Connelly Crime Family Trilogy

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Connelly Crime Family Trilogy Page 43

by Winters, KB

  “Oh, shit!” I said, writhing with pleasure.

  Rourke took over, pushing in slowly as his tongue worked my tits, my neck, and my mouth, doing everything he could to make sure his big cock didn’t hurt. He didn’t have to worry though. I was too wet for any of it to matter. The more he filled me, the more of him I wanted.

  “Margo,” he bit out. I looked up at his clenched jaw and flaring nostrils.

  “Fuck me, Rourke. Don’t hold back. Please.”

  In response, he pulled all the way out and slid in slowly, then he repeated the move and this time he slammed into me harder. Harder and harder. Faster. Deeper. It was so much. Too much. It was everything.

  The only sounds in the room were our bodies smacking together and our grunts of pleasure. I held on to Rourke, scratching at his body in an effort to get closer or get away, I didn’t know. I just knew that I didn’t want it to end. Ever.

  “Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re close.”

  I blinked up at his words. Was he crazy? I wasn’t one of those girls who could come more than once in a night, and I shook my head. “I already came.”

  “And now you’re gonna come again.” There was that confident grin again, the one that said he knew what he was doing.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can,” he barked out and grabbed my calves, placing the bottom of my feet against his pecs as he leaned over to look at me.

  “Oh!” This new position sent him deeper until he hit that elusive spot that I wasn’t ever really sure existed until this very moment.

  To his credit, Rourke didn’t brag, but oh did he smile. Big and wide and so self-satisfied I would have smacked that grin off his face if those telltale tingles hadn’t started between my thighs.

  “Go on,” he urged. “Let go.”

  “Not yet.” I was close, but I wanted more. Needed it. “Harder, Rourke.”

  With a growl, he did as I asked and three strokes later his name flew from my lips like a song as pleasure rushed out of every limb, every pore of my body. I shook and convulsed as I pulsed around him, squeezing him and pulling him deeper even as he continued plunging deep into me.

  “Margo,” he growled and the sound came from deep within his soul.

  “Do it,” I commanded him, and he grabbed my thighs, holding them wide open as he pounded into me with deep, punishing strokes that prolonged my own orgasm until my pleasure yanked his from him.

  “Ahh fuck!” Rourke tensed and held me tight as his orgasm took over his whole body. Then he collapsed on top of me and rolled us over so I was on top. “Fuck, Margo. Your pussy,” he began but then I just heard his heavy breathing.

  “You did that,” I told him with a smug grin. I let my hands roam his body while I continued to move with him still inside me.

  His hands went to my hips. “Don’t move. Stay. Right. There.”

  His cock continued to pulse inside me, and there was no place else I wanted to be in that moment, feeling the last remnants of his orgasm fill my body.

  And then his phone rang on the standard motel nightstand, shattering the moment. I leaned over and handed him the burner while staying in place on top of him. Okay, maybe I was grinding just a little.

  “Eamon,” he said, getting all serious and putting one hand on my hip to stop my movements. “Got it. Thanks, man.” He ended the call and looked at my expectant expression.

  “We gotta shower and then go. The cavalry is close and they’re expecting us.”

  I held back my sigh of disappointment and mentally checked myself. The sex was hot, maybe even out of this world good, but it was still just sex.

  It happened. It was over.

  I just hoped we didn’t die before I got the chance to do it again.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After a quick shower that included only a small amount of touching, and tasting, Margo and I left the motel and jumped into a cab. Thankfully the driver looked like a college kid who was more than willing to ignore us and hum along to the song playing on the radio. I only hoped if anyone was trying to track us, that he wouldn’t remember anything.

  “Here we are, guys. You sure this is where you want to be dropped off?”

  I opened my mouth to tell the kid to mind his damn business but Margo leaned forward with a bright smile on her face, not that the kid noticed with her tits on full display in that damn dress. “Totally. I heard there’s a shooting range over here that lets you shoot all kinds of guns. All kinds,” she emphasized, eyes bright as she dropped a hand on his shoulder.

