Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4)

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Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4) Page 4

by D. A. Young


  Casey Sullivan hung up the phone and threw it into his briefcase when he reached Sidra’s voicemail for the sixth time that evening. Closing the case, he picked it up and left his law office after locking up. It was now after nine in the evening, but he’d finally finished his caseload so that he would be able to concentrate on Darby’s wedding and spending time with Sidra. It was a warm night in D.C., filled with people socializing, and Casey realized he didn’t feel like going back to his condo and wondering about what the hell Sidra was doing that she couldn’t call him back. So instead, he hopped in his car and headed to The Park At Fourteenth. They made a damn good Chilean sea bass that was calling his name right about now.

  As usual, the popular club was packed, but he managed to get a table and ignored the brunette hostess’s inviting look when he said, “Just myself tonight.”

  Sitting down, Casey waved away the menu, “Thanks, but I already know what I want.”

  Again the hostess tried it with a flirtatious, “Well that makes two of us. I’m Tonya, what’s your name?”

  “Hi Tonya, I’m Casey. Should I give my order to you?” he asked politely, and her smile dimmed a little. Casey could see her wheels turning as she tried to figure out exactly what his angle was. Poor girl probably wasn’t used to being turned down with her good looks. Her expression turned crafty, and he sighed, knowing he would now have to be rude to her. It was times like this that he really missed his woman. Sidra could project a vibe that said she would slit your throat without even touching you if she wanted to.

  Tonya opened her mouth but was interrupted by a cute blonde who slid into the chair across from Casey. “Surprise! I made it, dear!”

  He could only stare in surprise at Anna Dayton as she beamed at him. Tonya flounced off, and Anna cracked a smile at him. “Hi, Casey, and you’re welcome. Long time no see. How’ve you been?”

  “Hey, Anna. I’m good and you?” Casey acknowledged and returned her smile with a genuinely friendly one. He hadn’t seen her since she and her father attended the Take A Stand foundation’s ball on New Year’s Eve. At one time, the Capital Hill lobbyist had sought more than just friendship from him, but he’d shot down all her efforts and hadn’t seen her since.

  “Perfect! I’m meeting some girlfriends here and saw you with Tonya. I thought I’d say hello and rescue you at the same time,” she teased. “Tonya used to hook up with a friend of mine, so I know she comes on strong.” Anna looked around casually, “Where’s ‘Ms. Rock The Runway’ tonight?”

  Casey stared at her with hostility until she turned tomato red and shifted uncomfortably in her chair. His voice was ice cold when he finally spoke. “Are you referring to my

  girlfriend Sidra? I didn’t think you were that crazy, but if you were, let me give you some advice: My woman is the kind of woman who sizes people up, not because she thinks they’re competition, but because she likes to imagine what kind of weapons she’d like to torture them with and how big a grave she’d have to dig when she’s had her fun. So, I’ll be sure to pass along your comments-”

  Turning pale with terror at his words, Anna hastened to reassure him with a simpering laugh, “It was a joke, Casey. Please don’t repeat that. What she doesn’t know-”

  “Won’t hurt her? Well, if it isn’t Sidra’s man out with a woman who is clearly not Sidra!” This time, Anna was interrupted, and it came from behind Casey who’d know that smug-as-shit voice anywhere. He glanced up with a glare as Dominick Harris came into view, with a mocking expression as he looked from Anna to Casey then back again. Anna was silently star-struck, and Casey scowled as she swooned over him. What the hell did women see in this scumbag? The lead singer of Bison Blue had been featured in People’s Sexiest Man Alive five times, and the ladies seemed to love his swarthy good looks and black braids. And his woman worked in close proximity with the bastard. Yay.

  “When the cat’s away eh, Sullivan?” Harris sneered, and Casey gritted his teeth to keep his anger in check.

  “Hardly, Dick. Is there something I can help you with?” Casey asked with satisfaction as the man’s eyes narrowed in response to Casey’s nickname for him. “If not, you should take your ass home and practice how to carry a tune. On your last album, you sounded like a little bitch,” Casey smiled insincerely at the other man’s glare. “Oops, my bad, I meant you sounded pitchy. I’m outta here. Don’t forget what I said, Anna.”

