The Art of Seduction

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The Art of Seduction Page 2

by Annie Harland Creek

  As usual, Meaghan played along with charade. She suspected that there was more to Lilith than her strange garb and body piercings. “Hi.”

  “I guess we’ll be stuck with Mr. Huge arse again today. We always get him on Fridays.”

  “I guess so,” Meaghan agreed, hoping for her art’s sake that this would be the case but nevertheless, disappointed that she would not be seeing the Spartan today.

  “And you shouldn’t call him that, it’s mean.”

  “Can I help it if his arse is so big it needs its own postcode?”

  Lilith seemed to be still buzzing from the previous night’s drugs, so Meaghan decided not to bother arguing. Instead she fished for information, “Did you hear about the girl found dead outside the library last week? They say she was strangled.”

  “I heard she had puncture marks on her neck. I hope there are vampires around, I’d love to meet one, maybe even offer my blood.” She lifted the heavy chain on her neck, exposing her throat and the tattoo of a small bat.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Meaghan scoffed. “There are no such things as vampires.”

  “Until I met you, I wouldn’t have believed there was such a thing as a twenty-five-year-old virgin either.”

  The smirk on Lilith’s face infuriated Meaghan but she resisted the urge to retaliate. Unfortunately, Lilith continued tormenting.

  “I can’t believe you are saving yourself for Mr. Right.”

  “I don’t see what’s so weird about that.”

  For the umpteenth time, Meaghan regretted admitting to Lilith that she was a virgin. It just slipped out one day while Lilith was discussing another one of her one-night stands. Now Lilith took every opportunity to rub it in Meaghan’s face. She was sure that Lilith had spread the news around campus. She had been the recipient of many winks and noticed young women giggling and whispering as she walked by.

  “It’s time you realized, Miss … I’m a twenty-five-year-old virgin and proud of it, that there is no such thing as Mr. Right, only Mr. Right now.”

  They walked in silence to the art department door. Meaghan took her usual place by the window, grateful that Lilith chose to set up beside the new student. Dressed in similar garb, her lacy black dress, fishnet black stockings, and Doc Martins almost mirrored Lilith’s clothes. I bet she believes in vampires too, Meaghan deduced, noticing that the women seemed to immediately hit it off. The hairs in her neck prickled and she shivered. There was something about Lilith’s new friend that alarmed her although she had no idea why. Meaghan didn’t remember ever meeting her and judging by her appearance, it was unlikely that they visited the same stores or restaurants. Where have we met?

  The model that Lilith had referred to as Mr. Huge arse walked in and began to strip behind the screen beside the platform. Meaghan sighed and felt a pang of disappointment. Despite the disaster of her previous lesson, she had still hoped for another chance to see the handsome stranger. As she set up her easel, she noticed that the teacher, Mr. Nagle, was making his way over to her. She steeled herself for a reprimand her for the previous night’s behavior.

  “How are you feeling tonight, my dear? You had me worried when you rushed out of class last night.”

  “I meant to apologize,” Meaghan told him, biting her bottom lip. “I suddenly felt nauseous and needed to race to the bathroom but I feel much better now.”

  “Good, good. Meaghan, I have some wonderful news for you,” he announced, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. Patches of pink tinted his pale skin and balding head. “I have shown your previous portfolios to a friend of mine who is a renowned artist. He is very impressed with your work and has agreed to mentor you. This could mean great things for you, my dear. He has many friends in the business and he travels in the right circles.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she told him, hiding her personal doubts behind a bright smile. “Thank you for having confidence in me. I promise to work hard and not let you down.”

  “See that you don’t.” He smiled. His attempt at a wink looked more like a slight stroke. “Opportunities like this don’t come around very often in this industry and I imagine most of this class will hate both of us. I might be reprimanded by my superiors if they found out, so let’s keep this mentorship our little secret, okay?” He touched a finger to his lips.

