only difference I see, is instead of only sending Stew to Hat Yai, we’ll probably send the both of them.”

  “Do ’em both in Hat Yai?”

  “Knowing the reputation of Hat Yai, I doubt it would even make the news there.”

  The conversation came to an end when Oskar told Pike he would meet him in the hotel restaurant in an hour to eat.

  “Email?” asked Jack, looking at Jim.

  “If he’s being careful enough not to use his own computer, I suspect he’ll use a chat room.”

  “No direct contact,” nodded Jack.

  “I’ll see what I can come up with,” replied Jim. “It may take a few days to try and track things down, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up.”

  “If Oskar is meeting with his boss in Langkawi, things could work out perfect,” said Willy.

  “Providing we get them talking near a bug,” said Tina. “Hopefully before you go to Hat Yai,” she added.

  Pom put his hand on Jack’s shoulder and looked concerned as he shook his head. “Hat Yai is very dangerous.”

  “More so than here?” asked Jack.

  Pom nodded and made a slashing motion across his throat with his index finger.

  “I see,” said Jack. “Which means we can’t let Stew Pot go there. We’ll have to extract him before that happens.”

  “Hope it doesn’t burn things,” said Randy, “not that we have any choice.”

  “I’m going to slip back to my room for a moment, then get Stew and go for dinner in the restaurant with Oskar and Pike so they aren’t alone to talk there.”

  Jack stopped briefly in his room and checked out the Canadian Foreign Affairs and International Trade report for Hat Yai:

  Avoid all Travel …(Hat Yai) experiencing criminally and politically motivated violent incidents. Attacks against military and civilian targets occur almost daily, and include shootings, bombings, beheadings, and arson.

  Violence in the Muslim-majority southernmost provinces is highly unpredictable, and Canadians travelling in the region risk becoming casualties of an indiscriminate attack. Deadly attacks occur frequently and are regularly directed at government and security buildings and personnel, but have also occurred in a variety of public places, including shopping districts, entertainment venues, public transit, and hotels that may be frequented by tourists. Since January 2004, over 4,700 people have been killed and many more injured, including foreigners.

  Jack wondered how his own murder would be planned once Stew was extracted. Up until now, the murders had been staged as accidents. In Hat Yai, that would not be necessary. Murder was so common there that a bullet to the back of the head wouldn’t draw much reaction. He glanced at the report again. Beheadings?

  He thought of Pom slowly drawing his finger across his neck and subconsciously put his hand to his throat.

  Yeah, Pom, well put …

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Originally Oskar had planned that everyone would go to Langkawi on Tuesday, but Dixen’s death prevented that. The local police decided to hold Oskar’s passport until they straightened out who Dixen was working for and rectify a problem with a working permit that apparently was not in order.

  On Monday, Oskar told Jack that they would be staying at The Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa and told him to make reservations for Thursday. Jack was pleased with the delay because it gave the cover team more time to prepare and make arrangements with foreign authorities.

  The downside was that the time seemed to drag as he spent three days making small talk with Stew as they sat around the pool while Oskar and Pike preferred to go across the river to the casino in Laos.

  As Langkawi was in Malaysia, but close to the Thai border, Pom would be the only Thai policeman to go along, in the event they needed to coordinate things if Jack did have to go back across the border to Hat Yai in Thailand.

  The RCMP Liaison Officer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was contacted and arranged for a four-man security team of Malaysian policemen to take over security in Langkawi for when Jack and Stew arrived.

  On Tuesday, Jim and Pom both left the Golden Triangle and went to Langkawi to ensure that the rooms reserved by Oskar and Pike would both be under proper electronic surveillance.

  On Thursday, Oskar, Pike, Jack, and Stew flew to Bangkok and caught a connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur. There they caught another connecting flight to Langkawi. Their flight in Kuala Lumpur was delayed and it was after midnight when they arrived at the front desk of The Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa.

  As they received their room keys, Oskar told Jack and Stew that he would give them Friday and Saturday off to recoup from their travel.

  It had been arranged through the Malaysian police that Oskar and Pike would have adjoining rooms on the top floor, while Jim had a room directly below them. Jack was also booked beside Jim, while Stew was booked into a room three floors down from the top and flanked on both sides by the Malaysian security team.

  Jack was relieved when everyone received the keys to their rooms without incident. He recalled another case years ago in Calgary when he was getting a room with a bad guy and a hotel employee let it slip that the police had especially reserved their rooms.

  Once everyone had checked into their rooms, Jack went next door to Jim’s room and was introduced to the men from the Malaysian team.

