Unwilling Dragon Love [Dragon Hearts 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Unwilling Dragon Love [Dragon Hearts 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  He kind of wanted to do just that, just to see Kraigan’s outraged reaction that Jason had dared to come before he did.

  That would be funny. Jason gave it a try, but Kraigan pulled his fingers away before he could reach that pinnacle that would toss him over the edge.

  He moaned at the loss and the sudden shock that pulsed through his body when Kraigan pulled back.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Jason snapped, glaring over his shoulder.

  Kraigan’s arm was pushing pack and forth, stroking his cock, and Jason realized what he was doing before the man even answered him.

  “What do you think I’m doing?” he snarled.

  Jason scowled back but just because he wanted to hide how embarrassed he was to not realize.

  Right. This part was coming up.

  Adam had explained how he and his mate, Novik, had sex. He’d mentioned about how the insertion the first time was the worst, was painful, but then easy to get over once the bulb was inside.

  It wasn’t the same as having a human’s cock inside of him. That’s what Adam had said. According to him, however, it was also easy to get used it when done enough.

  Jason and Kraigan wouldn’t be getting used to this. This was a one-time thing so that Jason could get Kraigan out of his blood. The man’s kiss was still thrumming through him, and if this was what Jason needed to realize Kraigan was just like any other man, then so be it. They could go back to snipping at each other tomorrow.

  Heart lurching, Jason bit down on his bottom lip. He didn’t want to think about tomorrow.

  Then he wasn’t. There was no way in hell he could think about something as inconsequential as that when Kraigan pressed the large head of his swollen cock against Jason’s stretched hole. Jason cried out before the man even had the chance to push it inside of him.

  Kraigan stilled, his body completely freezing up. “Are you all right?”

  “Fine,” Jason said, shaking his head for his own stupidity. “I’m fine. Keep on going.”

  Kraigan didn’t keep on going, however. Jason felt the man’s fingers at his asshole one more time, and he looked behind himself. “What are you doing?”

  “Easing the way inside,” Kraigan said, not looking at him, his attention completely focused on what he was doing.

  Jason didn’t understand right away, and then he did. Kraigan needed to use his fingers to leverage the bulbous head of his dick inside. This was Jason’s first time with him, with any dragon. That would need to be done.

  Jason resolved himself to take it, to handle it like a man and let this happen.

  Even though it was extremely uncomfortable. He had no words for the burning of it. It felt like the first time getting fucked all over again, only this time he wouldn’t be with a lover.

  Not a real lover, anyway.

  All the same, Kraigan showed much more care than Jason’s first lover had. They had been young at the time, fumbling and not really knowing what to do, aside from seeing to their own pleasure.

  There was nothing fumbling about the way Kraigan’s finger eased inside of him, holding him open as he started to push his cock forward.

  Jason sucked in a breath. At first he held it, but then he realized that was the absolute last thing that he should be doing. He forced himself to breathe. In and out, in and out. If he held his breath, then that would just make him tighten his body up without his meaning to. He relaxed his body, his muscles, and his asshole to the best of his ability, even against the pain and the burn.

  Yes, it really did feel like losing his virginity all over again. That seemed kind of nice, now that Jason thought about it, and then the burn came to a high point before melting away into almost nothing, leaving only the memory of it behind as Jason sighed and pushed back.

  Kraigan was inside. The bulb of his cock had been pushed through, and all that was left was the rest of his shaft.

  Kraigan did not immediately push forward, however. He waited for the rest of Jason’s body to open up to him, and Jason couldn’t take it anymore. His hands turned into fists on the floor, and he growled over his shoulder. “Move.”

  “Not yet,” Kraigan said.

  Jason nearly yelled at him for that. How dare he not move? The bastard was just doing this to tease Jason. This wasn’t about getting off, and Jason would lose his damned mind on the man and find the most horrifying method of killing him if Kraigan was just doing this for his amusement.

