Kerr: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 1)

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Kerr: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Àlien Mates Book 1) Page 8

by Ashley L. Hunt

  Hours later I am numb from everything my mother’s personal maiden has told me. I’ve known Bet my entire life, and I trust her implicitly. She hasn’t put two and two together in her head. But I have.

  Lying on the bed in the room my wife is being held in, I hold Kataline in my arms. Bet left us alone after she told me all she knew.

  “My father may have killed my mother, and earlier he threatened me with the gallows if I try to stop him from executing you. He plans on killing you to show the people from Earth we mean business. I fear he’s going insane.” My arm tightens around her.

  She shudders. “I have no chance, do I?”

  Her face is pale as she looks at me. My fingers trace the cupid’s bow of her top lip. “I will never allow him to harm a hair on your gorgeous head, my love. You are safe with me.”

  “He is the King, Kerr. And I don’t wish you dead for standing up for me. Perhaps it is my fate.” Her blue eyes go dark like storm clouds.

  “I’ll hear none of that nonsense. I will handle my father. With the help of the other royals, I can take over the rule of Euthenia before we even land back on the planet’s surface.” I take her sweet lips with mine.

  Her body turns to liquid and melts into my side. Her hand on my chest begins to move over the solid muscles. My hands run over her back, and I lift her to move over me.

  I don’t know exactly how I came to love and need her so quickly, but I have. My heart is completely hers, and I think she feels the same way about me. Her body’s response tells me so anyway.

  Moving my mouth away from hers, she groans in protest, but when I move my mouth to nibble at her ear, it changes into a moan, and she says, “How do you know what will turn me into a puddle, Kerr?”

  “I just do,” I say as I bite her earlobe, stirring another moan from her.

  The way her hands move through my hair feels better than I think such a simple act should feel. Her silky nightgown rubs against my naked chest as she lays on top me. The sensation of the soft fabric covering her ample breasts sets my body on fire, and I grow with the anticipation of feeling her wet depths.

  “I love you, Kerr. More than you can imagine. If anything ever happened…”

  “Shh. Nothing is going to happen.” Her brain needs to stop thinking about such things, so I move my mouth to hers and silence her.

  She tastes like the sweet drink she has been sipping on, and it sends a thrill through me. Kataline pulls away from my kiss. “Kerr, I want to taste you the way you tasted me. Can I?”

  My eyes go wide. All I can do is nod. That’s never happened to me before, and the idea is making my heart pound.

  She smiles and kisses her way down my body. She pushes down the loose, dark bottoms I have on, releasing my erection, and she wastes no time.

  Her hot mouth is on it, moving down the length, sending me into a light sweat with the magnificent sensation. “Kataline! That’s beyond anything I’ve ever felt before!”

  Her moan as she moves her mouth back up my hard cock vibrates it and sends a wave of pure pleasure straight through me. My hands go to tangle with her long, dark hair.

  The silky strands move between my fingers as her mouth moves up and down my cock. Her tongue runs along the underside, sending chills down my spine with every stroke.

  “You are very good at this,” I groan as she moves back and forth.

  One hand takes my balls in it, and she massages them. I have to fight the urge to let it go. Then she slips a pinky into my ass, and I blow.

  She gulps it all down as I jerk into her mouth. My moan is loud, and my body is jerking as my dick pulses out an enormous amount of fluid.

  Finally, she stops and pulls her head up. Her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “So you liked it?”

  I shake my head, and her smile turns into a frown. Hooking my hands under her arms, I pull her up my body. “I fucking loved it.”

  Just as our lips meet again, I hear the swishing sound of her door gliding open.

  “Treason!” my father shouts. “How could you, Son?”

  Two guards stand on either side of my father. I quickly roll Kataline to the side and pull my pants up to cover myself. “Father! Please! This is not treason. Stop jumping into conclusions! She is my wife!”

