Sinful Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Boardroom Games Book 2)

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Sinful Takeover: An Enemies to Lovers Romance (Boardroom Games Book 2) Page 11

by Piper Sullivan

  “I wanted her so bad. She was all sexy and funny and completely unimpressed by me. And then she did something I thought impossible, Luke. She impressed me.” She was beautiful, powerful and privileged, but she was nice to everyone from the assistants, wait staff, children and old people. She smiled at people and listened when they talked. She was good. Too damn good for me. “I fucked up. I hurt her and I did it on purpose. Hit me.”

  “I want to, more than anything, but it wouldn’t be a fair fight since I’m pretty sure you’re still drunk. Also, I have a feeling my sister might not want me to rearrange your pretty mug.”

  I laughed at that, unable to keep the bitterness from creeping in. “She’d probably line up to do the rearranging.”

  Lukas turned to the kitchen. “You smell like ass and stale booze. Go take a shower so we can have a normal conversation.” He didn’t wait for my agreement, just went to the kitchen, probably to brew some coffee the way I had for him plenty of times over the years.

  I took a quick shower, my thoughts once again drifting to Lacey and the way she looked at that meeting. She’d been pale and she’d lost weight, but the most gutting sight of all was the lack of spark in her brown gaze. I’d done that to her, and I hated myself for it. By the time I stepped from the hot steamy shower, I felt energized. Still hungover and dehydrated, but also ready to try something else, anything else to get Lacey to talk to me.

  “I needed that.”

  “Drink this.” Lukas slid a cup of black coffee my way and I picked it up, letting the lot liquid burn my throat and get rid of the last of the booze.


  “Right.” He looked at me for a long time, expression as blank as his sister’s had been a few days ago. Carefully blank while he assessed me, decided if I was good enough for his sister. “Just help me understand something, Walker.”

  “I already told you, I couldn’t resist. I wanted her and I went for her, end of story.”

  “Finished?” I nodded, arms crossed defensively. “Good. Now what I need help understanding is why. Why is it that you’re at home getting drunk when you clearly have feelings for Lacey.”

  “You’re wrong,” I insisted automatically, though I should have censored myself when I caught his nasty look.

  “Lie to yourself Walker. I saw photos of you in San Diego, bodies wrapped all around each other and you with that goofy fucking grin on your face.” He shook his head, disgusted. “Look at how you’re acting, like a lovesick fool. You weren’t even gone like this over Eve.”

  Eve. Shit. “She said the same thing.” Before his dark look could turn murderous again, I gave him a quick rundown of my run-in with Eve. “Shit, she was right.” The last words she’d hurled at me had been right. I’d stood there feeling smug and self-righteous when she stormed off, confident I hadn’t punished her for anyone else’s wrongdoing, only I had. Even tried to rope me into taking care of her with a false paternity claim and I’d instantly turned Lacey’s illness into morning sickness. “Fuck I’m an idiot.”

  “I’m not going to argue that point, because you are. And I appreciate you sparing me most of the details.” I didn’t bother to tell him the lack of disclosure was more for my sake than his. “But I am going to help you.”

  “You are?” I was grateful because I had a feeling if left to my own devices I’d be at this forgiveness thing for a long fucking time.

  “Yep. I just need one thing in return.”

  “Name it.”

  He smiled and took a long sip from the heart patterned coffee mug Lacey had left behind. “Tell me how you feel about her.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Bullshit,” he spat. “You’re miserable without her?”

  “I am.” Sometimes I woke up at night and reached out to pull her against me, only to end up disappointed and angry.

  “You can’t stop thinking about her?”

  “What gave it away, the five thousand dollars’ worth of scotch I drank last night?” Because the bottle was nearly empty and just looking at the amber liquid made my gut churn. It hadn’t helped erase thoughts, sounds or images of Lacey. “Nothing fucking helps.”