  Then Jason’s body did open up. The inside of him seemed to be sucking Kraigan forward, instead of trying to push him out. Jason opened his mouth and let out another silent sigh when that forward push finally happened, that slow and easy glide until he could feel the rough hairs of Kraigan’s pubic area against the back of his ass.

  He laughed a little at that.

  “What?” Kraigan demanded, panting.

  “That tickles,” Jason said.

  A brief silence. Jason could just imagine the man behind him frowning at him, wondering what he was talking about. “What tickles?” he said and then seemed to realize. “Oh.”

  Jason burst out laughing. He couldn’t stop himself, and he could feel the tightening of Kraigan’s grip against his hips, right before the man pulled back, back, back, all the way until the bulb of his cock prevented him from moving anymore.

  Jason tensed, imagining Kraigan yanking it roughly out of Jason just to teach him a lesson, to cause him pain, but that wasn’t what happened. Kraigan slammed forward. The movement of his body was so hard, so harsh, that the sound of their flesh slapping together echoed in the air.

  The shock of the forward thrust also sent a tidal wave of ecstasy through Jason’s body. He’d seen the ocean once before, and he knew how strong those waves could be.

  This seemed at least a hundred times stronger than that.

  The absolute best part about it was the way Kraigan didn’t stop, either. The man pulled back and did it again, shooting another lightning bolt up Jason’s spine that left his mouth in the form of a yell.

  Again and again and again. Their flesh bounded together. Jason heard every agonized breath that Kraigan released. The man’s fingers were so tight on his hips there was no way he wouldn’t have bruising there later on. Good. That was what he wanted. That was exactly the thing that he needed, without even knowing why he would need something like that. Didn’t make sense.

  Jason couldn’t get a word out, and he wanted to say something. Wanted to yell at Kraigan to keep on fucking him just like that, to tell him to never ever even think about stopping because if he did Jason was going to tear his damned head off.

  He also wanted to say that if he’d known it was going to feel this good he would have let Kraigan bend him over and fuck him that first time that he’d kissed him. This was fucking amazing!

  He was glad that he didn’t get that one out. That would have been much too embarrassing to have to deal with.

  The pleasure rose and rose. It was so great that Jason didn’t even notice at first that his knees were starting to pain him. He was being fucked right across the hard floor of the gym. They probably should have done this on one of those mats, but Jason didn’t get the chance to ask, as Kraigan, without any word of warning, grabbed Jason around the stomach and pulled him up.

  “Hey!” Jason yelled, more shocked than offended at the sudden stall in what they were doing.

  “Shut up,” Kraigan said, and the rough tone of his voice made a shivery pleasure ripple through Jason’s flesh.

  That ripple magnified as he found himself sitting in Kraigan’s lap, his back pressed to that warm, solid chest, and then Kraigan’s hand went to Jason’s throat. His touch was light, but still firm as he angled Jason’s head back and, oh! Fuck, their mouths, touching in that kissing way again. Kraigan was...but he couldn’t be...

  But he was. Jason might as well stop being a fool and just call it what it was. Kraigan was kissing him, and the man did it very well. His lips were pillow-soft, a nice contrast to the scratch of his mouth and
jaw, a beard that wanted to come in but had been shaved away.

  Even though Jason felt the fat bulb inside of his body, pressing against his prostate while that little fleshy slit wrapped around and squeezed it, it was the forward thrust of Kraigan’s tongue that finally pushed Jason over the edge, that made the pleasure inside of him implode and cause a chain reaction throughout the rest of his body.

  Jason moaned against Kraigan’s lips, and his body shuddered and tightened. He felt the rumble of Kraigan’s moan as Jason’s asshole tightened around his cock, squeezing the man in place as blood-warm cum shot up and onto Jason’s stomach and chest. The reaction, the orgasm, was so damned strong, so powerful, that he was fairly sure he felt some of it get him in the chin.

  Then he felt a warm rush even more powerful than that shooting inside of him. Kraigan’s thick arms wrapped around Jason’s chest, his hips still pumping, bouncing Jason in his lap as Kraigan moaned against his throat and came hard.

