Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Like you could. Wind Song is very protective of me.”

  “I’m sure she is.” He tapped her nose. “I’ll call as soon as I’m home to let you know it’s safe to return.”

  “What about Cam?”

  “It’s jury selection time for him. No telling when he’ll be done. Could be an all-nighter.”

  She ran a finger down his shirt. “Then hurry. We’ll have the place to ourselves.”

  “You’re tempting me to call and cancel.”

  She laughed and stepped back. “Go.”

  As much as he hated leaving such a tasty morsel, he needed to meet with Father Crenshaw. Vince hadn’t expected to hear from him for another month. Poor man sounded like he had a bad head cold. Vince would have suggested they meet at a later date, but he understood the church loan would help a lot of people.

  “We’ll get together tonight. I promise.” He winked and left.

  By the time he reached his car, his cock was painfully pressing against his jeans. Cam and he had agreed to give her a few days’ rest in between sessions. They didn’t want her to think they only wanted her for sex—which they didn’t.

  You love her.

  Yes, he did, but pushing too hard under these circumstances might scare her away. He arrived at the church near downtown in less than fifteen minutes. He drove to the back parking lot, as it was closer to the side entrance. When he tugged on the church door, it was locked. That was strange. Perhaps their signals had crossed and the priest was in the rectory.

  He crossed the churchyard and knocked. “Father?”

  If they did qualify for the loan, the church could build a much-needed extension. The paperwork was extensive and Vince was impressed Father Crenshaw had collected the data so quickly.

  “Hold your horses.” The locked clicked, and Father Crenshaw pulled open the door. “Vince Callen. What a surprise.”

  Oh, shit.

  * * * *

  Mandy’s cell rang not more than fifteen minutes after Vince left. She doubted it was him, but she checked anyway. She extracted her phone from her pocket. The caller ID said Private Caller. “Hello?”

  “Mandy Duncan?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t recognize the panicked voice.

  “This is Officer Charles with the Intrigue police.”

  Her mind splintered. Was this about the man who shot her? “Yes?”

  “There has been an accident on Millers Way. I’m afraid Vince Callen’s car was run off the road.”

  Her heart stopped for a second, and her breath lodged in her throat. “Oh, my God. Is he okay?”

  “He’s cut up pretty bad, ma’am. He’s been drifting in and out of consciousness. The paramedics are with him now, but he’s been asking for you. Can you come?”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  She disconnected and ran to the bunkhouse for her keys. Millers Way. She had to think where that was. She opened the door and spotted her keys on what used to be her bed. She grabbed them and sprinted to the car. She jammed the key in the ignition and turned in on.

  Shit. She forgot her purse with her driver’s license. Leaving the door open, she jumped out. Halfway to the door, her car exploded.

  The force of the blast threw Mandy several feet. Her head smashed on the ground and her vision turned black.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Mandy! Wake up.”

  Something jarred her. Her mind failed to fully engage. Then it hit her. Vince was hurt. She had to reach him and forced opened her eyes.

  “Hey, angel.”

  Cam wasn’t supposed to be here. She tried to push up but couldn’t move.

  Trinity’s face loomed over hers. “Don’t move.”

  Her friend’s warm hands were pressed hard on her cheeks and neck. She was kneeling behind her.

  “What happened?” Everything was a blur.

  “You hit your head. The paramedics are on their way to check you out.”

  She wrinkled her nose at something that smelled bad but couldn’t identify the stench. Her eyes found Vince. Both he and Cam were on their knees, one on each side of her. Nothing made sense.

  “Vince, you were in an accident.”

  He held her hip with one hand and clasped her fingers with the other. “I’m right here.”

  “I got a call.”

  “Shh. Just rest. We’ll talk later.”

  Sirens sounded, and now she recognized the bad odor as that of burning rubber. “What caught fire?”

  Both men shared a look. Cam leaned closer. “I’m afraid your car blew up.”