  “Remember that you’ve forced me to do this, Kerr,” he says as the guards begin to move into the room.

  In a flash, Kataline is off the bed and in front of me. “Stop! This is insane!”

  Her little body is shaking as she stands between them and me. “Kataline!” I shout.

  She doesn’t look back at me as she says in the firmest tone I think I’ve ever heard. “Leave us!”

  The guards look at each other. My father laughs. “Who do you think you are, little woman?”

  “I am the Princess of The Euthenia Nebula. The man behind me is your Prince. Guards, if you take him from this room, that is treason. And I will personally see your heads roll.” Her hands go to her narrow hips, and I find my heart racing.

  They could pick her up and take her away if they wanted. I’d have to fight them like a mad man. I gulp as my father’s face goes pale.

  “You have given me no more choices,” he says. “She must die. There is no doubt in my mind. We cannot take the risk any longer. She has poisoned the Prince’s mind.”

  I have no idea what Kataline is doing, but as the guards begin to move forward again, they stop, and confusion fills their expressions.

  “Take her!” my father roars.

  One of the guards cuts his eyes at my father. “I can’t move, Sire.”

  “What?” my father shouts. “How is that?”

  Another guard answers, “I have no idea, Sire.”

  Kataline looks over her shoulder at me. Her blue eyes have golden sparks flashing through them. “Do you want him taken into your custody, Kerr?”

  I look at my father and see how pale he is. It’s hard for me to completely turn against him and the act of jailing him may well be punishable by death if the other royals deem its treason.

  “You will meet your end soon, Earthling. Be it at my guards’ hands or mine. You have stolen my son, and for that, you will pay with your life. I have no idea how you’re stopping my guards, but I can still move.” He takes a step inside the room and then another.

  Drawing a short, white stick from the pocket inside his cloak, he clicks a button on the end. Instead of the blue glow of the paralyzing charge, it glows red with the charge which will take her life in an instant.

  “Father! No!” I get off the bed and stand next to her.

  “Kerr, do not make me use this on you, Son. Stay back. Once she’s dead, you will most likely come back to your senses. She has some type of mind controlling power. Her unique DNA must have some hidden powers we were never told of.” He takes another step closer.

  Kataline glances at me. “Kerr, you have not answered me. Would you like him taken into custody? If not, he will take my life. The choice is yours, husband.”

  “Father, please stop.” I find myself begging him.

  “This is for the good of our planet, Kerr. I cannot stop.” With one more step closer to my wife, he holds the stick out, and with his next step, he will be able to press it to her body or mine if I get between them.

  “Take him into custody,” I say.

  Kataline looks at the guard closest to my father. “You heard your Prince. Do as he said.”

  The guard looks worried. “He can use that on me if I do what you’re telling me to.”

  Her eyes focus on the stick, and the red light goes out. Then my father drops the stick to the floor.

  “How?” my father asks in shock. His light brown eyes travel to mine. “Son, don’t let her do this. She will destroy our planet!”

  “Take him to his quarters and lock him in,” I tell the guards.

  With a blink from Kataline, they can move again. Though thoroughly confused, the two on either side of my father each takes an ar
m and turn him to leave the room.

  My heart is aching like it never has before. I’m filled with contradiction. He is my father. My King. Yet, there is something wrong with him.

  He was about to kill my wife, and he may well have killed my mother. Kataline’s face is glowing as she turns to me.

  “How did you do that?” I ask and then take a step back from her.

  She shakes her head and reaches out for me. “I truly do not know, Kerr. It was just a thought that ran through my mind and with concentration I made them stop. Then I took the power from the stick your father held. It was amazing!”

  I nod, but I am not as excited as she is. “You had no idea you were capable of doing that then?”

  She shakes her head and steps towards me again. I take another step back. Her brows furrow. “Kerr, what are you doing?”

  My breath hitches in my chest. “What else are you capable of, Kataline?”