  “You love her. You know you do, so don’t bother denying it.” He set his mug in the sink before dropping an envelope on the table. “This is where she’ll be tomorrow night, if you figure out what she means to you and if you’re ready to give her what she deserves. If you don’t know, don’t come.” It was advice as much as it was a threat and I nodded.

  “Thanks, Luke.”

  “Don’t make me regret it.”

  I wouldn’t. Tomorrow meant I had about eighteen hours to get my shit in order. I scrambled eggs and toasted bread while I finished the coffee pot, making plans for all the things I needed to do before tomorrow.

  In less than eighteen hours I would be face to face with Lacey and she deserved a man who had a vision for the future, a plan for a future with her. I didn’t know if commitment was in my skillset but for Lacey I was willing to try.


  Why in the hell did Poppy insist we dress up to do a simple tasting menu for her bridal shower? It would likely be me, Maple and Talia along with a very pregnant bride-to-be, there was no need to go all out just to pick out food. But I had on a sexy red dress that was leather and lace, and ten thousand percent badass. It was part of the bolder new me, dressing more stylishly and taking more chances with my wardrobe.

  Looking good didn’t have to be about a man and since I wasn’t in the market for one, I wore my dress proudly for me as I walked into McAllister’s Pub. It was a pub in the loosest sense of the world with miles of dark mahogany and black leather, but the food was upscale and Michelin quality.

  “I’m here for the Masters-Sayers tasting,” I told the stunning hostess as she sauntered to the podium.

  “Follow me,” she said and I did, eyes glued to her impossibly tiny waist and long shapely legs. I couldn’t help but envy her easy confidence and effortless beauty as she led me into a private room. “A complimentary bottle of wine is available now, but nothing will be served until your party arrives.”

  I thanked her and dug in my purse to answer my ringing phone. “Let me guess Poppy, you’re running late?”

  “More than late, I’m not going to make it. Talia and I are caught up with some last minute work details. Can you just make notes on everything and get back to me? Thanks babe, love you! Bye!”

  I stared at the phone and frowned. Poppy was being weird, even weird for normal Poppy. But to call her on it risked another hormone induced emotion fest. Besides, she’d already hung up which meant I could let her down or I could sit in this room, alone, and gorge myself on high quality food.

  I chose to gorge.

  And drink.

  “Is this a solo party or can anyone join in?”

  I froze at the sound of Walker’s voice, cheese in one hand and wine in the other. “What are you doing here?” Please don’t let a date be with him, I couldn’t handle it.

  “I came to see you.” He walked over to me and took the seat beside me, so close our shoulders and hips were pressed together. “I’ve missed you Lacey and I know I have no right to feel that way, but I do.”

  “I miss you too,” I told him honestly. I didn’t think it would change anything, but I refused to be a liar. “But it doesn’t matter.”

  “Of course, it does,” he said lightly, grabbing my hand so our fingers were locked together. “It’s the only thing that matters, I was just too stupid to realize it at the time. I’ve been miserable without you.”

  “You threw me away, Walker.”

  He sighed. “I never said I was all that bright. The way I feel about you, it took me off guard. I wasn’t expecting to feel anything, and I know that makes me sound like an asshole but it’s true.”

  It made him sound honest. And vulnerable, something I knew he’d hate if I told him as much. “How do you feel?” I held my breath, unable to believe I had the courage to ask the question. I
guess that was growth.

  “I’m in love with you, Lacey. I wish I could claim some kind of deep insight, but it was your brother who finally made me realize it. And you.” Finally, he turned to me and grabbed my wrists, placing both of my hands against his chest. “I was punishing you for other people and worse, I punished you for making me feel things I didn’t want to feel.”

  Hope blossomed in my heart like a flower in Spring, but my head wouldn’t let the rest of me get too excited. “And now, do you want to feel the way you do, or are you just tolerating it?”

