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Trust Page 10

by Terry Towers

  His brow furrowed as he stood before me.

  My mood sobered. “Come on, you didn’t watch Dark Knight?”

  Thrusting a hand into his hair, he chuckled. “Guess you’ve answered my question on whether it’s starting to work or not.” Placing the whip on the floor at my feet he squirted some of the liquid on his hand, moved behind me and began to spread it over my back.

  “What is that?”

  “You don’t want an infection.” His hands worked the tightened muscles in my back as he spread the cool liquid.

  A moan escaped me as his hands worked their way lower. “Lower. Little lower.” My pussy clenched anticipation at the sweet torture of his fingers. To my dismay they stopped at my lower back, just at the curve of my ass. I loudly groaned my displeasure.

  “You ready?” Walking around to face me, he bent and grabbed the whip, awaiting my response while examining me with intense scrutiny.

  “Yesssss.” I caught my lower lip between my lips eyeing him like he was prey for my taking. I lowered my glaze to his cock, in a semi-erect state and licked my lips as I struggled against my binds. He wasn’t even touching me, but I swore I could feel his hands over my body - touching, probing, exploring - making every nerve in it tingled with delight.

  “All right.” With a nod of his head, he walked behind me and I heard the tip of the whip slap the floor. A moment later a loud crack vibrated through the room as the whip lashed out next to me.

  “I’ll try to make this quick.”

  I didn’t give a shit about the present; my mind drifted back to the feel of him in me, the power in his thrust and the sensations that had rushed through me because of it. I needed to feel that again.

  Another loud crack sounded from behind me, followed by what felt like heat running across my upper back, just below my shoulder blades. It was so sudden and had such power that I cried out as my body was jerked forward from the impact.

  A second lash came, as powerful as the first, but I groaned this time. On one level of my consciousness I felt the pain, but it seemed to be hazed over, contorted into pleasure. My head rolled back and anxiously awaited the next lash; I actually welcomed the feeling.

  A third and fourth lash came and it was beginning to feel like my back was on fire, along the lines where the whip had made contact. Again, I didn’t care, the need between my legs intensified and all I could think about was him, needing him, fucking him.

  “Agh, I need you to fuck me,” I groaned.

  There were eight lashes in all ranging from my shoulders to my ass before the whipping stopped. Instead of feeling exhausted like I knew I should, my heart was racing and I’d become a caged tiger. Once I was free he’d be mine, my pussy demanded it.

  Lance dropped the whip to the floor at my feet and quickly undid the cuffs around my ankles. When he undid my wrists I fell into him, my lips searching out his. I felt starved with need for him. When his lips parted and our tongues touched it was like sending a bolt of lightning through me – my body came alive unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. The sting across my back didn’t even register and neither did the warm trickle of blood down my back from my wounds.

  “Slow down.” He pulled his lips from mine and picked me up in his arms, paying careful attention to the wounds on my back. “You should rest.” He carried me over to the bed and carefully, as if I were a fragile piece of china, laid me on my stomach on the bed.

  “I don’t want to.” Quickly I rose to my knees and pulled him down onto the bed with me. “I need you.”

  “Gwen, baby.” He rolled to his back and pulled me to him, but instead I swung a leg over his waist and straddled him. Bending down, I claimed his lips again, cutting off his next protest as my hands explored every line of muscle in his chest. He was so beautiful, a work of art in my eyes and I needed to explore all of him.

  Not wasting a moment I positioned the tip of his cock at my entrance and sank onto him. We groaned in unison. “Take it easy, you’ve been through –”

  I didn’t give him a chance to continue with his word of caution as I began to bounce on him, rotating my hips with each downward motion. Closing my eyes and letting my head fall back, everything and everyone disappeared from my mind as I allowed myself to simply feel. The pleasure was more intense than anything I’d ever experienced before; it threatened to swallow me whole and I welcomed it.

  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!” My blonde hair whipped wildly around my head as I moved on him.