  “I have no idea. But, Husband, you have no need to fear me.” She reaches out to me, and I shake my head.

  “I need to go. I have to think. What we’ve done is treason. You have to understand that.” I pick up my shirt and put it on.

  “Kerr!” Her eyes fill with tears. “You’re afraid of me.”

  “No, not afraid. Just confused and maybe wondering if you have taken some control over my mind. I’ve never experienced the feelings I have before you came along. I have to think about things. Be rational about the fact you do have some type of powers.” Stepping back, the door opens automatically.

  “I love you, Kerr. Don’t leave me like this. I had no idea I could even do that. But I did it for you. Please!” Her plead is making my heart ache, and I have to wonder if it’s genuine or if she’s making it feel that way.

  “I’m sorry,” I say and then walk out of the room. What is going on? Have I been bewitched by my bride?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Addicted To The Alien

  Pain radiates throughout my body as I lie on the bed and cry my eyes out. My husband is afraid I’m doing something to his mind.

  If I am, I’m unaware of it.

  The thing I did was nothing I knew myself was capable of. And now it seems that by saving myself and possibly Kerr, I have given my husband a reason to fear me.

  Time has passed. Not sure how much but enough that I’m feeling very frustrated and penned up.

  I’ve done everything to stop this feeling welling up inside me. I’ve taken a shower and put fresh clothes on.

  Kerr’s unique scent was all over me. Making me want him so badly it hurt. I had to wash it from my skin and put on clothes that smelled nothing like him.

  It’s hard to believe the tall, masculine man is afraid of me. I would never do anything to hurt him. Not ever.

  I believe it was because he was in danger that my mind even did what it did. There was no fear in me for my life, only his.

  Out the small, round window of my room, I see sunlight. It’s a welcome sight, and we seem to be about to land on some planet.

  I guess this is Ulta Minor. Kerr said we’d be recharging soon. The ship lands on a light green surface.

  It’s hard to see much from the little window. A shiny, black ship comes down next to ours and lands.

  His aunt is supposed to be on one of the other ships. I do hope she comes to talk to me. Another female on my side would be helpful.

  This room begins to suffocate me.

  My door opens, and I see Bet. She won’t look at me though. She slides a silver covered tray into my room and then the door closes.

  “Bet, wait!”

  Kerr and the guards must have everyone afraid of me now. Had I known how this would’ve been taken, I’d never have used the power.

  Not that I even knew I had it.

  I suppose I should make an attempt to learn exactly what kind of power I have and how to use it only when I want to. Not when my emotions want to.

  With extreme concentration I look at the tray she placed on the floor near the door. The lid rises, and I see something different from the regular crawly things on the tray.

  Holding out my hand, the ivory colored page of what looks like paper floats off the tray and into my outstretched hand.

  It seems Bet has written me a letter. As I look it over, I can see she’s been told not to talk to me. But that she’s still loyal to me.

  She tells me not to worry, she will get me something I can manage to eat without Kerr’s help. It seems she will get off the ship on this planet and find me something suitable.

  A smile runs over my lips. And the door glides open. A tall, slender woman with long, flowing blond hair is looking at me with wide, deep blue eyes.

  “Nar?” I ask.

  She nods. “Am I safe in your presence, Princess?”

  “You are, Princess.” I rise and go to take her hand.

  “You have stirred things up, my dear,” she tells me as she takes the hand I extend and places her other hand to cover mine.

  “Seems so.” I smile and let her hand go and then turn and gesture to a chair. “Please, why don’t you sit so we can talk? Would you like a drink?”

  She shakes her head. “Kerr would be furious at me if I leave your room lightheaded from the drink. He’s counting on my intuition to know if you can be trusted or not.”

  With a heavy sigh, I sit in the chair on the other side of the small table. “I can be trusted. It was my intense worry for him which had me finding powers I had no idea I even had.”

  “You love him?” she asks with one brow cocked.

