Vengeance Unleashed (The Wanted Men Series Book 1)

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Vengeance Unleashed (The Wanted Men Series Book 1) Page 26

by Nancy Haviland

  It didn’t matter. He wasn’t bluffing. He would kill them all, and anyone else in the hotel who couldn’t make it to safety.

  She brought her gaze back to the decanters Caleb had been fooling with. “What d-do you want me to do?”

  “That’s it. Now make sure they hear you. I want you to say, ‘Where should I meet you, Dad?’”

  Schooling her features, she turned so her voice would carry. “Where sh-should I meet you, Dad?”

  “Come on, Jacobs. You can do better than that. Put your poker face on and tighten up. A lot of lives are in your hands.”

  Knowing she had no other choice, she tried harder to appear normal and said, “I thought you were down the hall.”

  “That’s more like it. More what I’d expect from Vasily Tarasov’s fuckin’ daughter. Now, I want you to tell the biker Dad wants to see you.”

  As he told her where to go, she tried to picture it in her mind so she wouldn’t forget. The loading dock, behind the ballroom. Okay. But how could she get back there without dragging Caleb with her? After what Nika had just told her about hating Kevin, her friend needed her brother more than Eva did, and she wouldn’t endanger him in this situation that had nothing to do with him.


  “Yeah. I’m here.”

  “I don’t have to tell you not to pull any shit, do I? You get your sweet ass down here ASAP with your biker pal or everyone goes boom.”

  Swiftly gathering herself, Eva tucked her phone into her pocket while approaching her curious friends. “My father wants to see me downstairs,” she said quietly without meeting their eyes. She had no money, no wallet.

  Not that she’d need either where she was going.

  “He said for you to bring me, Caleb.”

  Both of them stood.

  “No! I mean, no, Nika, you stay here.” Do not cry! “I’ll be right back. He wants to see me alone.” God, she was blowing this.

  Nika was frowning. “Why?”

  “I’m not sure.” When the fear and emotion closed up her throat, she gave into it and let her eyes fill. “He said he wanted to talk to me about my mom.” That would excuse the tears. “I won’t be long,” she lied as she pulled her best friend in and hugged her so hard Nika yelped.

  “Ow, Eva! What the hell?”

  “Sorry, sorry,” she mumbled, letting go and turning away when all she wanted to do was hold her sister forever. “This whole thing is freaking me out. I’m just…sorry.”

  She went for the door with Caleb on her heels and stopped short after opening it. Aron, her father’s bodyguard whom he’d introduced her to earlier, was in the hallway.

  “It is me,” the hulking guy said in his heavy Russian accent, clearly having seen he’d startled her.

  Shit. How were they going to get past him? And the others lining the corridor? “Um… ”

  “Hey, brother.” Caleb and the bodyguard bumped fists. “Eva’s old man wants to see her downstairs. You coming with?”

  Aron nodded. “Vasily left room few minutes ago.” He motioned for one of the men standing not far away to take over his post, then waved Eva and Caleb ahead.

  Caleb nudged her into motion as she processed her father having gone downstairs. What would she say if they ran into him in the lobby?

  What would she do if Gabriel came out and caught her trying to leave?

  She walked faster.

  “You okay, Priss?” Caleb asked, lengthening his stride to keep up. “Your old man seems like a good guy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “He is.” God, she wasn’t even going to have the chance to know him. “I, uh, just don’t know why he wants to talk to me about this now, that’s all. Think he’ll try to draw comparisons? Maybe warn me off Gabriel?” She forced another laugh that almost turned into a sob. “I hope he doesn’t think he has the right to dictate my life when I’ve only just met him.” He wasn’t going to have the chance to give her even one scrap of fatherly advice.

  That knowledge triggered something inside her. Vasily Tarasov. He was her father. A powerful man who ruled an entire organization. She had his blood running through her veins. And her mom’s. A woman who’d raised her to be strong and resilient, her own person. Yet here she was, simpering with panic like a toddler who’d gotten lost at the mall.

  “Can’t blame him if he tries. You just met him, but the guy’s been in your life the whole time. Of course he wants what’s best for you.”

