Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 25

by Aimie Jennison

  Out the corner of my eye, I see Theo nod his agreement.

  She quickly picks up where she left off. “He wasn’t a gentle man and he hated that he had to hold back when he was with me. I knew he fucked other women; women who could handle his strength. I didn’t kick up a fuss because I didn’t want to lose the small part of him that I had. Theo came along, you were my baby and nothing else in the world mattered.” The smile on her face was like nothing I’d seen before. It made her look ten years younger and so beautiful. Like a mother that could have been loving, had she’d chosen that path.

  I can’t help but wonder what the hell any of this has got to do with her hitting me?

  “Cain and Ruby came along and I felt blessed. Truly blessed, I couldn’t care what your father did anymore. I was glad he left me with my babies so he could run the pack. I didn’t need him. I only needed you three. My life was bliss, but then Theo you hit puberty, and I realised you were a werewolf like your father. I already had an idea that was the case because you were never sick, not even with a head cold. I denied it for as long as I could, but your father saw these things and once it was time, he took you away from me.” She wipes at her tears with the back of her hands before blowing her nose into a tissue. “It was painful, God, so painful, but I had Cain and Ruby relying on me. So I carried on, only allowing myself to feel the pain when I was lying alone in bed. Most nights I cried myself to sleep, but by morning I was back to being the best I could be. When he came back for Cain, he broke me. I couldn’t pretend like before, even though I knew Ruby needed me. I’d lost two of my babies, and in the process I lost myself in the booze. Being numb to it all was all I cared about.” Reaching out, she takes my hand in hers.

  I can’t sit here and listen to this.

  Watching the tears stream down her face is going to break me.

  I want to stay angry at her. Damn it!

  I pull my hand away from hers. “You lost two of your babies and then you pushed the only one you had left away. What did I do to deserve that? Was it because I was a girl? It felt like you hated me for being the only one there. It wasn’t enough that my father hated me because I wasn’t a werewolf. No, my mother had to hate me too.” The lump in my throat’s starting to become painful, making me acutely aware that I either need to leave or break down in front of her. Hearing the crack in my voice, Theo tries pulling me into his side. I almost go, but I quickly come to my senses and remember how pissed I actually am.

  Running from the room before I can break down anymore, I leave via the front door, without looking back.

  Am I really so unlovable?




  Pulling my car to a stop on Theo’s drive, I spot Ruby as she storms out of the house slamming the door behind her. Removing my seatbelt, I open my door ready to go and find out who’s upset her. I can clearly hear her sobbing as she runs off blindly down the drive. My phone starts to ring in my pocket and I dig it out as I follow slowly behind her.

  “Yo,” I answer.

  “Eddie, I need you at mine now. Ruby’s run off upset and I can’t go after her. I need you to find her. It’s too dangerous for her to be out there alone.”

  “No problem, boss. I’d just pulled up as she stormed out. I’m following her now, I won’t let her out of my sight.”

  “Thanks, Eddie.” The silence in my ear told me that Theo had hung up after his parting words.

  Ruby slowed while I was on the phone, making me only a step behind her as I put it back in my pocket. “What’s happened, Ruby?”

  “I just want to be alone,” she complains, wiping at her eyes before turning to face me.

  Seeing the streaks of black makeup on her checks I rub them away with my thumb. “Who’s made you cry, Rubes?”

  “I can’t…I don’t want to think about it.”

  She wants a distraction and I’m up for that. I’m good at distractions. Throwing my arm over her shoulders I pull her into my side and start to lead her to the car. “Let’s go find a seedy bar to drown our sorrows in.”

  * * *

  It didn’t take long to find the seediest bar in town. Bob’s Tavern is one of two human bars in town; it’s situated on one of the back streets and looks just as seedy as it is. It may be dirty and full of old men, but no one will bother you while you drink yourself into oblivion. I glance across the table at Ruby, she looks like she has the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders.

  “Are you ready to talk yet, beautiful?”