  He let out a shuddery laugh. “That’s another reason I love you Lace, you don’t mince your words. I want the feelings, Lacey. With you I want all of it.” He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. “I want my heart to race and flutter when I see you, I want my body to heat up when you smile at me, and I want to ache just a little bit whenever you aren’t around. I want it all, because it means you’re here in my life, every single day. It means you’re choosing me the same way my heart chose you.”

  Damn. How was a girl supposed to remain unaffected when the beautiful, slightly broken and utterly charming man of her dreams went and said something amazing and heartfelt like that?

  “You don’t play fair, Walker.”

  “When it comes to keep you in my life? You’re damn right.” He kissed me again, this time it was still chaste, but it lasted a little longer, grew a little hotter before he pulled back.

  “I love you too, Walker. I didn’t plan to, and I didn’t want to, but getting to know you made that impossible. You’re a better man than you let the world see, and I’m happy you let me see the real you.”

  He smiled so wide, and so filled with happiness I thought my heart would burst it was so full. “I want you forever, Lacey. I know you might find that hard to believe, but I know what I want and it’s you.” I wanted to cut him off and tell him I didn’t need false promises, I was happy to date and see where we went when we were ready, but Walker was determined. “I have something for you.”

  “I don’t need gifts, Walker.”

  “Everyone needs gifts, especially you, and especially since I was such a jerk to you.” He pulled a velvet box from his pocket and popped it open to reveal a gorgeous Marquise cut diamond with tiny pink diamonds surrounding it. Gorgeous and sophisticated, I plucked it from the cushion and frowned at the chain hanging from it.

  “Is this a tether?”

  Walker laughed and took it from me. “No, this is patience. I love you Lacey and I want to make you mine before you realize you could do so much better than me, but I know you need time. So, when you’re ready,” he looped the chain around my neck and fastened it, pressing kisses along my neck and shoulder, “take this off your neck and put it on your finger so I’ll know you’re ready to marry me, and give me a chance.”

  I channeled my inner Poppy and bawled like a baby at his heartfelt words, at the gesture that said how much he not only respected, but cherished me. “Walker, I have a counter-offer.”

  “I’m listening,” he said, hands resting low on my hips as he pulled me closer and closer.

  “Move in with me so we can do this for real and in six months this ring will go on my finger.” I can’t believe I just said those words, but I realized that I meant them. I loved Walker and I liked him too, and I wanted to make this work. Immersion was the only way to be sure it was the right move.

  “I’m bringing my bed, it’s bigger.”

  “But mine means we get to be close all the time.” I fisted his shirt and brought his lips down to mine. “Then again, I’ve got a few fantasies featuring your bed.”

  “Then let’s go get started on those fantasies before we move in together. You’re sure about this?”

  I nodded, feeling high and giddy, I just knew I was glowing. “I am. Too bad there’s no limo around when you need one.”

  His laugh echoed in the room as he pulled me onto his lap. “Who needs a limo when that door has a lock?” We both flashed a look at that door, wearing matching mischievous smiles.

  “We have to, don’t we?”

  Without a word, Walker slid me from his lap and went to the door to meet the server before she entered. “We need to discuss something privately and we don’t want to be disturbed for ten minutes.”

  “Fifteen,” I called out, feeling my face heat with embarrassment.

  “Fifteen minutes,” he clarified and slipped a bill in her hand. She grinned and nodded.

  “The door locks from the inside,” she whispered and walked away.

  He turned to me with a hungry look in his eye. “Come here sweetheart. Come here and fuck me like it’s your last time as a single woman, because it is.”

  “Even though you’re a complete Neanderthal Walker, I love you.” I kissed him long and hard before pulling back to whisper in his ear. “And I look forward to waking up in the naughtiest of ways with you for the rest of my life.”

  “Now that sounds like my kind of future.”

  When the waitress returned exactly fifteen minutes later, we were smiling, slightly rumpled and ready to sample some food.

  Life was good.


  Hope you enjoyed Lacey & Walker’s story Dear Reader.

