Connelly Crime Family Trilogy

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Connelly Crime Family Trilogy Page 41

by Winters, KB

  She turned, completely unconcerned with modesty and giving me a several seconds long peek at her luscious tits. They were big for her small frame, pale and smooth with ripened raspberry nipples capping off the whole sexy picture.

  “How sweet of you.”

  She turned her back to me once again and splashed water on her face, her hair and other parts that I shouldn’t have enjoyed watching, but I did.

  “Better than a porno,” I muttered and she laughed, but it was the honest damn truth.

  “Thanks, I think. Come on over here before our luck runs out and you end up with an ice-cold whore’s bath. Then again, maybe that’s just what you need.”

  She was so goddamn sassy I couldn’t get enough of her.

  Margo finished washing, using a ton of paper towels to dry herself off and stepped aside, watching me as I rinsed off, blue eyes heavy lidded as her teeth sank into her plump pink lips. She wasn’t shy about looking her fill, and I didn’t mind since she was kind enough to leave her shirt off for me. But goddamn my balls ached, my cock throbbed to be deep inside her.

  Now wasn’t the fucking time.

  “That was something anyway,” I said as I dried off and picked bits of paper towel from my arms and chest.

  She was right, it wasn’t as satisfying as it should have been and now we were both shivering.

  “Now what?” She asked, tugging her dirty shirt on over her head and looking around.

  “Now we figure out where—” My words were cut off by the sound of a door opening on the other side of the building. I heard three sets of footsteps even before I saw the men, each of them dressed in gaudy designer suits. I recognized the middle one right away. Dan Milano, Lorenzo’s pride and joy. I should have realized he would try to fill daddy’s shoes while the Connellys had him.

  “Danny Boy, how does that new suit feel?”

  He glared, his beady eyes doing their best to look frightening and failing miserably. “Connelly,” he nodded. “How does it feel knowing you’ll never be third in line to the throne?”

  Dan smirked, obviously thinking that was the same slight for me as it was for him, except I was happy with my lot in life.

  “About as good as it feels knowing your little army of thugs is dwindling by the day.”

  His smile slipped at that, confirming what I already knew. The golden boy wasn’t ready to take the reins yet. Lorenzo had spoiled the kid and worse, he never let him get into the thick of the family business. Of course he wasn’t ready.

  This jerkoff wasn’t the old man though. The father at least had some measure of self-control.

  “Your families are being difficult, refusing to do what is right,” he began, his gaze taking in me and then Margo. “Until they cooperate, you both will remain here.”

  He flashed another expression that was meant to be a smile but came off more like a grimace, turned and left.

  I eyed the two men flanking him, taking in the guns they wore and other weapons, along with clocking their sizes. When they were gone, a plan began to form.

  Margo stepped up beside me but didn’t touch me. “So I guess you guys know each other?” Her blue eyes gazed up at me with a smiling question in her eyes.

  “You could say that. That guy is the heir apparent to the Milano family organization. And for now, he’s the one running the show. Including and especially this whole hostage bullshit.”

  A little wrinkle appeared between her fiery red brows, and she snorted out a laugh. “You mean to tell me mobsters have interim leaders too?”

  God she was such a fucking nerd, and it made me want to get to know her more, which was fucking strange. “Something like that. I can’t be sure if I saw what I think I did, but I’m pretty sure my family has his father.”

  She gasped. “Well at least that explains all that anger. I thought maybe it was a latent sexual thing.”

  I smirked at her. “You’ll pay for that. Later.”

  “I’m quaking in my boots.”

  I laughed out loud. “You mean your slippers?”

  She looked down and her skin turned an alarming shade of pink, from her scalp to the swell of her cleavage. “Okay, I’m shaking in my slippers. Whatever. I’m not scared of you.” She stuck her tongue out, and I knew I was a goner.

  “You should be.” I stepped closer and pulled her against me before I slammed my mouth down on her again. It had been too damn long since that first taste of her succulent mouth. I needed another.