  The reaction from Kraigan brought about another orgasm, and Jason shot again. He couldn’t contain it, and he tried. If only because holding back made for a more pleasurable orgasm, he tried to contain it for a few seconds longer, but he couldn’t even do that.

  Kraigan slumped over him after that, the man’s breathing ragged and warm against Jason’s skin. He didn’t mind. He liked the warmth. It was lulling. He thought he could go to sleep right there, and he smiled as he pressed his mouth down to the top of Kraigan’s hand, which was still holding onto Jason’s shoulder.

  He’d just settled himself to doze for a minute, snuggling into the warmth that was nearly cocooning him, when he realized what he’d just done.

  Had he seriously just kissed Kraigan’s hand? What made him do that? Oh no, had the man noticed it?

  Didn’t matter. He needed to get out of here. Like right now.

  “Where are you going?” Kraigan asked, sounding very much as though he was on the verge of passing out himself now that he’d gotten off, even if they were still on a cold, hard floor.

  Next time they needed to do this on the mats. Or in a bed.

  “I’m leaving,” Jason said. He didn’t say it meanly. He didn’t think he did, but Kraigan seemed to tense up at his words.

  Jason couldn’t look at him. It was too awkward, and now his stupid heart was starting to thump again, and he couldn’t figure out what his problem was.

  Kraigan’s cock had softened. The large bulb that made up the head of his dick had deflated, making it a little easier for Jason to pull himself away from the man.

  He still hissed, however. Kraigan had wrecked him all right. Not only had that been the most unique sexual experience he’d ever had, but it had also been the best, and already Jason knew that nothing else he ever experienced in his entire life would compare to what he’d just had right now.

  Which meant that Kraigan was very much not out of his system. This was not good.

  Jason collected his clothes, aware of Kraigan’s eyes on him, watching him, as the man said nothing. He didn’t even move to dress himself while Jason put his clothes back on. He wanted to get out of here, spend time in the showers, and then drown himself in the hot springs because this was supposed to have made him not want Kraigan anymore, and yet he’d very nearly settled himself to fall asleep in the man’s lap.

  “I’ll see you later,” Kraigan said when Jason rushed by him.

  He stopped for a half a second before continuing on. He unlocked the door and rushed out of the gym, still felling Kraigan’s eyes on him all the way down the hall, which should not have been possible if the man hadn’t moved.

  It almost sounded as though Kraigan was making a promise to him. Even he knew this thing they’d done was nowhere near close to being over.

  Chapter Four

  Kraigan pounded his fist on Novik’s door. He knew the bastard was in there. The man had given himself the day off from his regular duties, so there was nowhere else he could be except for with his mate.

  No answer. He knocked again, harder this time. He was losing all of his patience now.

  “Novik! I know you’re in there. Come out here before I knock your damned door down!”

  That seemed to do it. There was a muffled sound of voices from within, the pounding rush of footsteps, and then the sliding sound of a metal bolt against wood as the door was unlocked and then yanked open.

  “What?” Novik snapped, eyes blazing and nostrils flaring.

  Kraigan wasn’t impressed. He’d seen this angered look on his commander’s face before. It was difficult to be fearful of something when he happened to see it on a regular basis.

  “I need you to teach me how to woo a human.”

  That seemed to throw Novik off. He backed up a step, his eyes changing from wide and angry to simply just wide and confused.

  “You banged on my door for that?” he barked and then very nearly slammed the door in Kraigan’s face.

  He would have, if Kraigan had not put his foot in the way.

  The slam hurt, but not enough for him to show it or for him to back away. “Novik! I need you to tell me!”

  “Figure it out on your own!” Novik snapped.

  “Let him in, Novik. It’s all right,” said another voice in the room. Adam’s.

  Kraigan decided just then that he liked the man, even though Novik did not listen to the wise words of his mate and continued to try and shove Kraigan out of his doorway.

  “He does not need to come in here, and he needs no advice!” Novik snapped, turning and glaring at him. “He can figure out what to do just like everyone else.”