  I nod. “More than I ever knew possible. It hurts me more than you can imagine that he’s afraid of me.”

  “Afraid is not quite the word I’d use. He’s a smart man. You have to admit he did need to distance himself from you to see if you’re having some type of control over his thoughts.” Her eyes are pretty and sparkle as she looks me over.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve seen him. Is he okay?” My hands wring in my lap as I want so badly to see him in the flesh.

  With a nod, she says, “He’s fine. And you will be happy to know he’s thinking about things between you two. He and I spoke about what love feels like. I dispelled quickly his worry that you made him feel something that is not real.”

  “How so?” My hands stop twisting as I find hope in my heart he’ll stop this nonsense and set me free now his father is locked away.

  Her smile reveals perfect, white teeth, and she is remarkably beautiful. “I have the experience of having true love in my life. I married the love of my life, the Duke of Standon. Luthus is the best thing to ever happen to me. As my nephew told me of his feelings for you, I easily recognized them as legitimate.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. “That is nice to hear. My heart belongs to him. Never did I know love could feel like this.”

  She nods. “It is amazing, is it not?”

  I nod in agreement. “The King? Have you had the chance to speak with him?”

  A frown covers her beautiful face. “He is not well. Mentally or physically. I’ve been told his body is hot, and he’s shaking with a chill. We Euthenians do not get ill. But he may have some type of other blood coursing through his veins along with the Euthenian blood of his late mother.”

  “I happen to have brought some medications with me, as I am susceptible to illness like all people from Earth are. Shall I give you some? You can administer it to him to ease the symptoms of what sounds like a fever.” Getting up, I go to look in the small bag Bet brought from the room I was originally sharing with my husband.

  “Do you honestly think it would help him? I mean, you aren’t trying to kill him with a poison, are you?” She studies my reaction.

  “I can see you all might think I want him dead, but I truly don’t. Though he means to kill me, I don’t wish to cause him any harm. I swear it.” I hand her the bottle of aspirin and take a seat again.

  “My sister would’ve liked you, Kataline. There is a good feel
about you. I can see you are honest and you love Kerr. I can see it when you speak of him. Your eyes light up. His do the same when he talks about you.” Her hand moves to rest on mine as I’m drumming my fingertips nervously on the tabletop.

  “I’m sorry she’s not around for me to get to know. Kerr must resemble her more-so than his father. He looks a lot more like you than the King.” I look at her hand which covers mine.

  It's long and elegant. Her nails are pink and long, filed into a nice oval shape. Her tresses are long and braided only halfway down and then free-flowing over her shoulders.

  She’s taller and larger all the way around than I am. The way she sits commands respect, and already I am in awe of the woman. “Do you have any children, Nar?”

  “Two daughters. I cannot wait to introduce them to you. They’re with their father. I want to take you to meet them.” She stands and gestures to the door. “Please, let us waste no more time with this lunacy of you being a witch who is to be feared or a part of this uprising happening so far from where we are.”

  My legs shake as I follow her out of the room I’ve been trapped in for so long. Her hand quickly takes mine as she leads me out into the corridor of the ship where the bedrooms are all located.

  We pass a guard who looks at me with wide eyes, but he says nothing. Nar stops him and holds out the bottle of pills. “I need this given to the King to bring down what Kataline says is most likely something called a fever.” She looks at me. “How many should he take?”

  “Two, every four hours until he’s better,” I say. “Do you think he’ll take them, knowing they came from me?”

  With a shrug of her shoulders, she says, “Not sure. But at least, you’re offering.”

  The guard takes the bottle of pills and goes into another room, I suppose the King’s.

  Kerr comes around the corner, and we all stop. His eyes settle on me. Then he looks at his aunt. “You sure about this?” he asks her.

  I look away. His doubting me makes me angry. I try hard to find a place in myself which can understand his distrust in me, but it’s not easy. Not after all we’ve felt for one another.


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