  Casey stood up and nodded at her before shoving past Harris, resisting the urge to beat his ass. He wanted to tell Dick that his patience with him had just about run out, but he was a man of action not words. Casey couldn’t wait to show him if he foolishly stepped out of line again.

  “Hey, don’t run off on my account, Sullivan,” the other man mockingly called out to him. Casey stopped and turned around. “At least let me buy you a beer?”

  “Actually, why don’t I treat you?” Casey grinned evilly. “You can use the money I left on your mom’s nightstand.”

  Then feeling not so proud of his short temper, he turned and walked away, all the while willing Harris to come after him, just so he could beat the shit out of him once and for all.

  He was halfway toward the entrance when a woman’s hand halted his progress. Casey stopped and looked down at the offending hand on his arm before frowning into the beautiful woman’s face. Immediately, he relaxed and smiled. “Fancy seein’ you here, Nina! How are you doin’?”

  “Much better now that I’ve seen you,” she spoke loudly into his ear over the music. “Are you leaving already? I just got here! Why don’t you come have a drink with me? I’m meeting some old friend of ours from school. Do you remember Sylvia Rimmel and Jason Stucco?”

  “Yeah, I do!” Casey said enthusiastically. “You’re meeting them here?”

  “Yes, they got married and moved to California after we graduated. They came to visit Sylvia’s parents and are going back tomorrow,” Nina smiled encouragingly at him. “Stay and say hi! It’ll be fun! Just like old times, Case!”

  It would be fun, Casey thought. He hadn’t seen his old classmates since graduation night. He didn’t have anything going on at the condo with Sidra gone. Damn, Sid! He still hadn’t heard from her and wanted to make sure she was okay.

  “Sorry, Nina,” he smiled apologetically. “I gotta get goin’. Take care and please tell Sylvia and Jason I said hi.”

  Then he continued towards the entrance, unaware of the malevolent gaze following him.


  He was leaving due to the short leash that BITCH allowed him. What the hell did he see in HER? He needed a real woman. Someone who appreciated him and could treat him like a real man. Someone like…herself, Nina thought with pleasure. Soon she would have Casey all to herself, and he would recognize, love, and appreciate her the way he was supposed to.

  Chapter Three

  Sidra eased Casey’s arm from around her waist, crept from the bed, and glanced at the nightstand alarm clock: 6:15 a.m. It was the day of the wedding, and there was still a lot to do. She planned on meeting the girls in the lobby in thirty minutes. Quickly she brushed her teeth and tossed on a shirt and shorts with slip-on Vans. Then she tiptoed back over to the bed and placed a kiss on Casey’s cheek, smiling when she saw him smile in his sleep. He was so damn scrumptious, especially first thing in the morning when that shadow really darkened his square jaw and those thick lashes lay on his cheeks.

  “Where you goin’, love?” he mumbled with his eyes still closed and captured her wrist to pull her down on top of him. Slowly, he rubbed his cheek against hers and instinctively, Sidra’s body melted into his.

  “I’m going to help with the reception set-up,” she explained as his hand rubbed her back gently. “I’ll be back in time for lunch if you want to eat together? I know you’re supposed to be keeping Darby occupied today. I can just grab a salad and eat before freshening up if you’re busy.”

  “I’d love to have lunch with you, but we’re goin’ to go golfin’. You tryin’ to s
kip out without lovin’ on me first, woman?” Casey drawled, slowly opening his eyes, and Sidra found herself trapped in his slumberous hazel gaze.

  “Baby, I would love to stay and play, but they will kill me if I’m late,” Sidra explained apologetically as she ran her fingers through his hair, her nails raking his scalp. She could feel Casey’s response growing underneath her belly and promised, “I’ll make it up to you later; okay, boo?”

  “Oh, I know you will,” Casey snickered as her eyes narrowed on him. “Now gimme some sugar and get out of here.”