  If you’d like to find out how Blake and Poppy got together, you can check them out in His Takeover here.

  Next is an exclusive excerpt of His Takeover, including chapters from both Poppy & Walker.

  If you’re looking forward to Luke & Talia’s story, sign up for a release alert here.

  Sneak Peek: His Takeover


  “You won’t even believe it, girl, he took me to a speakeasy! A speakeasy!” My grandma Maple’s laugh trilled, echoing against the lush flowers, plants and herbs before bouncing off the small garden near the shed. “I haven’t been to one of those since I was your age!”

  Yeah, in case you’re wondering, my grandma has a better social life than I do. “And did it stand against the test of time?” I bit into my turkey and avocado sandwich and sipping my spiked lemonade, courtesy of, you guessed it, good ol’ grandma.

  “It did. Of course, ours were much cooler but these new ones are dark and smoky, the drinks are strong and most of all, you feel like James Bond trying to get in! Ted was as shocked as I was and he found the place.” Ted was Maple’s newest love du jour, but I have a feeling he’ll be around longer than the others. “I even let him stay a while.”

  My brows rose. “Well I guess he is more than a silver stud.” That was her term for the men in her age group who were hot to look at but had nothing between the ears, according to her.

  “So far, he is. If he plays his cards right, he’ll stay the whole night next time.” She spoke confidently, fluffing her gray curls primly.

  I laughed and took another sip, enjoying this late lunch with Maple. I had just finished up a big design project for an indie band so I planned to enjoy the next couple days for myself. Technically I worked as a freelance graphic designer, but calling my work freelance would be a disservice. I did jobs for everything from small boutique bakeries to album covers and websites for the latest celebrity du jour. “Ted is a lucky man, Grandma.”

  She laughed and took a long gulp of her own lemonade. “I tell him that every chance I get.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her confident words. Maple was the best person I knew, loud and colorful, strong and independent. She raised me to be the same, from the time the police dropped me off at her place when I was just four years old. “Ted’s a keeper,” I told her.

  “We’ll see. Meanwhile, let’s talk about you. You need to get out there and put that body to use before it shrivels up and falls off.”

  “Grandma, seriously? I’d think after all your experience you’d know it doesn’t work like that.”

  Maple snorted. “You should listen to me. Believe me. I’m older and wiser.” She tapped one long red nail on the wooden table between us. “I’ll set you up with someone. My poker buddies all have single s
ons, nephews and daughters, if that’s your thing.”

  “You know damn well they aren’t my thing,” I told her, earning one of her loud guffaws. “How about we go see an all nude version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?”

  “That sounds delightful! Just tell me these are all young folks because I don’t need to see saggy tits and balls for three hours,” she grumbled, finishing her lemonade and topping us both off.

  I enjoyed these afternoons with Maple. She was getting older even though she’d never admit it, and we had the perfect living arrangement, thanks to her foresight. About a year after the plane crash that killed my parents, Maple took the insurance money and bought a duplex in a nice residential neighborhood in the heart of Portland. She rented one side out and we lived in the other, until I finished college. With a proud smile she handed me the deed and said the unit next door was finally empty.

  We’ve been neighbors ever since. “It’s a mixed bag, Maple, depending on the role.”

  “I guess that’s all right, then. Plenty of time for pre-show cocktails.” My grandma, always worried about the important things.

  A knock sounded on the fence that led to the backyard, startling us both. “I’m looking for Poppy Masters,” a deep, very masculine voice called out.

  “You selling something?”

  “No,” he said, voice clearly amused.

  “Then it’s open.”

  The wooden door swung open and a tall well-built man in a blue suit, complete with a vest and everything, walked through. He held a soft leather bag as his lean legs carried him up the stairs. “Hello, I am Anderson Hargrave, attorney for the estate of Arden Masters.”

  “Arden! What’s that old coot want?” She rolled her eyes but smiled affectionately at the mention of her brother. Older by nearly twenty years, they’d never been close.


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