  This team was headed by a short, heavy-set man by the name of Ahmad. He had a thick black moustache and a closely trimmed black beard. Ahmad and his team were Muslim and did not
drink alcohol. Jack wondered if they would stand out in a hotel filled with holiday revellers, but later discovered that there was a heavy Muslim presence in Langkawi and Ahmad and his team fit in fine.

  Physical and electronic surveillance of Oskar and Pike did not show them meeting with anyone on Friday. Oskar spent most of the day sleeping in his room and Pike spent much of his time working out at a gym in the hotel.

  On Saturday afternoon, Jack and Stew were relaxing at the pool when Oskar and Pike joined them. Oskar and Pike were both wearing bathing suits, but Oskar had also brought a large manila envelope with him.

  “How’s it going, boys?” asked Oskar, after sticking his toe in the pool.

  “Working for you is like being on a holiday,” replied Stew. “This is great!”

  Oskar smiled and looked at Jack. “You’re sweating like a pig on a spit. Have you tried the pool?”

  “I don’t swim,” replied Jack, who was conscious of his role as a person who was basically inactive in any physical sports.

  “I got him to splash around in the shallow end,” said Stew.

  Jack caught the look of utter contempt on Pike’s face and took the opportunity to impress upon him that he was an easy target. “Be careful you don’t burn your feet on the concrete getting to the pool. I did and screamed like a little girl. I couldn’t help myself.” Jack gave a goofy grin and added, “But it is pretty here,” he said, reaching for the asthma inhaler he had on a towel beside him.

  Pike rolled his eyes in response.

  When Jack put the inhaler down, Oskar handed him the envelope. “I guess I can count on you to keep this dry. Tomorrow I want the two of you to check out this property. It’s on the other side of the island from us, but the two of you can take a taxi.”

  “Property that the development company is planning to build a resort on?” asked Stew.

  Oskar nodded. “See if there are any obvious environmental issues. Then on Monday, I want you both to go to Hat Yai to check out the company making biopolymers. From here you can take a ferry back into Thailand and then grab a taxi to take you into Hat Yai. With luck, you should be back for supper.”

  Jack inwardly cringed. He knew they were coming down to the crunch. They either had to get Oskar talking murder with his boss, or extract Stew to prevent him from going to Hat Yai.

  “Hat Yai has a reputation for being a little rough,” continued Oskar, “so Ben will go with you to make sure you stay out of trouble.” Oskar turned to Pike and gave him a friendly punch on the arm and said, “Isn’t that right, Ben?”

  “You can count on me,” Pike replied, smiling back at Oskar.

  “When do you think we will be heading back to Canada?” asked Jack.

  “Hat Yai is the end of the trail,” said Oskar.

  “So early next week, then?” asked Jack, catching the smirk on Pike’s face.

  “Wait until you’re done in Hat Yai,” replied Oskar. “But I’m thinking you both could be on a plane back to Canada by Tuesday or Wednesday.”

  Have you already booked us tickets in the cargo hold?

  Jack made an excuse to go back to his room, but instead went into Jim’s room and had a meeting that also included Randy, Willy, Tina, and Pom.

  “There is no way we can risk letting Stew go to Hat Yai,” said Jack, as soon as he told them about Oskar’s plan for Monday.

  “Don’t think we should be risking you, either,” said Randy. “If Pike gets a gun or a knife and decides to do you, we may not have time to save your ass.”

  “I’ve thought the same thing, but I still think we should push it as far as possible,” said Jack. “Once we get Stew out of the way, there will be more available to cover me. Pom can take the ferry ride with us and maybe even have one of his men drive the taxi on the other side.”

  Pom nodded in agreement.

  “If Pike picks up a weapon before then, I think we should take him down and see if we can turn him,” said Randy.

  “A lawyer would tell him to say he was getting it for protection,” sighed Jack. “Still, I agree that we don’t have a lot of choice. Even with what they said in the room back at the Golden Triangle, it likely wouldn’t be enough.”

  “Not enough in Canada, but maybe enough in Thailand,” offered Pom.

  “Good point,” agreed Jack. “As tough a nut as Pike is, if he ever sees the inside of a Thai jail, I am sure it will rattle him.”

  “No colour television I bet,” Tina said, smiling.

  “Television in jail in Canada?” exclaimed Pom. He looked at everyone’s faces and burst out laughing. “You make joke.”

  “Yes, it’s a joke all right,” replied Jack.

  “Haven’t had Oskar meeting anyone yet,” noted Willy. “It also doesn’t look like he and Pike are coming with you tomorrow, so maybe that is when the boss-man is coming.”