  Caleb’s words and her realization injected some steel into her spine, strengthening it, straightening it. Her head came up and her emotions leveled off. She might have to give in to Furio’s demands, but she didn’t have to do it like a pussy.

  And she wouldn’t. She was more than that. Her mom had made sure of it.

  They made it by thirteen guards and into the elevator without incident, and as the doors closed, stealing her view of Gabriel’s door, she couldn’t help but wonder how he would react when he learned she’d left. Her nape tightened. He was going to kill her.

  Actually, no.

  He wasn’t going to do anything to or with her ever again. They would never touch or laugh or talk or love—

  She blinked. Love?

  Yes. God, yes. Why pretend now?

  She was desperately in love with him.

  “I love him, Caleb,” she whispered, grabbing her friend’s hand in a grip so tight he winced.

  “Hey, relax, Priss,” he chuckled. “Who do you love? Your old man?”

  “No. Yes.” She shook her head and looked away from the wariness settling on Caleb’s face. “I don’t know yet about him, but Gabriel I do know. I’m in love with him. And I think my father will be easy to love because he loved my mom. And you and Nika, I love you guys.” She forced out another laugh that came out more of a croak and let go of his hand so he wouldn’t feel her trembling. “I just wanted that out there because I’ve been thinking about it lately and I don’t say it enough. Sorry. I’m tired and stressed. Ignore me.”

  God, if they didn’t get out of this elevator soon she was gonna go Bruce Banner on the bitch.

  “Priss. I think maybe we should go back upstairs. Tarasov can come to you.”

  She waved her hand. “I’m fine. I can use the drink.” She had to do better than this. Furio was going to kill people if she didn’t get it together. She flashed her best smile at Caleb. “Doesn’t help that I’m PMS’ing.” As expected, his eyes glazed over. “Right? When it rains it pours. Like I said, ignore me.” Shut up, Eva. “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t have that drink. If I do, I’ll probably end up bawling my head off and embarrassing everyone in the vicinity.” Shut. Up. Eva. “Maybe you could lend me your ratty t-shirt; I can use it as a tissue. Seriously, Caleb, you need a girlfriend. Please find someone to love you.” SHUT UP, EVA!

  She bit her lips and watched the numbers count down the final ten floors. The bell dinged and the doors swished open to present the lobby. They stepped out and turned right, and Eva made a beeline for the restroom she’d used the night of the gala. If she went out the secondary exit, she’d get to where she needed to be without involving Caleb or Aron.

  “You know what? Before I go into the bar, let me splash some water on my face. Just give me one second to get a grip, ’kay?” Before she could touch the door, a strong hand gripped her upper arm. She looked up at the man who’d been one of the blessings in her life.

  “You go in, clean up, and come right back out. Talk to no one. You fuck around in there and I’ll kick your skinny ass. Got me, Priss?”

  I love you, too, Caleb, she said silently as she nodded and pulled away. Like she normally would have, she threw him an eyeroll for good measure as the door swung shut behind her.

  With her heartbeat pounding in her ears, she ran through the restroom and slipped out into the back hallway. Without a backward glance, and moving as quickly as she could to the Exit sign at the end of the corridor, she pushed out into a dimly lit area that smelled of old car exhaust and salty air.
Her arm was snatched before the door had a chance to clang shut behind her.

  “I’ll never get over how fuckin’ gullible women are.”

  If the Mohawk didn’t give him away, Furio’s evil eyes would have done the trick. “I’m here,” she said. “Do what you’re going to do, but please, promise me you’ll leave Gabriel and my father alone. Don’t hurt them.” She looked around for the detonator he’d mentioned.

  Weirdly, so did he. But in an obvious way. Then he frowned and made like he was confused. “How can I hurt them? They’re way up there—we’re down here.” His grin was the stuff of nightmares. “Not hard to hack into a hotel’s surveillance system to see who’s hanging in whose room,” he explained in a drawl meant to make her feel stupid.