  “Really? Cool. Good luck.” He flashed a sincere smile, his cheeks a little pink from Margo’s attention, but otherwise the kid seemed all right.

  I tipped and thanked him, watching him drive off before going through brand new wrought iron gates with the letters RB scrawled across the top in elaborate cursive.

  “Stay close for now,” I said, taking her hand.

  Margo stopped walking. “Wait, I thought these were friends.”

  “They are,” I sighed. “But Eamon knows them, not me.”

  She nodded and began to walk beside me again, keeping a distance I didn’t understand considering what we’d just done. “Who are these guys, anyway?”

  “The Reckless Bastards are a motorcycle club based in Mayhem, a little town right outside of Vegas. Eamon did some business with them before and he said they were reliable, friendly and willing to help. He also mentioned they’d been through hell recently with their own war and were sympathetic to our problems.”

  “A biker gang? That’s been at war?” She shook her head. “Fuck, dude. Do you know any normal people?”

  I grinned. “I know you.”

  That pulled a smile from her and a small laugh. “That doesn’t count,” she said smartly.

  “Why not? I just tasted your pussy and was buried so deep inside you, I could feel your goddamn tonsils.” Her laugh made my cock twitch so suddenly, I could have done her all over again.

  “That doesn’t count. And I’m not normal. Donovan Byrne’s daughter, remember?” She flashed a self-deprecating grin and rolled her eyes, which seemed to sum up how she felt about her father. Affectionate, yet exasperated.

  “Still, a paramedic is pretty normal.”

  That pulled another laugh from her. “Compared to your life, maybe. But we deal with people on the worst days of their lives, so no, not all that normal. Just on the right side of the law is all.”

  Two guys walked toward us, both of them wearing black leather vests with their MC insignia emblazoned everywhere.

  “Rourke?” the bigger guy said. “I’m Cross.” He extended his hand and his blue eyes seemed friendly enough. “President of the Reckless Bastards Mayhem Chapter.”

  “Good to meet you, man. Thanks for helpin’ us out.”

  “No problem. My VP, Jag.” He motioned to a dark skinned dude with a friendly smile. “He knows your brother and vouched for him. Come on in, let’s get you guys settled.”

  “Settled?” Margo whispered and tugged my arm when the other two men turned away. “We’re staying here?”

  Jag turned with a grin. “What you need takes time. Don’t worry, you’re safe here.”

  Cross snickered and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face when Margo glared at me.

  Instead, I shrugged. “That about sums up this life, Margo.” I stared at those big eyes swimming with about a thousand different questions, urging her to trust me. “What’ll it be?”

  She looked to Cross and then Jag before she shrugged. “Sorry guys, it’s been a rough…hell, I don’t even know how many days.” Finally she nodded and began to walk. “Thank you for your help. I’m Margo, by the way.”

  Jag grinned. “I know your old man. Helped him set up some security programs for his business. How’s he doing?”

  She shrugged. “Probably pissed as hell right about now,” she told him with a genuine smile.

  The glass doors opened and we walked in behind Cross an
d Jag, and into a room that looked more like a bar than headquarters for a biker gang. A long bar took up more than half of one wall, with a sexy little number behind it pouring drinks. Pool tables studded the room and round metal tables and chairs hosted a few card games, and even a couple dartboards were set up on the wall in the rear.

  Men and women alike milled around, but a tall woman with black and gray hair walked over to us in a long flowing dress. She kissed Cross and then looked at us with a welcoming smile.

  “I’m Moon,” she said, shaking both of our hands with a strong, sure grip. “You look like you need a drink,” she said to Margo. “Why don’t we go get one and let the men talk?”

  Margo snorted at that but nodded her agreement.

  “Menfolk,” she mumbled to me and walked off behind Moon.

  “She’s in good hands,” Cross assured me.

  “Margo can take care of herself.”

  “Good. Let’s go somewhere we can talk.” Cross gave orders like a man comfortable not just with his power, but also his authority. It was pretty impressive, watching how he interacted with his men, being friendly but always the final voice.