  Kraigan did not want to figure out what to do on his own because he had no idea what to do on his own.

  Kraigan’s only goal was to come here and learn what Novik had done to win the heart and affections of Adam, but it seemed he might not need Novik as much as he’d thought. Adam was Jason’s best friend, and he knew more about that stubborn human than anyone, perhaps even more than Jason’s sister, Athy.

  And she was constantly busy with Javick, from what Kraigan understood about their relationship.

  “Novik, just let him in,” Adam said.

  Novik continued to glare and push against the door, regardless of what his mate said, before he finally grunted and let go, stepping back and nearly causing Kraigan to fall face-first inside of the room.

  Hardly like a warrior should.

  He caught himself, thankfully, and stood straight.

  He was stunned to see that Novik was dressed. Kraigan hadn’t noticed right away, but the man was in his normal clothing, leather boots that went to his knees, brown leggings, and a loose, white tunic with his hair tied back. He had a casual sort of appearance that Kraigan had never seen on him before.

  Adam, however, was still in bed, wearing long sleepwear and slightly green around the cheeks. The room had the acidic scent of vomit, and that was about when Kraigan noticed the bowl sitting beside the bed, waiting for when Adam would need it.

  Kraigan felt his face heating. Of course. Novik might have taken the day off, but it would not have been without good reason. Adam was sick again, not for the first time, but this must have been particularly bad if Novik thought to stay here with him.

  Now he understood why Novik did not want to be disturbed and why he did not want to allow Kraigan into his bedroom.

  He wondered if Jason knew about this.

  “How are you feeling today?” Kraigan asked, clearing his throat as he spoke to Adam. At the very least, he felt that he should ask the man that much. It seemed like the polite thing to do, but of course, it was still nowhere near enough.

  Adam smiled. It seemed weak on his pale lips. “I thought being a half dragon would be a lot more fun than this. Wish I had the wings instead,” he said, then he sharply looked at Novik, his body tensing. “I mean, not that I’d trade them or anything. I just...”

  “I know what you meant, Adam. Fear not,” Novik said, smiling softly for his mate, right before scowling back at Kraigan. “
Be quick with this and be gone. Adam needs his rest.”

  Adam shook his head. “It’s okay if he wants to talk. I won’t get out of bed.”

  “But you still need to sleep.”

  “And I can’t sleep, so it’s all right if he wants to talk about Jason.” Adam looked to Kraigan. “You are talking about Jason, right?”

  Kraigan bit his lips, fighting the rising heat in his neck and face. He nodded. “I am.”

  How was it that seemingly all of the rest of the nest seemed to know about his affections for Jason long before Kraigan knew about them? He still could hardly believe it, considering how annoying that little human could be.

  Having an adorable face and a tight ass should not have changed that, but at least where Jason was concerned, it did.

  Novik sighed. “I’ll put on a kettle,” he said, stepping into the next room. Trusting Kraigan to be alone with his mate even for a few minutes was a deep sign of brotherhood. Novik knew that if anything happened to Adam, should he worsen, or should there be an attack, that Kraigan would step in and do something about it in Novik’s absence.

  Or, perhaps, he was looking too deeply into that. Novik had simply stepped into the next room, after all. He hadn’t flown off on a mission.

  “So, what do you want to know?” Adam asked, smiling up at him as though they were good friends, as though they conversed about their love lives like this often.

  Kraigan shifted from foot to foot. He was not a friend of Adam’s. He was a warrior, and he was simply here on some advice. There was no need for him to be seeing Adam’s generosity as anything more than it was. “I would like to know what Jason’s opinion is on this matter.”

  Adam tilted his head to the side. He didn’t seem to understand.

  “What is his opinion of me?” Kraigan clarified.

  Even that did not seem to be enough.

  “His opinion? Well, he think’s you’re kind of an asshole most of the time. You weren’t very nice to him when he first came into the nest. To be honest, that time when he got caught for trying to sneak out of the nest, I thought you were the one who turned him in for execution.”


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