  My car blew up?

  Her pulse soared.

  “Make way. We’ve got her.” Two new men, both dressed in uniforms, hovered over her.

  After they put a stupidly big neck collar on her, they had her sit up and proceeded to touch every part of her body, from head to toe, asking her way too many questions. If she hadn’t recently studied their step-by-step approach, she might have insisted they stop. She was fine.

  The paramedic finished clearing her spine and pronounced her good to go. She had blacked out for a few minutes, so she agreed to all of the precautions for someone with a possible concussion. Her head ached, but not too bad.

  “My knees and palms sting.”

  “Let’s get you up, ma’am. I want to treat you in the ambulance.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the medics were on their way back to the hospital and she was standing on less-than-perfect legs next to Vince and Cam.

  They led her to their car. “We’re taking you home.”

  “What about my car?”

  “Don’t worry about it. We’ll have it towed.”

  Sam pulled up behind them and got out of her vehicle. She raced over. “My God, Mandy. Are you all right?”

  “Just a little bruised.”

  Sam shot a gaze at the shell that was once her car. “We’ll get this person. I promise all of the Callen resources.”

  Mandy blew out a breath, and a dull ache pounded at the back of her head. “I appreciate that.” She could only hope it would be enough.

  * * * *

  The three days following the accident were hell. Cam and Vince wouldn’t let her out of their sight. While she thought she’d like that, they insisted she rest. Sex was not in the stars. Being in their house, alone on the sofa, was like sitting an alcoholic in a chair, tying him down, and placing bottles of liquor and beer on the table. The liquid was within view but out of reach.

  The good news to her downtime was that her headache had disappeared and her cuts and scrapes were almost a distant memory. So far no one had been linked to the car explosion.

  How long they would insist she stay inside was anyone’s guess.

  Tonight held promise, however. All three of them were at the kitchen table and there hadn’t been any talk of her fragile state. Vince brought over a marvelous spaghetti and meatball dish and placed it on the table.

  The food smelled tangy and delicious. “Is this another one of your aunt’s meals?” The flow of food had been non-stop.

  “Yes. She loves to cook. It makes her feel useful now that all the kids are out of the house.”

  Vince’s mom had made food the first day, but she had yet to meet that Mrs. Callen.

  “Dig in,” Vince said.

  It tasted as good as it smelled. For the next few minutes, no one said anything while they ate. The talk was spotty until both men placed their forks and knives on their empty plates.

  “Anyone up for dessert?” Cam checked Vince then her.

  She rubbed her stomach. “I couldn’t eat another bite.”

  Vince stood. “I’ll clear.”

  Cam pushed back his chair. “I’ll get the dessert.”

  They were being unusually helpful. Recently, she’d been the one to clean up, but tonight they seemed overly anxious. Vince’s quick movements implied he was really hungry for some sweets. He even wiped down the table seconds before Cam brought over a plate of brownies, a container of vanilla ice cream,
a bottle of chocolate sauce, and a can of whipped cream. He placed all of the items on the counter.

  “You up for some eating, darlin’?”

  She’d just said she was too full. “Go ahead.” Like two synchronized swimmers, they pulled back her chair and lifted her on to the table. She laughed. “What are you doing?”

  “Feasting,” Cam said.

  Maybe they needed all four chairs for some reason. The blow to the head must have altered her thinking process because it wasn’t until they tugged off one boot each that she realized she was the main course.


  Vince glanced at Cam. “Maybe we need to ball gag her.”

  No way. Cam lifted her shirt over her head and had her bra off before she could come up with a response. In the meantime, Vince undid her jeans and lowered them along with her panties. In a flash, she was naked. The problem was they were still dressed.

  “This isn’t fair.”

  Cam stepped behind the kitchen island. Vince leaned over her and pressed on a nipple. Her traitorous body exploded. It had been too long since she’d made love.

  “What’s not fair?”

  “You’re dressed.”