  “It sounds like he’ll be meeting him soon,” noted Tina, “if he is talking about you leaving by next Tuesday or Wednesday.”

  “The trouble is, unless it is tomorrow, we can’t risk letting Stew go to Hat Yai on Monday,” said Jack. “My thought is to take Stew and check out the property here in Langkawi tomorrow morning. Regardless if Oskar’s boss shows up, barring any arrests, we’ll have to extract Stew and get him on a plane and the hell out of here.”

  “Have you thought how to do it?” asked Tina. “If he’s the nervous type and doesn’t play his role right, Oskar will be suspicious.”

  “I’ll tell him to act like a man,” said Jack, with a grin, “and blame it all on his wife.”

  “You guys!” replied Tina. “Typical!”

  Jack felt his phone vibrate and saw that it was Laura calling. He knew it had to be urgent.

  “We’re clear to talk,” said Jack, as soon as he answered. “How’s life in sunny Vancouver?”

  “Sunny? It’s Friday, midnight here and it’s raining. How is it on your end?”


  “It might get hotter. I think we’ve got a problem,” said Laura. “Virgil drove all over the place tonight. Residential areas and the whole bit.”

  “Checking for heat?”

  “I’m sure of it. After driving for a couple of hours, he zeroed in on two playgrounds. It’s not like anyone would be at them this time of night, so I think he was casing them for a return visit.”

  “Hope you have fresh batteries in the tracker.”

  “I put them in last night. They’re fresh.”

  “The two parks, are they in an area with nice homes, or are they areas with low-cost housing and apartments?”

  “One is, one isn’t,” replied Laura.

  “Bet he goes for the one with apartments. Stick to the plan and get everyone on standby. Sunday night is one of his favourite times to strike. If he makes his move, take the bastard down.”

  “How are things going with you?”

  “Monday looks like a big day.”

  “Monday might be too late if we take him down tomorrow,” replied Laura.

  “Sunday night there is Monday morning here,” said Jack.

  “I know, but that’s cutting it pretty thin. Let’s hope he behaves himself until you’re done.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” said Jack, tersely. “He’s one sick bastard. We have to catch him first chance we get. Don’t kink him up. If you do, he’ll be a lot more cautious next time and we may miss him. Rely on the tracker and get the team into position if he goes to a park.”

  “Wish you were here.”

  “You’ll do okay, but promise me you won’t take your eyes off the laptop.”

  “Are you kidding? I haven’t slept more than twenty minutes in a row since this began. I keep having nightmares that I won’t hear the alarm to tell me he’s moving.”

  “Good. I knew I could count on you. Now I have to go back to the pool and work on my tan. See ya.”

  “You jerk!”

  On Sunday morning, Jack and Stew checked out the property on the other side of the island where a future resort
was planned.

  “This seems all to easy,” said Stew, as they walked through a grove of palm trees back to where their taxi was waiting for them. “Can’t believe Oskar would hire us for something so simple.”

  Jack nodded in agreement and glanced at Ahmad and some of his men who were close by. Oskar didn’t hire us for this. He hired us to kill us …

  “Hey,” said Stew, pointing to a food vendor on the sidewalk. “I wonder if they have any black-pepper chicken. That stuff is delicious. Want to pick up an order and bring it back to the hotel? Bet it’s really cheap here.”

  “It’s only eleven o’clock in the morning,” said Jack.

  “So?” smiled Stew, rubbing his pot belly. “Since when do you let time interfere with good food?”

  “You go ahead, I’m not hungry,” said Jack. “I also want to make a call.”

  As Stew went over to the vendor, Jack quickly called Jim.

  “Anything?” asked Jack.

  “No,” replied Jim. “Oskar stayed in his room until ten. Pike was up at seven and went straight to the gym. A couple of minutes ago they joined each other down at the pool, where Oskar is relaxing and sipping a coffee.”

  “Any chance of bugging the sugar bowl?” joked Jack.

  “There isn’t one, but I’m wondering about getting Tina to go down there and leave her beach bag near them. What do you think?”

  “Good idea, but let’s save it for when someone else shows up,” replied Jack. “Oskar is sharp enough that we would only get away with it once.”

  “Makes sense. There is also night lighting in a flower bed near where they are sitting. People generally tend to sit in the same spots all the time. Maybe tonight I should look at hooking into the power line and running a bug as close as I can get. Maybe disguise it as another night light. Just not sure if it would be enough, considering the distance.”

  “If anyone could do it, you could. I’ll let you decide on that one.”

  “I’ll do some checking tonight and get back to you on that.”

  “I’ll be back with Stew within an hour. Time to bring him in and have a chat. We’ll use Willy’s room.”


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