  And she would have, but rage over what she’d just given up smothered everything in its path. Fear, sorrow, and loss went down as her arm came up. This prick was probably going to kill her, so she might as well die like a Tarasov, she thought as her closed fist caught him right on the jaw. The hit sent him stumbling back, and she lunged for the door. He beat her to it, slamming it shut before ramming her so hard into the brick wall she felt something in her shoulder snap out of place. She cried out as he came in close, pressing into her from behind.

  “We’re gonna have some fun before I put you down, Jacobs.”

  With a hard yank, Furio spun her around. She didn’t see what hit her, but it sent her spiralling into darkness.

  † † †

  As Gabriel paced in front of the fireplace, he wrenched his head to the side to dislodge the pressure climbing from his neck into the base of his skull. Fuck. He wanted to go get Eva. Wanted her with him. Sitting in the corner, following him with her eyes, the way he’d gotten used to her doing.

  “Is there any point in going over it again? We bring the girls and Paynne to the airport then head to Enumclaw. Simple as that.”

  Only Maks could see this operation as simple when nothing about it was. Micha was next to him, looking prepared for anything.

  Vasily hadn’t returned yet. He’d gone down to do a sweep of the hotel with Dmitri when the radio signal in their earpieces started fucking up.

  V had his back to the room, his focus on the dark sky. Hadn’t moved from that window in an hour.

  Alek had his shoulder against the wall, his pale gaze straying to the door every so often, as if he, too, were wondering where the fuck his uncle was.

  Feeling edgy as shit, Gabriel finally gave into the urge and sent Eva a text.

  You hanging in?

  He wrenched his neck again and waited for a response.

  “Since we’re not moving, let’s try a different angle,” Maks suggested. “Vasily and Dmitri can go home with the girls. They lead the bikers while we take care of business.”

  Fucking Mr. Party Planner needed to shut up for a minute. “Vasily needs to send a message. Didn’t you hear him earlier? Weren’t you fucking here?” Gabriel snapped as he remembered Vasily apologetically informing him that Stefano would be killed in such a way that the Tarasov enemies would think twice before ever coming after one of his own again.

  His fucking brother was going to die tonight, and, despite their contentious relationship, that wasn’t sitting right with Gabriel.

  He looked at his phone. And why the fuck wasn’t Eva responding to his message? A simple yes would suffice.

  “I must have dozed off for that one, you asshole, considering I’ve been up for close to forty-eight hours covering your ungrateful ass.”

  Lifting his eyes, Gabriel saw Maks’s long middle finger on display. He went over and clapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Sorry, brother. I’m feeling…fuck. I don’t know. Something’s making me itch.”

  The suite’s door banged open and Vasily stormed in with Dmitri, Aron, and goddamn Paynne on his ass. As everyone snapped to attention—why the fuck was the biker not with Eva?—Gabriel braced himself.

  The worst came when Vasily searched the room, and finding Gabriel, looked him dead in the eye. “She’s gone.”


  “Gone? What the fuck do you mean she’s gone.”

  Much of the time, “gone” in their world meant dead. But no way did Vasily mean that. No way, Gabriel told himself. Eva had promised him she’d stay. She’d given him her word. It was his job to keep her safe. She wouldn’t fucking dare leave him.

  “You make me ask again and someone’s gonna end up dead,” he snarled as his insides started quaking. “Where is she?”

  Paynne stepped forward and explained what had gone down, but no relief came from the biker confirming that she was only missing. Everything around him began to slow as he fell with open arms into the zone he’d come to hate, but now appreciated more than he could say. Without effort, he compartmentalized and focused on what needed doing.

  “Get Jak on the security footage,” he told Quan as he went to the safe behind his desk to arm up. “Alek, call our guy at SeaTac. We need two choppers. Caleb?”

  The biker came over with guilt shadowing his eyes. “Yeah, man.”

  As much as he wanted to kill someone for allowing this to happen—Paynne would have been first on his list—it was obvious no one was at fault here, other than Eva for being too inexperienced to properly handle whoever had called her. If someone had at all.

  “Did she take her cell with her?”

  “Yeah. Back pocket.”

  He took out his phone.