  Sidra leaned forward and kissed him before reluctantly leaving the bed. “So, is it going to be just you and Darby? I know that Jack, Holt, and Guy will be assembling the arch in a little while. Avery better not find out they slipped away for a round of golf.”

  She was headed for the door when Casey said, “Actually, it will be the two of us, Max, and Nero Santos, one of my personal idols and professional mentors.”

  Sidra halted in her tracks, but Casey didn’t notice as he pulled the covers back over his head. “Man, that guy is brilliant! I’ve read every case he’s ever been involved with. He’s working that big case now with the award-winning talk show host who’s been accused of sexual harassment. Do you know he’s never lost a case? The man is a fuckin’ legend! I’ll never forget the summer I interned for him. As a matter of fact, Nina is his daughter. Remember the lady who stopped by my office, and you asked me who she was? I ran into her when I was leaving The Park earlier this week. Funny, she didn’t say anythin’ about Nero comin’ to the weddin’. Oh, and small world, but he actually defended my friend and Georgina’s brother, Graham Carlton, when they were kids livin’ in Las Vegas. Anyways, I’m ramblin’ and holdin’ you up. I’ll see you later, darlin’.”

  “Yeah, later,” Sidra muttered and ran out of the room as if the devil himself was chasing her.

  The weather for Darby and Avery’s wedding day couldn’t have been more perfect than if they’d custom ordered it from Mother Nature. The sun was beaming and the blue sky was cloudless. There was a slight breeze, and the waves rolled gently. This morning, Avery, Ella, Jenny, Noelle, and Sidra ensured the dining area, with the adjacent dance floor, was set correctly. The women had gone over the guest list and seating arrangements twice as they placed the gold-painted sea animal place cards in their proper places and tied chiffon to the backs of the chairs and pinned it with gold faux seashell and starfish ornaments. Twice, Avery had to pop Sidra when she attempted to place her father and half-sister at the back of the room by the kitchen. The ‘message in a bottle’ wedding favors were placed in the giant seashell filled with sand by the guest sign-in book. After the vow exchange, the small bottles with well wishes would be released into the ocean.

  The resort staff was busy setting up the white, foldout guest chairs in the circular pattern Avery and Darby had decided on. Instead of walking down the aisle with people on either side, they wanted to say their vows in a circle, surrounded by their loved ones. Ella and Jenny were in charge of wrapping the coral, pink, blush, and cream chiffon swaths around the arch and attaching the white peonies and roses to each corner to hold them in place. Then they would attach shorter pieces of chiffon at the end of each row with a gold-painted faux starfish at the chair at each end of the row.


  Avery watched with nervous anticipation from her bridal suite window as Jack, Holt, and Guy assembled the Jamaican wood arch on the hotel deck overlooking the beach where she and Darby would be exchanging vows.

  She gave a squeal of pleasure and turned to Noelle and Sidra who were busy filling the seashell-encrusted galvanized pails with flower petals for Ruby and her two nieces to toss down the aisle. “The arch is heavenly! I can’t wait to put it in our backyard when we move into our new home. I’m also dying to see the broom Guy created. I just know it’s going to be as gorgeous as yours, Noelle.”

  “Jack says he’s gotten quite a few requests for them since making ours. Guy does amazing work, but those brooms are in a league of their own,” Noelle agreed as she watched Sidra discreetly down a glass of champagne. Her eyes locked on her friend’s bandaged hand and she frowned. “Sid, what happened to your hand?”

  Sidra looked down at her bandaged hand with a scowl. “Ummm…I didn’t get to my waxing appointment in time and tried to do it myself. The wax spilled and…let’s just say it was an epic fail. Don’t worry, though, I ordered fingerless lace gloves and had them dyed the same color of my bridesmaid dress. I tried them on, and they look great.”