  Downing the rest of her drink she waves her empty glass at Bob behind the bar to bring another. “My mum turned up at Theo’s…with a suitcase.”

  Rage races through my blood. I’d seen the state she arrived in. Her bitch of a mother had hurt her. How could Theo even let her in the house?

  “She’s claiming sobriety and begging for forgiveness,” she explains, not even noticing my rage.

  Taking a deep breath, I calm myself before speaking. I almost let a growl slip out. “Why are you upset?”

  Her eyes well with tears, she looks up with a trembling chin. “She explained losing Theo and Cain broke her. I wasn’t enough to keep her going. I know my father has always hated me because I wasn’t—”

  “Here you go, sweetheart,” Bob interrupts, placing a fresh vodka and coke in front of Ruby and taking the empty glass back to the bar.

  “He hated me b…because I wasn’t like you all.” My wolf is becoming restless hearing her sad tone. I stretch out my hand and squeeze her fingers.

  “He couldn’t have hated you, beautiful, he probably just didn’t know how to connect with a human. I don’t believe anybody would be able to hate you.”

  Giving me a grateful smile, she squeezes my hand. “Thanks Eddie. That’s a nice thought, but I guess we’ll never know. It’s not like it really matters now, he’s dead anyway.”

  “I’ll prove it to ya, drink up!” I nudge her glass in front of her on the table. “You need a night out with the boys, and then you’ll know that no one can hate you. Are you up for it?” I challenge.

  She stares at me, shocked. I can practically see her inner debate. A big, beautiful smile crosses her face as she picks up her vodka and downs it. “Bring it on,” she says, slamming the glass on the table.




  As we pull into the drive and Eddie parks his car next to Jared’s Subaru, I spot Theo standing by the front door with his arms folded across his chest, and I know I’m not going to get past without a fight.

  “Great, he’s got his dad head on. I seriously wonder if he forgets he’s my brother and not my dad?” I mutter, getting out the car.

  “He’s alpha. He only wants you to be safe.”

  I turn to Eddie. “I’m human, I’m not even pack,” I argue.

  He gives me a serious look. There’s not even a hint of humour in his blue eyes, which is unheard of for Eddie. “You are pack. Anyone of us would die for you, just like we would any other pack member.” His last word finishes on a growl.

  Knowing I’ve upset him I feel the need to apologise. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to piss you off, too.” Looking at the storm in his eyes, I know it wasn’t good enough. His departing grunt only clarifies my thoughts.

  Taking a deep breath, I face the inevitable and head over to Theo. After giving me a murderous glare, he turns and walks in the house. Knowing I wouldn’t dare do anything but follow wherever he’s heading. Probably his office.

  I take a long moment to close the door of his office behind me as he takes a seat on the edge of his desk.

  “Running off like that was dangerous. There’s a rogue vampire out there leaving dead girls on Dominick’s doorstep. Just because he’s a vampire doesn’t mean you’re safe during the day. He could have a human working with him. What the fuck were you thinking, Ruby?”

  I have no option but to be completely honest with him. He’s a werewolf and can sense a lie, I turn to face him an
d mumble the last thought that came into my head as I ran off this morning. “Am I really so unlovable?”

  Opening his arms, he loses the anger in his body with a sigh. “Come here, sweetheart.”

  I let him envelope me in his big arms, the feeling instantly relieving my fears.

  “It was dangerous, Rubes. You’re my baby sister; I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” He pauses to kiss the top of my head. “You need to promise me that while the rogue vamp is still on the loose that you won’t leave this house without having a pack member with you?”

  “I hate being a freaking human,” I complain into his chest. “It’s a good job I’ve already planned on going out with the boys tonight.”

  Pushing me away from his body he looks at my face. No doubt, trying to ascertain if I was being serious. “You’re not going out with those guys.”

  “Eddie invited me and I said yes. It would be rude to go back on my word now.” I grin, knowing my brother is a man of his word. He would never ask me to go back on mine.


