Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4)

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Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4) Page 7

by D. A. Young

  “You’re nothing but a whore, just like your slut of a mother!” Nina screeched from behind them. “She couldn’t get a man of her own, so she preyed on my father! You’re the result of their sinning, you bastar-”

  The rest of her speech was cut off when Ella spun around and punched her in the face, knocking her out cold. Nina fell back against the wall with a thud before sliding down and slumping over. “If it’s one thing I hate, it’s a ho with no home trainin’.”

  Sidra stared down at Nina lying unconscious and linked her arm with Ella’s. “Nicely done, El! I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship! You couldn’t resist joining in on the crazy, could you? It was calling your name. Ella…come join us, Ella…”

  Ella groaned as she shook her hand. “That’s what I’m afraid of. Get out of here while I take care of the trash. Oh, and do me a favor?”

  “Anything, what’s up?” Sidra asked warmly. Ella didn’t know it yet, but she’d earned a friend in Sidra for life.

  “I know it’s a stretch, but do your best to behave yourself out there,” Ella pleaded as she hoisted the unconscious woman onto the sofa in the sitting room. She grabbed a plastic cup and filled it with water. “For your friends’ sake.”

  “The fact that just keeping my mouth shut is considered a success, I make no promises,” Sidra warned jovially as she left, hearing Nina’s outraged sputters as the water hit her face. The smile left her face as she hit the stairs determinedly. One down, one to go…

  Chapter Six

  The first thing Sidra did when she re-entered the main reception area was head straight for Nero. He saw her coming, correctly read the angry expression on her face, and hastily excused himself from the group he was speaking with to cut her off before she made a scene. He attempted to touch her arm, but the violent look Sidra gave him promised that he would probably draw back a bloody nub if he did. Nero glanced around furtively, but no one seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary. His relief was short-lived when in a tone rife with menace she hissed, “Outside. Now.”

  “Something has upset you, Sidra. Please let’s talk in private,” he urged softly and silently, she led the way to the outdoor deck. Nero was filled with pride at his daughter’s beauty and effortless grace. They walked in charged silence until they were on the beach and far away enough as not to be heard before she turned to face him.

  “Why are you here, Nero?” Sidra demanded, watching as he shrugged his powerful shoulders helplessly.

  “You refuse my calls and gifts and have rebuffed all of my attempts to get to know you. I just wanted to speak with you and see how you were doing. I thought perhaps we could come together and attempt to start over. Don’t let your inner demons win, mija. Please give us a chance. I’ve changed, Sidra. Let me show you,” he finished cajolingly.

  Sidra stared at him in disbelief. From the time she met him when she was two until she was fourteen, he’d been in and out of her life, wreaking havoc along the way and giving no fucks about how his visits affected her or Lena. They were always with the promise that he would make it right and leave his wife for them. “Who did you change for Nero?! I hope it wasn’t me because I still won’t ever respect or like you! You’ve got everyone fooled, don’t you? The Sullivans, Cecelia, Lena, and Nina, who by the way is playing a very dangerous game by fucking with me. My point is: I want nothing to do with anyone named Santos. Are we clear? Nothing. And FYI: My inner demons and I are besties, so I’m cool in that department, but you should be very afraid. Now please go back to whatever rock you crawled from under and hold your breath while you wait for me to be fooled by you again, okay?”

  Nero caught her arm firmly as she turned away, and Sidra viciously snatched it back as he pleaded, “I’m sorry I lied and treated you so badly, but please don’t take it out on Nina! She’s always been a little bit…insecure where you are concerned. Your sister is not like you.” His voice was filled with admiration. “She’s too…emotional and…weak. But not you, Sidra; you are like me. A fighter by any means necessary who doesn’t need her hand held or constant reassurance. Stop wasting your time tinkering around with music and come work with me. By my side. I could use someone as driven as you on my team.”