  Avery exchanged a concerned look with Noelle, before replying, “Sidra, are you going to be okay? If not, I’ll understand if you need to go…”

  Sidra raised an eyebrow at her and snarled, “Bish! Are you out of your rabid-ass mind?! I wouldn’t miss your wedding for anything. I’ll be damned if I don’t stand up with you today! Am I happy about the situation? Hell no. But I’d choose either of you over anyone else any day.”

  “So, does Casey know anything?” Noelle asked rolling her eyes at Sidra’s negative headshake. “What. The. Hell?! Why haven’t you said anything???”

  “Because it’s no one’s business but mine,” Sidra retorted fiercely. “I won’t share that with anyone until I’m ready!”

  “You will never be ready!” Noelle shouted, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Exactly how are you preparing yourself to share? You have a man who adores you but knows nothing of your past because you don’t even confide in him!” Noelle got in Sidra’s face as she continued, “He is literally going to walk onto a minefield today, and you could give a rat’s ass! Tell him something, anything before you really fuck it up for yourself!”

  “He’ll want to know everything, and you’re right okay?! I’m not ready!!!” Sidra yelled back at her agitatedly, silently begging her friend to stop, but Noelle wasn’t a mind reader and proceeded relentlessly.

  “I love you both, but YOU are being very selfish! Casey is a good man and deserves to be treated better. If you’re not going to step up, then step out of the way so the next woman can do the job,” Noelle snapped back, and Sidra jerked back in shock.

  “Noelle,” Avery said sharply, hating to see her friends go at it like this, but Noelle held a hand up to her as she continued to look at Sidra.

  “It needs to be said, Avery,” Noelle countered as she pulled her friend close and hugged her stiff body. “Sidra, I love you and will always have your back the same way you have mine, but You. Need. Help. You refuse to talk about how your father treated you. You’re holding back, and there’s no way your relationship with Casey will be able to thrive if you can’t give it your all.” Noelle released her to look into her eyes again. “I’ll drop it, but at some point, you are going to have to stop looking at yourself as a victim because you are not one anymore. You’re an accomplice.”

  Sidra felt like she was suffocating under Noelle’s blunt words, but she couldn’t deny there was some truth to them. Normally, if her back was to the wall she would start throwing blows, but she felt paralyzed. And she hated it.

  “That’s enough, ladies,” Avery interjected firmly. “Sid, why don’t you go get some fresh air? The rest of the ladies will gather here in two hours when the hairstylists arrive.”

  “Yeah, I think I’ll do that,” Sidra said with a tight smile as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. “See you guys then.”

  When the door closed, Avery gave Noelle a censorious look as she put the rest of the flower petals into the pails. “Was that really necessary today?”

  “Yes, it was. You saw her hand! Do you really think she tried to wax herself?” Noelle countered as she completed her task. “If this was either one of us, she would have jumped all over our asses to own it. It’s time for her to take a page out of her own book. And did you forget about Casey? You know he doesn’t deserve this.”

  “I’m not saying that you’re wrong,” Avery cautioned. “But for now, let’s just let that be the end of all the drama, okay? I just want t
o marry my man and get my honeymoon started. I haven’t seen him in a week, and I just want to tear his clothes off and-”

  “TMI, Avery!” Noelle yelled covering her ears, and the bride-to-be chuckled wickedly.

  Chapter Four

  It was too much, Sidra thought furiously as she paced in front of the elevator. She could feel herself spiraling out of control, and Sidra hated that she couldn’t reel herself in. What the hell was taking the elevator so damn long to get here? Feeling defeated, she put her head down and pressed her forehead to the wall and tried breathing slowly to control her emotions. She didn’t even notice when the door closest to the elevator opened and Vivienne Romankov stepped out.

  “Chin up, buttercup! Never let them see you weak and vulnerable,” Vivienne lectured, causing Sidra to jerk with surprise before giving a genuine smile. As always, the older woman was immaculately put together. She wore a sleeveless, white summer dress with a full skirt, her black hair pulled up in a high, sleek ponytail, diamond studs in her ears, and a simple diamond pendant around her neck. She was extremely stylish and put together, making Sidra feel like road kill in her worn denim cutoffs and dirty white tee.


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