  “No offense, G, but what good will calling her do?” Maks, ever the pessimist was hovering near Vasily, ready to be let loose on whoever his Pakhan had in his sights. “If they have her, taking a call is the last thing they’ll let her do.”

  “She’s not one to sit on her ass while someone solves her problems for her. For all we know, she could have faked the call from Vasily and fucked off to try to defuse the situation herself. I wouldn’t put it past her to try to meet up with Stefano…” He had to stop when his gag reflex got busy at the thought of her reaching out to his brother.

  He dialed her number and waited through the generic voice mail message. “You call me the second you get this. Get your ass someplace safe and stay there. I’m coming for you, and if you did what I’m thinking, you better hope I’ve calmed the fuck down when I find you.”

  Christ, he hoped she’d done what he was thinking. At least she’d be on her own right now.

  Caleb’s boots were a heavy beat as he walked in a tight circle, clearly agitated. “In the elevator, she was acting…fuck. I knew something was up. But she said she was stressed and it was that time of the month. Little shit knew I’d close up when she went there.” He rubbed his face like he thought a genie might pop out the top of his skull. “She even threw out that she’s in love with you, for chrissake’s.”

  Gabriel’s life ended with those words.

  “If there’s anything guaranteed to shut me down, it’s her and Nika talking about that shit.” He looked at Gabriel. “Now I’m wondering if she told me so I’d tell you. You know, in case…”

  Gabriel’s lungs burned like he was going under in an ocean of scalding tar. “She didn’t fabricate the call.” Was that his voice? “They got her.” Admitting she loved him proved it.

  He brought his phone up, but before he could dial Stefano’s number, Jak banged his way into the suite with a laptop under his arm.

  “Get over here.” The stone-faced soldier stalked to the desk and slammed the laptop down, the scar on his face standing out against his paler-than-usual skin.

  Everyone gathered, warily leaning in when play was hit on a clip from the security feed.

  The slash of light that illuminated the delivery area out back showcased Eva exiting the hotel. Gabriel’s stomach cramped at the sight of her, the knot growing painful when a man stepped into the frame at her back.

  “Cocksucker,” Vincente growled as Furio grabbed Eva’s arm.

  They exchanged a few words, and then, bless her fuckin’ heart, Eva landed a sweet right hook to
Furio’s jaw. As Caleb huffed out a satisfied sound, they watched her go for the door, but Furio grabbed her and slammed her into the bricks before she could make it through.

  Vasily’s curse mingled with the biker’s as Gabriel reached out like he could stop what he was seeing. Of course he couldn’t, and they watched Furio haul off and nail an innocent woman across the face with the cast that covered his left hand. Eva’s head snapped back and she fell limp right into the fucker’s arms. They disappeared into the backseat of a black SUV that pulled away the second the door was closed…revealing two bodies lying motionless on the concrete.

  “They’re gone,” Jak supplied, his voice solemn at the addition of two more dead.

  In that instant, Gabriel Moore, quasi-respectable businessman, died, and Gabriel Moretti was reborn, his wrath unleashed. He gave way to the black rage forming a funnel cloud that spun wickedly through his chest. But rather than send him into orbit, the chaos condensed and brought him to a level of command he wouldn’t have thought himself capable of. Emotion faded into the background of his psyche, taking with it panic and fear.

  He met V’s dark eyes. “I want you to contact every member we have who might know Stefano’s exact location. I want it now.”

  Vincente grimaced. “I don’t know if they’ll take orders—”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think you know, Romani. You start dialing that goddamn phone and you let them know the request is coming from the head of this family. I don’t give a shit if you have to threaten every loved one they have right down to their newborn children—I want that cabin. If they don’t give it, tell them to draw up a will. Make it clear and make it quick.”


  He looked to Vasily, noting the raised brow, and knew exactly what it was about.

  “If claiming my rightful place will get her back, and remaining there will prevent this from ever happening again—” Absolute conviction weighed down his every word. “—then that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  Grunts of approval were heard around the room as his cell rang. He snatched it up. “Eva?” he barked, desperate for it to be her.


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