  I followed Cross and Jag through the big game room and down a dark hall that led outside and into a smaller building filled mostly with electronic equipment.

  “Welcome to my brand new lair.” Jag grinned and took a seat in the middle of a large bank of computers that would have been more in place on the Starship Enterprise than a biker gang clubhouse.

  I whistled as I took it all in. “You sure you guys are just bike enthusiasts because this looks like some NSA shit.”

  “Who told?” A porcelain-skinned woman with hot pink hair popped her head up. From the dark look she shot my way, she’d taken me seriously. “The NSA stuff is hush-hush.”

  Her lips twitched and Jag leaned over for a kiss. “Don’t listen to her. That’s my lady, Vivi, and she’s better at this stuff than I am.”

  “About time you admitted it,” she said under her breath and turned back to her own bank of monitors.

  Jag rolled his eyes and motioned me closer. “Okay, so Eamon said you ended up in Vegas with nothing, no cash or IDs.”

  “Yeah. They took mine, but Margo was taken from her home.”

  Jag nodded. “Eamon gave me most of the details and he transferred some cash to me. Said he wanted to keep you and the lady off the radar as much as possible until you got back to Rocket.”

  I wasn’t sure if all the covert stuff was necessary, but I was smart enough to keep my mouth closed. “Except for getting back home, I have to agree.”

  “We’ve got you covered,” Cross assured me and handed me an envelope. “Five grand should cover whatever you need to get you and your lady back home to Rocket.”

  Shit. “You’ve done all this since you talked to my cousin?” If this was how efficient bikers were lately, we really needed to step up our game.

  Jag and Cross both laughed. “We’ve spent the past few years where you are now, so yeah, we’re always prepared for the shit to hit the fucking fan.”

  Cross lifted a small duffel bag and set it at my feet. “A few guns and some ammo. Keys to a nondescript sedan that has seen better days, but it’ll get you home without any problems.”

  At my skeptical look, he smiled. “We ride, remember?”

  “Uhm…shit, thanks guys. This is more than I was expecting.” I made a mental note to talk to Eamon when I got home. We needed to step it up. These guys were on point.

  “No problem. You guys want to get on the road or bunk here for the night?”

  “We’ll stay tonight and see what happens and then take off early if that’s all right?”

  “More than,” Cross assured me with a smile. “Let’s grab your lady friend and I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

  I turned to Jag and shook his hand. “Thanks for everything, man.”

  “Anytime. Kick some ass when you get the chance,” he shot back.

  “Fuck kicking ass,” Vivi said, “kill them as soon as you get a shot.”

  I laughed and followed Cross out, repeating our path to the game room area. “Eamon mentioned to me that your club is expanding?’

  “Something like that. Our former VP has a kid sister to raise and with all the shit we’ve been through lately, he went over to Texas a few months ago. We’ll see how things turn out.”

  He seemed content and not at all stressed.

  “How in the hell did you get things to settle down around here?” He’d been through what the Connelly’s were going through now so any advice would be nice.

  “Well, lost a lot of blood and lost some good people and had to rebuild some of our businesses. But if you’re lucky, that’s what you’ll have to look forward to. Rebuilding.”

  “So destroy everything in sight and pray your team is the last one standing?” I asked. I was starting to like the way this guy thought.

  Cross huffed out a laugh. “We’re all vets around here, Rourke. That’s pretty much how war goes. You can be as prepared as fuck with the best men, weapons, strategy, but in the end it comes down to how hard you fight and luck. Dumb fucking luck.”

  He clapped me on the back just as Margo emerged in black denim and a white tank top, chatting with Moon.

  “Based on what Jag told me, Rourke, your team has had better luck than the other guys.”

  “For now. I’m just tired of these motherfuckers trying to get away with shit they know they can’t handle.”

  “Same,” Cross grunted out. “Same.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “I’ve never eaten so much in my entire life!”