  His blue eyes glistened. “Don’t you worry. We’ll be naked when the time comes. Now, we need you to relax.”

  Cam placed a thick blanket on the table, lifted her up, and set her on top of it. “Where did that come from?”

  Cam moved to her side. “I seriously need to look for that gag. Our angel is asking too many questions.” He faced her. “Do you trust us?”

  With my heart. “Yes.”

  “Then lie back down and let us love you.”

  She pressed her lips together, not wanting to mess this up. Cam pressed on her shoulder and lowered her to her back. He waved a long, velvet rope above her face. Her stomach fluttered.

  “We want you to experience both of us. To do that, we can’t have you grabbing our cocks and making us lose control.”

  “I won’t touch any—”

  Cam had her hands tied and pulled over her head before the words came out. He must have wrapped the rope around the table legs because when she tugged, she had little slack.

  Vince hovered again. “You comfy?”

  The blanket helped cushion her body, and the velvet rope was soft against her skin. “Yes.”

  He grinned. “Good.”

  Cam brought over the chocolate sauce and the whipped cream.

  “What are you going to do?” Her mind went to a wicked place.

  Cam shook the can he’d removed from the refrigerator and squirted the whipped cream on her breast, encircling the tit and dotting the nipple. “It’s cold.” The nipple puckered, and her stomach fluttered. Her throat tightened.

  “It’ll be warm in a moment.”

  Vince dribbled room-temperature chocolate on the other tit. Their heads lowered and they sucked hard on the ends at the same time. The contrast made her lift her hips. Vince smoothed a hand over her belly. His warmth helped balance the sensation.

  Cam’s mouth heated her in seconds, and she forgot how cold the initial blast had been. She turned her head and spotted the container of ice cream. They better not think of putting that on her body. They’d be licking goose bumps off her body.

  Their tugging and nipping created delicious chaos. Cam lifted his head and captured her mouth.

  He tasted sweet. His tongue was still cold, and she donated her warmth.

  Vince trailed kisses down her belly while he twirled her nipple between his fingers.

  “Cam, let’s make a sundae.”

  He broke the kiss. “Let’s do it.”

  Vince picked up a brownie and crumbled it over her pussy.

  “Seriously, guys?” Even though she was clean-shaven, she’d need a shower after this. As soon as she pictured all three of them washing each other, she relaxed. It was the dollop of ice cream that had her clenching. “It’s really cold.”

  Vince grinned. “I’ll warm you up.”

  Cam took over her top half and Vince the bottom. Between the two men, she kept losing focus. If only they’d take turns bringing her closer to her climax, she might have been able to handle it.

  Vince licked the crumbs off her pussy. She swore he avoided opening her pussy lips on purpose. Maybe if she’d recently had a cock, her desperation level wouldn’t have been so high. As it was, each touch and lick made her cream even more.

  Cam twisted her nipple and dragged his tongue up to her neck. He placed tiny kisses on her throat, moaning after each one as if she was his ultimate joy. Tears brimmed. No man had ever treated her better.

  Vince licked her pussy and she bucked. “Vince!” He dribbled more chocolate sauce on her pussy, and the gooey substance blended with her own juices. It tickled. “Lick me.”

  “My pleasure, darlin’.”

  His tongue made a wide swath across her opening. Bubbles of pleasure burst from inside and tripped up her spine. “I need a cock.”

  She didn’t know why she mentioned it, because the men seemed intent to drive her crazy. If their desire was to take her mind off her problems, they’d succeed. But now she had a new problem. Lust grabbed her so hard she could barely breathe. Contractions rolled down her body. She needed one of them to impale her.

  Vince slipped in two fingers, and she clamp down on them. He groaned.

  “I can’t take any more,” Vince said.

  Thank God. Vince had been without sex longer than she had. He stepped back. His boots hit the ground with a clunk, and his belt buckle snapped open. Next the buttons popped open and the jeans disappeared.