  Meaghan pinched her fingers together, drew them across her lips in a zipper reference and nodded. As he shuffled towards the door, she absorbed the news. It didn’t make any sense. Why would a prominent artist offer mentorship to her? Her work was mediocre at best. Why her? There were many students more deserving of a mentorship program than her. Distracted by the sound of giggling, she turned to see Lilith and her new friend staring in her direction, no doubt discussing the earlier conversation. She bit her lip and looked away. Geez Louise. Who knew that virginity was such a crime? Concerns over Lilith disappeared when the teacher returned with a companion. Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.


  The moment David entered the room, he forgot all about his mission. The little blonde faced him, her mouth agape, and her eyes as wide as saucers. Even before his eyes recognized her, his heart acknowledged her. There was no doubt in his mind. It’s her. No wonder the previous night’s class had been a strange, new experience for him. While his mind had been slow to identify her, his body had no hesitation. His skin prickled and warmth rained down over him like a hot shower. He paused at the door, unable to move, while his old friend made the introductions to the class.

  “Class. I believe you remember Mr. Corel from yesterday.” The students mumbled and giggled acknowledgments until they saw the frown on their teacher’s face. “As well as being an excellent model, David is a well-respected artist. He has graciously offered to oversee today’s class, share his experience, and offer suggestions. You should take advantage of this opportunity and learn as much as you can. I hope I don’t need to remind you to be respectful to our guest.” He directed his last remark to a couple of girls, one of which David recognized from the previous class. Her dark clothing and makeup conspicuous in a class full of casually dressed students. He made a mental note to keep an eye on her as the teacher finished addressing the class.

  “Mr. Corel will be making the rounds, giving each of you the chance to ask questions, so please do not interrupt him, you will each have your turn with him.” David suppressed a smile when the students reacted to Mr. Nagle’s unfortunate choice of words with laughter. The joke lost on the teacher who finished his address with, “Ah, I see our model is ready, class, please begin.”

  David knew he was expected to show interest in all the students, but it took every ounce of his willpower to control himself. So many years of waiting and now she was here, close enough to reach out and touch. More beautiful than he had imagined. More seductive than his raging hormones could handle, more … everything. Perfect.

  He approached the closest person to the door and feigned interest in his work until he felt he should move on to the next. The students ranged in ability, some were good, others not so much. Considering the model, they had done well. Skin folds proved challenging to an experienced artist and this model provided a wealth of difficulty. In his peripheral vision, he could see the little blonde poking her bespectacled face out on the side of the easel, her braids swaying as she worked feverishly on her drawing. He couldn’t help but wonder if her passion was restricted to her art. Tonight she was wearing jeans that hugged her body like a second skin, accentuating every beautiful curve. The filmy red blouse she wore almost transparent under the bright overhead lights revealing the scrap of pink lace covering her breasts. He watched as her chest rose and fell under the shirt and knew she would be his undoing.


  Meaghan tried to focus on her drawing but the closer it came to her turn with the visitor, the more anxious she became. How could she work in close proximity to this man without making a total fool of herself? Think about something else, think about the murders. Before yesterday’s disast
rous class, she had thought of little else and she felt ashamed that her own raging hormones had taken her concentration away from the death of those poor young women. She was there to use her unique ability in order to identify suspects. Hopefully discover the killer without the risk of ever putting herself in real danger. Not there to lust after every good looking man on campus. But she hadn’t lusted after every good looking man. Hadn’t even noticed any other man. Until—

  “Hello.” A voice as sensual as hot chocolate whispered into her ear. Strength left her legs and her knees bent of their own accord. She staggered a little, he caught her elbow, supporting her weight and saving her from an embarrassing fall into the easel.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Fine, you just startled me.”

  “I imagine I did.” He stepped close to the sketch and took his time before mentioning, “I saw you madly sketching and realized that you’re passionate about your craft. Looking at this sketch, I can understand why.” He scratched his chin. “You have talent … Miss?”

  “Lamb. Meaghan Lamb.” She extended her hand and was surprised when, rather than shaking it, he raised it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. A shock of electricity zapped through her body. Her voice quivered as she accepted the compliment. “Thank you, Mr. Corel.”