  And I took it.

  This time there was no hesitation from Margo. She threw her arms around my neck and climbed my body until she was wrapped around me, legs hooked at the ankles so she wouldn’t fall. The heat between her legs was enough to make me forget I wasn’t always an asshole. Sometimes I was a gentleman.

  “God why are you so good at that?” I breathed into her ear.

  She pulled back and glared at me, but the look was ruined by her kiss-swollen lips and the glazed look in her eyes.

  I laughed and squeezed her ass, bringing her right up against where I wanted her most.

  “Practice makes perfect,” she said, laughing, and I laughed right along with her.

  “You kiss a woman and she sleeps with you, right?”

  That sounded like a trick question if I ever heard one.

  “No judgment, I totally get it.” But as she said it, she slid down my body and took a step back.

  Margo might get it, but she didn’t like it. Note to self: don’t bring up my sexual past with this woman.

  “Then why are you all the way over there now?”

  “Because I don’t relish the idea of being watched while I’m being intimate with someone, no matter how casual.” She answered.

  That was a damn good point and I scanned the room for any pockets of storage we might have missed.

  “And because I really want to get out of here.”

  “Come on, Dan will give us the perfect opportunity. He’s not ready for this life, doesn’t have what it takes and he knows it.”

  “Uh, call me crazy, but that sounds dangerous for us.”

  “Maybe. But he’ll also overreact each time his authority is challenged, which means he’ll make mistakes and that’ll give us the perfect time to make our escape.”

  She was skeptical, and I didn’t blame her.

  But I would show her.

  Chapter Ten


  “Hey! I found something!”

  Rourke and I had spent the past half hour or so searching for food and supplies and came up empty. Again.

  Rourke’s discovery wasn’t good news, but it was knowledge, which was exactly what we needed to get ourselves out of this jam.

  He came over to me, his big body moving with the grace of a wild cat, big and strong and beautiful. He stopped in front of me with a smirk on his face and shoved a stack of mail at me.

  “This used to be a business. Look at the addresses. They all say Vegas. All addressed to the same business, the same people. That has to be where we are. Las Vegas.”

  I was still trying to figure out what possible reason they would have for taking us to Vegas but so far, I’d come up empty.

  “Shit. Why would they bring us to Vegas?”

  Was he thinking out loud or was he asking my opinion? Probably because it was easier to get lost and stay lost in Sin City, I’d guess, not to mention the fact that the Connellys and Byrnes had a lot of goddamn pull in Rocket.

  “Because Vegas is as close to even ground as the Milanos can hope to get,” he said, answering his own question. “But they’re fucking stupid. The Vegas Valley is huge. They obviously don’t know what they’re getting in to.”

  I didn’t understand what that meant so I shrugged. “Does that make it harder or easier to get out of here?” I knew my dad had some contacts here in Vegas, but I’d done such a damn good job of separating myself from the family business that I wouldn’t know who to call and didn’t have their numbers if I did.

  “Doesn’t matter,�
�� Rourke said, interrupting my thoughts. “We have to get out of here. Now. Being down here will make Danny Boy feel more confident, more reckless and that means a bigger risk for us.” He pulled frustrated fingers through his hair and blew out a long breath, drawing my attention to his magical mouth.

  “I thought you said—”

  He cut me off. “I know what I said, but the change in location changes everything.”

  I didn’t argue. His tone said it would be pointless and honestly, I just wanted to get the hell out of here. “Okay. As long as your plan isn’t painfully stupid, I’ll follow you.”

  He laughed. “Good to know.”

  “I can shoot a gun, a bow and arrow, and I’m good with small knives.” At his shocked look, I shrugged. “Self-defense.”

  I added, “Each of Daniel’s men easily has one hundred pounds on me, which means we need the element of surprise. And a weapon.”

  I could tell he liked the way I thought. He added to the plan. “We need a distraction, Margo. Right now Dan is the head honcho.”

  “The big cheese?”