  Working as a paramedic didn’t require me to stay in shape, but the job was a lot easier if I did. We often had to lift overweight people, dead weight, and not to mention all the times we had to carry someone down multiple flights of stairs. I worked out regularly and ate more than salads as a meal, but I’d taken full advantage of the Reckless Bastards’ hospitality.

  Rourke laughed and closed the door to the small upstairs apartment Cross and his wife Moon, had given us for the night.

  “You mean you don’t normally eat a hamburger, fries, hot wings, two cupcakes and three margaritas in one sitting?” He shook his head, hair falling across his forehead to give him a boyish look I found too damn charming.

  “I don’t know where you put it, but my dick apparently likes watching you put away all that food.”

  I gave him a playful smack in the stomach with the back of my hand. “I haven’t eaten in days and those assholes took me before I got my Chinese food!”

  He smirked and his lips twitched before a full-blown laugh erupted from him. “I really think the Milanos should be more afraid of you than my family with the way you won’t let go of that Chinese food.”

  Amusement in his voice took the sting off his words, and I laughed too.

  “They should be worried. I’d been thinking about Chinese food for the last twenty-four hours of my shift! Twenty-four hours, Rourke!”

  “Okay, fine. You did hear the part about your eating giving me a boner, right?”

  I nodded because that was kind of nice to hear, better than a guy telling me I eat too much. “So, what did you gangsters talk about while the little women went to coo over margaritas and food?”

  It wasn’t that big a deal, but it was just so old school and sexist it made me want to scream. But it was typical of criminal organizations, so I didn’t even get angry about it anymore.

  “We’re leaving first thing in the morning,” he replied. “And we’re not gangsters. We’re businessmen.”

  “Why aren’t we leaving tonight?” I didn’t know why I was in such a hurry. Fear of the unknown? It wasn’t like going back to Rocket would suddenly make us safer.

  “First of all, I’m fucking tired. But now that we’ve escaped, they’ll expect us to head home right away. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have men staking out the airports, bus stations and trains l
eaving Vegas all day today.”

  I scrunched my eyebrows together. “Vegas has trains?”

  “Stay focused, Margo.”

  I nodded, and he went on.

  “We have cash, weapons and a car to get us home. And leaving tomorrow means we will get a good night’s sleep and hopefully bypass any trouble on the road.”

  That all sounded good. A little too good if you asked me, which of course no one had. “And how exactly are we supposed to pay back this kindness?”

  Hazel eyes narrowed in my direction, but there was no anger or even annoyance. “You are one suspicious little thing, aren’t you?”

  I shrugged, completely unapologetic. “Hazards of growing up the way I did.” No one, not even my uncles, did anything out of the kindness or goodness of their hearts. It was all to look good in front of my dad.

  Tickets to see my favorite boy band were an opportunity to prove some thug could be trusted with my safety. Toys, cars and later, dates, all came with strings attached. When it came to other people, I needed to know the price of their help before I accepted it.

  Rourke sighed and raked a hand through his slightly damp hair. “This was an act of kindness repaid, Margo, nothing else.”

  Well now I felt like the asshole. “Okay,” I nodded feeling guilty about giving him a hard time when he was in the same boat as I was. “Sorry,” I said in a small voice. “I’m normally good in a crisis but apparently not this kind of crisis.”

  It was disconcerting to find myself behaving the way most patients did in the back of my ambulance.

  Rourke’s sympathetic smile was soft and kind, offering up a glimpse of the man he might have been if he hadn’t chosen to go into the Family Business, as they said in our circles.

  “It’s all right,” he assured me and pulled me into his arms. Dammit, it felt nice. Really fucking nice, and for several long moments I just leaned into him and soaked up his warmth and his innate strength.

  “We’ve been through a lot over the past few days. Just think, soon we’ll be back in Rocket.”

  As nice as that sounded, it didn’t provide the relief I thought it would. “Yeah, but the trouble isn’t over, Rourke. If we do make it home, what’s to stop them from kidnapping me all over again? They know where I live and probably where I work, which means there’s no place safe for me to go. Definitely not to my dad’s place. This shit is all his fault anyway.”


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