  Leaning back, I braced my hands behind me on his thighs and increased the pace, my breasts bouncing with the forceful motions. He began to move with me, thrusting up and meeting my downward motions, the head of his cock slamming into my g-spot with each thrust. It felt like I’d barely begun fucking him when the need for release became overwhelming. I didn’t slow down, I didn’t hold back. I let go screaming out and digging my nails into his thighs.

  Lance groaned, loud and feral. “Holy fuck, Gwen, slow down.”

  Despite his command to slow down, I couldn’t. A second orgasm was commanding my body, the pleasure and the feel of Lance under me consuming my mind. Another ripple flowed through me, exploding between my legs, making me cry out so loudly I had no doubt I could easily be heard down the hallway. My pussy clenched around his cock, begging it for his seed.

  The realization that he wasn’t wearing a condom sprang to mind, but I couldn’t stop. I wouldn’t. I was no longer in control. I was invincible – my body unstoppable.

  “Oh fuck baby.” Grabbing my hips in his hands, he forced me off his cock just as a gush of his juices erupted from him, coating my mound and stomach.

  The sudden movement broke me from my state of ecstasy and panting hard, I collapsed onto him.

  “Ohmygod, Lance. What the hell just happened?” I could still feel the urge to have him, but the sudden jolt from my elevated state grounded me enough to settle for lying over him, basking in the warmth of his body under mine.

  “You fucked me so hard I came at an embarrassing rate.” He chuckled, brushing his lips across my temple.

  “I think I’m falling for you,” I murmured, nipping at the side of his neck, barely aware of the words tumbling from my lips. A hint of the sting from the numerous lashes on my back came back to mind, but it still didn’t register as anything more than an annoying sting.

  His body grew tense under me. “You deserve so much better than me, Gwen.”

  “You’re going to save me. I owe you everything.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut and gave me a weak smile as he raked his fingers through my hair. “No matter what happens tomorrow, I want you to know that I wish with every fiber of my being this wasn’t happening to you.”

  Chapter 11

  “What did you do to her, you animal!” The sound of Becca’s voice screaming out snapped me back to reality as Lance shoved me into my cage, locking me in.

  I looked over at Becca, my eyes wild with panic. Becca never got worked up or called attention to herself like this. I looked back at Lance, who was glaring at Becca, his jaw clenching.

  “I’ll give you one opportunity to shut your fucking mouth, slave, or I’ll come in there and show you the consequences for shouting at your master.”

  “Becca please. No!” My back hurt, burning and stinging along the deep gashes. And the gashes were itchy, I wanted to claw wildly at my back, but forced myself not to. It was bad enough without making it worse.

  Becca looked from my pleading face to Lance and then snapped her mouth shut, retreating back to her cot, but refusing to lower her gaze, instead glaring at him, challenging him to follow through with his threat.

  “Please, it’s not worth it,” I whispered to her.

  She seemed to give my plea consideration and then her shoulders went slack and she dropped her chin down, eyes lowering to the floor.

  “That’s more like it.” Spinning on his heel he left the dungeon, his two rifle-toting men trotting behind him.

t happened to you, Gwen?” she whispered, turning her head and lifting her eyes to look at me.

  “I was punished.”

  “Did he rape you?”

  I cringed, not liking that word linked to Lance. It was hardly rape, but we’d had an agreement and our stories had to sync up. The story was that I attempted to escape again, I didn’t get far, he had no choice but to show me once and for all who the master and who the slave was.

  “Ohmygod, but weren’t there orders you weren’t to be touched?”

  I shrugged. “What happens if they disobey an order?”

  “When I first got here there was a girl similar to you, virgin, The Boss didn’t want her touched. One of the guards snuck in, took her away for a little bit, raped her and returned her the night before the auction. I guess he hoped they wouldn’t notice she wasn’t a virgin any longer.”

  “So what happened?”

  “I never saw him again.”