  His lips twitched and he nodded before continuing. “That means he’ll be top priority to the bodyguards he has with him. His safety will be their primary concern, so if I grab Dan and threaten him, their attention will be on me.”

  “Giving me a chance to escape without you? Don’t even fucking think about it.” We were in this together. We were a team and it had nothing to do with the destabilizing fear I felt going through me at that moment.

  “No, just giving you a head start to the exit.”

  “Bullshit. I’m not some damsel in distress, Rourke. Yeah, I’m small, big deal. I’m also tough. Make a plan that involves us both getting out of here with the least amount of harm.”

  He gave me a funny look and chuckled. “You’re kind of bossy.”

  “Only when I need to be. Now those guys are armed, and if you’re right about Daniel, he either isn’t armed or he’s not proficient with weapons. That’s an advantage we can push.”

  “Now you’re an expert?”

  “No, but I know we need to get our hands on some kind of weapons because that’s the only way to guarantee we make it out alive. I say we grab their weapons first and you turn yours on Daniel. We’ll only have to take out one of them.”

  Rourke snorted. “Tough talk from a chick who’s never killed anyone.”

  “I’m a fucking paramedic, I’ve never killed anyone, but I’ve seen them die, tough guy. Besides, it’s not murder if my survival is on the line. It’s self-defense.” I doubted they’d put a hostage in prison for killing one of her kidnappers.

  “Maybe don’t put that on your resume, aye?”

  I sighed and then groaned as another thought occurred to me. “So much for enjoying my days off!”

  Rourke laughed like it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard. A damn good laugh, too. “Maybe we can squeeze in a moment or two of enjoyment once we’re outta here. I hear there’s a lot of fun to be had in this city.”

  The gleam in his eyes was as tantalizing as it was mischievous.

  “Let’s talk about it when we’re out of here.” The more we talked about escaping, the more the idea became a reality I could accept. The more excited I got.

  “We should assume we’ll have to take out three guys, right?”

  Rourke flashed a bemused smile. “Three men, yeah, but I don’t want you to get it in your head that it’ll be three on two. It won’t.”

  “Yeah, it will,” I insisted with more bravado than I felt. “Until we’re safe and out of here, dude, we’re a team. A goddamn team, you got me? You’re not my boss nor my protector. We’re in this together. Got it?”

  “Daaamn. Absolutely, Margo.”

  “Good,” I huffed, feeling less satisfied at his easy acceptance. “I think I saw a few loose pipes in that back corner. I’ll get them.” I needed to get my head screwed on straight before whatever happened next went down, which meant I couldn’t be thinking about Rourke’s hot mouth and his big, hard body.

  After giving myself a quick pep talk, I grabbed two rusty pipes and one that looked to be just a few years old and made my way, slowly, back to Rourke. “Okay. We’re ready.”

  His eyes studied me for a few seconds before he gave a sharp nod. “It’s a good start. Listen, I want you to—” Before Rourke could say anymore, the large metal latch lifted on the door, sending a screaming screech echoing though the room.

  “Be ready,” he whispered and pushed me off to the side so he could stand right in front of the door with his spine straight and square his broad shoulders.

  Daniel Milano walked into the room, his bodyguards with him. They hung back, so I assumed he had something to say.

  “I see you two are making yourselves right at home.” He flashed a smile so smarmy it made me physically nauseous, but I stood stock still, staring at the dark haired man who could be handsome if he didn’t do his best to look like a mobster or a stockbroker from the eighties.

  Rourke snorted, and I was pretty sure I caught a hit of derision in his tone. “Exactly what I expected it to look like inside a Milano home.” He flashed a smile that was ten thousand percent confidence and folded his arms over his chest, a clear sign he wasn’t worried. Or intimidated.

  “Real funny, asshole,” Dan said, though I could tell he was caught off guard. Probably expected Rourke to roll over and be an easy mark.

  “You mean this isn’t the Milano family residence? Hmm, guess this place is out of your price range.” He laughed and Daniel took a step forward, getting in Rourke’s face.