  “David. Please call me David.” He looked around the room before leaning close to her cheek and whispering, “We should be on a first name basis if we are going to be spending so much time alone together.”

  She could feel his breath on her neck and the sensation made her feel both uncomfortable and yet, strangely exhilarated. What did he mean by that?

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sorry.” He apologized, but the cheeky smile on his face made her doubt his sincerity. “Pierre told me that he’d discussed my offer with you. If you give me your address, I’ll send someone to collect your belongings.”

  Meaghan noticed that David spoke with purpose and with a confidence that suggested he was accustomed to having his instructions obeyed. He wasn’t asking her; he was telling her. She became wary of his intentions. It would be very easy for a man like David Corel to lure a woman into a dangerous position. Any woman could easily fall for his charms and be vulnerable to his suggestion. This may be the unsub she was looking for. She regarded him warily as she confessed, “I don’t understand. Where am I going?”

  “Besides my painting, I have numerous other responsibilities. If this mentoring is to work, you must be available to work whenever I find a spare moment. This may mean late into the evening at times so it makes perfect sense for you to move into the flat on the property I share with my brother and his wife. It’s only ten minutes from the University and I assure you it is quite comfortable.”

  Meaghan shook her head. Not so fast buddy. “I have my own responsibilities, Mr. Corel. I have a part-time job in town and so I need to be near public transport for both work and classes.”

  “I must insist on your entire focus for this mentorship to work,” he told her.

  Her entire focus? She could barely think with him around.

  “Now just wait a minute!” Meaghan realized she had raised her voice and attracted the attention of a few members of the class. She faked a smile and lowered her voice to barely above a whisper. “I can’t afford to give up my job, it pays my bills.”

  “Didn’t Pierre inform you that this mentorship program comes with a scholarship?” He looked in the direction of the teacher and shook his head. “Sorry, Meaghan. I can understand your reaction to what must have sounded rather rude. This isn’t just a mentorship. It’s also a job offer. You’ll be paid to work as my assistant while you complete your degree. Your room and board is part of the salary.”

  You’ve got to be kidding. “I’ll need to think about it.” It seemed like a dream come true but how could she accept it while she was working the murder case? What are you thinking, Meaghan? You barely know this man and he expects you to move in with him? She studied him closely. David seemed like who got his own way, a man of means and connections. If she accepted his proposal, what sort of payment would he expect from her in return? The thought of him making sexual advances or demands made her feel uncomfortably aroused. There was no explanation for the way he made her body react to him but she could barely think when he was standing so close. Why does he have such an effect on me?

  He rested his hand on the small of her back, slowly sliding it down to the curve of her bottom. She wanted to object but the words caught in her throat. The heat of his hands burned through her jeans and melted her panties. She glanced around the room, certain that someone would see the intimate way he touched her, but no one seemed to be looking.

  “I’ve just placed my business card in your jeans pocket,” he informed her. “Please don’t make me wait too long.”

  She watched him walk away. Walk? No, that man didn’t walk. His movements too predatory, too fluid to be considered anything but sensual. Her heart skipped a beat.

  After a quick word with Pierre and a farewell to the class, David Corel left. Meaghan could hardly concentrate on the remaining half hour. Too much to consider. How could she accept his unusual business proposal? How could she not? When the class finished, she gathered up her equipment and ran for the bus stop, knowing that if she missed her bus, she would be waiting an hour for the next. The bus was practically empty, usual for this time of night. Her neighborhood was not a safe place to visit and even the bus drivers were reluctant to travel that way at night.