  The door instantly flies open. Eddie must’ve been standing on the other side the whole time. If he were a human I would accuse him of eavesdropping, but he’s a werewolf, so he could eavesdrop on this conversation from most of the rooms in the house with his acute sense of hearing.

  “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this…You do not let her out of your sight at all!” Theo orders.

  Eddie nods his agreement.

  “Wait a minute. What if I need to pee?” I ask in a panic.

  “You pretend to be a couple and sneak into the toilets for a quickie. Ed, you turn your back while she pees,” he informs me, evidently having it all worked out.

  “No way,” I demand.

  “Then you hold it in because those are my conditions. It’s up to you, if you don’t agree, you don’t go.” Turning to Eddie he dismisses any argument I could have. “Who else is going with you?”

  “It’s just me and Paddy tonight.” Eddie shrugs. “We’re the only ones not on patrol,” he quickly adds.

  The frown that crosses Theo’s face convinces me he’s going to change his mind. I slump into the sofa against the wall.

  “I’ll pull Matthew and Jared off patrol. The rogue vamp is Dominick’s mess, he can send more of his guys out to make up for the loss of my two.”

  I perk up at his words, offering some advice. “You don’t have to lose the use of your guys. Eddie is one of your strongest wolves, I’ll be safe with both him and Paddy.”

  “That’s not happening, Ruby. Quit, while you’re ahead,” Theo says, his fists tightening against his thighs, his brow furrowed, and his jaw set firm with determination.

  Taking in both his and Eddie’s determined looks I know I’m not going to get a better offer. “Fine,” I quickly agree. I give Theo a quick kiss on the cheek and run off to get ready before he can change his mind.




  I stare in the mirror as I smooth down my skirt, wondering for the umpteenth time whether it’s too short.

  “You look gorgeous, Rubes.”

  Looking up, I meet Bel’s eyes in the mirror’s reflection, leaning on the doorjamb. “It’s not too short?”

  Striding over to me, she shakes her head as she stops behind me. “You’re going to have every hot-blooded males’ eyes on you tonight. It’ll make the guys’ job of watching you a nightmare.” She laughs.

  I slump down on the bed. “I hate this. I wanted to go out with the guys and have some fun, not turn their night out into a job. I hate being a human. If I were a werewolf, I wouldn’t need watching. Maybe I should just tell the guys to go without me.”

  “Rubes.” Bel sits beside me, puts her arm around my shoulders and pulls me into her side. “Ed is high up in the ranks, he knew taking you out would mean watching over you and he asked you anyway. You need a night out, if I wasn’t working I’d be joining you.”

  “Are you ready, Rubes?” Hearing Eddie’s voice, I jump up and quickly apply some lipstick, taking in my outfit and smiling. I’m going to have fun, even if it kills me.

  “Have fun and drive those boys mad,” Bel says with a wink, before glancing at her watch. “I’m going to be late for work if I don’t leave now. I want to hear all about your night out, tomorrow.” She suddenly disappears before my eyes.

  Teleportation would be a fun ability to have.

  Making my way down the stairs, I slow my pace as I come to the bottom hoping not to seem too eager. Paddy whistles as I come into view.

  “It’s about time,” Matthew grumbles. Matthew has never really had any time for me; another wolf who feels humans don’t deserve the time of day, no doubt. He would’ve loved my father.

  Jared shoves at Matthew’s arm. “Shut the fuck up. You wouldn’t even have the night off if Ruby wasn’t going out.”

  “I don’t have the night off. We’re on babysitting duty,” he spits out, with a slightly disgusted tone. Now I am really wondering if he is related to my father. Ass.

  Grabbing him by the shirt, Jared shoves him across the room. “You know what? We don’t need you. Fuck off, go do your normal patrol.”

  Matthew stares Jared down. He has no hope of winning and he knows it. Looking away, he silently storms out of the house. Jared’s an alpha werelion, of course, Matthew had no hope of winning.

  “Theo isn’t going to like this.” Paddy worries, looking at the door Matthew just exited.