  “Did you not hear a word I said? Of course, you didn’t because everything is all about you, Nero. Thank you again for confirming again exactly why I don’t like you! As for Nina, well, I’m not the one seeking her out. Since it’s your fault she’s such a train wreck, you can just reassure her whenever she feels insecure, that she is the winner because she had the “wifeable” mommy while I had the “fuckable” one,” Sidra finished with a sneer.

  “THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” Nero thundered, his face red with anger. “I will not have you disrespecting your mother like that. Lena was the true love of my life, and if things had been different, I would have left Cecelia to marry her, but I could not leave Nina behind-”


  “IS THAT TRUE, DADDY?!” Nero and Sidra whirled around to find a devastated Nina standing there with Casey, who wore a furious expression. With a tormented cry, she threw herself into Casey’s arms and clutched at his tux as he steadied her.

  “Nina, I don’t give a shit how fucked up your world just got! You are at the top of the V.I.P. list of people I’m handing ass whuppins to, so I suggest you get your scheming ass in your daddy’s arms and out of my man’s,” Sidra warned angrily as she stalked towards her, shaking her head in frustration. Bitches never learn…

  Nero wisely rushed forward and grabbed his elder daughter, muttering, “My apologies, Casey. I never meant for this to happen, especially today of all days. Sidra, perhaps when you calm down we can talk further. I know sometimes we regret the things we say in anger-”

  “The only thing I regret is not having enough middle fingers to adequately express how I feel about either of you since you refuse to listen to my words,” Sidra said icily. “Last warning: Stay away from me, or I’ll tell the world I’m your dirty little secret. If not, then I plan to have a front row seat when karma ass fucks you with a machete dipped in alcohol.”

  Casey’s own ass cheeks clenched at the image her words created. OUCH. “Nero, I think it would be best if you and Nina left. NOW. Allow me to escort you out,”

  He watched as Nero hastened to do his bidding, leading his sobbing, older daughter away. Casey turned to Sidra and warned her furiously. “Don’t you dare move from this spot! I’ll be right back.”

  He could feel her eyes on him the entire time that he kept his on the Santos’s. Nero signaled for a cab and then put Nina inside and shutting it before turning to address Casey.

  “I’m so sorry you had to witness that, Casey,” Nero said with a solemn expression. “I’m not sure how much you heard, but I am sure it’s obvious to you that Sidra and I are on rocky terms. I thought that if I came here today perhaps she would be swayed by the joyous celebration of love-”

  “And succumb to your persuasive argument and dynamic personality?” Casey interrupted with a mocking laugh. “You really don’t know Sidra at all, do you? But that’s not surprising to me considering that no one knew you even had another daughter! Now, I’m not a baker, so listen up because I won’t sugarcoat shit for you, motherfucker. I don’t know what you did to make her feel the way she does about you, but whatever it was, there ain’t no comin’ back from it. Sidra may be very unpredictable in some aspects, but in this, she’s very predictable and uncompromising.”

  Casey slammed Nero against the side of the cab, causing the other man’s head to bounce off of the roof. He doubled over as Casey punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. “I also know that just like you do, that there are two sides to every story, and in this case, you’re an asshole in both of them. You came to my brother’s wedding under false pretenses, and I don’t take
kindly to that. So, not only did you and Nina upset my woman, but you both mistook Sullivan kindness for weakness. Stay. Away. From. Sidra. Or next time I won’t be so nice about it. Understood?”

  Casey didn’t give him a chance to answer as he opened the passenger side and shoved the gasping man inside. He watched the cab leave before heading back to the beach as Sidra cautiously watched his approach.

  It was the two of them alone on the beach, with the setting sun and the cool breeze whipping through their hair. If the situation wasn’t so incredibly fucked up, it could have been enchantingly romantic. Casey stared at his enraged girlfriend as her dress swirled around her and that sexy haircut caressed her lovely face. Her chest heaved and her eyes were storm-filled. Sidra looked like a fiercely proud warrior and he knew that she was struggling to keep it together. His eyes dropped down to her stained gloves, and his anger grew. “You need to get a grip, Sidra.”