  On the journey home, she fished out the business card from her back pocket and stared at the gold embossed writing on the plain white card. Other than his name and mobile number, there was nothing to identify his business or give her any details to search online. She had met his kind before during police interviews and knew his type. Rich, self-obsessed playboys who treated the law with disrespect and more often than not, contempt. Their business cards kept deliberately vague to cover the fact that they had no actual qualifications and lived off the money they had inherited from their parents. Meaghan knew that on some level she was jealous of, not only their prosperity, but the reality that they had parents who loved them enough to leave them financially secure for the rest of their lives. She, on the other hand, never knew her parents or the circumstances that led to her being abandoned at the orphanage as a baby. Her life had been an uphill battle to survive in an environment that treated her as a pariah, never to be adopted, never to know the love of a family.

  She shook the painful memories from her mind and considered David Corel’s offer. The prospect of living rent free and close to the school tempted her, but the idea of living with a stranger—even if he was a handsome stranger—was daunting. She didn’t know David Corel or anything about him. She considered calling Terry. Besides being her superior, Terry had been her only friend at the orphanage. He’ll know what to do.

  The brakes squealed as the bus came to a halt at her stop, ten minutes’ walk from her tiny flat. She tugged her light cardigan closed over her chest as she stepped off. The nights had become colder and darker which would not have been too serious a problem except for the recently broken street lamps which made the journey home fraught with danger. The tree fringed darkened path provided cover for anyone who sought to pounce on unsuspecting victims. Meaghan had learned the compulsory self-defense techniques that came with her basic training but knew that it would never be enough to protect her from the low-lives that populated this area. She hurried her steps as she walked through the section of footpath almost completely hidden from view of the road. The area had slowly become more run-down thanks to the drug dealers who’d set up shop in the vacant house on the corner of her street. One by one her nicer neighbors had fled, leaving her almost alone in the street. Heavy shutters covered the windows of the houses she passed, the streets seemed deserted. Tonight she felt more isolated than the day she discovered she was the only child left in the orphanage. The only one no one wanted.

  She clutc
hed her purse to her body taking comfort in the weight of the hand gun that she carried for safety as she warily made her way home through the almost deserted street. She should be happy. She had finally managed to talk Terry into giving her the undercover job using her ability and youthful appearance as leverage and now, she was finally being recognized for her talent as an artist. But, there was something strange about David Corel’s offer of mentorship. She shook her head. Nothing in life is free. Everything comes at a cost, and if she had learned anything from her days on the force, it was that if something seems too good to be true, it probably was.

  Despite her better judgement, she let her thoughts meander to the restless night she had spent after her first encounter with David Corel and the dream that haunted her ever since. The dream of running her hands over his naked body, a dream so real, it felt more like a memory than a fantasy. She had awoken feeling restless, her body over-sensitized and damp. Why does he have this effect on me and why was this man—a stranger—offering me his time and a home? Does he have an ulterior motive? Meaghan stopped in her tracks. Could he be the campus killer? Her cop mind went into overdrive. If she was staying on his property, she could keep a close eye on his activities and monitor his comings and goings. This could be the big break she had been looking for.

  Unless he killed her? She shook the thought from her head. He was hardly likely to kill her on his own property with the art department aware of the scholarship, and she suspected that he was too smart to try something as obvious as that. Meaghan continued walking. While she considered her options a car filled with drunken potheads turned the corner and called out the usual vulgar remarks and obscenities. She hurried her steps. Even living with a serial killer was probably safer than staying on this street.

  Once safely inside her flat, she locked all three deadbolts and checked for any signs of a break-in. It had become a habit since the first night she had heard the strange howling. At first, she had wondered if it had been some sort of signal to inform someone that she was home alone but nothing came of it. Not then anyway. After throwing her bag onto her bed, she began to undress for the shower until she heard a noise that sent a shiver down her spine. The howl sounded closer. Whatever made the noise seemed to be right outside her window. Her hand shook as she cracked the curtain slightly and looked out into the darkness. What she saw made her jump back in shock. She tried to convince herself that it was her imagination, that she hadn’t seen glowing red eyes staring back at her from the cover of the trees. She tweaked the curtain again, almost afraid of what she might see. The eyes were gone but the sensation of being watched remained. Frantically, she checked all the window and door locks before she pulled out her mobile and dialed the number on the card.


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