  “I’ll explain things to Theo,” Jared reassures Paddy, as he gives me a hug. “You look good, kid,” he whispers, kissing my cheek.

  “Thanks Jared,” I say, before he walks off heading in the direction of Theo’s office.

  Jared has been staying here at Theo’s since the night of the rescue. Getting to know him has been great. It’s not hard to see the knight, Bel once fell for. His blond hair, blue eyes, and lean physique are an easy turn on. He calls me ‘kid,’ so I’m pretty sure he's never seen me more than as a sister; another brother to add to the ever-growing list of brothers.

  * * *

  The club is packed. The guys prefer Misty’s over night clubs, but my one hundred percent human status won’t allow my entry into Misty’s without a specially warded bracelet to negate the entry ward. So taking that into account, it’s no wonder the guys have done nothing but complain as we barge our way through to the bar. The complaints flow right over my head. All I can concentrate on is my sweaty hand wrapped in Paddy’s as he pulls me through the crowd.

  Getting served within a minute, Eddie hands me a drink before handing a bottle of beer to each of the others.

  Spotting a table become empty as someone walks away, I point in its direction. Nodding his head, Jared leads the way. It’s one of those high tables you can either stand at or perch on a stool. Choosing to stand, I push my stool aside, Eddie and Paddy do the same. Jared is the only one who prefers to use the stool.

  Placing my purse on the table with my drink after taking a healthy swig, I make my way to an empty spot at the edge of the dance floor. I’m here to party after all and I’m only about a foot away from the guys, so they could quickly reach me if they felt the need for safety reasons.

  I lose myself in the music, but it isn’t long before someone tugs me back against their hard body. “Hey baby, can I take you on a ride?” He leans down and licks the side of my neck in one long stroke of his tongue. I try to pull away from his iron grip with no luck. “I can give you the best night of your life, all with one little dance.”

  Judging by his words and actions, he must be a vampire. That meant with one dance and an endorphin-filled bite, I’d be high as a kite and having a blast. I quickly decline his offer, all while doubling my efforts to break free of his grasp.

  Suddenly Eddie is beside me, shoving the vampire away with enough power to push a human across the room. Luckily for me the vampire uses his strength to brace himself, or I may have flown across the room, too.

p; Standing his ground, the vampire releases me and turns to face off with Eddie. “Who the fuck do you think you’re shoving, you furry fucker?”

  “I’m shoving a bloodsucker who has his dirty claws all over a pack member.”

  Leaning in, the vampire makes a show of sniffing me. “She may be covered in your wolf scent, but she smells all human to me. No trace of a mating to any of you,” he says, grinning smugly.

  Ed growls and yanks on my arm, pushing me behind him. I’ll probably be left with bruises in the morning. “She’s the alpha’s sister. So you tell the rest of your bloodsucker mates To. Stay. Fucking. Clear,” he emphasises each word through gritted teeth.

  Raising his hands, the vampire slowly backs away, disappearing into the crowd. “She didn’t taste that good anyway,” he replies, leaving his words floating around us.

  “Fucker,” Eddie grumbles as he turns to face me, reaching his hands out to cup my face leaning in close. I lick my lips, unable to take my eyes off his. His other hand touches my neck and I close my eyes, pursing my lips for a kiss. I startle as I feel his fingers brushing over my pulse.

  “He didn’t bite you?” The question pierces through the lust fogging my mind. I quickly pop open my eyes, pulling back from his hold.

  “No, he didn’t,” I say, with a shake of my head.

  “Are you sure? You seem…” breaking off mid-sentence, I watch as he inhales. I’ve been around wolves long enough to know that he’s trying to scent something.

  Oh God, he’s going to pick up my lust. Please let it be mingled in with everyone else’s.

  “I’m fine, just a little shook up. I could do with a shot or two,” I say, hoping to distract him.

  A smile graces his face making his dimples pop. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all night. Shots coming right up,” he says, taking me to the others at the table before heading to the bar.


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