  She lifted her head. “What happened to your underwear?”

  “I knew I’d be loving you.”

  Cam disappeared out of view. She kept her gaze on Vince and his magnificent body. She yearned to run her hands down his abs. Her mouth watered. “Can I suck on your cock?”

  “Darlin’, if you did that, I’d be cleaning a mess off the ceiling.”

  Ew. Guess that would be a no.

  “Then can I have your cock?”

  Vince grinned as Cam undid the ties on her hands. Once free, she lowered her arms and rubbed them. Vince flipped her over and Cam slipped sofa pillows under her knees.

  He put two more on the table. “For your elbows.”

  Now it was Cam’s turn to undress. While he did a little strip show for her, foil ripped behind her. They’d had sex without a condom in the shower, but the timing wasn’t good now. Until this cruel person was caught, she didn’t want to bring up the topic of forever and having kids.

  Vince stood behind her and placed his hands on her rear. His cock nudged her opening, and the anticipation swamped her with desire. Her nipples tightened, and her belly contracted. He rubbed her rear, and he pressed inward.


  He pushed into her slickened channel. She swore his cock had gotten longer and thicker.

  “Jesus. What you do to me. You’re so tight.” His words came out on different breaths.

  The intensity stunned her. His hands slipped from her hips up to her tits. As soon as he rolled her nipples, electricity sparked all down her spine. She pressed her hips back to take in more of him.

  Cam stepped to the side and slid her closer to the edge and held his cock. “I want you to suck on him hard.”

  That was a dream-come-true request. She opened her mouth and he guided his cock into her willing mouth.

  Vince shifted them to the side so she was more diagonal on the table. This gave her the ability to reach Cam’s balls and his cock. Without losing her rhythm, she cupped his hard sac. He moaned and clamped his hand on her head.

  “Angel, how you bring me to heaven.”

  If she thought she wouldn’t lose suction, she would have smiled. She grabbed his cock and squeezed. She swirled a tongue around his length, and he hissed.

  Possibly to make her moan for him, Vince slammed his cock all the way to the end. She sucked in her breath and tried not to come. His cock
was everything she wanted, everything she needed. He pummeled her once more.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” She closed her eyes to relish the building pressure. Her walls stretched, and her muscles burned.

  Cam’s fingers dug into her scalp, and she refocused. She loved his tangy cum. A bit had leaked out and spread through her mouth. From the way he moved close, he was as on the edge as she. She lifted her head and kept the suction steady. When she reached the head of his cock, she bared her teeth and rimmed the edge.


  She stopped until his breaths calmed. Then she resumed. She might have succeeded in keeping a constant up-and-down movement had Vince not cupped her breasts and leaned over her back. The divine pressure from his rippled chest together with his cock and magic fingers made her stop. It was too much. She was weak.

  Vince lowered one hand and pressed on her clit. That was it. She took off like a wild stallion let free from a pen.

  “I’m coming.” Those words came out garbled. Her mind blanked and splintered.

  Vince pumped harder and Cam stepped back. The loss of his cock confused her, but her mind refused to form more words.

  With the next thrust, she lost it. Her orgasm swept through like a violent storm, sweeping her away to glory. She dropped her head and yelled something unintelligent. Vince’s cock expanded, and his hot cum seared the condom. Blood pulsed in her head.

  Cam returned and reached under her chest and massaged her tits. Slowly, her body calmed. Had Vince not had an arm around her waist, she might have collapsed. He withdrew and lifted her off the table. Her unsteady legs worked to hold her up.

  Cam pulled her out of Vince’s grasp. “We need to shower.”

  She ran a palm down Cam’s chest. “Why did you pull out?” She thought he wanted to come.

  His grin came out lopsided. “You’ll see.”

  Vince trotted down the hall while she and Cam walked hand in hand.

  Cam leaned over. “I can’t wait to fuck your ass.”


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