  A million scenarios rushed through my head, invading my state of serenity that the drug he’d given me produced. I was beginning to understand why people who had issues turned to drugs, they helped take the pain and anxiety away. I really didn’t want to think about the possibilities, but knew until I saw him again I’d have this feeling of dread within me. I didn’t think I’d be able to survive here or anywhere else for that matter without him.

  If they killed him then they might as well kill me too.


  “Wakie, wakie sweetness.” A deep male voice broke through my dreams, pulling me awake.

  I opened my eyes and screamed as I saw Connor staring down at me, his face only inches from mine. I looked around frantically, but there was no escape. He had me cornered on my cot.

  “What are you doing? Where’s Lance?”

  A sinister smile spread across his lips. “It’s my understanding that you’re no longer untouchable.” His eyes wandered down the length of my body as his hand cupped my mound.

  “My master will kill you if you touch me!” I growled.

  “I don’t think I need to worry about that.” He thrust a finger into me and I screamed out clawing at him, catching the side of his face with my nails, leaving a long angry gash. “Fucking whore!” Removing his finger from my core he raised his hand to me and I closed my eyes waiting for the blow to come.

  It didn’t come.

  “She’s already in bad enough shape, don’t damage her face.” I opened my eyes to see Tanner behind Connor, grasping his wrist and keeping him from delivering the blow. “I told you to come get her for the auction not rape her. Fuck. I can’t trust you for a fucking second.”

  Connor grunted, lowering his hand and leaning into me, his lips brushing my ear. “After the sale, baby. I’m going to fuck every one of your holes before you leave here.” His whisper was only loud enough for me to hear and it caused my entire body to tremble because I knew he’d follow through with the threat. He straightened and took a step back so Tanner could hook a leash to my collar.

  “Where’s Lance?” I asked Tanner.

  Tanner chuckled. “Where he is isn’t any of your concern, but you won’t be seeing him again.” He gave the leash a tug, pulling me from the cot. “Now come on. It’s your turn up at auction.”

  As I walked behind Tanner and Connor I felt numb. I didn’t even care what happened to me, all I wanted to know was that he was okay. Could they have killed him like they killed the other guy? Would his own father kill his son over me? It was insanity, but then again The Boss and the men working for him were hardly sane, sane people didn’t kidnap, rape and sell women as if they were just another good to be bartered.

  It wasn’t until we stopped in front of an elevator and Tanner pressed in the code that I took notice that we were in an unfamiliar area of the compound. Asking where we were was on the tip of my tongue, but I held it back. Not like they’d answer if I wanted them to.

  The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. We stepped inside and he pressed the only button available. The doors closed with a whoosh and we went up a floor. When the doors opened another door swung open revealing a home library.

  What the fuck?

  I felt a tug at my neck and I followed behind, trying to catch glimpses of the house as I was guided through it. This floor was nothing like the other floor. Where the other floor had been plain and cold, this section was warm and inviting, elegant in décor. When we stopped I lifted my eyes just high enough to see I was in a room with a stage in the center. A contraption similar to the one in the BDSM room sat atop the stage, but the binds were suspended on a giant steel X.

  To my left there was a giant mirror, but I knew it wasn’t an ordinary mirror. I wondered how many people were on the other side of the mirror. How many wanted to purchase me and who. I didn’t fight when they pulled me onto the platform and strapped me in. There was no point.

  I noticed that Jazz had joined us in the room, with a rifle slung over his shoulder. What would it take to make him use it on me? I’d die before going somewhere else or being raped by one of the monsters working here. No, I couldn’t go down that road. As long as I was alive there was hope. I knew I had to keep reminding myself of that.

  “All secure,” Connor stated, jumping from the platform.

  “Good. I’ll go tell The Boss we’re ready for the buyers,” Tanner replied.

  I was thankful for the binds around my wrists because without them I would have crumbled to the floor. My fate would be standing behind that window. The lashes at my back seemed to hurt worse than ever, so I focused on the pain, anything to escape the thoughts racing through my head.