  “I know alright! Just bear with me for a moment!” she snapped, before closing her eyes and desperately trying to find her peace. Fucking Nero and Nina. They always tried to make it all about them. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone?! Just let her and her man be. Although she frequently traveled and kept a residence in New York, D.C. was where she spent most of her time because of Casey, and it was big enough to navigate around them. Of course, given that Nero and Casey were both attorneys…yeah it was bound to happen. Shit, shitter, fuckety-fuck!

  “I’m sorry about this, Casey,” Sidra said numbly opening her eyes and still trying to control the waves of helpless fury. She closed her eyes, thinking of the surfers from this morning who’d mastered the waves, but now they were looming over her, and instead of trying to navigate them, she wanted to allow herself to get swept away and just forget everything. “I never meant-”

  “SHUT. UP.” Casey cut her off sharply, and her eyes widened at his abrasive tone. “You need to be quiet right now and listen! I’ve been nothin’ but patient with you. Bendin’ over backward to accommodate your eccentricities because I thought we were on the same page of the same book. I would never have let you walk into a situation that could explode in your face, and judging from the marks around Nina’s neck, her joker-like appearance and the makeup on your gloves turn volatile, especially on your best friend’s wedding day!” Casey shoved his hands in his pants pockets because the urge to shake the shit out of her was growing stronger, and he prayed for the strength not to give in.

  “Now pull your ass together because we are goin’ back in there, and we’re gonna pretend that this bullshit didn’t happen and celebrate the blissful union that took place here today like we should have already been doin’. If you can’t do that, then get the fuck out of here right now, and I’ll make excuses for you the same way you’ve obviously been doin’ for yourself! So, you tell me what’s it goin’ to be?” Casey demanded.

  Sidra wanted to find a safe hiding place to pull herself together, but she remained transfixed by the look of in her boyfriend’s eyes. It was filled with anger, disgust, and disappointment. It spoke volumes to the state of their relationship right now, and it was all her fault. She raised her hands and pulled off the dirty gloves, allowing him to see the cuts all over her right hand, and he gave a harsh laugh. “Jesus, Sidra!”

  “I choose to go back with you,” she said quietly, and Casey came forward and gently took her injured hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. And at his touch, the discord in her was soothed just a little. He led them back towards the reception. “For what it’s worth-”

  “It’s not worth a damn right now, so put a smile on your face and let’s do this,” Casey said bluntly as they walked back in.


  “What’s up with Casey and the ‘realtor’?” Guy observed, and everyone at the table turned to watch Casey and Sidra reenter the reception area. Dinner was being served, but Casey led her to the dance floor, and they proceeded to dance stiffly. “They both look like they’d rather fuc-er, I mean, hug a cactus than each other.”

  “I’m not really sure, but I’m sure they’ll get it worked out,” Kat offered as she bounced a happy baby Jack and made silly faces at him. “I have faith in them.”

  Holt, who was sitting next to Kat, smiled warmly at her as he ate a piece of filet mignon. “That’s the kind of optimism I like to hear. Have a little faith, and everythin’ will be okay. Isn’t that right, love?”

  “If you say so, Holton,” Kat replied with a cool smile, and Holt wanted to flip the damn table over to vent some of his frustration. Since that day when she’d shown up at his house three months ago, Katerina had pretty much checked out of their relationship. She’d flown to Europe the day after and stayed until he returned to Sweden. Then she flew back home only to leave again when he came back. She’d been home the last two weeks but had hardly left the Romankov estate. Their Skype sessions, as well as her texts, were sparse as she claimed to be busy with work. But what could he say with Alexei’s business taking him out of the country frequently? Gnashing his teeth in annoyance, he cut a piece of grilled lobster, dipped it in sriracha butter, and offered her a piece.