  “You’re damn lucky I need you alive right now, Connelly or else I’d—”

  “You’d what? Have one of your goons beat the fuck out of me? What a fearless leader you are, Danny Boy.”

  I stared at Rourke, trying to get his attention to see if he had a death wish or a plan. Maybe Danny was a pussy but he had the muscle right now. And the guns.

  Rourke’s focus wasn’t on me, but Daniel’s was. “And you. Margo. What am I going to do with you, or to you, to make sure your old man gets the point?”

  I knew what he was hinting at, but I’d stopped worrying about that long ago.

  “We could have some fun,” he said with a sleazy smile. It made me want to shudder, but I suppressed it and barked out a laugh. “We could, if only I was in the market for a little bitch to call my own.”

  I knew taunting him was a bad idea before the words tumbled out of my mouth, but I couldn’t have stopped them even if my brain and mouth had been operating on the same wavelength.

  “You rotten fucking bitch!” His anger came out quick and black, a full on rage. “You’ll pay for that,” he snarled in a typical threat as he brought his hand down on me hard.

  The fucker made me bite my tongue, and I spat out blood right on his fucking shoe. “Yeah, what are we gonna do? Rub our pussies together?”

  Rourke stepped forward and I gave a little thanks to God that he had. “Figured you’d go for a woman. You can’t handle a man. Exactly like a pussy ass motherfuckin’ Milano.”

  Rourke’s chest puffed out, and the bodyguards stepped up. One came forward and reached for me, grabbing me around the waist, lifting me just high enough in the air that my feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

  This was it. My time to act. A quick look in Rourke’s direction said he might need my help sooner rather than later. He was taking a few glancing blows from Daniel and his thug. But he was holding his own. For now. The pipes were completely out of my reach, and my mind began to race through all the self-defense classes I’d taken to find a way to get out of this mess.

  I smiled and let my chin drop forward. My body went a little slack before I sent my head speeding backwards towards the goon’s face. A full fucking frontal attack.

  He dropped me, screaming and writhing in pain as blood poured from his nose and mouth. “Asshole bitch!”

  He kept screaming and holding his face, giving me the opening I needed to pick
up one of the rusted pipes and raise it over my head. I swung the pipe hard, against his side. I was pretty sure the cracking sound was one of his ribs, and it was a novel experience, to be the one causing the damage instead of repairing it. When it became clear the man was down for the count, I quickly rifled through his pockets, grabbing the cash from his wallet, a cell phone, Taser, and his gun.

  I took a few deep breaths and turned to Rourke. Looked like he was in a fight for his life. The bodyguard did most of the fighting, but Daniel got in a few blows while trying to maintain a safe distance from the violence. “Perfect,” I whispered to myself. I crept behind the coward and held the Taser to the side of his neck and squeezed the button.

  “Fuck me, that was fun!” I said with a loud whoop after Daniel fell to the ground in a heap that looked cheaper than his suit. Rourke continued to wail on the other guy until blood dripped from his fists and his chest heaved with every labored breath.

  “Rourke!” I yelled. “It’s over.”

  Finally, the blows stopped and he looked at me over his shoulder, eyes glazed over with a slightly bewildered expression on his face.

  “Let’s go. Unless you want to stay here just to finish him off?”

  He stood slowly, looking around the room with shocked eyes at the other two men lying on the ground. “What the fuck happened? You did that?”

  I grinned. “Daddy always said I had a hard head. Guess he was right.” Daniel stirred on the ground and I tased him once more for fun, and then inched closer toward the door, motioning with my head for Rourke to move his ass.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here!”

  He grinned and stalked toward me, right through the door, grabbing my hand to pull me in the right direction. Toward the exit.

  Sunlight hit my skin and warmed it instantly but our eyes had grown too used to the dimly lit warehouse. It hit them like needles and we both squinted in pain against the blinding brightness.

  “Fuck, I can’t see anything!”


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