  Connor and Jazz took their places on either side of the door as Tanner left. I could feel their gazes burning into me, but refused to look up, keeping my eyes downcast.

  “Gentlemen, up for bids is a blonde Caucasian, eighteen years of age, in perfect health with no STDs. No tattoos or blemishes, however there are lash marks that will most likely turn to scarring on her back. Semi-docile temperament and in need of training.” I immediately knew The Boss’s voice to be the one speaking. “Please place your bids.”

  A gasp escaped me as the platform began to slowly turn so the people in the other room could get a complete 360-degree view of my body. I felt like a fucking animal at the pet shop.

  “Not a virgin.” Hearing I was no longer a virgin made my heart ache. Where was my knight in shining armour? A tear trickled down my cheek.

  For a flash of a second I wondered if it was just a game, if perhaps he’d been just fucking with my mind to show all you had to do was show me a little compassion and I’d become an eager participant in any fucked-up punishment he had in store for me. The idea tore at my heart; I couldn’t for sake of my sanity entertain the notion. When I’d arrived I swore I’d never let them break me, but the thought that the only light in my life at that moment betrayed me would shatter me into a million pieces.

  “Damn, bitch is getting expensive,” Jazz muttered.

  I opened my eyes and listened as the auctioneer rattled off prices; $28,000… $30,000… $34,000… They kept going up and up.

  “SOLD!” The Boss announced. My life was worth $39,000, less than a sports car or a new truck.

  “You should be proud, whore, you’re one of our highest-selling bitches to date, even with a fucked-up back and having a dick in ya,” Connor commented.

  “Fuck you!” I growled, glaring at Connor and then at Jazz. I belonged to someone else now, I guessed they wouldn’t dare touch me until the sale was final and jeopardize the sale. “Disgusting fuckers! No wonder you have to rape women, it’s the only way to get them to sleep with you.” If I was wrong, I’d be in for the beating of a lifetime, but I couldn’t help it, it may be my only chance to at least verbalize how vile they were to me.

  I could see the tension in Connor’s stance as he eyed me like I was prey. Jazz stepped in front of him, whispering something to him. It took a minute but Connor’s stance relaxed, however he continued to glare at me. No do
ubt if he had a chance he’d strangle the life from me. If the buyer decided to keep me here for training I no doubt would be in for a world of hurt.

  Tanner entered the room and strode over to me. I could see anger in his expression so intense it made me cringe. Quickly he released my binding and hooked a leash to my collar. “Come on.” He gave the leash a violent yank, nearly sending me toppling to the floor. I just barely caught my balance before trotting after him, ignoring the glares from Jazz and Connor.

  We didn’t go back downstairs, instead he led me down a new corridor and into a small room. It was very similar to the room I was put in when I was first introduced to Lance. A double-sized bed and a couple of chairs furnished the room, but this time the chairs were larger plush chairs and the bedspread wasn’t a plain army blanket, but a nice patchwork quilt.

  He unlatched the leash from my collar and tossed me onto the bed. “Don’t fucking move, your buyer will be here in a bit.” Without another word he exited the room and I heard the lock click behind him.

  Glancing around the room I noticed there wasn’t a camera in this room. I was starting to get it. The compound was a dungeon hidden away, but on top of it was a mansion. No one who entered would ever guess what went on downstairs. I now got why slaves weren’t allowed topside. Which led me to wonder, who was The Boss anyhow? I was coming to the conclusion that he was more than just the head of a slave trading organization.

  The sound of the lock disengaging made my pulse race and I cowered to the back of the bed, pulling my knees up to my chest and turning myself into a little ball. My body began to tense and the room felt like it was beginning to close in on me. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on my breathing. I couldn’t have an attack now. Couldn’t. I needed Lance, I needed him so much right now.

  Chapter 12

  “Ohmygod! Lance!” I nearly fell from the bed in my haste to get to him as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

  He grunted as I threw myself into his arms. “Easy, easy.” He groaned again and pulled back from me.


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