  Kat eyed the succulent morsel warily before opening her mouth and accepting it. She chewed it slowly, enjoying the spices and buttery flavor before turning to Guy. “I’m so happy you found your family! I heard you get the kids two weekends a month?”

  A big grin split his face, and his eyes lit up with happiness. “Yeah, this weekend was supposed to be mine, but since I’m here, we switched. Next weekend, D.J. is goin’ with me to Baymoor to pick them up. Think we’ll take a boat tour before headin’ back home.”

  “Are we gonna see if Ms. Eliza will let Camille come?” D.J., who was tearing into his surf ‘n’ turf with gusto, piped up from the other side of Jack. “I really want her to meet Mai Ling. Daddy said if she came then we could all go fly fishin’ again. Aunt Noelle and Mama promised to fry up all the fish we catch.”

  Guy scoffed, “Pull that crap with someone else, son! I invented that game, except I had a treehouse instead of a boat. If you want Camille to come, then you better ask her Uncle Max over there and her Uncle Graham when we get to Baymoor.”

  D.J. surveyed the tall man dancing with a pretty petite lady and grinned confidently as he plucked a white rose from the table’s centerpiece He stood up and smoothed back his hair, causing his uncle Jack to pat him on the back and smile as he proudly proclaimed, “That’s how we do it, nephew!”

  The adults watched with amusement as he walked up to the dancing couple and shyly presented the rose to a surprised Georgina. Then he turned to Max and held his hand out. Max shook it and listened to what D.J. was saying before glaring at Jack as Georgina nodded her head approvingly and kissed the little boy’s cheek. Everyone at the table laughed as D.J. walked back to them with a victorious expression and threw his fists in the air like a prize fighter.

  “That damn Sullivan charm,” Vivienne said fondly as she gave the little boy a hug before he sat down again. “Guy, things are going well with Fern, I take it? I met her when she and Georgina came to take my order, and I liked her a lot. She definitely knows what she’s doing.”

  Vivienne pretended not to notice the Siberian tiger assessing her when she mentioned her lingerie order and she smiled secretly into her champagne glass. Oh goody! I see I’ve got your attention, Romankov!

  Guy beamed with pride at Vivienne’s words. Fern was doing so well at Feminine Intuition that he couldn’t help but be proud of her. Whenever he came to pick up the kids, she asked him a thousand questions about his work and shyly showed him her designs. Guy was relieved and proud of how happy and well-adjusted she and the kids were. He couldn’t be more pleased by the way things turned out. From the beginning, Fern was adamant that he be in their lives, and Guy was relieved because he wasn’t sure if she wanted anyone else with the last name Keetoowah-Marquez involved in their lives.

  “She is excellent at what she does and really loves her job. Feminine Intuition is lucky to have her skill set,”
he bragged. Everyone at the table turned to look at him, and he found himself turning beet red at their amused expressions. “What? I can’t give props where they’re due?!”

  “Well, well, well. Looks like someone’s been bitten by the love bug,” Holt said, snickering as Guy discreetly gave him the finger.

  “Y’all should see him when Ms. Fern comes to pick the kids up. He gets so tongue-tied, and his game is rougher than corn cob. Like I’d really believe he had girls comin’ to his treehouse,” D.J. snorted skeptically, and the adults started laughing.

  “I’m just bein’ polite and respectful,” Guy said indignantly. “That’s how you’re supposed to treat ladies.” His expression quickly turned crafty. “Now, freaks on the other hand…”

  “That expression is pure ‘fox in a henhouse’,” Vivienne commented. “Somebody get him a muzzle and some shame.”

  “Unless you can get one who is both,” Guy mused aloud as he cut his steak and pretended to ponder the theory further. “Say perhaps a lady in the streets, but a-”

  “Enough!” Kat groaned, frowning at him. “You have a smart-mouth answer for everything. Can it with the slick talk and innuendos! Kids are present.”


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